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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. 1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    They've said before the applicants are virtually all white people who've been on reality tv before.  I'm good with recruiting.  

    Libby is exactly the kind of person the casting staff adores and seeks -- drop dead gorgeous, outspoken, interesting job or hobbies, and unique but also strongly similar to some Survivor superstar, in this case Andrea.  I'm not surprised they stumbled upon her.  I'm sure they peruse the books of modeling agencies.  

    Well to each his own but I hate everythign about this paragraph.  That's for the Bachelor and Big Brother.  Can't the rest of us have at least one show with real people?   I also disagree with the applicants have all been on reality tv before.  Unless you meant recruits.  Applicants are like Angela and Donathan.  


    Not to my knowledge is she related.  But ever since that one recruit whose Daddy was friends with Burnett I get suspicious.  

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  2. I have a strong problems with nepotism and don't care for recruits.  So many people want and audition for years to be on Survivor I just don't understand the need.  
    I have no proof that she got recruited in response to some family connection but something about Probst's comments got my antennae perked up.  He just loved her so much and wanted to bring her back again even though he didn't know her.  That was sort of enough for me. 

  3. So slightly different than a cast look a like a cast what previous player are they...

    Domenick - Boston Rob

    Sebastian - Ozzy

    Libby - an Andrea or a Hasselbeck

    Jacob - Cochran

    Any others?

















  4. 4 hours ago, blackwing said:

    So if Morgan is saying they never trusted Angela, I guess I'm still confused.   Why would Dominick think that getting rid of an original purple was a good idea?  With Chris away, it was 4-4.  Shouldn't he have expected that the original orange would stick together?  If the original purple had stuck together they at least could have had a 4-4 tie.  

    Instead he decides to just get rid of someone simply because he doesn't like Chris.  So now one of the original purple is gone, and there is still a 4-4 split.  If New Orange  wins again and a random draw sends one of the original purples of the New Purple to Ghost, then Dominick's side is screwed.   Really not well thought out on his part.  Very poor gameplay all because of his personal dislike of Chris.  He deserves to lose.

    I think she talks about this around 3/4s of the way through the tape but I can't understand what is being said.  I do think I heard her mention not wanting rocks at some point.


  5. 7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Of course you do. She is very high on herself/her alliance/her game in these interviews. It's a bit much considering she was voted out 3rd in a blindside.

    Not only that but her island spouse love of life Boston Rob to her Amber  Domenick's blabbing about his fake idol was what soured the deal they apparently had with new Malolo so his great playing was what got her sent home 

    • Love 1
  6. Yes, I think that's it.  James, Libby, Donathan and Laurel with neither Donathan or Laurel seeming to have much to say:) 

    The original members of the other tribe have a strong  of Domenick, Wendell,  Morgan (now gone)and Bradley and Kellyn now on the other tribe.  Angela is an original member of their tribe but was in a different alliance they've been targeting from the beginning.  I guess they were taking the opportunity to break up Chris and Angela and using it as an overture of trust to the other side.  See we said we would vote out Angela and we did so you can trust us.......by voting out Chris next I guess.  Here's something from Morgan's exit interview  (she goes out of her way to slam Angela in every interview.  I hoping that's just sour grapes)

    She also blames Dom showing his fake idol as screwing her by causing mistrust. 

    I've been reading all her exit interviews (pretty repetitive) and she keeps going on and on about being Domenicks Amber since Domenick was her Boston Rob.  They were soooo close and slept in the sand and watched stars on the beach - but she didn't know about his real idol:)  


    Let’s talk about the dynamics on old Naviti. We didn’t see too many specifics, only the building rivalry between Chris and Domenick. Was that as visible to you all as it was on the show, and is it safe to say you were on Domenick’s side?
    Correct. Right off the bat, as soon as we step on the beach and Domenick says he disagrees with Chris pulling the lever in the first challenge, it was like full-on war right there. It was Domenick versus Chris. Chris wanted Domenick out from the beginning; he made that very clear. I wasn’t in an alliance with Domenick exactly–it was more me, Wendell, and Kellyn–[but] we all knew how Chris was feeling. He wasn’t very shy about that. Our initial target was Angela, and it was five versus five. It was split right down the middle, so had we gone [to Tribal Council before the swap], it would have been very interesting. We could have maybe swayed Sebastian to our side. But it would have been interesting to see how that would have played out. I don’t think I would have been a target since Domenick and Chris were going after each other and we wanted Angela out from the get-go.

    So that may explain why, at this Tribal Council, you, Domenick, and Wendell decide to go for Angela, despite the fact that you’re essentially cannibalizing your original tribe. What made her such an appetizing target at that time?
    She was Chris’s right-hand man. We never really trusted her from the original Naviti alliance. She wasn’t really good at forming those bonds and relationships with people. You’d ask her how she is and she’d just say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” She didn’t want to talk about anything. I know she was dealing with a lot with the military. But I didn’t really get to know her, and she [wasn’t great] in the challenges, so we didn’t really need her. She seemed like one of those followers; she was going to do whatever Chris wanted. But we didn’t form that bond with her, so we didn’t know what she was thinking. She talked to the Malolo people a lot, [we thought], “What is she talking about?” We just never trusted her from the beginning. And at that Tribal, she was completely clueless. She had no clue what we were doing; she had no clue what Malolo was doing. She was so far out there it was pretty comical.

  7. This from one of Morgan's exit interviews.  She never mentions Chris in any of these so far.  She also says Angela is clueless which makes me sad.  She said apparently there is some confusion about what she said Beware the two blonds vs. cute blond, leading to problems and confusion when they get back to camp. 

    As for who fans should keep an eye on as the season progresses, Morgan says that would be Domenick, of course, as well as Kellyn, Bradley and Wendell. "Kellyn's that sweetheart, she's quirky, she's fun. Bradley, I just think he's hilarious. Domenick is just a strong player, and Wendell's kind of behind the radar," she described. "I think my alliance was really strong and really great." 

  8. 12 hours ago, LanceM said:

    I mean Jeff picked Ciera to win Game Changers and she got booted first. So it is not like he has a great track record with these things, though Wendell I think is a solid pick.

    Do you think he would just randomly say things that he doesn't necessarily believe just to throw everyone off track?  I don't see Probst as the type but maybe. 

  9. 6 hours ago, blackwing said:

    Was Angela the one who was Chris' ally and has the blonde hair and squinty eyes?   Which one is Libby?  I think the original orange people all voted for Morgan and 3 of the original purple voted for Angela and 1 voted for Libby?  

    I don't mind Chris.  I think he's playing hard and Dominick gunned for him so I don't blame him for wanting Dominick out.  I don't care for Dominick at all.

    Yes, Angela is this years lone oldy person and a "real" persona/applicant.  Libby  was recruited, I'm theorizing from Probst's interview, in response for Jeff wanting to cast an Andrea.  She had never watched Survivor but apparently watched some or all of the shows before the game.  She said in an interview that she related to Elizabeth Hasselback. 

    1 hour ago, MissEwa said:

    I read it as Stephanie saw sending Donathan to GI would guarantee an Old-Malolo went home, because it would be 5-3. If she sends them to rocks, she's got a 54% chance of one of the five Old-Nativi drawing the white rock, and it ending up 4-4, which means Old-Malalo has a fighting shot. The Nativi guys who suggested Donathan seemed to expect that would happen, and be fine with it. 


    And thankyou and someone else up thread (I repped you but didn't quote sorry) for explaining that because I suck at strategy.  I thought that was pretty amazing of Stephanie to figure out on the fly like that.  Or maybe they have more time for those decisions on the beach IDK, but still she was the one that spoke up.  She has been doing a great strategic job so far.  

    • Love 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:

    If all those sad-sack Naviti pictures are post-challenge, Dom is the only one missing, right? Does that mean he goes to Ghost Island?


    Oh maybe, they can't vote him out if he isn't there which also puts them on the block, hence more sadness

  11. I have the same reaction when I see her, her and Bradley, I think she has had the least screen time of anyone.  

    Chelsea Townsend (Naviti Tribe)

    Age: 24
    Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah
    Current residence: Los Angeles, California
    Occupation: EMT/Pro Cheerleader
    WATCH: Meet Survivor 36 Castaway Chelsea Townsend
    Three words to describe you: Outgoing, dynamic, and driven.
    Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor? 
    I have the traits needed to make me successful. I am a hard worker who is extremely driven to reach my goals. I am agile and athletic from a background in dance and gymnastics. I am personable and get along well with people of all backgrounds and ages. I am a competitor and love a good challenge.


    I notice Chris is out in front in everyone of those pictures.  

    • Love 1
  12. I'd be disappointed in Wendell...........


    Those pictures are really good - holy cow is Donathan white or what LOL!

    Some seriously dejected looking Angela and Chris pictures..does not look good

    • Love 2
  13. Also - who pays to fly 3 survivors around to various view parties? I'm assuming they make appearances for money and then there is also travel. 

     Last week Donathan's view party didn't have any that I know of.  Of course its about 4 hours from the nearest airport so maybe that's why:)  

    Edit after googling
    So Rodger Bingham is in Kentucky apparently which isn't far, since he got fired maybe he could use the money:)

    Marcus Lehman and Matt Bischoff are from Cinncinnati - same town practically

    so travel wise that makes sense.  

  14. I think its Libby and Michael which means there is another swap and they end up on a tribe together or they both make the merge.  

    If Sebastian and Jenna are together and Sebastian sticks with Chris....

  15. http://ew.com/tv/2018/03/08/survivor-morgan-ricke-ghost-island/

    EW RADIO: Why try to take out Angela even though she said she did not agree with Chris’ plan?
    MORGAN RICKE: We just couldn’t trust Angela. She was so tight with Chris and in the original Naviti, Dom, Wendell, and I were in an alliance opposite Angela and Chris. The original Naviti was 5 vs. 5, so Angela just really didn’t confide in us. She really didn’t tell her story. She was just “I don’t want to talk about it.” So it was really hard to get to know her on a personal level and it was really hard to trust her. She didn’t have those intimate conversations that the other people had. So we just felt like we couldn’t trust her. She had lied before so we decided we wanted to blindside her. We had pulled it off. She had no clue what was going on at Tribal, let’s just say that. Like, I was blindsided, but Angela had absolutely no clue what was going on.

    • Love 2
  16. Has anyone ever attended?   I would love to go, I'm not that far!

    Angela Perkins of Mason poses with fans at a watch party at Buffalo Wings and Rings celebrating her appearance on the CBS series Survivor. @journalnews

    more, an article with fomer survivor contestants attending

    “Every week it will change and there will be more and more added to it,” Bates said. “Our plan is to stay close to Angela, and she will be here 10 times this season.”

    Also joining Perkins at the watch party were Rodger Bingham from “Survivor The Australian Outback (season 2),” Marcus Lehman from “Survivor Gabon (season 17)” and Matt Bischoff, who appeared in “Survivor Caramoan (season 26).”

    Buffalo Wings and Rings in Mason held a watch party for local resident Angela Perkins who is a contestant on the CBS series “Survivor: Ghost Island.” Staff Writer

    Bingham joked that he was “the old guy” of the group, but he was excited to see Perkins doing well on the show.

    “I tried to borrow some money from her earlier because I figured she’s won but she wouldn’t say,” he said.

    Lehman said Wednesday’s episode was a good show and he was glad to see Perkins get plenty of support.

    Bischoff was a popular target for photos with his long beard, including one extension dangling below his knee. He agreed with the two other “Survivor” alums in attendance that the experience was well worth repeating.

  17. Do TPTB require contestants to have social media accounts?  I was looking for Angela's on twitter but couldn't find one.  

    The search did find this though - has anyone ever attended?   I would love to go, I'm not that far!
    Angela Perkins of Mason poses with fans at a watch party at Buffalo Wings and Rings celebrating her appearance on the CBS series Survivor. @journalnews

    more, an article with fomer survivor contestants attending

    “Every week it will change and there will be more and more added to it,” Bates said. “Our plan is to stay close to Angela, and she will be here 10 times this season.”

    Also joining Perkins at the watch party were Rodger Bingham from “Survivor The Australian Outback (season 2),” Marcus Lehman from “Survivor Gabon (season 17)” and Matt Bischoff, who appeared in “Survivor Caramoan (season 26).”

    Buffalo Wings and Rings in Mason held a watch party for local resident Angela Perkins who is a contestant on the CBS series “Survivor: Ghost Island.” Staff Writer

    Bingham joked that he was “the old guy” of the group, but he was excited to see Perkins doing well on the show.

    “I tried to borrow some money from her earlier because I figured she’s won but she wouldn’t say,” he said.

    Lehman said Wednesday’s episode was a good show and he was glad to see Perkins get plenty of support.

    Bischoff was a popular target for photos with his long beard, including one extension dangling below his knee. He agreed with the two other “Survivor” alums in attendance that the experience was well worth repeating.

  18. Ah.  So I'm guessing that was a conversation she would have had with Chris if he hadn't gone to GI.  Now that she didn't vote with Domenick, if they are the two defacto alliance leaders, she is sort of stuck with Chris.

    Sure you can dislike Chris regardless.  I said my like wasn't a sympathy like, more a holistic picture including the backstory there.  And I can like him despite his arrogance which I see fully, just because I like him doesn't make me stupid.   For me I think he has other qualities that balance his abrasiveness out.  Not that it matters but he looks like a model to me


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  19. 8 minutes ago, EllipticalAddicted said:

    Angela said that she didn't need nor like Chris ordering her around , hence why she was willing to not follow his orders regarding the vote.

    You mean Domenick?

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