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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. So they don't want the advantage going home in someone's pocket like has happened in the past. Who was the guy that took his advantage home instead of giving it to his female alliance member? The ice cream guy? I don't usually knee jerk to sexism/genderism/ageism etc. but WTF? Useless irritating Dave is still there and all the votes went to a black woman and an Asian woman? I realize that Rachael was irritating and didn't do well in the challgence but she was no more useless or irritating than Dave. Definitely a boys club running things there. Hated that vote. I would not trade my eyes for a change at a million. Just saying. A scar yes, my sight no. Is it that we are just so used to seeing mega fans and returnees that make all these people so inept? Both at surviving and strategy. No favorites yet except maybe the oldest guy on the young team. Strike anyone else that the Genx'er on the young team is now the leader? I do think the millenials will beat the gen'xers generally. Youth usually trumps age. That bit about wisdom is just wishful thinking. That said, having watched Unreal I'm wondering if Probst purposefully picked a bunch of Gen X losers since he is such a fan of millenials. Last - at 8:53 in the show when the three beauties were on the beach did anyone else notice the two perfectly cut and tied bamboo rafts that would be perfect for a shelter floor? I'm thinking they are shown struggling then its like magic, they have a sturdy shelter floor. Getting more help than a tarp.

    • Love 3
  2. I look forward to t his show every week and am sort of shocked that its not getting good reviews?
     It started a little slow but critics should be allowed to review unless they've seen a substantial number of episodes.

    Some of the best series have been cut too soon, just as people were getting on board.


    I swear the Canadian border guard was an Akroyd. I looked at IMBD although they list other random smaller part actors they don't list the border guard. Dan Akroyd had 3 girls. Could he be a grandson? A nephew or grand nephew? Couldn't find anything. His voice sounded like an Akroyd and he looked a little like an Akroyd, even had that slightly simple thing going on.

  3. Did Mactor start with Survivor?  

    My somewhat uninformed def:  A contestant who models and wants to be an actor.  Probably hanging around Hollywood and meets Survivor casting agents in bars.  Cast because they are eye candy.  Accept getting cast because they want the exposure for their careers.  

    I see something like TPTB (this is my first time on the boards in months and can't remember exactly).  Context makes me think its ......Survivor executive producers or something?

  4. I spent a  few minutes poking around on reddit and did some copy paste (hope that is ok?)  Seems like mostly posts about S34 over there.  

    So, the following was posted to /r/survivor by /u/GrantParry.

    Hello /r/survivor,

    I'm new here, but I have some emerging info in regards to Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X.

    As previously revealed on Inside Survivor, the starting tribes are Vanua (in red) and Takali (in purple). Well, as it turns out, my source has informed me that there will be a third tribe (which will wear green). I have not been told its name or who will be on it after the swap, but I have corroborated the previous information with Redmond. I believe that they will wear a light green (lime) buff. Unfortunately, the inclusion of this color as a premerge tribe has resulted in a not so exciting merge tribe shade. Unsurprisingly, the merge will be black.

    Color Panel

    That's all I have for now. Discuss your thoughts on the twist and colors below!

    I verified this information with Redmond, and he said that it lines up with his information.


    So if Vanua means "land" (well, really it means territory) and Takali means "sea" (as well as meaning death) does anyone else think the third tribe will be named after the Fijian word for "sky"? The best translation I can find is "lomalāgi", more specifically the "lagi" part.


    Sadly, it appears that Adam Klein was at home by day 18 due to a serious illness in the family. (I'm leaving some details here vague on purpose out of respect for privacy, although it has been shared publicly.)

    We wish you the best, Adam.

    EDIT: Adam has now set up a fund to help find a cure. If you're interested in donating, the details of the illness and its outcome are there as well.


    It looks like Sunday's right arm is in a cast/sling since she returned from Fiji. She posted this photo to her Instagramon May 21. Does this imply she might have been removed from the game by medical?

    Going through her photos, I found a series of comments :http://image.prntscr.com/image/abb4964f97254522a6dfab52df9c033c.png

    Sounds like she is in fact a medevac.


    [–]manmanchuck44burung 2 points 1 month ago 

    It's very possible by "cleaned out" it was lanced (a hole is opened up in the infection so it has room to exit and she was able to keep playing like Missy. So I guess she defied the odds and didn't end up a first boot, a goat, or a quit. Yay Sunday!

  5. Came here after watching the first 4 episodes (or most of anyway, what I could stomach) and I'm not going back. 

    I have not seen S1 as I don't have HULU.  But lately  I'd been seen interviews with the actors etc. and decided to 

    check out S2.  I'm ok with a lot of dark, gritty, dirty, a little stupid even but this was a trainwreck.  

    I can't compare to S1 but this was just so unrealistic and crazy crazy crazy, no way could I suspend belief or be entertained.  

  6. While Alecia has the excuse of being a spoiled rather stupid self centered child who is proud of everything she does Michelle is, I belive, a self proclaimed environmentalist. Yet she participated in the tiger petting thing which is thing is heinous and so intuitively wrong. I hate both of them (at least based on what I know) and pretty much everyone who swims with dophins, pets tigers etc. http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/01/asia/thailand-tiger-temple-cub-bodies-found/index.html

    While Alecia has the excuse of being a spoiled rather stupid self centered child who is proud of everything she does Michelle is, I belive, a self proclaimed environmentalist. Yet she participated in the tiger petting thing which is thing is heinous and so intuitively wrong. I hate both of them (at least based on what I know) and pretty much everyone who swims with dolphins, pets tigers etc. http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/01/asia/thailand-tiger-temple-cub-bodies-found/index.html

  7. This is the place this stupid "I'm so proud of myself for petting uncaged tigers in Taiwan" was. I hate her kind of self centered selfish stupidity. She has nothing to be proud of. http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/01/asia/thailand-tiger-temple-cub-bodies-found/index.html

  8. I just want to say that I give kudo's? to all the players for just staying on that germ infested beach. After seeing those huge pus monsters with black I think I would have gotten myself out of there post hast somehow. Faked an injury, asked to be voted off, something. I would like to know more about it, why it was happening. I notice on overhead that there seemed to be a river outlet nearby. Maybe sewage from the nearby tourist resort isn't being reliably treated? Also would like to know more about everyone's infections but they seem to keep that quiet, like part of the nondisclosure agreement though I don't know why.

  9. I think Michelle would have gotten more of a winning edit had she done more early on to show. 

    Aubry and Tai did more early on so got more edit time. Michelle....didn't do as much early on except

    not piss people off and make friends.  Had she done more I think she would have gotten a more equal edit.

    I suppose you could make the point that the purposefully didn't edit her in as much to make it more of a surprise but that seems

    a little lame. 

  10. I went to bed after the winner was announced and then having read how awful the rest of the show was didn't watch.  Ratings ratings ratings.  They always feel they have to do something new for ratings but then ratings fall because everyone likes it the "old" way - where everyone who played got at least a sentence or two.  Its hard to feel bad when shows fail because they don't listen to their audience.  I feel like Burnett and Probst are just doing what they want, fuck the rest of us.

    People!  Google Mark the chicken before you get so nasty about Tai.  He got Probst to promise to place Mark with a Cambodian farmer.  Even if that doesn't happen he lived longer than he would have because of Tai's protection.  Not to mention they weren't very far from a tourist resort and Mark could probably have made his way there.  So if you want to hate Tai - don't bring Mark into it. 

    There are more than one type of social game and I've never really respected the Parvo sex kitten one.  That said Parvo did develop some strategy.  Michelle not so much.  Her social game was just being well liked, not having had to make the types of moves that pissed off jury members.  She survived and all but yes, disappointed.  I felt like Aubry and Tai both played much harder.  onestly I feel like they hardly showed her, you didn't know her at all till the last couple of episodes so.........did she not have any game to show? 

    Felt like Aubry should have won  and Tai gotten at least a couple of votes.  Would have been happier with a Cydney in the F3.  The way Julia, Scot and Jason treated her at Ponderosa....what sore losers.  Julia is a piece of work for hanging with those two and Michelle and her are still close?  Want nothing to do with that 4. 


    Last - all sorts of problems with the new Previous TV.  Can't edit while writing initial post, very slow, for some reason work it shows up a mess and I actually couldn't log in till today.  Plus I think its harder to read.  Yet another improvement that doesn't seem to have improved anythin 

    • Love 7
  11. I'm even more irritated and mad about last week now.  Last week I was constantly thinking "Aubry - go talk to Tai!  He's not comfortable with all that aggressive stuff!  He's like an overripe apple ready to let go of the tree!  Go convince him to come back!  I didn't understand at all why she wasn't.  I also thought it was sort of weak game play to (a) not control Debbie better; and/or (b) use Debbie's telling Julia everything to line up something with fake info.  (Is that what happened with Michelle?)

    Live and learn I guess. 

    Had she either gotten Tai back or used Debbie they could have gotten out either Jason or Scott and this week they would BOTH be gone and Debbie, my fav, would still be around. 


    This week was pretty confusing for me I'm going to just press to what is the situation now? 


    So...Now Tai is in an alliance with Aubry and Cydny and Joe?  Michelle may or may be in that alliance?  So 4 vs. two or three or 5 vs. 2? 


    Who is on the bottom of the 4 or 5? 


    Jason is still both an immunity threat (they had opportunities I think they should have taken, just saying)  and still a good goat so he may not be easy to dislodge. 


    And Julia, I'd rather give Jason's kid a million than give it someone who stabbed our alliance in the back

    • Love 3
  12. Wow, way to just totally screw your numbers advantage alliance Aubry!  So much for the ivy league education.  I'm looking at you too Cyndy. 


    1) Debbie was right.  Take out the individual immunity challenge threats.  Aubry was the one being emotional not Debbie.

    2) Go get Tai.  Why she didn't do this first thing upon losing Julia IDK.  I'm assuming they tried to get Julia back. 

    3) work harder to reign Debbie in, change the plan after Julia was told - use it to your advantage that Brawn thinks it knows whats going on.


    instead she just caved and screwed up their advantage totally. 


    Such bad play. 

  13. Sad to see my fav go.  Starting to really, even more, lose interest in this season.  Their is just so much bad play going on.


    Debbie was at least right when she wanted to get rid of Scott or Jason.  Aubry thought it was emotional but hey - who is usually going

    to win immunity?  Julia got by on her small feet this time but Jason almost beat her. 

    Get rid of the immunity challenge threats! 

    Aubry and Cyndy are stupid for Ivy league grads. 

    • Love 2
  14. My thought is as well that what happened last night with Julia sets up a fight with Cyndy pretty well.  Cyndy has been so quiet it makes me wonder if she thinks she will be perceived poorly.  . 


    I watched that Debbie Ponderosa.  Yes she is shown talking a lot, yes she seems to love hyperbole but honestly if you listen to a lot  people for a longer period of time they aren't much different.  I like her.  I don't particularly want to see her hitting on Nick but she was very polite and upbeat with the Dr.s with Nick and Neal.  She was my favorite and I'm really sorry she is out.  I have very little interest in who is left.

    • Love 2
  15. “So this is where Tai melted down, and hopefully he bounces back at the next vote. The thing was, Julia and Michele, they wanted to vote out Jason. So they go to the Brains and they go to Cydney and say ‘Let’s vote out Jason instead of Nick.” And sure enough, they’re open to it. Aubry’s okay with voting out Jason, and Debbie says, ‘No, we can’t vote out Jason because Joe is already locked in on Nick. Joe won’t remember who to vote for so we cant do that now.’ So Tai was in on that talk, thinking they were going to vote for Jason and he just didn’t hear that ‘No, we’re sticking with Nick.’ So he thought the group was voting for Jason, yet it was me in the end.”


    Thanks for that because I forgot that part and have been wondering about why they voted Nick out when Jason is both a huge threat because he seems to dominate his alliance and also is just a butthead to have around.  I don't understand why they couldn't get to Joe in time to tell him to switch though.  Frankly Cyndy's plan to go for Nick first makes me wonder about her game.  People are thinking she's some sort of strategic mastermind but I don't see her being able to sell that blindside to Jason and Scott.  She went totally rogue on her alliance and I don't think there is a story that I would trust.  Nick irritated her and that's who she went for.  Now poor Tai is twisting in the wind!  They screwed him!  


    Still hoping Debbie goes long, I like her.  Of course it would be sort of funny if she was next to Ponderosa and it was just her and Nick.  


    As for Jason and his daughter.  He seems like a good father, I'll give him that.  And there is no way I would presuppose to know anything about the severity or cost of his daughter's condition.  He said autism which is more severe than asperger's.  Its a big spectrum from very very severe to not so much.  I googled just to see and found articles about how expensive it can be, especially if one spouse has to stay home.  Detroit and Roseville don't exactly have high average household income.  I think about what would sway me on the jury.  Game play and camp work for sure.  If it came down to two otherwise more or less equals, then occupation/money would probably make a difference.  Jason doesn't seem to have that first two so I don't think Cyndy needs to worry about it.  


    Worried that chicken is going to be one of the several things that seem to point at a Tai downfall. 

  16. In Neals thread it was brought up that apparently Jeff even discussed leaving the idol with Neal.  So doubling down on his weak lie about it just all happened so fast.  Triple down since he said he had his bag packs to go before the immunity challenge.  He was pretty sure he was going for some time.  He had plenty of time and even discussion about whether to leave the idol.  Ultimately he made the selfish, petty, childish choice with plenty of thought.  I think that's a sore loser and a bad Survivor.

    • Love 1
  17. I had no idea he was part of the Survivor clique.  At least the outer circle having not actually played before.  He was a blogger for Rob Has a podcast. 

    So I don't consider him a "real" person in terms of casting.  I hate insider casting. 

  18. What Nick said about Aubry - what does that say about Michelle and Julia and Cyndy?  I also wondered if Nick is another victim of the BB&B theme and is really smart or something.  Read his bio.  Yow.  He's a Survivor Superfan that used to blog for Rob has a Podcast.  And yet another example of how you get on Survivor by knowing someone which I think is bs.


    As for Neal not giving up the idol.  True that he has broken some rule by not giving it to her, he didn't have to, he wasn't obligated, he didn't owe her anything. 

    But I think it displays a deep pettiness - I'm going to take my marbles and go home.  You'all get to stay, life is so unfair.  Wah Wah Wah. 


    It also says to me - you aren't as big a fan of Survivor as you think you are. I can't imagine not wanting to play the game to the last minute.  If you don't have anything to cast a last twist with it is what it is.  But if have something that would be a big move?  HELL YA.  Survivor is about moves and if I had one you can bet I'd play it even as I was leaving.  Make a big exit!  Change the game!  You'd be watching as jury to see how your little bomb worked out.  Its play the game! 

    A real player would take that opportunity.  That's a player.  Not some petty little boy its all about me, someone said something mean to me.  Its a game. 

    I hope he doesn't come back. 

    • Love 4
  19. Where did you get that info?  It wasn't in the episode or an exit interview that I saw.  



    For some reason I can't copy the link!


    Survivor's Neal Gottlieb reveals what we didn't know about his game-ending injury  by Ryan Haidet

    site:  Sheknows

    SK: What caused that initial injury?

    NG: That's the weird thing. It came from within. On day 15 after the challenge, I suddenly, out of the blue, got what felt like a pimple on my knee. It was a little deeper. It just came from within. It really hurt then, so I requested the doctor come out. He lanced it and nothing really came out, but it just kept on growing. It was big. It was a big, friggin' hole in my knee

    SheKnows: When you saw that boat approaching the beach and Jeff Probst got off, did you know your time was up?

    Neil Gottlieb: Oh yeah. I knew that the executioner was there for me. There was no doubt. Earlier in the day, before going to the Immunity challenge, I packed up all my stuff. I thought I was getting pulled from the challenge. I was surprised that I got to go back to camp that day.

    SK: When Probst came to your beach, had somebody requested medical attention at that moment, or was it truly an unexpected house call?

    NG: It was an unexpected, unpleasant surprise. I had some inkling they might come, because usually after challenges you get medical attention if you want. What they didn't show was the doctor had squeezed the one on my back with both hands. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. Imagine a grown man squeezing your back, basically tearing the flesh. Blood and pus squirted out and it looked like a Civil War battlefield. It was absolutely disgusting. It was absolutely horrible. At the challenge, when Jeff was asking me about Mount St. Neal, he also had me pull up my shirt to show him the wound on my back. I had to take the bandage off for that. I figured, "Oh, I will get medical attention after this." They were like, "We can't do that right now. We'll take care of it later." I didn't really think about it again until the boat showed up.

  20. Neal said he himself "knew" they were going to pull him from the game.  That doesn't mean that Jeff knew that he should be pulled. However, Jeff must have thought that at least one of them was bad enough that getting pulled was a possibility - which is why he had the doctor come out and take a look at it.  


    What I don't get is - Isn't there a doctor at the challenges?  Why didn't the doctor look at it then, instead of coming back later? Risking Neal's knee for drama is pretty bad.  But maybe there wasn't a doctor at the challenge - maybe there is only one at challenges where they think there is a higher risk of someone getting hurt enough.  I suppose they wouldn't expect any big medical issues when all the players had to do was stand on a plank while balancing balls on a wooden plate (as long as they were hydrated and it wasn't too hot out).  

    The Dr. was at the challenge.  I think he did something to Neals back at the challenge.  Neal thought he was going to pulled right then for his knee.  So when he went back to camp after the challenge he packed his things because he thought he'd be pulled.  When he saw the boat I think he started to cry. 


    So it wasn't bad enough not to let him play the challenge with it but it was bad enough to pull him a few hours later.  ummm

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