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Posts posted by marys1000

  1.  Speculation on the edit can come up with a billion scenario's.  Doesn't sound like he has much money and has to work hard for it, has served in

    IQ and AF and has a child with a disability.  Then there is Alecia who has a rich Daddy, talking about walking with tigers etc which is all Daddy

    paid for travel as well as Daddy paid for pre survivor survival training - with some survival guy who taught her to make fire.  (but still took her 5 hours)

    Then she is constantly talking about what tryer she is and how blah blah blah.  I can see where someone would get sarcastic. 

  2. Uneven numbers do matter because one alliance will have more numbers and be able to pick off the others.  Or one person as a swing may have more power.

    Anyway, sets off an uneven dynamic so its not resetting everything being the same like at the start.

    IDK whether or not that's important to production or not. 

  3. Alecia said in her post CBS 7 things Alecia wants you to know that (1) they weren't saying shit to her face till episode 4 or that time period basically, it was mostly to the camera or to each other without her around and (2) she is fine, it wasn't so bad, she can stand up for herself blah blah.  

    They don't seem very nice either way but I think bullying is probably over the top and the backlash is fans engaging in social media bullying. 

  4. So it's a 13-person shuffle, so we're bound to have uneven numbers of a seven- and six-person tribe.  Five Beauty, five Brains and three Brawn, which theoretically puts the Brawns in a good spot as swing votes.  It could be that we only get one episode with the new tribes before the merge, unless it'll be a merge at 11 thanks to Caleb's unexpected medivac.  If one of the new tribes is placed on the Brains' beach, that means that unfound third idol could still be in play.

    Once season they did a gym team type pick, remember?  According to the rules (someone on reddit had these), if they don't want uneven numbers and were doing an exile island type thing, the 13th person not picked would go to exile and come back in after Tribal sent someone home.  Now this hasn't been billed as a exile island season so I have no idea whether this would be a twist or not but it would be one way to even up the numbers.  Or maybe something similar?  Nothing to stop them from having uneven number tribes I guess.

    • Love 1
  5. In the Air Force Capt is..a senior lower officer if that makes sense.  2nd Lt, 1st Lt, Capt, then Major, Lt Col, Col, General.  Apparently there are 3 levels of "Flight Officer" before 2Lt in CAP. 

    Sounds like members have to climb the ranks, pass PT tests and academic tests along the way.  Not sure how long Capt would

    take.  But it sounds like she is/was involved for awhile at least and probably has a flight license of some kind.

    I googled CAP.  

    The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is a congressionally chartered, federally supported non-profit corporation that serves as the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force (USAF).[4] CAP is a volunteer organization with an aviation-minded membership that includes people from all backgrounds, lifestyles, and occupations. It performs three congressionally assigned key missions: emergency services, which includes search and rescue (by air and ground) and disaster relief operations; aerospace education for youth and the general public; and cadet programs for teenage youth. In addition, CAP has recently been tasked with homeland security and courier service missions. CAP also performs non-auxiliary missions for various governmental and private agencies, such as local law enforcement and the American Red Cross. The program is established as an organization by Title 10 of the United States Code[5] and its purposes defined by Title 36.[6]

    Membership in the organization consists of cadets ranging from 12 to just under 21 years of age, and senior members 18 years of age and up. These two groups each have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of pursuits; the cadet program contributes to the development of the former group with a structured syllabus and an organization based upon United States Air Force ranks and pay grades, while the older members serve as instructors, supervisors, and operators. All members wear uniforms while performing their duties.

    Officer grades up to lieutenant colonel reflect progression in training and organizational seniority, rather than command authority. Because of this, it is not uncommon for senior members commanding groups and squadrons to have members of superior grades serving under them

  6. Pulled from Peter's twitter account



    Hard not to step in. We can't interact with other contestsnts. Ocean water is colder than core body temperature....they couldn't hear me...


    also from mar 3

    Going from uber-cocky to the bottom. It's essential and needed for many reasons.

  7. reddit


    Other evacs:

        Additional new discussion on the night time medevac here*. Current thinking seems to believe it may be Peter. Probably unrelated, but we did see Peter tweet that he had a herniated disc in his back just before filming.

        /u/FilmGirl79 found good reason to believe another evac is Tai. His leg wound has increased in size since it was shown in the pre-season tease and episode previews.


    *EDIT: We have that night medevac which could be Debbie or Peter as we see Neal handing over a stretcher to the boat. The other medevac may be Tai with his infected thigh.


    Other reddit - speculation on Anna being separated from her beauty 3 during a swap and

    [–]scipio314 [score hidden] 17 hours ago

    from exile island wiki page:

        During Tribal phase, if division or switching of tribes is taken place with odd number of castaways. The player ended up not being selected by any tribe will be automatically banished to exile by the host, Jeff Probst. The player will rejoin the game after the following Tribal Council, as a member of the tribe that loses a member at that Tribal Council. Not being on any tribe, they cannot vote or being voted out at that respective Tribal Council.

    This very well could mean exile island is in play.

  8. I looked at her Linkedin where she was listed as a Laser tech - running a laser machine in manufacturing but I can't remember where it said.  I thought she was in Philly? 

  9. From an exit interview on CBS 7 things Alecia wants you to know


    Alecia:  In the first couple of episodes, most of the stuff they said was in the interviews, but none of it was said to my face. In Episode 4 when they started being mean to my face, thats when I addressed the situation.


    Later she goes on to say she can stick up for herself and it wasn't that bad and that she wants people to know she is and was fine.  Which, as much as I can't stand her, was nice to say.


    Not sure if I remember this right but I think I read on reddit that  Peter who herniated a disk in his back a day or two before the game started.  Certainly can't tell so far but I wonder if that's why he was laying in the sand.  He's a Dr. but that doesn't mean he wasn't about to go down for the count himself.  Maybe he thought the best way to help was just to make sure he didn't become a problem.  And how much heat stroke do Dr.s in Minneapolis see anyway?  No particular feelings about this one way or another, just putting it out there.

    • Love 1
  10. From an exit interview on CBS 7 things Alecia wants you to know


    Alecia:  In the first couple of episodes, most of the stuff they said was in the interviews, but none of it was said to my face. In Episode 4 when they started being mean to my face, thats when I addressed the situation.



  11. Those guys did do better than she did in challenges.  And at least he made it into the NBA and at least Kyle did make it through boot camp and out the other side with an honorable.  They also were able to make alliances and vote out poor players, ie. Alecia.  Just cause you think she's cute and got bullied doesn't mean she is what she says she is.  As for Jeff at tribal he was all sorry she was going

  12. Someone on the episode thread said "What Ranger School?" and I heard her give its name, and remembered because Hawk Mountain is in Pennsylvania where I am:  http://www.capranger.org/  Hawk Mountain Ranger School.


    Interesting, there seems to be a civil air patrol basis to this school and some of their training.  Wasn't one of her interests flying?  Variety of courses, some longer and more "rangerish" than others but the longest was only 9 days. 


    i still think she's going to flame and burn soon but I like her and hope not. 

    • Love 1
  13. I love that scene with Hanna having sex in the car.  It's a great example of how Hanna has lots of sex, but never really seems to enjoy it in an orgasmic sexual way.  Which I suspect is the case for more women out there than want to admit. 

    • Love 5
  14. I don't like Jason and NBA guy (Scott?) and if you don't like someone you can keep your mouth shut. 

    That sai most of the trash talking about Alecia seemed to be between each other, secret scenes and to cameras. At the end exactly

    what was Scott supposed to do with her acting like a pitball about his cheerleading comment?  How long did that go

    on that we didn't see? 

    I think bullying is an exaggeration.  They were rude and not very nice.  They didn't like her, she was useless and


    I spent a about a half hour googling her and came up with - spoiled rich girl, wannabe model, thinks that saying

    she is a hard working non quitter makes it so and believes it.  NOT.  Do ya'll know she got special survivialist training from...IDK

    some guy whose name I didn't recognize and he taught her to make fire?  Personally I think her Dad got her on the show.

    She should have been first out and I'm really glad she's gone.  Having endured some rudeness does not suddenly

    mean that you are an amazing person and certainly doesn't change the reality of her being an awful Survivor player.   

    • Love 1
  15. OMG since when has Survivor become 'someone was a wittle mween to you so we think you are amazing and wonderful and the greatest survivor ever and hope you win" ?  Nutmeg why don't you give her a job and see how she does.

    This is Alecia
    She's 24. She supposedly went to college for a year after high school. (quit)
    From approximately 19-22
    Got a work visa to Australia as a nanny (quit) and did a "little modeling"
    Then traveled to Indonesia and Asia where she did fucked up selfish things like pet captive tigers.
    Somewhere in there she also went to Brazil and Las Vegas.
    In 2014 she became a real estate agent in Texas (she is from Tulsa). (Do you have to take a test in Texas? Just wondering.)
    But according to an interview she has also done a little modeling (all I could find is one time a little clothes modeling for a local outfit)
    and acting (could find nothing). She was a tequila girl at a promotion.
    So she is an unsuccesful wanna be mactor.
    Meanwhile she, who has not ever watched Survivor suddenly sees it and has to go on. She applies once and is accepted. Her Dad "just knew she would get on".
    Who is her Dad?
    He was billed as a boxing promoter but that is only where he started, actually he is a big promoter and and has a big promotions company. Something Survivor gets involved in. All those promotions that Survivor alum are in. Oh and he used to have a TV show in Kansas City. Who do we know from Kansas City?

    Holden was Tony Morrison's promoter who was apparently a big boxer.  .
    He was also behind the Beck/Palin Bringing Our Country Back Tour
    And a Palin is exactly who Alecia reminds me of with that total lack of self awareness about who you really are vs. what you think you are and who you tell everyone (fairly constantly) else you are. Saying it doesn't make it so.

    I'm assuming Alecia's Dad has been paying for all her travel, and her training.

    According to articles when Alecia got on Survivor

    She worked with survivalist personal trainer Craig Blacklock, who taught her how to make fire and how to survive, she said. She also trained with Morrison's son Trey Lippe Morrison to get her in the best possible physical shape.

    I don't like Jason and basketball guy but basically the were just rude about someone they didn't like. A lot of the comments about Alecia were in secret scenes, to the camera men or to each other. We don't even know how  much they talked smack about her to her face. Yes basketball guy got mad at her at the end. Because he was busy while she was being an idiot kicking sand around and told her to shut up and back at camp she had to get all in his face about it and not let it go and not let it go. Stupid in Survivor.

    She was worse that useless in challenges folks! She couldn't adapt to fit in to her tribe and make alliances! She kicked sand around and told everyone else to harder! She was terrible and irritating and should have gone the absolute first vote.


    I think Jeff's favoritism is pretty obvious with his comment and tribal and his tweet. Maybe he didn't know the family personally but there is something up there.

    She is a little rich girl with a hugely exaggerated sense of her own wonderful self. Who constantly talks about how strong and amazing she is, how proud of herself she is, when she has done exactly zero in life and in the game.

    • Love 2
  16. If Cyndy/brawn go far, and there was some sort of altercation btw Julia and Cyndy - I wonder if Anna being on the outs relates to this? Does Julia and Michelle replace Cyndy in the Brawn 3?  Does Cyndy bring them in but then screw someone (anna?) and po Julia? 

    I wonder if Anna and Cyndy are following each other?

  17. Well I'm not up on the actual filming dates of 31 vs 32 but I suspect there was some seasonal variation there.  Who was out there when it was hottest?

    Also, we have been hearing about evacuations and/or medical stuff and  how tough it is - but has that all been coming from CBS/Survivor itself?  Does that make

    it true, or true to what extent?  I guess I'm wondering if we are taking the bait and getting excited when really there is mostly one really scary situation. 

    We know that Liz ended up in the hospital shortly after being voted off but that was for a skin/blood infection I think which can happen any season. 

    Someone gets evacuated, likely this episode and that is apparently quite scary. 

    S32, that one beach where Varner and those guys ended up with nothing...that seemed pretty tough.  Who has that spot this season? 

  18. Ok, well I haven't actually looked at the pictures yet, but the idea of black cooling blankets sound weird to me.  I mean, black in the hot sun?

    Medical equipment to me is usually white, blue, maybe orange. 

    So I googled and did find an image of a navy blue evaporative blanket but yes, it is also true that anything soaked in water can be an

    evaporative cooling blanket so I don't know. It just seems like knowing that they know how bad the conditions there are and that

    someone died on French Survivor in the same location that they would have some good equipment. 

  19. So for tonight we don't know much except Cyndy and Julie don't go home, Caleb does.  What was the last consensus on whether there would be a tribal/boot?  If the challenge were finished and if Beauty lost, maybe they wouldn't have to go to TC. But if one of the other teams lost they would have to go anyway right?  But do they even get to finish the challenge? 

    And is the merge next week?

  20. I wonder if Debbie, being smart (if she indeed has a high IQ) but having either some other  nature or nuture problem is in a place as an adult where she constantly trips herself up by her  desire to prove to others how smart and valuable she is?  I don't particularly like psychoanalyzing contestants but I'm concerned that the

    fact that she did seem to successfully read the situation and orchestrate a blindside will go to her head and cause her to trip herself up (again).  She seems susceptible to bragging which is often associated with some sort of insecurity.  That can be a real bad combination in Survivor. 

    • Love 4
  21. I can't convey my disgust with people who not only  support these places but can't wait and are so proud.  Hate her.






    "I made a bucket list of adventures I wanted to accomplish," she says in her CBS bio. "I went out and did it; bungee jumping in Indonesia, hang gliding in Rio, skydiving, jumped off the stratosphere in Las Vegas, face to face shark diving in Australia, and interacting with uncaged tigers in Thailand."


    Since she also  from texas where a veternarians proudly show their shots of cats killed with cross bows, maybe they are friends?  I'm sure they both call themselves animal lovers. 

    • Love 1
  22. I can't remember if Cyndy actually voted for Darnell but she sure didn't seem to help him out much when he was on the block and they were supposedly in an alliance.  

    She was amazing hiding from Alecia that she found that box right in front of her but again, Alecia knows that she's been screwed by her.

    So if that's her game play she needs to switch it up after the merge.  Right now Darnell and Alecia, were they on the Jury would not vote for her. 

    I doubt Jenny would either.  Its not enough to make it F3 unless all you want is the 100,000. When you screw people over you need to do it in such a way that they either don't notice or don't mind.  Can't keep doing what she's doing to get ahead after the merge.

    FYI I think it was in a post exit interview that Jenny said that Jason and Cyndy are basketball fans so the three of them bond over that. 


    The whole time they were watching people on ball in hole challenge I was thinking "I'd slip back and fill my pockets with rice for sure"

    Turns out Neal did that, so good for him.  Although I have to say when I first saw him at tribal I was like....wearing a bow tie?!?!? vote him out! Only to realize

    that not only was he wearing a bow tie but it matched his pants! Groan.  Then the 3rd shoe dropped and they had ice cream cones on them!  I guess if you are

    an ice cream magnate this is like....being a free billboard for your business.  Can't blame him. Well except for the bow tie. 


    Still loving Debbie.  Hope she goes far because the way people talk about her is like ....if you are older, ugly or a little crazy and a woman - you must not belong on tv, or survivor and certainly not win. 

    That said, I suspect her mouth will get the better of her game.

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