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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. I hate not being able to discuss previews in the main episode.  Its part of the episode! 

    As to why Chrissy didnt use the super idol....in the previews it shows Chrissy approaching Ben? to make an alliance.  Episode speculation is that she didny play the udol becayse she had already agreed to vote Katrina out and made alliance inroads pre tribal.  Would they edit that in ad a edpisode 2 happening?  I think they might. 

    • Love 3
  2. 7 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

    I saw no losing of morale. There were divisions, whether it was against the older women or against JP and Ashley. Why is the division against the latter bad for morale, but the former isn't? Because JP will drop his pants if challenged? It was a unanimous vote, after all. 

    One person who is drama all the time, Alan, whether its paranoia bullying crazy in general - it just takes so much energy to deal with, its a constant distraction and sucks the life out of the team.  Alan is strong and Im usually for keeping strength before the merge as the goal is to not go to TC.  But with 3 tribes they only have to be second.  I would have gotten rid of Alan.

    Off to discuss preview in seperate thread :(

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  3. With Alan doing all the bug eyed paranoid bullying I think I would have tossed him.  why align yoyself with a crazy loose cannon from day one.  You spend all your time trying to manage them...another Abi

    I dont like Chrissy either.  

    • Love 13
  4. Boy I dont even know how anyone can get their boobs back after years of multiple surgeries and implants.  it is weird her before didnt look that big?  Tough one for the Doc. I totally understand wanting to be implant free.  

    Rodrigo ran off to Iran to have a bunch more surgery including more nose surgery sfter the drs told him not to.  Got cat eyes too apparently.  Who is paying for all this?

  5. there are botched reductions beyond simply too big or too small.  Different sized breasts, nipples in weird placement, pointing the wrong way.  dog ears are common.  post op infections can cause some pretty bad stuff.  I was left with a very bad symastia by my board certified surgeon(yea so much for that). Akso a little pancaked.  very hard to find a bra. Theyve done butts and did a scalp scar tummy tuck so they do other stuff.

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  6. while cynically I understand the addicted customers may be included for the omg factor I do sort of appreciate seeing whats going on out there in the world.  I mean that these people are making their living by undergoing extreme body modification based on customer wants is really walking some ethical moral lines.  Who is crazier?  the perdon making a living or all the sickos watching paying and asking for more?

    Im under the impression that nose jobs are very hard to do and getting one done right is very hard.

    I would love to see an equal amount of breast reductions and it bugs me there arent any.

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  7. Quote

    Im going thave to back and watch the Road to and see what thexaufed guy had?  Im sooo mad at him for not having done just a little better so the twin went home.  And what if his stuff is good Ill be soo more mad.  

    I agree that the twins help each other and the one twin is carrying the other in this situation.  Had nothingto do with curvy that was just her excuse.  She cant do time pressure or play on a team.  Her sister dai "she lets fear get in her head" so she is known to have this problem.  

    She should have stepped up at the end and been honest how she did almost nothing on her design herself.  Really threw him under the bus. 

    Dont they have rules on helping?  Not during team challenge but last time and Im certain in the future the twins workas a team and thts cheating.

    Didnt like the winning dress so I am at odds with a lot of you yhere.  Double silver triangles on the chezt lioked superhero.  Too busy in the back, fringe was sort of here and there and too long

    Kenya robbed again

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  8. Too much political correctness this episode and probably this season.  Brandons outfit was tedious walmart at best but since he had the big girl everyone had to say how wonderful it was.  The gray dress was better and would have at least been safe if she hadnt had to cover up that hole.  At least it was fitted and Heidi and Nina you dont know anything about being big that little drape in front of the belly is appreciated.  Again she was going for highlighting the booty.  The winning dress was so simple buy some fabric stirch it over the shoulder oh look the flower is in the eight place underwhelmed.  Chachas wasnt much but the gold thing was worse. Hideous! They didnt send the dress home they sent chacha home.   Thought there were more amateurs this season.  Guess not.  Rooting hard for Kenya.

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  9. Re Ryan Ulrich its just puzzing to me that someone's job is listed as a bellhop, especially in Lancaster PA?  There is a Hilton Garden in Lancaster but only Hilton Hotels offer bellhop and concierge service?  IDK, who is a bellhop anymore? At 24 he can't have moved up to working behind the desk?   Doesn't seem like he has much hustle to me.
    He looks a little goofy to me.  Bellhop as a hustler.  Following my imagination on that goes wrong quickly

    Ben Dreibergen  - um.  don't like snaggly toothed guys with snaggly beards.  Just by looks, past etc. he reminds me of Kyle Jason that was a bounty hunter or Dan.  So then I find In his newish twitter account he has a Kyle Jason retweet.  

    More from Inside Survivor - 

    The Soko tribe aka the Healers (color red): Cole Medders (24), Desi Williams (27), Jessica Johnston (27), Joe Mann (35), Mike Zahalsky (43), and Roark Luskin (27). The Healers tribe has an average age of 30.5. The word “soko” means “to sail.”

    The Levu tribe aka the Heroes: Alan Ball (32), Ashley Nolan (26), Ben Driebergen (34), Chrissy Hofbeck (46), John Paul Hilsabeck (28), and Katrina Gerry-Radke (46). The Heroes tribe has an average age of 35.33. The word “levu” means “big,” “large” or “many.”

    The Yawa tribe aka the Hustlers: Ali Elliot (24), Devon Pinto (24), Lauren Rimmer (37), Patrick Bolton (24), Ryan Ulrich (24), and Simone Nguyen (25). The Hustlers tribe has an average age of 26.33. The word “yawa” means “distance” or if relating to a person “far out” or “unexpectedly extraordinary.”


    So quite a bit of info out there, full cast, what tribe, tribe colors.  When is this airing? 

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  10. Not sure why the twins seemed to come as a complete set?  They interviewed with separate clothes and will be competing as individuals right?  But they seemed to be accepted  as a set/one person.  Did they really like both of them? 

    Not sure if its an age thing, a gender thing or a NYC and LA thing vs the rest of the world thing but the ones (there seemed to be many!) doing men in rompers  (there weren't any rompers but there did seem to be lots of men in dresses)  didn't do much for me.  I don't really care, guys, and women for that matter, can wear whatever they want.  But it seems so trendy or an affection at this point its hard to see past to whether they have any actual talent. 

    One the one hand I love it when they don't have professionals.  I.e. those seasons when you find out in bits halfway through the show that half the designers have attended FIT or Parsons and some have already been designing.  On the other hand they can be really uneven shows when someones little rack is their very best of apparently not much else.  

     I love rooting for an underdog, like the woman from Atlanta, the guy from Florida.  Or the ones from obscure towns out there toiling alone.  (So disappointed in the twins, I didn't like them but they are from a small town near my small town in MI and I'd love to root for them, they are just so annoying tho).  

    The guy with the African motif...interesting colors and fabrics but the tent dress with the skinny leather belt looped around the shoulders?  No. 

    Since this season has a lot of both quiteyoung (is this the youngest show ever?) and non professionals I suspect we won't see tons of ground breaking design or sewing skills.  But I hope we see basic talent, improvement, success for everyone in some way.  

    I pray the Atlanta woman gets beyond the peplum!  

    I understand that there will be an array of model sizes from 2 to 20.  I am hoping that the models get assigned to a different person every challenge.  

    • Love 4
  11. On 5/21/2017 at 5:35 PM, peachmangosteen said:

    The sheer fact that it's newbies makes me somewhat willing to overlook the horrible theme.

    But are the newbies real people or mactors and reality star wannabe's?  

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  12. I agree on being disappointed in the whole girl mother grandmother thing.  Just like Sex and the City became how to get a man to be happy.  Can women really ever escape this?  That plus what, having a baby fixes your life?  Getting a baby to latch fixes your life?  What?  Hanna was horrible to Marnie and her Mom.  There are way more serious issues btw my mother, sister and myself than this and we've never said anything to each other remotely like this. And as Marnie I would have walked if I got lit into like that.  Seemed very unrealistic to me.   Hanna looked as predicted to be not the greatest or mature mother and I don't think yelling at a teen and finally latching is really going to change that long term.  Marnie was competent as she tends to be.  She should be a high end executive assistant or planner.  

    Watched the after talk, still don't understand why last episode wasn't the finale. 

    So they pull up to the house which looked to be way out in the country which I thought was weird.   But then Hanna walks to town.  Not good continuity.  

    • Love 3
  13. I've said before that what hurts this the whole way through is that Sarandon is too good looking for the BD part and Lange is way too old (she may look good for her age but it is still too old).  It just doesn't work.  

    I've sort of felt that the show makes the feud out to be mostly on Joan's end with Davis just reacting.  Have no idea whether that is true or not.  This episode seemed to take it to a whole nother level with Joan seeming to be crazy insecure, crazy paranoid, out of control reactions.  When I think about it sort of hard I oh yea, Davis probably set up the hotel and left at the set thing but it sort of leaves it as something that happened believable and then Joan is crazy dramatic about it.  If Davis actively participate in the feud I don't see it as much.  My general impression, much overdone in this episode, is that it was mostly all on Joan.  I didn't enjoy watching it, I felt like this episode and maybe the series at this point should have a different title.  LIke Joan Crawford has paranoid delusions about Bette Davis.  

    The Mamacita role - was she really there 24/7?  The woman had 9 children and a billion grandkids.  I'm surprised she had time to work at all.  

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  14. I really liked Zeke before.  I have zero issues with LGBT.   I fucking can't stand him now.  This episode should never been aired.  Jeff should not have canceled the voting it was soooo judgemental.  I don't need my reality show turned into "something great" as in teachable moment.  Its all about this now not the game.  The whole thing makes me so mad.  Poor Zeke.  And yes I know it wasn't right.  We've seen JV for multiple seasons, we know he isn't evil but he has lost his job.  Don't turn being outed into a new career.  If Zeke wanted to do something great/teachable he could have outed himself, before during or after.  

    • Love 8
  15. I thought Brad first too since he is mister alpha man in charge.  He is a lawyer so vaguely law enforcement but Sarah is the cop so I'm thinking its her.  Should be interesting she doesn't really seem the type somehow.  

  16.  Varner makes it 1 from the Merge!?!?!?  ARGH!!!! I want him to make the jury so badly.   

    Forgot Andrea is playing.  Aubry is boring.  Tai is a trainwreck of randomness.  Sierra can go first, in Varners place.

     New sherrif - is that Sarah?  (I can be slow:)

    Reality shows can really screw you up in real life.  They aren't above making a story or edit a person to look like something its not for drama and ratings.  I think people like to think Survivor doesn't do that because they don't do it to great effect very often, but they have and do.  The contract people sign I think limits them as to what they can say to correct things.  

    I think Varner gets the short end of the straw here.  He may not be totally innocent but I doubt its going to be portrayed fairly or like it really was and he is going to look much worse than he was.  He just lost the reality show musical chair.  

    • Love 2
  17. I really wonder if I'll like S2 at all.  The first season was so different from any other Marvel action hero blah blah blah I can't imagine they'll be able to resist the formula any longer.  I loved S1.  Did not like Luke Cage.  Am not interested in any of the rest of it.  I will check in with hope but.......

  18. On 4/7/2017 at 11:53 AM, ljenkins782 said:

    Also, I don't know many grown women who would want a giant, growling tiger on their bathing suit. ;)

    Really?  Have you seen some of the crap the Kardashians/reality celebs/hip hop baby momma's wear?  And if they wear it everybody wears it.  They would wear it because it was "hot" or "fierce" or something.  Debbie probably wore it because its her spirit animal.  Or maybe someone gave it to her.  <shrug>

    Debbie said what she said at exile; all the overconfidence statements.  But did the statements seem sort of choppy to you?  It just seemed heavily edited.  Like hours of talking to Cochran, maybe sensibly, and they cut out the 4 or 5 crazy "I'm so great" type sentences.  Then of course Cochran talks about how unrealistic over confidence is.  Oh wait, read the article.  He was there and hour BUT Probst says "(Side note: Cochran is a great interviewer/producer. He really did an amazing job of getting what we needed. He could definitely produce on Survivor.)"  It does pay to remember that Survivor is a reality show and not reality.   

    Then apparently Cochran says in a post epi interview that he things Debbie can win.  Anyone read that?  I don't have CBS all access which is the only place I've seen that.  

    I expect Debbie will be voted out by Culpepper an company when no longer needed, no real surprise or drama.  She is on their bottom. 

    Did she pick the right advantage?  Thats a question.  Probst says not

    BONUS QUESTION: Which advantage would you have taken — the fake idol kit, the extra vote, or the immunity challenge advantage — and why?
    This is easy for me. The extra vote is really tricky to use. Yes, it’s very powerful but so far nobody has ever really used it in a way that had any positive impact. Because everybody is so cagey it’s tough to trust how anybody is actually going to vote, so it’s a big leap of faith. For that reason, I’m out. The challenge advantage is enticing but it doesn’t guarantee that I’ll win. For that reason, I’m out. But the fake idol is so much fun and offers so many ways to use it. I would absolutely use it to sabotage someone… like David did with Jay. Plus, this was a killer kit. It would have looked exactly like an idol. I was shocked and a bit bummed Debbie didn’t take it.

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  19. I'm going with David made a mistake. Just because he played his idol for Jessica doesn't mean that she is now so grateful she'll be his ally. She didn't ask for him to so why should she be grateful? Actually it keeps the tgt on her back with her old alliance. I suppose in a way playing the idol for her forces her into a different alliance because her old alliance won't trust her not to be grateful? IDK. There is a lot of game to come, should have kept it since he wasn't he wasn't on the block and probably wouldn't be if they went to TC again next week. As for Jess running to Lucy - if Ken was telling the truth - what makes Jess think that Lucy would tell her "oh yea, I told Ken that". If she was on the block of course Lucy would lie so it was stupid to ask. She needed to figure it out herself by doing a little more subtle feeling this out. Ken Ken needs to quit being so emotional, Lucy is right about that. I wonder if he's the type the millenials in a swap would look up to?

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  20. I think it was a mistake to vote off Paul, he was good in challenges. Sure he was a little annoying but not nearly as much as many of his type. One of the top 3 rules pre-merge is - don't go to Tribal. So that means don't vote off your strongest challenge people. Dumb move. They'll go to the merge way low on numbers and have to try to fit into milleniall alliances. That’s if xyz individual even make it the merge if they lose every challenge. By ensuring you are going to lose challenges you ensure that being on the bottom matters. But if you win, it doesn't matter as much. You can always swing to another alliance if you make the merge. Sorry Cici. She's terrible at challenges. Now if she was awesome at strategy maybe keep her around anyway but she's not. (As a matter of fact I have not seen evidence of any major strategic talent on either team.) CiCi should have gone before Paul. Ken - that was dumb move because your feelings are hurt that everyone hasn't said they want you to be leader. There is a type that is really competent and stands around and wonders why everyone hasn't chosen them as leaders......Ken, leaders lead by leading. Leadership is not a popularity contest. I started this season by thinking that the Millenials would beat Gen X'rs in some general sense. I have seen nothing to dissuade me.

  21. Right out of the gate one of the things I hate the most in movies and TV - that smacking smacking smacking sound of kissing - ewwwwww. I really like Micheala (sp) but she seems really focused on Figgy. I get that figgy is annoying and in a couple but spread it around some. I was having some trouble being engaged this episode so I don't know if it was that or the editing but when reading the votes at TC it was like.....oh there are 2 big alliances at war here?!? Yea, Paul surprised me with his swimming skill. Dave surprised me with how bad his was. His arc is so obvious. Like Ken collecting the non male alpha types and hope that works, doesn't seem like it has in the past.

    Cant edit. Could Michealla be jealous?

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  22. Somewhat shamefully pasting this from another bulletin board. I am typing in this tiny tiny little box and my paragraphs don't work so if the paste is all dorked up sorry. So I was curious and did some calculations. It looks like the cutoff between Millennials and Gen-X (on this season of Survivor) is 32-years-old. The oldest Millennial is 31 and the youngest Gen-Xer is 33. So it got me thinking, who is most likely to win based simply on past performance of generations? We've had 32 winners (counting Sandra twice because she obviously aged between Season 7 and Season 20). Of 32 winners: 46.9% (15 of them) were in their 20s. 43.8% (14 of them) were in their 30s. 6.3% (2 of them) were in their 40s. and 3.1% (1 of them) were in their 50s. That means that 53.1% of winners have been 30-years-old or older. However, if we divide the number of winners between those younger than 32-years-old (Millennials) and those older than 32-years-old (Gen-X), and this works because there has never been a 32-year-old winner, then 53.1% of winners have been Millennials while 46.9% have been Gen-X. Lately, though, 5 of the last 8 seasons have been won by someone that would be on the Gen-X tribe. I'd be very interested to see how this stacks up to the average ages of contestants. If 46.9% of winners are in their 20s, are around 46-47% of all contestants in their 20s? I didn't have time to go through and get the ages of almost 800 contestants plus the 80 or so that have returned once or twice or three times. Interesting tidbits: Bob Crowley (Gabon) is the oldest winner at 57-years-old. The next oldest is Denise Shapley at 41. Bob also won during a streak of young winners with the two seasons before and two seasons after all being won by people 26-years-old or younger. Jud "Fabio" Birza (Nicaragua) is the youngest winner at 21-years-old, 4-months younger than Amazon winner Jenna Morasca.

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