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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. Not everyone handles stress, exhaustion, and paranoia well. Survivor intentionally places the contestants in difficult situations for the purpose of creating drama. I see no reason not to believe that when Abi is at home, in a relaxed environment, she's a lovely person. Nobody has claimed that Abi is terrible outside Survivor. Even Denise acknowledged that the very few interactions she's had with Abi outside the game have been perfectly pleasant. I remember when Philippines was airing, the prevailing opinion at TWOP was that Abi was the devil, until she arrived at Ponderosa. She was suddenly completely reasonable, personable, and genuinely apologetic.

    I don't think the nice Abi that people know outside the game is fake. I think she's just a person who can't handle the stress that Survivor creates. Her bad side is real, but I don't think it's somehow more real than her good side. When someone who played Survivor with Abi says she was a terror, I believe them. When someone who knows Abi in real life says she's delightful, I believe them too. I don't find those opinions contradictory, and I'm certainly not in a position to dispute someone with first hand experience.

    Great post.  Exactly.  Somehow Survivor really pushes her insecurity buttons => paranoia....whatever psychobabble in a narrow and extreme way

  2. It sounds like they almost didn't.



    Kind of interesting who his pre-game alliances were with.  

    Thanks for that, lots of info about the other players, like  Kimmi life troubles etc. But no hints as to what Wigglesworth "story" is that Probst mentioned.

     So Varner had not only COPD but also dislocated his shoulder first night in Cambodia?  And had the flu right before the show?  Yikes. 

  3. A quick before work post to vent my frustration at Jeff Varner's ousting.  This season will not be as enjoyable without him.  He had a way of talking about how much the game mean to him without being irritating (like some of the younger people?) didn't take himself too seriously, joked with just a hint of snark. 


    Why o why did it have to come down to Woo or Varner when Tasha admitted what a nightmare Abi is?  Why not just vote Abi out?  I DON"T GET IT.


    Also very frustrated at the awful beach no food.  Again, what a terrible idea Probst!

    • Love 11
  4. IDK, I feel bad for the contestants that get what I consider bad edits.  All people have social weaknesses.  Survivor probably hits some more than others and so can really exaggerate them in a 39 day pressure cooker.   I can be a little insecure, get my feelings hurt a little more than some.

    Introvert blah blah blah.  But in day to day life 99% of the time it doesn't really show up.  On survivor?  I expect I'd be a hot mess.  Not only does someone get a little hurt, or paranoid or whatever but then everyone else jumps on it and talks about it and blows it out of proportion as game play making the person (in this scenario me) more hurt, more paranoid. 

    Seems like lots of people have not liked being with Abi on the show.  There has to be some validity to their feelings but I also don't feel qualified to say this is the real day to day Abi.  Seems like this sort of show really brings out some of her underlying insecurities and I can only feel sorry for that. 

    • Love 4
  5. Try "Bell Peppers". There really is no such thing as "Green Peppers", except as a color.

    Headsmack!  You are right!



    Does anyone know why they elected to set one team so far back?  I really don't understand.  If it was to ensure a pagonging or drama?  I just dont understand why they did it but no one seems happy about it so i think its a big FAIL.

    • Love 2
  6. I wondered about the green peppers as well.  A google of "does Cambodia have green peppers" just brings up a ton of hits for some local flavor type peppers that are tiny. 

    I do what Chipotle does, sauted onion and green pepper in rice along with beans.  Try it! 

    Keith does say Joe would make a good wife but I don't think he's throwing out a gay comment?  Maybe but I think he's just saying  that he's pretty and and a good cook in a meant to be funny in a snarky way (good ol boy humor). 

    I loved Kass's self awareness and joke "I'd never normally approach Joe, he's out of my league but out here I sort of have him cornered"  Ha!

    • Love 3
  7. Jeff's transformation really becomes noticable in Season 10. But I swear he went from Peachy to "shut up Jeff" in Cook Islands, when he was doing his thing, and  Penner turns around and goes, basically "shut up." and Jeff goes "Penner, getting annoyed by... me!" . it's like he didn't realise until that moment, he could totally get involved. (this is challenges)


    tribal councils... Palau..for sure.(but i think it started to really fester in Vanuatu). 


    I am glad Varner is safe for another week. I need this man to at least make the jury


    Yes!  I don't remember him from his other season(s?) but I like him her.  He's my favorite so far and I'm totally po'd that a twist I don't like anyway - the 3rd team with no shelter, food, bad beach - is probably gonna take him down. 

  8. Wow. Listening to Peih Gee's interview with EW. She refers to Abi as a rabid dog that you cannot control.


    There is no love lost there.


    That was pretty entertaining. 


    In all her interviews she has a lot to say about how hard Abi was.  In one she actually says it was almost worth getting voted off to get away with her. 

    She felt her mistake was not approaching Savage and Tasha about voting Abi off first thing before they got to her.  I think that is absoutely correct.  she should have realized that Abi would be the crack in their alliance, their first tgt and she knew how unstable she was and had been wanting her out for a long time. 

    She also said she realized after the game, recently, that to manage Abi you have to contanstly prop her up with compliments and reassurance - so if she is just realizing that now, then yea.  She wasn't going to be able to work with Abi. 

    • Love 4
  9. In PG's Dalton Ross interview it sounds like people were more upset with Varner's meltdown that we didn't see than the "we've got a rat" moment.  So the fact that Varner's  meltdown  called each and every person out on there strategy publicly was what worked for Tasha because PG said after that people saw him as someone untrustworthy.  PG said something to the effect 'hey, I'm in your alliance, why are you shouting about me? Should I trust you?" 

    I think its BS that they didn't show it.  Its stuff like this that remind you that it is a heavily edited show and that editing is not neutral or objective and that I shouldn't really give too much of a damn about any of it. 


    PG said in another interview that her mistake was she should have gone straight to Savage and Tasha and started on working Abi out before they approached Abi.  Which I think is  true.  She also said that at one point on twitter she said something something nice to or about Abi (which has not been the case in general) and suddenly Abi was all sweetness and light for a bit - and the lightbulb went off - oh that's how Varner is doing it.  You have to compliment her and stroke her and manage her like that.  She regrets not realizing that before.  I don't know Abi and I won't from watching a few hours of TV.  But I think that in a paranoia inducing setting that she gets very insecure.  And so yes, she needs to be stroked and kept feeling secure or it just doesn't work.  And eventually it probably won't work anyway. 


    At one point in the Dalton Ross interview she likens Abi to a rabid dog OMG!  She was talking about trying to get Abi out with Varner and Varner wanted to keep her because he thought she was easy to manipulate and PB says - Abi is like a rabid dog.  You can put it on a leash and try to keep it pointed away from you but you can never know exactly when its going to turn around and bite you.  Wow.  In every exit interview she talks about how hard with was with Abi and that Abi had it in for her no matter what.  At one point she says "it was almost worth getting voted off to get away from her".  Wow Wow. 


    I think the 3rd tribe getting a sucky beach, no food, shelter etc. is TERRIBLE.  I hate it.  I don't see the point at all, which makes it totally stupid and its a very unpleasant viewing.  It really screws those people and so yes Probst is always yammering about luck in Survivor - there is plenty without him totally screwing a whole group with not just a little bad luck but a lot of bad luck. 


    Very sad for Varner, he's my fav so far (don't think I saw his other season) and I think this is going to cost him the game. 


    I had the same thought as another poster - i would love a jury to give the goat a million - it would so add to future seasons if people had to rethink that strategy.  It would add another element and make for a more interesting game (and save us from Abi's).


    And say what you will about Boston Rob - I don't think he would have let that 4 numbers strong crack.  Not if he had to tie Abi to his arm and gag her. 

    • Love 7
  10. What I read was Shirin saying she had to babysit (my word) Abi every minute for those 3-4 days and that was exhausting.  Its not  the beach thing with Abi that was the mistake....  Its having an alliance with Abi without a plan to manager her.  One, why have both PG and Abi in the same alliance when there was trouble from the start?  Pick one, they still had the numbers.  Two, everybody on the alliance has to take a turn propping Abi up, she's just very insecure and when you feel insecure you get paranoid.  I don't know why Shirin seemed to be the only person with Abi for 3 days?  Where was Spencer? 



    She does seem to talk about last season more than this.  Of course there wasn't much of this season to talk about.  I don't particularly like her from last season and so I wanted her to stick around a little longer to see who she really is but honestly I don't think the editing was going to show it.  If she was allowed to blah blah blah at the remaining tribe mates and it wasn't shown well....Survivor has played many favorites and I think Shirin is one. 

    • Love 2
  11. I mentioned earlier, and now that it seems like you guys are saying their are cracks in the alliance, that holding an alliance together with Abi who seems lke a loose cannon anyway and PG the two of which seem to have problems - is going to be a problem.  Although when it comes to voting even alliances that don't like each other usually stick together.  We have last season as an example of that. 


    As for all out war - sure.  But I also feel I have zero idea of whats going on at Banyon so who knows what could happen there...

  12. Isn't there a pretty big size differences between the Ta Keo alliances?  It seems weird that the strong alliance would tgt one of its own.  And since Shirin seems to be running things with Spencer maybe I'm not sure why it would be her and wouldn't it be pretty hard to pull off without her knowing? 

    I'm not a Shirin fan but there is a part of me that wants to see if what we saw last season is what she is really like or whether she was amping it up or edited up. 


    Well I guess we can only wait and see.  I had gotten the idea somewhere that Ta Keo won this time but I've lost track. 

  13. I can only speak to season 1 since I watched it but he seemed sincerely into just hanging nude a bit and when it upset some people he put his clothes back on.  They had scene interviews with him about it and Jeff brought it up at tribal.  If he later claimed to have done it on purpose to upset people during season 1 I would think he changed his story after the fact.  Now the next season was a whole different Hatch and maybe he did use it as a strategy IDK, I can't remember that season well. (I just watched season 1 last week).

  14. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.. ?  Didn't I say that about Jenna/Heidi?  I used James' reactions to Parv as an example of a possibility.  I think you are being sort of over sensitive about Parvati. 


    Let me add that in terms of menmen flirting Vytas tried it a second time and got booted for it. He is at the least a decent looking guy.  

    Doesn't seem to work that way for women.

  15. Nudity is  different.  Its context.  I certainly don't think Shirin was trying to further her game by walking around bottomless.  You can't ignore gender.  Women can be swayed by flirting and yes I suppose sex, most likely as part of an overall romancing.  More are more like up for a quid pro quo.  Look at the sex industry in the US, the world.  Mostly women selling (or being sold), men buying.  Sad to say I think boys and men are gaining (as in any growth in the sex industry is sad). 

  16. Pre game alliances....I wonder if anyone would actually discuss them in their current alliance or if they would keep them in their hip pocket till after the merge?  Spencer and Shirin seem tight now as does Varner, there seems to be a core alliance with a larger overall alliance there.  So if Spencer had a pre game alliance with someone on the other tribe, is that sort of like in the past when they've done tribe switches before the merge?  New people are both an opportunity and someone not to be trusted after the merge.

    • Love 1
  17. I wasn't referring to a specific scene, that whole season but generally toward the end I got the impression that James felt led on in more ways than just a vote.  If someone is ready to show off their private (not that Parv did this) bits for food I think its reasonable to ask what else they (and any others) are willing to do?  Its not much different to me hey I'll show you my bits, I'll let you touch my bits.......same act just a matter of degree.

  18. That whole taking down their bottoms upset me quit a bit.  At that point I started wondering - do they give blow jobs to not go home at tribal council? For food?   I thought James was pretty upset with Parvati, upset in such a way as I wondered exactly how far along Parvati took it to string him along.  I don't like the idea of sex being used as game play in reality tv. Showing your bits for xyz is prostitution. 


    That said, the reason I came to post was I was reading Vytas's 10 things he wants you to know and it confirmed some things I had put down. Shirin and Spencer have the bigger alliance.  Varner flipped. 


    Why do you think the group saw you as a threat and decided you had to go first?

    Vytas: "On Second Chance, you can't really make a first impression twice. So people have an opinion of me and thought I was a threat, and Shirin Oskooi made sure to convey that opinion to every single person she could. She was gunning for me and did good job rallying the troops... she got me."


    I shouldn't have trusted Spencer Bledsoe and Jeff..


    It's, like, ultimately no one can be trusted, but you have to trust some people early on. I wanted to play with Jeff Varner and he said he was with us, but my intuition was telling me otherwise...

    • Love 4
  19. From Gordon Holmes recap - he was there. 


    Behind the Scenes Tidbit: Probst threw the buffs at the cast and some of them landed in the water.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Shirin was the last one out of her boat.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Spencer nearly squished a chicken when he fell onto the raft.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Deitz left the big boat to go back for his sandals. I thought he was crazy.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Woo got some serious cuts on his feet during all the excitement.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Kass ate a really hot pepper and tried to get Tasha to eat one. I don’t know why I thought that was so funny.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: I overheard Ciera telling Stephen and Kass that she was close with Vytas, but Hayden Moss called her and warned her that he couldn’t be trusted.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Kass told Stephen and Ciera that she wants Spencer out first. Not surprising.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Peih-Gee tried to sneak a flint bracelet into the game.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Woo and Shirin had an adorable moment where they were taking selfies with a piece of wood.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Apparently Vytas nominated Kelly to build the pole.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: TV doesn’t do justice to how freaked out they were when they weren’t sent back to camp.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Woo really didn’t know. He was desperate.

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit: Varner gave Joey Amazing a new nickname, “One-man Show Joe.”

    Behind-the-Scenes Tidbit:Varner also stopped Tribal to make sure Peih-Gee was voting the way she had told him in the ocean.

    Abi voted for Vytas and said she had to stick to the plan. Woo voted for Abi because he was voting with the majority. Wentworth voted for Vytas because someone had to be first. Vytas voted for Abi and said he wanted to play with her. Wiglesworth voted for Abi and said Abi needed to work on her social skills. Spencer voted for Vytas and said that he learned that Varner is a crazy person. Shirin voted for Vytas and said she didn’t believe it when he said he was just playing for fun. Jeff voted for Vytas, but his comment was too quiet to hear. Peih-Gee voted for Vytas and said she tried to talk everyone out of it. And, Dietz voted for Abi but was worried because of the “Varner Bomb.”



    It occurred to me that PG may have thought she found an idol when she found Abi's bracelet?  Though I don't know why she wouldn't cop to that.

    • Love 4
  20. Well there is that old maxim "if you aren't cheating you aren't trying". 

    Isn't that what Survivor is all about?  People's various lines in the sand and their rationalizations/justifications about what is cheating?  What is Survivor game play? 


    I thought sneaking into the producers tent wasn't cheating so much as a fun thing to do just for bragging rights.  Yea sure, he was dry and got food and water.  Good for him. 


    And if I found a camel back of water on the beach - who wouldn't drink it and why is that bad? 


    Not the first to steal food either although I'm a little more bothered by that.  Jenn from last season said she and some others did, why not they were being pagonged and it was a way to screw the other side.  Jane (that dog breeding bitch) did.  I don't like it when people don't help around camp.  To me that is like stealing food shelter water.  So I don't really like food stealing either although the way Jenn put it, it seemed.......less bad somehow. 

  21. I wish they would have all the sort of people who socialize/strategize on one tribe so we can watch them braid their hair, do yoga, swim and then sleep in the dirt with no shelter and starve.  It is so annoying when people just basically use others to provide them food shelter fire while they prance off and blah blah blah.  I never root for them. 


    I was listening to an NPR thing this morning on how success breeds success.  It was totally stupid to vote of Vytas vs. Abi this early just in terms of challenges.  Wait till the other side has lost a few.  And its not like Abi isn't as equally as annoying. 

    Different groups could have discussed what if scenarios before going to the challenge.  So the fact that it was split is somewhat indicative of who is talking to who.  Since Shirin was shown dissing Vytas and looking smug at Tribal I guess we are to assume that she engineered that.    I  wonder if those that suck at challenges and are New Survivors who concentrate on alliances,  tend to undervalue challenges vs. alliances.  Based on voting if the vote out Vytas group were to continue to lose every challenge they do have more people and could take out the other group.  I'm not sure when the merge is, how does the math favor the Abi/Shirin/PG/Spencer/Wentworth/Varner group in terms of numbers left at the merge if they lose every challenge?  I think Shirin may have figured that out and doesn't care if they win any.  I'm not a fan but I can see her looking that far out.  She better be able to hold Abi and PG together though if this is the case.  


    Smart of Kelly? to have a little made up excuse for being out to look for the idol. Loved how that played out.   Contrast to Fishbach.  He needs to find an alliance he can mastermind  fast. 


    A lot of people I don't know since I haven't watched all seasons.  Some I did know and barely recognize. 


    I thought Probst maybe had a chemical peel or something.


    Joe is nice looking but I think its personality that brings that to the fore.  Woo is actually prettier to me.

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