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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. On 4/5/2018 at 8:40 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:


    I wish we knew more about Libby and Chelsea.  There's no way, just using my own wits and memory, I could even figure out why Libby voting out Morgan was so bad.  I don't even know who Morgan is.  

    I can't remember whose exit interview mentioned that Chelsea did absolutely nothing all day but Bradley said much the same thing in his exit interviews.  Lovely out in life but during the game did not share, speak or do much up till now.  Someone on here recently met Libby and said they weren't much impressed.  Bradley said he didn't understand the Domenick editing about LIbby.   Mentioned her trying to convice a cameraman that he could cure his acne with a honey something mask, "she was sort of in her own world".

  2. I feel like people are being totally taken in by the editing.  Bradley wasn't voted out because Surivivor has suddently started editing the show to be a big popularlity contest.  He was voted out because Domenick didn't want Bradley and Kellyn to be a power couple post merge.  Bradley is probably sort of annoying but he was edited to seem much more so. 

    AND Domenick threw the challenge to make sure that he could make that happen.  Why none of that is shown I have no idea.  But the fact that people love it doesn't bode well for fans like like me who don't like Big Brother etc.  

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  3. On 4/5/2018 at 12:24 AM, Kenz said:

    It's strange that Wendell went looking for the idol in long pants and a long sleeve shirt, then all of a sudden he was in a different shirt and shorts right before he dug up the idol. Maybe they had him reenact the discovery for some reason, but why the change in clothes? You'd think they would keep track of that detail. The idols found by Michael and Wendell certainly were not hidden well. They seemed to be popping right out of the ground. The discovery of idols has always seemed fishy to me, and this time it seemed obvious that it was just too easy to find them.


    On 4/5/2018 at 12:37 AM, ByaNose said:

    It’s amazing how they magically appeared on the ground. Obviously, Survivor wanted them to be found. Of course, it is guys who find them. Either the woman don’t go idol hunting or they’re terrible at finding them. I don’t know what the odds are but I’m guessing it’s 10 to 1 in favor of men finding them. I don’t know why that is but that’s my impression. Any ideas?

    Yea.  I'm not that happy with this season.  Manipulation and crap editing. 

    To wonder why they make looking like getting rid of Bradley is a popularlity contest when you figure it was probably a strategic decision to break up him and Kellyn before the merge - then to hear not only that yes, that is true AND that Domenick threw the challenge..............and we don't get a peep of any of that?  WTF

    • Love 4
  4. How was it watching the episode again? You had some friends over last night…

    Bradley: I watched with Stephanie [Johnson] and Michael, and Stephanie's two kids. Those poor two kids. They've met all of us pre-mergers now, and every week, they start crying and they look at Stephanie: "Mom, why are all of our friends getting voted out?" (Laughs.) Again, last night, they had no idea I was going home. They watched it, and as the votes start coming in, her older son looks at me with these big eyes and water starts pouring out: "Why does this keep happening?" And I'm like, "You and me both."


    Not definitive nor would it be a surprise

  5. Saw this on BK's twitter.  Yea, they are a thing.

    BRADLEY KLEIHEGE‏ @bradley_r_k Mar 31


    I want to keep commenting on reddit but @ksbechto has cut me off. She says “I’ve done enough for one night.”

  6. Trying to figure out who the quote "Risk it for the biscuit" is from.  Somehow I missed the last one as Des. 

    I'm thinking Donathan.  

    Food reward challenge?  One of those food auctions?  

  7. I feel like Jenna, while having been on the losing tribe a lot, has been  carried along, by Stephanie and more importantly by SeaBass.  I think he has turned some votes for her around at least once if not twice or more.  To me it seems like she is being carried to the end by Sea Bass.  Stephanie said in an interview that they were close from day 1 but I wonder if they play it smart and keep it low key so people aren't feeling overly threatened.  Either that or SeaBass's alliance are just so strong he can protect her right up till the end.  

    Generally it feels like there has been a big strategy lull, I can't think of much that Laurel has done, any of them has done.  Not sure we'll see a whole lot either.  With the urn deck being stacked for apres merge I think it will be advantages and challenge immunities that take people out,,along with strong alliances.  Which is boring.  I mean right now who deserves to win?  Too soon?  No one stands out based on pre merge play other than Chris based on his challenge prowess.  

  8. By merge boot you mean first members of the jury?  And they are saying Bradley is out next?  Do we have another boot after that, the last before the merge?  I thought most of the lists seem to have Anglea either as the last boot before the merge, or the first member of the jury.  

    Sorry to see Chris go.  Domenick seems like a blow hard, bit of an asshole with moments of likeablity.  What is it about these guys that tend to win?  

    As for Libby - Probst mentioned bringing her back I think before they started.  He looooves her and I think its obvious on the beach.  Maybe we'll hear about why in an exit interview. 

  9. On 3/3/2018 at 3:12 PM, LadyChatts said:

    I think he's much better looking than in his pre-show photos.  But I usually think the men look better scruffed up anyway.  I hated how he choked during the second IC.  Glad it didn't cost him.  I'd like to see him go far. 

    He has called it choking but reading the description of what happened it sounds just more like an overload of adrenaline.  I've had my system flooded with it before and it can be hard to control your body, regulate your breathing,  my hands will shake uncontrollaby.  I suppose the adrenaline flood may be considered choking/ First big challenge so, IDK.  Its not a pleasant feeling though for sure, not to mention just plain irritating.   To me choking is more, loss of confidence that you can do it, scared to try, fear etc.  In one interview he said he actually trained doing timed underwater diving, learning to hold his breath and stuff to get ready for survivor.  Had a swim team buddy help him.  So he knew he was capable, his excitement and body sort o betrayed him.  Semantics maybe, I'm bored, there is no Survivor strategy to talk about:)  

    As I've gotten older I guess I've picked up more of a sensitivity or something because I noticed at the dentist that the shots of "novacaine" were causing my hands to shake and my heart to race.  I've been going to the dentist a lot since I was small and this was something that happened gradually in my early 50s.  So now my dentist uses a "novacaine" without adrenaline in it when the shot will be near a blood vessel or nerve or something.  Without the adrenaline,  the numbing is less effective and it doesn't last as long.  So now you know more than you wanted to about that!  

    • Love 1
  10. I keep reading articles about how good this is and twice I've tried to get through episode 1.  I've always liked sci-fi and fantasy.  They are all just so annoying I cant.  I must be too old or something.  

  11. 10 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    I love both those casts but disliked both locales, from a humane perspective re. the players.  The water situation in Africa was bullshit, or I suppose elephant shit, to  be exact.  And in both there was no body of water nearby, so the players just got dirtier and dirtier as the seasons wore on.  I want to enjoy the show without being distracted by filthy attire and bodies and concerned about dehydration issues. 

    I prefer the later seasons where people are not covered in bug bites and open sores, swollen tongued, wrinkled and frozen from storms and zombies from lack of food, sleep, shelter and water.   

    I think that's why they usually get coffee out there now.  People with the energy to sit up make better tv.  

    The lack of water didn't last that long, at least for the one tribe that got that big silver thing full of water after which it didn't seem to be a problem.  So then the losing tribe was sort of screwed till the merge.  I agreee production shouldn't ever stint on drinking water at a minimum.  

    There was a challenge that clearly showed some sort of river nearby.  Not sure if it had gators in it or they were told not to use it but I wondered why they didn't go there.   Kim cleaned herself in their tiny stream every day despite the elephant shit as Tommy had a long commentary on clearly thinking Kim was stupid.  They had the one big dump the talked about, I'm assuming they shoveled it out of there after?  I would have.  

    Some of the buggier seasons bothered me more than dirty people.  Agree its no fun watching someone covered in bites that have turned into open ragged sores.  Personally I'd rather be dirty than tormented by bugs.  

    I loved the wildlife.  I think it was interesting too that in Africa all the strategizing and talking had to happen within that little circle.  So you had to be careful to have conversations with everyone etc. watch your voice.  

  12. Donathan!  How could I not remember.  Geez maybe I should talk to my Dr.  

    I've liked Chris from the beginning I really don't want him to go.  Kiss of death probably.  

    So some sort of intel on the reward challenge but nothing on te immunity challenge.  

  13. I agree on Angela going before Michael if Orange loses.  Although if Des and Angela don't realize that going into the merge and reuniting Bradle and Kellyn is the kiss of death then they deserve to go. 

    Yes, waaay back on original tribes Sea Bass and Chris clicked over the FL keys, Florida thing.  But Chris isn't sleeping with Sea Bass and and I think SB might flip on Chris vs. Wendell

    Lets hope its purple and Bradley goes.  If not just to knoc down some of that Naviti numbers thing that makes everything so boring.  (I've forgotten who Don is?)

  14. If Kim Powers was the young brunette I'm pretty sure she said she switched her vote because she liked Kims answers and it was pretty amazing a 56 year old woman got that far.  I think she was originally an Ethan vote.  

    Brandon made some advance comments to his questions, about not voting for someone who treated him poorly and then Ethan said his thing but when voting Brandan did harp on Ethan's answer but something he said also gave me the impression that he liked something Kim said - I think it was somethng to do with Tommy.  She called out Tommy twice in answers, not learning anything from him and his not wanting a woman to win.  Maybe I spun it wrong in my head but I got the impression that he didn't like Kim but her calling out Tommy, who probably wasn't too keen on gays either, got him to switch.  But I could be wrong.   Didn't she get a third vote too?  I must have been out of it and need to rewatch.  I remember thinking that if Kelly's number thing had gone the other way it would have been a tie.  But were there only 7 jurors?  

    Oh man, just ignore anything I've said!  (Except that Kelly was awful IMO)

  15. I'm 61 and this was must see TV for me.  I hope I love it.  First Family of Space!  

    Not sure its appropriate here but there is a you tube of all of Dr. Smith's screams that is sort of hysterical for those of us fans of the original.  

    • Love 1
  16. I just found out about this and watched one trailer.  I saw the parents and Will.  In front of them was a young black girl and a young white brunette.  They looked almost the same age.   So who is Penny and where is the older hot sister?  And the single guy she had sexual tension with?  

    Are there more than one trailer?  Didn't like the Robots voice.  That is going to be very hard to deal with.  

  17. I have a terrible memory.  I can't remember when I started watching Survivor regularly.  I'm pretty sure I saw the first season but when I went back and watched it,it was like I'd never seen it before.  I know I'd never watched Africa.  A few years ago I watched Australia for the frst time and I barely remember it:(  After that not sure, some yes probably.  I do remember a tiny bit of All Stars but not Lex or Tommy.  I mostly remember BR and Amber winning the car?and they had a relationship and thinking BR should have won and he gave it to Amber. I think that might be when I started watching more regularly.  I know I watched China.   I remember  Coach because I love him in a good show entertainment kind of way and he is sort of amazing actually.  I remember bits that were crazy (Cirie, are these leaves?LOL) or made me mad.  The few contestents that I really hated (Jane)

    Having (re)watched S1, Africa and  Australia I think I prefer the earlier seasons. Certainly Africa for the setting alone.  They would probably all number in my top picks but not for game play.    I like the more relaxed pace (fewer contestants)  more personal less overly done huge challenges, more real contestants.  They do seem a little light on strategy.  In that sense HII's do give players the guts and motivation to make a big play, step out of an alliance.  But I'd give that up for better the better contestants and settings.


    Kelly was constantly complaining about everyone in secret scenes in a mean intense way.  She totally lost me when she said Frank need a medication to cure his being an introvert.  Then she was the bitter juror with her 1 to 1000 number pick because neither one of you went out of your way to get to know me.  I think she wanted Ethan to respond to flirting or something maybe, woman scorned is what her jury speech sounded like.  

    • Love 3
  18. He did?  Did I fall asleep at the last second?  According to google Ethan won.  Wow, what happened to me?    Going to have to rewatch the last minute.  

    I remember seeing Brandon and the brunette switch their vote and then.....guess I was sleepy and thought I saw Kim win.  LOL!  Sorry

    Ok, well, it was interesting to see 2 votes switch on that trashing of a jury member even though it didn't get her the win.  IT WAS CLOSE!   haha

    Thanks for the correction, I would have been confusing people in the future I'm sure

  19. So there were 3 repeat players from this cast?  Ah googled all 3 were on the same episode - All Stars.  Surprised it was Ethan then Lex and last! Tom, 5th member of the jury. 

    One of the interesting things about that tribal vote was that you (1) saw how Kim had kept her opinions about Tom to herself through the game, he seemed shocked and really pissed off when she gave her honest, even o somewhat mild,  characterization of him and that honest calling out got her those two votes switched from Ethan to her and won her the game.  So yea, how often does "trashing" a member of the jury (it wasn't really trashing) get you two votes you weren't going to get before?  Especialy when it was someone sort of popular?  

    I'd like to watch all the earlier seasons in order but have to get CBS all access apparently:( 

  20. Just finished Season 3 Africa for the firs time.  It was ort of a broken slow watch so I've already forgotten most of the first half.  An alliance numbers game so a bit boring.  A likeable cast other than Kelly first member of the jury who just seemed really unpleasant and Frank being irritating.  Tribal was the most interesting part other than the setting.  With the brunette girl and Brandan switching their votesfrom Ethan unexpectedly for a last minute unexpected Win for Kim Oyster. But I also liked the questions/talk at the tribal and the less formal relaxed nature.  Highlights the tribals now which seem very unsatisfying somehow for the last few seasons at least.  Loved the older cast.  

    So that was Ethan and that was Lex, they used to get mentioned an awful lot and I wasn't sure why.  Still not sort of.  

    Loved the setting, wow.  

    • Love 1
  21. Good relationship info



    From another interview

    Jeff Probst told us that he was worried you would not be able to make personal connections out on the island and recommended in casting that you listen to a Tony Robbins podcast to help with that. And he feels you were able to use that and make connections because of it. What can you say about that?
    What really happened is when they interviewed me, they already had my bio, my psychological evaluation, my IQ results. And the story I got was that when they saw my IQ results — which , as Jeff said, were the all-time record and all that — their impression was that “This guy is just the smart robot of the season.” So when I walked in, the entire team sitting in front of me wouldn’t budge from that “this guy is just a smart analytical robot,” like a gamebot image. And I wanted to disprove that. Jeff recommended that I go watch Tony Robbins. And my question was: Who the hell is that? I had never heard that name. So after the interview, I went back to the room and did Google who he was and was watching some videos. Casting came down to check on me, and I told them, “I’m watching Tony Robbins like Jeff told me to.”

    And I think in terms of the actual relationship part, I think that was never a weakness in my game. In fact, I really cherished the opportunity to build bonds with the 19 other castaways and to share my own stories and hear where they’re coming from. One of my biggest appeals of Survivor was the chance to meet such a cross-section of America. I would never have met someone like Donathan or Angela if it were not for Survivor, and I think I left the game having built some deep, personal bonds that helped me strategically, but also emotionally and personally. And that’s a facet that I will be forever proud of.

    • Love 3
  22. So about Des being the caller/puzzle challenger - from a James exit interview

    Did you think it might help when Jeff Probst called Desiree out for being the caller and kind of losing it for the tribe?
    Going into the challenge, we had a discussion on who should be the caller, and obviously, I was like, “Kellyn is the puzzle person.” We all thought she should do it, but Desiree was very adamant that it was her time to really step up to the plate. So we let her do it because my thought was, even though I was down in numbers, if she steps up and fails, then she paints a target on her own back, and that’s what happened.

    Standing there blindfolded with Michael and hearing Yanuya and Naviti get closer to the finish, and the way it worked out was that Des — no offense to her — she wasn’t as calm and composed in her directions to Kellyn. It wasn’t shown, but Kellyn started crying because Des was just screaming at her, like, “What the hell are you playing?” I was just standing there helpless, and I wish I were the caller or I was on the puzzle portion. I’ve thought that a thousand times.

    That’s so odd Desiree was adamant about doing it because we saw her at the very start of the season talking about how bad she was at puzzles, and then she was beaten by Laurel in the first one of the season.
    We all thought that the caller job would be fundamentally different from the actual puzzle job. But you have to somehow guide a blindfolded teammate to solve a puzzle, and if someone like Kellyn had been the caller, maybe she doesn’t have as loud a voice as Desiree, but once we got to the mat, maybe she could have guided me and Michael to solve that puzzle faster. But at this point in time, I was more than happy to let Desiree step up, because I knew that if she does a great job that we’re safe, and if she chokes and fails, then I have another target besides myself.

    • Love 3
  23. This is from one of Jame's exit interviews.  Very gentlemanly dodge of the question.  I'm not the only one who noticed what a poor loser Morgan is about Angela.  

    Talk to me about Angela. In my exit interview with her, Morgan seemed to allude to the fact that she didn’t know what was going on. This episode, Kellyn talks about how “she doesn’t know what’s going on in her own head.” What are your thoughts about playing with her?
    [My thoughts on] Angela changed throughout my time with her. There was a big moment on about Day 16 when she finally opened up and came out of her shell. She told me these deep stories about her service, her family and her divorce. I, in turn, shared my story with her of moving back to the U.S. and living my American dream. That was a very powerful moment. I actually got to see the real Angela come out. I [wish] that bond we formed could’ve helped me strategically, but personally it was great for me as well. We connected on a pretty profound level. I just wished that she made the right choice for me. [Laughs]

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