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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. 38 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    Yes, and I can't help but wonder what part of living for your kids requires $9000 implants and a push-up bra.

    You mean dental implants?  Why would she have those?  Cuz breast implants cost half that, if she even has them.  I don't care for all the mom talk either.  But I'm interested in someone who solo backpacks into the mountains (contrasted with Kellyn ("oooh I don't want to be aloooone") and has shown a fairly good brain so far.

    • Love 4
  2. 15 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    It will be interesting to see what happens if Naviti goes to tribal council because while I believe Donathan and the other girl really do like Wendell and would prefer to side with him and Dominik over Chris, I wonder if Chris' performance in the IC may sway them. Because annoying as he may be, he really was like a one man fighting machine, especially at times when his tribe was useless. Like seriously, Jeff had to tell these idiots that Chris and Wendell alone couldn't pull the track?

    Its thinking long term but going with Domenick because he isn't as bossy as Chris is (1) playing emotionally and (2) why wouldn't you want to sit next to super annoying Chris who will get no votes at the end?  I think switching to Domenick's team is a big stupid mistake for Laurel, Donathan and anyone else who keeps Domenick around.  

    14 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    Michael seemed promising but he can't read people (guessed the votes were for Steph), and didn't listen to his main ally (Brendan pegged immediately that he was the target).  Probably youthful arrogance.  We'll see if he improves.

    Yes, something going on there, I think there may have some behind the scenes talks/deals/manipulation from the other side that steered them toward Stephanie.  Brendan didn't buy it and should have fought Michael harder on why. 

    13 hours ago, A1Jackass said:

    I was waiting to see if someone else would comment on his deformed baby mouth. Not only is it too small, it’s also pushed to the side of his face. What a freak. Matches his personality, though. 

    OMG so I'm not the only one who was recoiling at the mouth.  It looked the perfect mouth for some horror thriller psycho cannibal serial killer.  

    12 hours ago, Hera said:
    1. Have someone (probably Stephanie, though Brendan could also work) straight-up confront Bradley at camp. Call him out for his constant whining, his controlling of his tribemates, and announce that the Malolo four were all voting for him. My opinion of Bradley is low enough that I think this would cause him to change the target from whomever the tribe originally chose to the person who called him out. The challenge then becomes whether or not Kellyn—who I think does have good instincts and who impressed me with her reasoning at Ghost Island (as well as her way of verbalizing her thoughts)—would have been able to get him to change his mind and stick to his original plan. Of course, if the original plan was still Brendan, then nothing changes, but the Malolo four don't know that.
    2. Choose someone to blatantly search for the idol, shirking whatever chores they're supposed to do around camp, while the other three look embarrassed and quietly apologize to the Naviti five for the behavior of their loose cannon tribemate. Make sure this tribemate looks as panicked as possible at tribal council so that the Naviti five don't suspect the idol has been found. Make sure this person seems on the outs with the other three, so that the Naviti five can feel comfortable that no idols will be played on his or her behalf. The way this might back-fire is if the designated vote-getter is so annoying that the Naviti five decide to spare him or her because s/he an easy vote for later or even a goat. The person who is a vote-getter has to make the other team sufficiently tense and paranoid without going overboard (or underplaying it to the point that the other tribe don't care), which is a tough line to walk.


    Interesting idea to funnel their vote to someone by putting on some sort of performance.  

    11 hours ago, calvinshobbes said:

    I think the original Naviti 5 on Malolo tanked the immunity challenge to go to tribal. That was some pathetic ball shots by Sebastian. I think they edited that out since Probst hates this strategy.

    Another interesting idea.  I am going to rewatch this one anyway since I watched in a bar.  I will have to keep this in mind.

    11 hours ago, blackwing said:

     Chris was fantastic during both challenges.  I wonder if the tribe sees how much more of a physical asset Chris is versus Dominick.  I wonder why Laurel would rather work with Dominick and try and get rid of Chris.  

    Agree.  Chris may be bossy but (1) they are all adults and we haven't seen anyone just hey dude, I'm in it with you to win but you have to dial the bossy back and (2) don't play emotionally, so what if he's bossy, no one will vote for him at he end so use him as a goat.  

    Because I haven't ever seen anyone play their guts out in a challenge like Chris every damn time.  Its not just that he's fit or athletic.  He goes off the starting block and doesn't stop like his life is at stake.  

    9 hours ago, green said:

    Oh I don't know.  Maybe because she doesn't love living under a dictatorship?  How people in general don't like some smug, self-indulgent idiot full of himself running their lives?  Because as long as Chris remains and she wants to not have him target her she is forced to act the silent, humble, second class female who "knows her place" like she told us in her confessional? 


    Not there to love everyone in your alliance, don't play emotional. 

    5 hours ago, violet and green said:

     Dom won't keep his idol secret from anyone. Sea Bass is showing slight promise... or at least a pulse. He has a very unusual face. 

    Yes and yes.  Unusual is being kind.  

    • Love 1
  3. Jenna and Sebastian.  So Jenna wasn't going home.  Jenna and Stephanie are tight, so maybe Jenna helps keep Stephanie out of consideration?  Wonder if Michael and Brendan knew about that. 


    Could Jenna be working for the other side?

  4. So guess those 3 redditt boot lists are totally blown out of the water now.  


    Wondering about another tribe swap myself.  Do they always do them when at even numbers?  Do they always come at the beginning of a show or sometimes after 

    a reward challenge?  Because we are at 16 now.  If they do a swap how many shows between another swap and a merge?   Because at 14, well they usually merge around 11, 12 or 13

    So if anothony66 is right we still have: Bradley, James, Stephanie left pre merge which means merging at 13?  Do I have the numbers all right here?  So the swap would be next week or not at all?  

    Jenna and Sebastian seem a bit of a weird thing to me.  He has a  weird face (Ozzy is much better looking) and so "Bob Marley" is my hero.  Jenna seems to like water (Venice Beach) and adventure and all that but a little more conventional?   His (supposedly) pre meet comments about here, where whats his face shows them pictures of everyone and asks for impressions,  make me wonder about that whole you aren't supposed to talk to each other at pregame ponderosa. Sounds like they had met.

    Edit:  I do wonder if Jenna had some part in saving Stephanie.  They've been close right, Jenna was Stephanie's main girl.  And I guess she knew she wasn't going home but I wonder if Brendan and Michael considered all that.  


    I met Angela Perkins last night!  Went to the bar that is hosting her watch parties.  Got to talk to her for a few minutes, she roams around and chats and then sat and watched with some friends.  After we discussed home towns and military history I said I would only ask 1 of my two questions so as not to impose too much.  

    So I asked her whether she got in trouble with Survivor producers for her comments about Jacob in some of her interviews.  She looked puzzled. Which might have been because I was calling Jacob Jason:(  After a minute she is finally "You mean Jacob?"  smh yes.   You know, because in that comment it sort of sounds like you didn't meet him on the island so you made the merge?  She looked away and I could see her processing and then she flushed and mouthed oh F. 

    So then I asked her, like that wasn't a false trail or anything right?  And, you didn't know that this is a thing out there on boards that people are taking that to mean that you made the merge?  She had her poker face back on by then so she just said no she hadn't heard from production.  So not sure what to make of it except that probably yea, she makes the merge. So is she the last vote out or first jury?   

    The only reason to not think that is if she is a late pre merge boot and Jacob got to go home early for some reason.  As I was walking out I told her I wished Bradley had gone home and she was like Why? I think I said he seemed weasely or something and she started in about how smart he was.  I guess since they  have this season bond they feel sort of protective of each other.  

    She has an quick  easy smile that comes and goes between serious.  Seemed very nice, quite pretty (although I hate myself for even including that last).  Seemed very happy to roam around talking to people with smiles.  

    • Love 4
  5. Here kids are out of the house, both in college so that's not part of it.

    I'm not trying to figure out what happened in her divorce.  I wondered whether it was recent and affecting her gameplay.  She seems a little out of it.

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    She called Angela clueless is all.  Which she appears to be.  You called Morgan a fucking bitch.  So the above strikes me as funny.  

    It was a little more than that.  She has no relationships, she was cluless on both ends, in other interviews she says she suck at challenges and IN EVERY INTERVIEW.  

    So yea, that makes her a graceless loser and a fucking bitch. 

    • Love 1
  7. http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/exclusive-morgan-ricke-talks-survivor-ghost-island-(part-1)-23662.php

    There is not an interview where she doesn't trash Angela but this one is the worst.  What a fucking bitch, every time. 


    we just honestly didn't trust Angela. We knew she was [Chris Noble]'s right-hand man. My original alliance was Domenick, Wendell, [Bradley Kleihege], and [Kellyn Bechtold]. 

    So Angela was never in my original alliance. Any time we talked to her, she was just kind of harsh. I know she has a rough background, you know, she got divorced and didn't really want to talk about her family or the divorce. 

    We would ask her about life and she just didn't really want to talk about the military. So it was just really hard to get to know Angela. And as you could see, she had no clue what was going on. She was so clueless on both ends that it just seemed like she didn't really have a relationship with anyone. 

    So, good for her that you're completely clueless and you really don't know what's going on, so you're safe, but I'd rather go out kind of how I did. I played the game, I was strong physically and socially, whereas she was so beyond clueless. It was kind of ridiculous. (Laughs) 
    Read more at http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/exclusive-morgan-ricke-talks-survivor-ghost-island-(part-1)-23662.php#sSM1yjhHOV4276Pv.99

    • Love 2
  8. And here is Morgan trashing Angela yet again.  What a mouth on her.  She has trashed Angela in every interview she's had.  

    This is a CBS teaser of tonights clash between Chris and the rest of them for going after Angela


    So Chris and Angela jump ship and go to work with the other side.  I wonder if that blows up in their faces somehow.  

  9. If these are all correct two of the best strategic players are going pre-merge.  What a boring nightmare.  I was starting to like Stephanie's game a lot and someone who solo hikes, like serious moutain solo hikes is someone I'd like to see more of just out of curiousity.  I like James and Brendan vibe on a both a personal and play level so...:(  

    Im hoping these spoilers are wrong, I think

    • Love 1
  10. I have to day so far I'm a bit disappointed in her though its early days.  Was her divorce that recent?  Morgan mentioned it.  IDK I get the impression that this was tough on her mentally, like maybe she wasn't in such a good headspace.  There is a lot in this article that makes me wonder. 


    Interesting, in this one the cousin says her husbad forbade her to be on the show and made it sound like she was accepted once before but he made her say no




    t my request, CBS asked her for more information.  Perkins says she's divorced after 21 years of marriage and more than 21 years in the Army.

    "After two long deployments, I came head-to-head with my husband because he had so much resentment from me being gone and in the service! I now am divorced and reside in an apartment after giving up my dream home to my ex and everything we worked for just for the opportunity of being on 'Survivor.' "

  11. Giving it some thought I imagine that there is at least pre discussion of questions, what they want to draw out, what they think/how they are going to say it  etc. so they get want they want to edit, and then it sall edited heavily so no clues, no spoilers, etc.  Its probably "practiced" just by way of all the discussion.   So what we see....its may not be scripted or someone telling them exactly what to say, but it has been guided and edited and by the end fairly heavily produced.  


    The thing for me and I suspect others is, in the moment and moment to moment I totally just buy right into to this being completely real, unedited, etc. etc.  Every timeI run into a bit about about playing it up for a product, smoothing out a confessional, someone is sort of putting out big moves to get air time and become a survivor celebrity, whatever its like Oh yea :( its not all that real, unhappy reminder

    • Love 2
  12. This topic isn't anything I've thought about in any detail.  And even though when I do, and I'm a skeptic,  I tend to forget:)  

    I did just see in an old 115 thing the tweet from ?? about the Andy Sandler movie and saying that it was a terrible movie and all the shots of them laughing

    were prompted by production telling them to laugh and when.  

  13. Oh I think there is some level of scripting and some fakery, but have no idea how much.  Doesn't mean I think its all fake or that I wear a tin hat.  But hey, you believe that its all totally unrehearsed, everything is done in one shot and the editing is somehow done miraculously and the who show 100% unmanipulated from casting to end if it makes you happy. 

    • Love 1
  14. You can't define good player.   Are "good" players just those who just who won?  Is that your definition?  Michelle in Koa Rong? Adam, Aras, Natalie?  Because it sounds like you add in how they won which starts to get real subjective.  You could say something similar about JT.  Won his season but looked like a crap player later.     Yul?  Yes, I suppose, but he only played once.  The argument goes on forever, too many variables.  

    Regardless of winning or making a critical mistake along the line somewhere  Boston Rob played a lot of good game.  So did Coach actually.  Better than many of the winners.  

    Anyway I root for who I like,  not necessarily  who I think  is going to win.  Trying to predict the winner is a seperate thing as is figuring out who is a consistently good player regardless of wining.  And I think Boston Rob falls in that last category for sure.  

    Speaking of semantics

    I wonder if I'm mixing up my definition of applicant vs. recruit.  Those are the only two types of casting right?  I think I have the definitions right but get confused because in my mind I want to pigeon hole reality tv wannabe's and mactors as recruits but in actuality they could have applied and gone through that process. 

    Applicant is some "normal" just want to play the game fan person (or not actually) who stood in line at a casting event or sent in video tapes.  

    Recruit - is someone they went out looking for and asked if they wanted to play.  Probably in response to TPTB wanting some sort of type or eye candy

    Anyone know who actually applied this season vs. recruited?

    • Love 2
  15. Found this catch on another much more general tv forum.  So, I guess its not surprising that these are not actually extraneous but scripted and practiced and - you get help from production when you pause.  And look at her eyes the way they constantly go from one side (probably the coaching producer) to the other (probably cue cards).  Still you forget and try to believe it actually is a reality tv show and not like what you see on Unreal. 

    So right around 1:03 you can hear someone off screen say "you find a crack" which she repeats 

  16. So if James is going out next, that means that tribe/alliance loses again.  I wonder if Donathan just keeps getting sent to GI and that's how he gets past the merge.  I can't imagine James being sent home before Donathan.  

    Of course the next person who goes should actually come back with something and that might refigure who they start sending?

    • Love 1
  17. Michael is missing from that last one.  Not sure what 2 of Donathan is.   Sad to see James go so soon.

    In one interview Probst said they actually put up Chore boards on the beach (how BB is that).  You know, like after high school when you had a bunch of roommates?  Apparently to make it more obvious who was doing work around camp and who wasn't.  Are they going to show these at any point?  Will Chelsea's be a big zero?

  18. 25 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    I don't see Libby as an Andrea level player yet, and I don't know if that's the best comparison for someone anyway.  I like Andrea, but she doesn't have the best track record of not getting blindsided (especially with an idol in her pocket). 

    Who was that?

    And, do players who are recruited still have to go through the whole application process?  Or is directly to interviews for them?


    How many Andrea's have there been? Seems like about 3 or 4 all blond young things but they just blur together.  

    Alecia Holden in Kaoh Rong.  Her daddy was a big boxing promoter and she kept saying that made her a fighter.  Big eye roll, I read up on her and she never did anything that her Daddy didn't pay for or take care of for her.  Anyway Burnett did a show on boxing back in the day in Vegas when her dad was a big boxing promoter in Vegas. I'm not saying they were lifelong friends but they definately knew each other and I'm not saying I KNOW, but  there were comments from Probst as well that made me pretty sure there was an in for her. 

    Good question IDK.  I got the impression that Libby interviewed with someone, maybe not Jeff?  because there was also that comment where Probst says he wants to have her come back and doesn't even know her.....?

    • Love 1
  19. I just grabbed this of reddit, posted 11 hours ago (my time Mar 20, 1800 EST) submitted by lindsey rose 92.

    So Angela is most like pre jury.  Donathan probably too, I really then to make the jury at least.  Libby probably first jury member.  Riiiiiight


    A few changes to the previous one. I got the first 3 boots correct, but the order was different. Based on everything I know/can speculate, here's my best guess:






















    A different one from 2 days ago by letmegetauuuuuhhhh


    I was taking to one of my friends and they told me that a source (which they didn't specify who exactly it was) had a boot order for the ongoing season. Additionally, while going through this sub, I saw this boot list also being posted onto this sub by u/SignificantBonus , who has since had the post deleted. I'm not sure whether to beleive this, any thoughts?

    20th - Gonzalez

    19th - Jacob

    18th - Morgan

    17th - James

    16th - Chelsea

    15th - Chris

    14th - Jenna

    13th - Angela

    12th - Donathan

    11th - Bradley

    10th - Michael

    9th - Libby

    8th - Stephanie

    7th - Sebastian

    6th - Desiree

    5th - Brendan

    4th - Kellyn

    F3 - Laurel, Wendell, Dom


    Also from 1 day ago - by jillofalltricks

    They all seem to have Dom at the end


    I have intel from production, and have the complete bootlist including the f3 and winner.




















    Laurel (winner)

    I noticed that SurvivorFansRLosers was right in a few places but gave inaccurate info on the f3.

  20. They don't have to take applicants that are superfans. Surely people apply and send in tapes who aren't all superfans.   Geez how quickly I forget the woman fisherman from last season who went with her sister and got cast?  Surely people apply because they like Survivor or just heard about it a castin and go stand in line for lack of anything better to do,  or did it on a joke, they don't all have to be a Jacob or Shirin. 

    And if recruiting - remember the Tony Soprano guy?  He had never heard of Survivor, they just approached him in a bar and he said ok.  I remember these people.  I rarely ever remember mactors whether they applied or were recruited.  

    • Love 1
  21. 7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    You're not missing anything, Dom is just an idiot. He's basically Tony with even less strategic finesse, which is sad lol.

    But he has Wendell and he is pretty smart.  Why he likes Dom I'm not quite sure.

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