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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. On 12/26/2017 at 10:25 AM, peachmangosteen said:

    I had started to feel less irate about the twist, but then Probst gave his reason for why they decided to do it and I got pissed off again. But I guess I have to admire that he would pretty much just outright say it's because he wants to save the people he likes best lol.

    But that presupposes that they go into the taping of the season without the twist, don't like the outcome, add in the twist mid game? end of game?, come back,

    edit it all so it looks right and basically its ALL RIGGED.  In which case Survive is ALL RIGGED ALL THE TIME.  

    I do try to remind myself that reality shows aren't reality and that most do what they can to increase drama (cast selection on), or at least hype it in editing.  

    And while I can understand not liking the twist, because I think it gives one contestent a lot of power to change things things (Chrissy got to ruin Devon's shot basically) I can't see how this was all done just so Ben would win.  I think the complexities of shooting scenes, and editing and production lawyers and coroporate meetings just don't move that fast.  I mean I suppose its possible, they might vet a whole bunch of different twists and pull them out when they need them but I certainly don't think they wing things by putting up twists as they go along just to accomodate one player.  Too much can go wrong.  

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  2. 6 hours ago, Jextella said:

    Guessing that Ben took the check and went right home to his wife and kids and never looked back.   I believe him when he said he looked at the experience like a job.  Plus, he is not terribly sociable as he stated himself.  Not much to talk about where Ben is concerned.

    Right but I meant forum discussion.  Apparently he was so not controversial or hated or loved that very few people have anything to discuss about him in his forum?  I thought maybe people lashing out about his PTSD at tribal, IDK.  I rooted for him and am glad Chrissy didn't win but....not much emotion for me at the end this year. 

  3. I have a really bad memory.  Not sure what season I started watching Survivor but it wasn't the early years.  Have seen various clips of early years and maybe even went back and watched a season or 2 but.....again can't remember.  So, I retired last year, its winter and I'm bored.  So I decided to watch, ?rewatch? Season 1.  Mostly it seems pretty new and I liked it A LOT.  Will probably be my favorite season.  Amazed at how slow it seemed and how I really got a look at everyone.  There were only 2 less players than now so how does that work?  Now we hardly see half the initial players.  I mean seriously if felt like it "watched" so differently. 

    The cast was really great.  All enthusiastic about this new thing, none playing for their next reality tv experience.  Struggling with ethics, morals, who am I if I play this way.  All pretty genuine, Bob was the onlly one that was a bit out there.  If anyone was playing for the camera I kinda wonder if it was Rudy.  I mean, during the in the woods memory game, every response was I don't know.  Seriously?  

    I really liked Sue and somehow I thought I disliked Sue.  I google a lot while watching and see that she actually guest hosted the Kathy and Regis show and is considered to have done well, as well as some others.  I liked Rich, he was sort of arrogant but mostly in a quiet well thought out sort of way.  Probably the seasons with the most older folks.   Challenges look almost folky in comparison to now but I liked that.  

    I may google too much and miss things.  Not sure what the deal was with Wigglesworth.  My impression from secret scenes is that she did decide to play her own game and not be in the alliance but never told them that.  Her first non alliance vote was the throwaway vote for Sean.  After that she didn't have a problem with voting the same vote as the alliance...?  So it wasn't a bit deal.  But her attitude changed so her alliance thought she was stabbing them in the back even though her votes didn't reflect that and then at the end she.....tried to get back in the with the alliance?  Or?  

    If anyone has followed interviews and disucssions over the years and can encapsulate a clarification that without me having to read miles of forum posts I would be grateful.  

    I had also come under the impression that Sue's rat speech was calling out Rich as a snake in a bad way but apparently that is not the case.   It was more about calling Wigglesworth the rat, boy she never forgave her for whatever backstabbing she seems to think happened. 

    Anyway, I loved it but I know you can't go back.  Once strategy elements were out of the bag the game is changed forever which is too bad.  Unless they purposefully got a cast of - yea we've never watched - which would be great IMO.  Since casting trawls for mactors they could trawl for a whole season of people with no TVs too.  

    Apparently seasons 2-11 are only available on CBS access so I may do a month free trial and watch nothing but survivor for a whole month.  I already pay a buttload for cable and netflix and amazon prime and acorn and do not feel like paying CBS for 1 show.  

    • Love 3
  4. 9 hours ago, henripootel said:

    This has come up before so I'll keep it brief - there's essentially no reason to suspect that the presence of the S&P folks means that production keeps it's fingers off the scale for everything.  If production decided that the Game Show rules in any way apply to reality shows like Survivor (a very big IF - nobody wants to test this in court, and I mean nobody), then they could well have S&P there to monitor the only part of the game that is purported to be a game of 'skill or luck' - the challenges.  Jeffy himself has made somewhat odd claims along these lines.  I remember reading (long ago) an interview where somebody essentially asked if they rig things and Jeffy's answer was 'oh no, we have S&P out there monitoring the challenges.'  That's not what they asked, and I thought it strange that he'd frame it that way. 

    There was another piece written by Linda Holmes back in the day, who convincingly argued that even if the game show rules apply to reality shows, there's no reason why they'd apply to the entire show.  In other words, the challenges might be on the up and up while the actual winner of the show might be (a least partially) predetermined, and it'd be all legal as church.  Just saying 'S&P is in some way involved' is not the same as saying 'production does nothing to help some players over others'.  

    After years of viewing, I'm kinda convinced that this is correct.  I'd bet anything that the challenges are mostly on the up and up (with a few caveats) but that production has ways of helping out players they want to win.  The many HIIs Ben found more than raised my eyebrows, but the final 'advantage' seemed anything but.  It actually hobbled Chrissy's ability to do what she would most certainly have done - gotten rid of Ben.  If anything, the advantage was for Ben (and only Ben), as, had anyone else won, they'd have gotten rid of Ben too.  It put Ben's fate back into his own hands when 3 times out of 4, he's dead.  Had Ben won, it would have stymied his own ability to eliminate his biggest opponent, but this raises the question of whether Ben even had one.  Was there any reason to believe that Devon would have beaten him for votes?  If not, this final twist seems to have had one purpose and one purpose only, to throw Ben a lifeline.  Call it conspiracy theory if you want, but there's no valid reason to conclude production can't do this kinda thing and good reason to suspect that they do when it suits them.  On some reality shows producer interference isn't even a question, but there's always a few who think Survivor is the exception, pure as snow.  I'm guessing not.  

    The flip of production wanting Ben to win is not wanting Chrissy to win.  I hardly think that Probsts seeming preference for alpha male wins accounts for this.  And at what point do they make this decision to rig the game for Ben?  Right off the bat?  

    • Love 2
  5. If they are all superfans they would be familiar.  Still not sure how this works though. 

    Like....don't fall asleep in the fire!  Or wasn't it Stephanie who ate the chicken going against some superstitution and it rained and everyone was super pissed at her?

    So...don't eat the chicken!  

    Don't lie about your grandmother.....don't lose your mind like Brandon, don't throw all the riice in the fire or annoy everyone like Abi...so many mistakes aren't associated with idols etc. 

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  6. Social games can not just be good or bad or awkward  ut just..different.  Some guy that is fun and jokey and an easy bud has a good social game.  Lots of variations on what makes one.  Chrissys was, I think, to talk very personally.  Desi's tripping point was when Chrissy swore on her sons about something.  Not sure why that was a trigger for Desi but it was one example given.  Maybe she was just trying to hard but it worked up to a point the sermed to backfire.  She seemed the point person for alliances and votes pre merge.

    • Love 1
  7. Chrissy is a huge fan and had a great time playing.   Im sure the pain of being a disliked contestant will fade but I wonder if it was sort of a shock.  She sermed slightly subdued at the reunion.  I cant imagine  it not being at least a little bewildering.  I wonder sometimes if the edit is a big shock.  

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  8. TMZ just butchered the whole f4 to f3 fire competition as a winning thing with Harvey Levin acting all how many seasons what what..totally clueless.  The title of the bit was something to the effect of fans being outraged by....well I guess its Ben winning because of the fire challenge.  As in people didnt like the fire challenge.  Is this true?  Is the survivor sm universe in outrage mode?


    Here is the clip from the webpage


  9. Is Chrissy giving Devon a job or something?  Why the haircut?  

    While Ive been rooting for Ben its a conflicted thing.  Good player as is Chrissy.  but probably dont like him personally.  So....suddenly I dont care as much.  well Chrissy will be insufferable and Ben is a fellow vet so...yea still team Ben. Barely

    • Love 2
  10. Just now, NYGirl said:

    It took them all season to finally play the whole introduction??  I look forward to that every year and we only got it once this year.. Bad job Survivor.

    Secondly!!  ANOTHER FREAKING IDOL and FREAKING BEN FINDS IT??  I call bull ... I'm sorry.  When the same person keeps finding it it's the Russell Hantz procedure.  He found them all too.  

    Chrissy wins another puzzle!!!!!!  same difference

    • Love 4
  11. on my phone no current thread very weird says Im in Survivor Past Seasons


    Anyway way is Ryans stool so far forward on stage?

    Do devon and mike and Ryan really think they have a shot vs Chrissy?  

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