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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. Just finished watching the first season for the first time.  I loved it!  Basically I liked everyone.  Rich wasn't nearly as bad as the impression I'd been given and neither was Sue. Knowing how Rich's life derailed after his win is even more shocking having watched him seem like a pretty level headed if arrogant guy. Maybe it was a good act, maybe he just couldn't handle the win.    Sue's speech was funny, I hadn't realized it was spoken about Kelly W, I'd always assumed it was about Rich. 

    I felt like Kelly screwed herself with her last two votes and then didn't help herself with her final two tribal about voting for...who you like or whatever.

    I would google now and then while watching and found the article about Stacy sueing because Burnett influenced votes (which I can well believe).  Kelly W's response when asked about it was "I don't see why you would bite the hand that feeds you".  All that agonizing about what kind of person she is and wanting to play true to herself blah blah blah and then there it is -  oh, money.   Her castmates were right, she's not what she thinks of herself and very wishy washy. 

    So Rudy was on one of Burnett's Eco-Challenge's.  I loved those but don't remember him.  Would love to see them all again.


    I loved that this season seemed less rushed, everyone got a little time, people seemed real and pretty nice.  Not all shiny and groomed to within an inch of their lives not Hollywood reality celebrites or reality celebrity hopefuls.  Jeff talking to some of the people on rewards. The post show was more intimate.   Just loved it. 

    • Love 3
  2. Well one small thing is that while Keith is old and those were worse conditions (heat, humidity etc) than normal, it is the sort of

    weather tat Keith is used to in LA.  Of course everyone lives in air conditioning now so I don't know how much it helps but

    I think it would help a little.

  3. So who is Blake related to? The way they jumped all over themselves to point out that there were cards underneath when clearly there were only cards around the midsection on the outside, just so they could make excuses for him. I mean how do they get down on the they guy they auf'ed for not using cards when Blake's was at least 2/3 rds glitter?  That thing sucked, an 8th graded could have made it.  I'm not saying it wasn't sort of cute but really, to bang on about the one dress being Katy Perry and that thing looked like a Michael's craft project.  Really sort of p.o.ed. there. 


    But who I think really deserved to go home was that guy with the pink bottom with the pockets.  That was hideous and absoutely not creative in design or with the materials. 


    I think the Belgian had a lot of promise as did Duncan.  That's two I wish would have stayed over others. 

    • Love 4
  4. I really don't understand why Ashely is being discussed in terms of her clothes and who she used to design for?  I don't remember the boards here or anywhere else going on and on about the way any of the other designers dress other than a comment here or there.

    Certainly no one goes on about how the men dress vs. how they design. 


    I just can't believe it.  Because she's fat everyone focuses on the way she dresses?  There have been so many past designers with ugly  tattoos and disgusting finger nails and very specific make up,  hair color, bad hair on lots of the men, and yes stupid clothes, some of which looked like their "ess tet ic" and sometimes nothing like.  Not to mention the 70% that just dress in t-shirts and jeans and other normal slubby clothes.  I don't remember that all being chewed on. 


    Several designers have been on the show who only designed mens wear.  They don't usually do that much mens wear on the show. 

    Doesn't get discussed either.


    I don't care what she wears.  I don't care that she has been designing for plus women or that she's plus sized.  She's in a design competition where everyone is competing to design fashion for skinny models.  Her weight has shaped her identity some like many of the designers who have some sort of past of gay, foreign whatever.  I've been supportive of  them and I'm the same for Ashley. 

    • Love 14
  5. PBS here in my area of the U.S. has not run season 6 but I've finally binged to this epi on Acorn.


    Agree, Louisa season 6 has been very unlikeable, I found her to be quite unreasonable.  Considering who Martin is I think he's pretty good with James, and pretty accepting of her comments, more so than many Cornwell men I wouldn't be surprised.  To get all pissy because he gave him a wooden spoon to play with instead of toy etc.....well I thought it was pretty obvious in this episode that she had gotten to a place in her head where Martin can do no right.  She see's nothing right in anything he does.  And I've got news for her, lots of men out there are not going to spill their deepest darkest emotions over an egg breakfast.  Yes, she knew what she was getting into although that often doesn't make it any easier to live with, I do think that she could use some therapy herself in terms of getting support in living with someone like Martin.  His mother came at the worst possible time.


    Go Ruth!  Very strong blunt language, just out called his mother  a monster!    Of course it does beg the question of why she wasn't more involved when he was little.  The aunts seemed to be there passively for him but I'm not sure how much they really fought the brother/mother to be better parents, or themselves more involved, hard to know without more backstory.  Still, Ruth's attitude shows that she has some very deep pissed off anger with Martins mother on his behalf.  And I get so mad when the worst parents out there can throw that "well you've never been a parent how could you possibly understand" card down and someone who has never been a parent is just nullified.  As if someone whose never been a parent can have zero relevant opinion.  That card is like carte blanche for the worst. 


    Clunes did an excellent acting job this episode.  When she got hit by the car his cry of Louisa was just so heartfelt. 

    • Love 3
  6. First, Ashley said she was excited to design for model's vs. having to stick to plus size.  So judging her look and future projects based on being for plus size is incorrect.  Its not a regular size fashion competition for everyone but Ashley.  I hope she designs for whatever looks good on her model otherwise she's putting herself at a disadvantage.  As someone with big self-esteem issues it can be REAAALLLY hard to not talk about, not show it, not let it sabotage and shut you down, especially under pressure.  I wish her all the best. (P.S.  I wonder if she is like a shout out to Melissa McCarthy?)


    The one guy who has applied for every season finally getting in....seems to reflect the talent level of the show so far.  Granted I have not seen the meet the designers since its not on demand under PR.  But I was "so.....they have had all the talented people on already and this is what's left?"  Still, happy to watch:)


    Sorry the loser guy went home, I think he would have been far more interesting than some of the others.  I think his biggest strategic mistake was not doing menswear if that is what he normally does.  To go straight to something you've never done before in the first challenge vs. a littler later was the main problem.  I don't agree with staying safe (and I think that little romper thing was more like Wal-Mart than Kohls) on purpose but he went to the extreme the other way. 

    Had he just stopped at and emphasized I do mens wear, IDK maybe it would have saved him. 


    I did not like the green and black hankerchief skirt and was surprised no one commented, they hate hankerchief skirts. Not a fan of the designers personality so far either.


    The Haitain woman.  That editing was so bizarre.  She has almost nothing to fit on her model, has to go to hair and makeup and then poof.  She has an outfit.  I couldn't tell if it was sewn well?  It sort of seemed not.  Apparently she is actually an architect?  IDK, it was sort of interesting but since it was all one color I couldn't see any detail or something.  Not as impressed as the judges. 


    Honestly almost no one seems to have good sewing/tailoring skills.  Edmonds did seem to go from 0 to 100 from Tim's critic to his new dress being well fit...but it was a tube dress so hard to tell. 


    I was a little shocked by Tim. He was giving such specific guidance.  "If you don't change this your in trouble.  I would ....".  Up till now he's always been careful to ask questions, have them ask themselves questions, get them to think about it.  Giving them direct advice all comes back to him if they fail or win. Sort of upsetting.   I agree with the poster who thought Tim should have said something about green lighting Duncans dress. 


    Heidi's smackdown of the guest judge, dang.  Also noticed something up with Zac's look and thought Heidi was finally showing her age, just a teensy.  Miss Michael Kors..  Not a fan of Z. 

    • Love 3
  7. So, George Warleggen had a moment of softening towards Ross because of Julia's death.  Reached out, was rebuffed and narc'ed/bought off the "cops" to have Ross taken away to jail.  I still don't like the Warleggen's but then I don't think I'm supposed to.  Poor Georgie, got all hurt feelings and hardened his evil ways.  Being that divorce and affairs for the women anyway were terribly ruinous I can't believe George is telling Elizabeth - I don't mean to be stopped.  Is he going to have Francis killed?  (I actually know the answer but just saying, It makes almost no sense anyway).


    Generally, this episode reminded me of Gone with the Wind.  Lots of heartbreak and sad. 

    • Love 2
  8. This was on wiki


    The series comprises 12 novels. The first seven are set in the 18th century, concluding in Christmas 1799. The remaining five are concerned with the early years of the 19th century and the lives of the descendents of the main characters of the previous novels.



    So if we are up to Christmas? The remaining episodes better still have Ross and not just his progeny!

  9. So, never having heard of the books or watched the original series, I googled Poldark and read the wiki entry.

    Sort of funny - 12 books and it only took 1 paragraph to describe the plot?


    The main character, Ross Poldark, a British Army officer, returns to his home in Cornwall from the American Revolutionary War only to find that his fiancée Elizabeth Chynoweth, having believed him dead, is about to marry his cousin Francis Poldark. Ross attempts to restore his own fortunes by reopening one of the family's derelict tin mines. After several years he marries Demelza Carne, a poor servant girl, and is gradually reconciled to the loss of Elizabeth's love. By then, Elizabeth has become a widow and marries George Warleggan, Ross's arch-enemy.

    The series comprises 12 novels. The first seven are set in the 18th century, concluding in Christmas 1799. The remaining five are concerned with the early years of the 19th century and the lives of the descendents of the main characters of the previous novels. Winston Graham wrote the first four Poldark books during the 1940s and 1950s. Following a long hiatus, he decided to resume the series, and published The Black Moon in 1973.


    As for the original series, I looked for it at my Library.  They had two copies of "series 2".  Not sure what that meant but the man on the cover was not very good looking and I passed.  It made me feel very shallow:)

  10. I wish writers, of all shows, didn't rely on what seems like rather stupid lack of communication to further plot lines.  It happens all the time.


    Here, there is the scene where when Poldark is trying to get Elizabeth's husband to go to his meeting on funding the mine the husband says something to the effect "of only doing business with people he trusts" and Poldark just stares at him rather stupidly and walks away.

    Obviously this is the result of the banker whispering poison in his ear and necessary to set up some future falling out. 

    But really - who wouldn't in Poldark's shoes say "what?  I hope you know you can trust me cousin!"  It would be the most natural response in the world.  Plot writing like this always jars me out of the narrative/story. 

    • Love 2
  11. I have no idea where I am in the continuity of this show as I just happened to catch an episode about 5 weeks ago on a PBS station and had never heard of it before.  Have to say I really like it and think the acting is awesome.  I like the case of the weeks and the overall story arch about the detective's lives.  I am wondering if I could get the series from the beginning on dvd in the US. 

    This only its Jun 2015 in Ohio.  I guess I'll have to google about the series to see how many seasons there have been.  I have no idea if I'm seeing from the beginning and whether my local PBS station will run the whole thing or what.  Anyone know if this is available anywhere else?  Netflix, Hulu, etc?

  12. I am a TV hound and have been forever.  There are things that don't grab me and just don't watch.  Rarely have I have thought "wow, this is just terrible".  Well I got about halfway through the first epi of this and though "wow, this is just terrible". 


    The writing is very shallow, low hanging fruit type humor, the whole plot is very shallow low hanging fruit.  If you are going to do a send up about something people know about/real life it needs to be a send up, not just stupidly unlikely or insulting. Watch some Monty Python.   IDK, I never watched VEEP either, sort of the same reasons but I never had this sort of reaction. 

    In some ways this seems to be just a VEEP replacement. 


    And I don't care what Jack Black said on Jimmy Kimmel?  About making LA look like Islamabad and challenging anyone to see the difference, you can tell.  Looks and feels nothing like the Mid-East. Not to mention walking down the street smoking weed in Pakistan.  Right


    Major WHIFF HBO.  Ballers is only 2.5 stars and True Detective's first epi wasn't so great either.  HBO is in a slump!

  13. LOVED Entourage so after reading here I watched the Ballers pilot.  Eh.  Its not awful but it doesn't have an Entourage feel IDT, not sure why the comparisons.  No group of friends for one.  I felt really bad for Rocks character.  He helped out that one guy big time and said so I represent you now and the guy just completely blew him off.  IDK, I hate to think I'm too old for this (I did love Entourage) or too white.

    Entourage had a close group of blue collar friends enjoying the materialistic lifestyle but somehow or the materialistic lifestyle didn't seem quite as skeezy and over the top as this Miami crowd. 


    I will watch the second show and try not to compare, but I just don't think that is my scene and there isn't anything to feel good about. 

  14. I'm one of the few who can't stand it when women use their sexuality on Survivor (Parvati, those women who dropped their bikini bottoms for no good reason).  Some say use the power you have but I disagree at least on this point.  Social skills yes, outright sexuality no.  I seriously suspect that Parvati really teased James along if not outright gave him a handy or something.  Jeff Probst has said they provide condoms in a box and they disappear (funny, never see them get used for water or anything).  Go be a prostitute somewhere else.


    Forums are half my enjoyment of Survivor, I love others inputs on strategy and numbers and speculation on who is in charge of an alliance etc.  But  I find that the 70% of people assigning BS psychological, criminal conditions or just the constant assgning of negative personality traits more  disturbing and fucked up than any behavior I've ever seen on the show. He's a stalker, he's narcissist, he's pyschopath, he's an asshole. On and on and one and on and on, scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll.   Like we could possibly know.      It makes me really unhappy and I seriously wonder about the people putting that stuff out. I have ocassionally sucumbed  myself but hate it and resist.  (Russell may be an exception).


      I think Cochran's second season was handed to him and I suspect Shirin's will be too.

    • Love 4
  15. I am a small fish when it comes to digging deep in GofT so forgive this question if necessary.


    Up to now spoiler policies have seemed to mostly revolve around book vs. show.  As in book readers don't spoil non book readers.

    But now we are mostly out of the books and I see some speculation on casting of this or that and what it means.


    What happens if there are technical (if minor) spoilers based on people watching filming (as in tourists) or social media?   Is there a thread for that?  Chances are these wouldn't amount to much other than more focused speculation but some people might not want to know.  (Me I love being spoiled:)

  16. Well I got the first episode yesterday.  I liked it.  So glad its not yet another show about/taking place in a Department Store.  I couldn't watch any of those.


    For me its not that the scar looks so cheesy as much as it seems to change color?  I suppose a real scar would get darker and/or redder if someone exerted themselves or got mad etc. but its a little distracting.


    Elizabeth's mother is a piece of work, not too nice and towards the end there was a scene with Elizabeth that seemed to foreshadow Elizabeth getting a little more bitchy.  I can see where it would be hard to have your choice not to wait for your true love thrown in your face all the time and it might make you hard.


    Loved that Ross hit that guy that was beating Derzelda(?).  Hate dog fighting and how they were all laughing at him beating her.  Thing Elizabeth recognized that she and her fiancé are the same sort of do nothing sort of people but resents the fact she is not more like him? 


    Love the former miners and their loyalty.  Much better bunch than the guys they beat up.  Kudos for the house servant getting involved. 


    Apparently Cornwall is very very flat and treeless.

    • Love 1
  17. Donna has consistently been the most creative both with hardware and software and yet this consistently gets overlooked.  It really makes me mad.  That's why I think she should take her ideas and go home and get her husband to build her vision. 

    • Love 4
  18. I'm glad there was debunking as I'm hoping Shirin gets voted out early. I'm not sure I can watch until she is and if its like Cochran's season I may be really missing my Surivivor fix.   Always sad when there aren't some spoilers though. 

    • Love 1
  19. Seems obvious that this mainframe scheme is supposed to be used by Mutiny but really will Donna and Cameron want to get in on a scheme

    with Joe? Or especially Cameron having anything to do with something Gordon was involved with.

      Especially a scheme which is illegal although Gordon probably wont tell.  .  I can see Cameron desperate enough if her new

    game requires even more computing power.  Not sure about Donna. 

    But Joe, I know he's trying to prove to the company that this is money  make but I can't see getting more potential clients other than Mutiny and

    I don't see Mutiny being other than a financial mess unless Bosworth steps in.  Given that he's maybe still on parole, or certainly doesn't want to

    risk going back to jail, wouldn't want to get involved in something illegal, if he knows that it is.

    • Love 2
  20. Acorn TV has only the 1970s version of the show for now.  I watched the new version again last night actually to *watch* it at PBS.com, and while the HD quality was gorgeous, it was still the cut version.  I'd love to know if DVDs available for sale in this country are the edited/cut version, which is likely if PBS is the vendor.  Libraries usually get PBS shows on DVD for loan, also.  (Honestly, in HD I could watch a lot more galloping along the cliffs than I would have expected!) 

    Well poo!  After I asked the question I signed up for Acorn.  I have not actually seen the 1st epi of 2015 yet as when I checked my cable episode guide it was listed as playing late last night.  So I scheduled it for recording which sometimes, for unknown reasons, doesn't happen.  Fingers crossed.

  21. Re the cutting of scenes etc.  Is this to accommodate commercials in the US?  I'm wondering if the 41.00 DVD's have enough extra content

    (discussions, extra scenes etc.) to warrant buying the DVD's to see the complete show when you can (I'm assuming) watch the complete

    episodes on Acorn TV for 5.00 a month?  that'd be 8 months of Acorn.  Unless of course you watch your DVD's over and over (I typically don't).

  22. I think Gordon has had idea's and has been shown as having some creativity but it was interesting to hear him say "just tell me what you want to build, I can build anything" because I think this is why he and Joe make such a good pair.  Joe is all mach 2 idea's and Gordon is mostly make the mechanics happen.  So he sort of was acknowledging that. 

    So far this seems to be the Cameron show and I would like a little more Joe. 

    Cameron, wow.  If she was only open to Donna as she is to Bosworth.  Loved it when Donna asked Cameron - is it because it wasn't your idea. 


    Not sure why Donna hasn't taken community and jumped ship and gone into community business with Gordon.  They don't need Joe's mainframe for that.  Seriously. 


    Gordon to Joe - "Donna and I tell each other everything" and the whole episode is about them hiding stuff from each other!


    I'd like to say I'm really enjoying the show, its jelled at this point.  Hope there is a S3, even if it has to be on Netflix after cable has cancelled like so many of my favorite shows these days.

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