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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. Musing the psychology of voting, I know in sports playoffs when someone's team is knocked out people will then root for whoever knocked out their team to win so they can say their team was beat by the final winner.  Not sure what that means here but I suppose even if an alliance member you played hard with blindsided you, you might be more likely to vote for them because it meant you were beat by the winnder. 

      In this season I don't think we have a particularly bitter jury so even if Chrissy isn't popular if she is deemed the better player I think she gets their votes.  Desirree might not vote for Chrissy.  The editors walk the fine line of make sure we see the game play of the winners so it makes sense but showing enough of others peoples games to its not too obvious a winners edit.  I think that means Ben and Chrissy, not sure about third. 

  2. I realize a lot of people hate idols.  Or too many idols.  Or idols that are too easily found.  Not sure how I feel about them, it can be situational I guess. 

    But from a producer point of view, there isn't really a point in hiding idols that won't be found.   I myself would probably look all the time but not be that sucessful. 

    I have a tendency to....IDK get sort of tunnel vision or too focused or something.  Like I'd be looking so hard at the crotch of a a specific tree branch I wouldn't see 

    a huge idol in the crotch above it.  Other people are good scanners.  Shrug.  

    Mike said he looked and looked and so he saw no point in following Ben or thinking he had one because he didn't think there was one to be found because he didn't find it (hubris right there)

    • Love 9
  3. On 12/16/2017 at 6:24 AM, SVNBob said:

    Not that I'm saying this, but...

    While this F5 may be the best of this season, they'd all rank very low on the overall Survivor player charts.  In other words, they may be the big fish in this particular pond, but they're tiny fish in the overall Survivor ocean.

    Yes from the beginning it has seemed like a Ryan, Chrissy, Ben edit for F3.  For that to happen Ben would have to win immunity challenge which is possible. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Daisy said:


    I always think a win needs a good jury performance (laugh). 
    like her resume does stand for itself, but i think people have lost not doing well in front of the jury and people have won because they did well in the jury. 
    I think if it's between Ben + Chrissy how they articulate their game (especially in the new jury format) will be really intriguing. 


    (but i agree w/what you said)

    Yes and I think Chrissy is better spoken at making her case.  She is very articulate.  Add to that her ability to manipulate with words and she's the winner if she is f3.  Now honestly I think I would have said the same quite a long time ago so the questions remains.....why wasn't she voted out long ago?  Why isn't she being targeted instead of Ben?

    • Love 3
  5. I haven't been able to stand Chrissy from the beginning.  She is obviously one of "them".  The petite smiley blondes that swan through the world with everything going their way as they smile at men and get them to do thir bidding without even having to flirt.  And they are not women friends.  Of course she and her husband get the rock! Them's are born lucky.   Yes she is smart (give her props on the gear puzzle)  and I wish I could like her because I would love to love a smart strong woman winner on Survior.  But not Chrissy.   How on earth has no one even called her a threat?  That's crazy.  Has she really had to really defend herself and work for it?  She has been controlling the game and no one even notices.  I think based on her being a them she wins.  Them's always win.  Yea yea I know she is smart.  Lots of smart people out there who don't do as well because they don't have that....whatever.  Its not about smart.  Its about smart and the X factor which is like being born with a silver spoon in your mouth.  Can't train for it, can't work for it, can't buy it, and you apparently can't play against it in Survivor.  You either have it or you don't.  I'm an underdog sort of person so not a Chrissy fan.  I also agree that she takes things personal.  What?  Someone wants to play the game against me?  How dare them.   I think her edit says winner and its making me barf. 

    Its been an interesting season in the sort of wild and undisciplined play.  I kind of like but get mixed feelings because it gets so random.  Lauren, here Mike have my idol.  Mike, I'm going to throw it in the fire.  Everyone telling everyone about their secret plans.  In some ways it is more interesting than a season with a strong alliance and everything just clicks along as planned. 

     Ben giving up that last idol before the vote.  I do wish he had tried harder with Ashley.  She sent herself home.  Ben at least would work with anyone regardless.  AFAIC Ashley let her personal feelings get in the way by not considering working with Ben.  Oh boo hoo he didn't stroke her right.  Cost her a million. 

    Love Mike calling out Ryan for being useless in challenges.  Finally someone notices.  In one of Lauren's intervies she said Wyan did NOTHING around camp.  Never even opened a coconut.  He tells jokes and told Devon how to vote.  That's it.  

    I am so mad at Ben for voting out Lauren as Lauren was my favorite.  Mad at Lauren for giving up her idol.  Still, btw weasely Wyan, doofus Devon and no game Mike, I have to hope that Ben lasts.  He has to win immunity or he's a goner.  Why Devon or Wyan would want to go to f3 with Chrissy IDK, she is an obvious win and those 2, ANYONE!,  are seriously delusional if they think they have a chance against her.  but even if someone in that 3 breaks I don't see it leading to f3 with Ben unless he wins immunity.  Ben might win in an f3 w/out Chrissy but it would be closer I think.  

    Regardless how you feel about idols being put back in the game, Ben is the one finding them.  Do you think they wait to toss them out in front of his path as he walks around?  In that case you could argue that any puzzl;e challenges favor Chrissy.  


    Here are some post exit interview clips from Desiree

    SK: You mentioned that Chrissy had no interest in working with you. What is your take on Chrissy?

    DW: Chrissy is one of my least favorite people in the world. These are very strong feelings, but now you've got me worked up [laughs]. Chrissy does not like women, and that's very clear, at least women who she feels threatened by. You can see back-to-back-to-back women were voted out, and Chrissy was at the helm of those decisions. She either doesn't know how to work with women or doesn't care to work with women. It might be easier to manipulate guys with her "good looks," big boobs, teeth or whatever. My take on Chrissy is she's good in this game because guys are dumb and fall for big boobs and teeth. I think Chrissy crossed the moral line in this game more than once, and for that reason I have a hard time with her as a person.

    SK: What did she do to cross the line with you?

    DW: It was not shown because it would've aired in my elimination episode. There was a point Chrissy swears on her kids about something she is in fact lying about. That, to me, draws the moral line. At that point, it was not something that even needed to be lied about. We all saw what went down. The fact that you're swearing on your kids' lives about something that you are actually lying about. It was something that doesn't matter because we all saw it go down. You can't even lie. It felt stupid and she had gone too far.

    SK: Can you tell us what happened?

    DW: It was the whole digging for the Idol thing. It was something about seeing the clue and then digging for the Idol. It was all in that whole thing that went down where she and Cole were wrestling in the sand. It all surrounded that moment with that clue they found in the group reward.

    SK: At this point, who do you think is playing the strongest game?

    DW: I think Chrissy. We've seen Chrissy lead four votes in a row. So while I don't like her as a person, she's playing a hell of a game. She's still winning through the game by manipulating these men to vote her way time after time. For whatever reason, they don't see her as a threat even though she's controlling all the moves. It's an interesting thing that's going on. I don't like Chrissy one bit, but she's playing a hell of a game.

    From Ali

    SK: Is there anything about Chrissy in particular you really doubt?

    AE: There were times I thought she was just lying to me to calm me down and keep me on the outside. But there was one thing she said that I thought maybe I was appealing to her. She told me that after the merge we would be set up. She said, "Ali, you have nothing to worry about. You stick with us. We're gonna be great." I was like, "OK. Sure." We had talked about family, and she told me her husband was coming to the family visit. I told her it would be my sister. She knew my sister and I are great friends, and Chrissy said something along the lines of, "We're so good. I can't wait to see you run and jump into your sister's arms." I was wondering if she was starting to believe I was willing to work with her. It seemed like something so heartfelt to say. Why would you lie about something like that? I understand the game, but when you make a lie personal, just don't say anything about my family. That was probably the only thing I can say that really had me thinking I had a small chance with Chrissy. I don't know.


    I can't remember who it was, (I thought it was Denise Martin but I can't find reference to it) who got voted out for swearing to a lie on her son?   

    • Love 9
  6. Ive no knowledge of UK royalty, nor any particular interest.  Do love other British shows.  Giving this a go.  I do have some antipathy towards Churchill.

    S1 e1..a PSA for not smoking with great production values and a

  7. 13 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

    Funny how people only care when it's young women, and not for example Noam Chomsky

    Oh no, I care if I hear men do it, but I hear far more women do it.  It is so annoying I can't believe why you don't get it.  

    Start a sentance in normal voice then  as the voice descends in register it loses all ups and downs and normal tonations and keeps going down till it ends up a strangled gravely flat....grind. 

    Grind grind grind.

    Over and over.  gah.  

  8. Ive disliked Ryan since reading and watching his pre start promos.  At least he is self aware that he is a weasel.  Disliked Chrissy since epi 1.  But getting rid of Ali makes it worse.  I wanted  to watch her play.  And she didnt even make the jury so she can vote against that weasel.  It is hard for me yo enjoy watching all the people I cant stand march toward the end.  Gag!

    PS  did anyone else see Ryans red shorts/crotch shot walking toward them just before tribal?  wtf was that.  hopefully his tighty reddies were just bunched up or something.  yuck

    • Love 5
  9. 7 hours ago, calvinshobbes said:

    They know about killing animals as a sign to look out for. In the principal episode, Holden went back and forth with the principal on what he could say to the students about deviant behavior. He wanted  kids to look out for their peers who harm/kill animals but the principal forced him to say be mean to animals. The principal had no qualms with saying some parents may get concerned if their children get back to them about what they heard from Holden but rejected the concerns when parents complained about his behavior. 

    Oh yes!  Good memory!

  10. I don't  know that for a fact but since they've pretty much just started I don't think it would have been a solid tell yet.  

    This article - which by the way is long with lots of good background information on profiling,  the FBI starting profiling, the NYC psychologist who sort of started it etc. 

    mentioned Douglas mentioning animal killing in the early 80s.  

    P.S.  Re the psychologist profiler connecting cutting a movie theater seat to insert a pipe bomb as a man inserting something into a woman's privates - well I don't think I will ever understand men if that is true.  In a movie theater wouldn't that just be the practical thing to do? 


    • Love 1
  11. 10 hours ago, Fex said:

    This drove me crazy! Not only because they know perfectly well that new guy wasn't trustworthy in this deceit. Why didn't they just do it immediately? When they were told to burn the tape, it was still in the tape recorder. So they decided to take it out, put back in the box, and the box back in new guy's desk? The whole was ridiculous.


    • Love 2
  12. Wow So epi 10 really ramps up Holdens obnoxious level..  I didnt get posters complaints before.  


    Read some reviews of the book this was loosely based on. Pretty much everyone comments

    on how full of himself the guy is.  Very self aggrandizing, takes credit, book is badly written.  So maybe thats why the character is written this way.

    A very big difference btw the sweet giy in epi 1 and the idiot in epi 10.  Pretty big arc.  


    Argh!  How could Tench not know it was that sorry weak ass Smith.  Gah.  What a stupid plot line.


    That last scene with Kemper was hilarious.

    So was the last scene  a serial killer burning his creepy sketches/evidence because of the article?  (Am I going to have to read up on the BTK killer before season 2?)

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  13. General comments:  

    This took about 3 episodes for me to care.  Then I started to enjoy it.  

    The Girlfriend:  It is a weird relationship but I think  the facts that she is in a demanding grad program and that its sociology/psychology and that she is sort of emotionally flat all play into why the relationship works for him (not sure about her).  Neither has much time and give a lot to their respective careers so no harping about that, her field allows him to get ideas and insights from her, she can actually talk to her about some really crazy stuff that would send most women screaming.  Her emotional flatness plays into that, she is not someone given to freaking out about what he does.  

    The contractor is irritating but in a way that is sort of real life irritating.  I mean she can hear on the tape just how much dialog they would get if Holden just read her questionnaire, because he does and they all practically just jump up for the guard.  The fact that in epi 9 she is throwing him under the bus about it is really irritating though.  

    I don't understand why he didn't just say to the wife "Your husband lost his job because he refused to stop touching kids.  He could keep up all his other good works programs.  He has a boss, the boss told him to stop and he didn't.  They really made that all into way more than it was.  To illuminate us on how hard it is to see who is a serial killer and who is not?  Seems like they could have come up with a more realistic scenario.  

    I actually haven't watched epi 10 yet I got so mad during epi 9.  

    Specific pissed off about

    Plot devices to drive up drama, here comes the totally not suited for the job guy who you just know is going to screw things up (cause drama) beccause they what, can't leave well enough alone?  Can't figure out another way to cause some tension?  I hate fake office politics.  Not that there aren't real office politics but....................

    Who would have their whole professional existence on the line because of that tape walk out the door without said tape.  Not only that but leaving it in the hands of a guy who had already thrown you under the bus once showing that he is a huge tattle tale and multiple times practically screamed I can't lie!  I can't deceive!  I don't think this is right!  

    Seriously.  I just got mad, this was so stupid as a plot device.  

    Holden obviously wants to use what they've learned to catch bad guys now.  Why he doesn't just ask for reassignment to do that and leave the contractor and the tattle tail to do the interviews if they are so smart IDK.  

    • Love 5
  14. This show is a slow start but it finally gets better around epi 3 or 4. I was really liking it actually. But around 8 new developments started to bother me. 

    In order to generate drama (I was sort of fine with it) they had to bring in the new guy that you knew was going to be a big problem. Sure enough. 

    Episode 9 - finished last night and don't even want to watch 10 I'm so mad at the stupid plot device. I will because its the last episode so why not but still, geez. Why? Would anyone do that? 

    The new guy has already thrown you under the bus once. He has multiple times practically screamed I don't like lying, I don't do deceit - and still you leave work and leave the tape wit this guy? Really? Is this the only way the show can think to drum up drama?

    Holden obviously wants to use these insights on catching real bad buys NOW. Where I him I'd leave the interviews to the contractor lady and the new totally unsuited for it idiot and ask for reassignment to an operational homicide division. Why put up with all that?

    • Love 7
  15. Man I thought for sure it was going to be Lauren and was so mad for several different reasons.  Thankfully Ali let go of her old college acquaintance saving me from a deep angry depression.

    A virgin! Giggle blush.  That was entertaining.  Sweet and hilarious at the same time.  So freudian.  So victorian.  Methinks that the speed with which she planted that kiss and her protests about how she never does doesnt quite jibe.  Not sure how JP feels. 

    I want people to look for idols.  What would happen if someone said well Im goin  g idol hunting for awhile.  

    For some reason all the talk about who was going next before the challenge was sort of like "we are going to lose"  

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