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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. Gabby has a relationship with Christian and Allison.  If she were to get Christian booted, she would have to be building a whole new alliance.  Who could she pull in?  Who could Allison?

    Mike would go for Christian and probably Angelina.  But thats not saying they would be trusty alliance members after.  Didn't Nick say  in a talking head that he wants to go to the end with his best buds even if they are a jury threat?  Nick isn't interested in Gabby in an alliance I don't think.  Davie is a bit of a wildcard but would probably stick with Nick. 

    I just don't see it.  Gabby wouldn't have lasted this far without Christian and while she seems to be exhibiting some self aggrandizement, hero in her own mind, I would hope she realizes that without Christian she doesn't have a hope.  

    I think the preview is a fake teaser. 

    • Love 2
  2. R Hantz totally spoiled an entire season with misseye (however you spell it) and how many times did they bring him back?  Plus he played in Australia? 

    Yes he is being made the unfortunate example, I'm just hoping that they consider 1 "crime" 1 punishment and if they start asking people back, he gets a shot. 

    • Love 8
  3. 9 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

    Due to the NDA, the Survivors aren't allowed to associate on social media prior to the show airing.  Alec wrote "Fuck it" on the Instagram post of the pic of him and Kara, which one might assume was him saying he was posting a pic regardless of it not being permitted.  There were also videos posted to Alec's Instagram story, so maybe that played a part in the show being so intent on him being uninvited to the Reunion.  

    I like Alec and wish they'd change their mind, but I agree that we probably wouldn't of heard much from him.

    I like him too, especially sad since in his Ponderosa he said he would love to play again.  
    I don't know if its his punishment or what but he sure is toeing the line as well as Carl.  In his Gordon ? interview (I think) he was asked whether he wanted to argue about his 11 letter word as it seemed pretty unfair.  He was all like no no, its fine everything TPTB do is fine.  

    Out of the 4 women left I think I would prefer Allison or maybe Kara.  Angelina over Gabby.  

    • Love 4
  4. In all this speculation I don't see anyone mentioning Allison?  She is still getting sort of a ghost edit but she gets some comments at TC and has won immunity once so.  Would people see her as a goat?  No moves? Low threat, late to go? She is seen as an immunity challenge threat so I suspect shed be targeted before the other women or Mike:)

    Personally I think Gabby is the perfect goat not Angelina.  "So Gabby what did you do to deserve to win?"  I ran to Christian, cried and said save me work with me be nice to me!" (multiple times)  "I ran to Allison cried and said save me work with me be nice to me!"  Sorry Miss Bluxom, I suppose getting people to save you as some sort of sympathy lets protect the puppy is some sort of game but its not one I would reward or like watching.  That letter from home certainly seems to have lit her fire though.  I just don't get how she sees herself as some big move maker for the Carl vote when it seems like Christian was the one doing most of the work and her contribution was Carl doesn't like me so he goes next. 

     I like what Angelina has written in social media but not on the show which makes me wonder and I get the feeling that she is more well liked by tribe mates than shown.  

    Alec was also mentioned in social media posts as extremely well liked and charming.  After the social media thing I thought for sure I didn't like him, the picture makes him look douchey.  But he got a pretty neutral edit so I think if that hadn't happened they might have laid on his charm more.  In the end I was surprised to like him and think he was a decent player. 

    I had some question about swing votes (similar to  the question has a flipper ever won).  Swing vote and flipping are pretty similar but not quite and it seems to me that swing voters tend not to make it to the end (which would mean they don't win of course).  Everytime I see a swing voter, one where they get a secret scene talking head where they talking about being the pivot vote  (Mike) and especially where they are saying stuff like "I have the power"  I don't expect them in the final 3.  But I have no data on that:) 

    I wonder what Mike is thinking about who he could win against, or whether he realizes he can't win and just wants to play.  He is rich.  So if he played some crazy good game, just a flawless impressive game sure jury would think "you know that was so great to play with him, he really was so impressive his money can't count" but he seems far from that so.

    I wonder,  if he made final 3 and just owned up to being the goat?  I don't think thats been done, maybe its not allowed.  I wonder if he'd like to win just to win but more because he wants to play to the end and just have the whole experience? 

    • Love 1
  5. After the merge how many idols are usually in play?  Christian has one.  Will there be another one to find because of Dan? I actually didn't get to watch last week.  

    Will there be more advantages?  Vote stealers, nullifers.....how often do these show up after the merge?  Anyone?  

  6. 32 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

    They showed them. Jenna commented on Sea Bass's smelly hair and other similar stupidity. It is not clear how tight the two were while playing but there were plenty of small scenes involving the two of them. 

    Christian threw Gabby under the bus after Jessica's ouster. Nick and Christian were both willing to blame Gabby for that vote. Christian will write down Gabby's name if he needs to. I suspect that he will try to prevent that from happening for as long as possible but he will give her up.

    Christian could be playing a dangerous game. It almost reminds me of the Mom archetype, the person that everyone likes and shares something with only to feel betrayed when that person votes them out.

    By all social media evidence deabass amd jemma were togetjer but it was not show as such

      Yes they were shown talking....like everyone

     Good point about the mom/social game pitfall

    • Love 2
  7. Good stuff blackwing!  I agree

    So was no one else hoping and praying that Dan would play his second idol?  And Nick would play his blocker and then another secret idol would pop up and then a shocker nullifier!  

    Granted now there is more for future episodes but I thought it would be fun to watch a complete string of Well take that!:throwdowns to a total reset of all idols and advantages would have been fun.

    I kinda feel strange for Davie considering that not only did he play his idol for someone else which is ok  but someone who was in an alliance that didnt include him.  He didnt know but if it were me and I found out later Id feel stupid and feeling stupid makes me feel angry too.  

    Plus he doesnt have the blocker

      I hate shared idols or advantages.  Its so awkward

      Seems like it should be his by "work" but he didnt "find" it and its not in his possession.

    Carl has pretty much sucked at challenges and while some of his comments seem savvy enough he also seems llike a sourpuss.  Just not a fan

    • Love 1
  8. On 11/15/2018 at 10:18 AM, ProfCrash said:


    The Producers are not going to hide a showmance, hell we have Dan and Kara. So I suspect that there wasn't a showmance and Jeremy was blowing something up that wasn't there.

    Not so.  Sea Bass and Jenna wete never shown

    • Love 5
  9. Havent checked out the movie thing but just wanted to comment on his game play

      He started out as farly level headed and stable  then all his moves have been sort of fear based, now we seem to veering into paranoria and the tgt seems to shift around.   He is way to deep in his head or something

      The island seems to be effecting him psychologically

    • Love 3
  10. 13 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

    I had a hard time reading Elizabeth's exit interview. I was remembering her tantrum when she hollered, "I hate STUPID people". But in the exit interview she was demonstrating just how stupid she was.

    The interviewer tried to hint to her that maybe it would have been a whole lot smarter for her to bring up Angelina's betrayal before TC so people could have time to maybe change the plan and vote her out instead of Elizabeth. She replied, "Yeah. Well I thought about that but then .... blah blah blah one excuse after another." I couldn't read much more after that. She seemed to demonstrate just how stupidly she played the game and I had enough. She got what she deserved. Actually, she deserved a lot more.

    In this forum, we have discussed the difference between expressing your emotions versus stuffing them down until they explode in some angry outbursts, like Elizabeth's, "I HATE stupid people." More than one person here remarked that when she did that, it was the beginning of the end for her. Truer words were rarely spoken. The only good think I learned from Elizabeth was that I don't particularly like stupid people either. I just hope that I'm better at avoiding acting like my own pet peeve - at least better than Elizabeth.

    IDK, she said she had a talking head right after her conversation with Angelina and then they went straight to Tribal Council.  Not sure what she could have done about that or why those are excuses.  She said her biggest problem was not picking up on some of the whispering conversations fast enough (apparently many more than shown including some she was involved with) in terms of knowing who to target to try to flip on Anglina.  After reading all that it seemed to be that Carl really had a hand in maintaining the target on Elizabeth before and during TC. 

    • Love 6
  11. I must have missed something.  Why did all the Davids vote for Elizabeth?  I was sorry to see her go.  Dan or Carl woukd gave been preferred (really dont get the Carl love)

    Gabby, more tears but votes for Elizabeth.  She keeps wiping her eyes all dramatic.  

    Elizabeth, Angelina etc should be more worried about the brochachos sticking together than dan and kara's shomance.

    Dan doesnt strike me as much of a player

    Allison starting to show her colors as a strong looking player.  

    I read an interview with Angelina and I really liked what she was saying.  So.... confused on whether I like her or not.  I mean she is extremely directive about who everyone must vote for and based on the show I dont like her....but if you can pull that off well...isnt it good game play?

    • Love 3
  12. On 10/31/2018 at 9:07 PM, Lantern7 said:

    . Christian? I still feels like he lays his thing on too thickly. I'm not saying that he's not socially awkward . . . I'm a bit of the same way, to be honest. I'm not saying that him being touched at being a Brochacho is false. It's . . . I don't know. Like I said after the first episode, it's like he's auditioning for a "Real Life Sheldons" show.


    Agree.  On the one hand I love Christian.  Listening to him has not gotten old for me.  One the other I'm  "what is going on here?"  Why the heavy handed nerd....edit? or act?

    Look at him.  He has a pretty good body, nice arm musculature. Aththetic  coordinated.  Pretty cute.  Seems to be able to talk to people just fine.  Extremely successful.  Not sure why he isnt a Goliath actually.  . Is Dan a Goliath?  

    Self identifying as a nerd is so trendy these days.  I watch a lot of celebrity interviews and talk shows and they all say - well I was a nerd

      Right.   Saying it doesnt make it true


    On 10/31/2018 at 9:33 PM, Haleth said:

    I'm surprised Mike's name never came up as the vote since he's the one who basically gave up at the challenge. Yeah, they were toast anyway but the one who is the weak link that can't go on is usually the easy boot. 

    Maybe I need to rewatch because I thought Angelina was having a lot of trouble with her grip and Lyrsa because of her height or lack thereof.  I do agree with whoever said he is playing a scared safe game and I agree with you in not understanding why his name hasnt come up yet.   But i think it will shortly after the merge


    On 11/1/2018 at 2:54 AM, Melina22 said:

    Christian is such an odd duck. If I didn't know better, I'd swear he was a fairly good looking actor pretending to be a nerd. 


    I think about this a lot.  Seems to good to be true somehow.  

    Biggest moment; Christian feeding Jon.  It is something you so often see romantic couples do in movies and on tv it seemed... shockingly intimate, my mouth sort of hit the floor for a second.  And they seemed to realize that it was way over the top.

    Jon I think is a real sleeper.  Seems to be able to bond with everyone.

    Allison..didnt someone comment on her being sort of Goliath bitchy when they where on the boat at the beginning?  Now Im confused.  Is she nice or not?

    • Love 4
  13. 9 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

    Bi was such a waste of space. A recruit and a quitter. Would much rather see someone out there who gives a damn about being there. Everyone's body is important to their lives, especially their knees. I see nothing special about her. Oh, well. At least she's gone. 

    One of the few that agree with you.  I wonder how she was cast.  The fact that she was big in some fighting world makes me wonder if Burnett was involved since he used to be a boxing promoter or something.  

  14. I bet they tag videos of anyone likely at the time, like the guy that reminded you of Tony or has any scteen presence, And trash the rest on the spot.  


    Just tried listening to some survivor podcast that showed up in my survivor feed.  Blah bla blah not really saying anything.  Not sure how people do it.  

  15. Speculation based on a potential spoiler

      So the spoiler is something about the one person with two idols  Dan, and a vote with the nullifer. 

    Does this indicate that Chris, Gabby, Dan, Carl make the merge and Chris somehow saves Gabby during this vote?  See his secret scene posted pg 5 of last episodes thread.  

    • Love 1
  16. Watching Christian do pullups pretty successfully I wonder if he is purposefully underselling hself a little?  idk, love the guy and think he is multi talented mentally and physically as well as probably just a cerebal nice guy who isnt arrogant about his brain.  If anyone can save Ganby I suspect he can.  Not sure she deserves it though.

    So Natalie was probably all gung ho about Angelinas plan

    • Love 2
  17. In the episode thread, from her magazine article that I havent read, she apparently says one of the reasons she went on survivor was to help her brand.  I.e.she was there for the publicity.  Which makes me mad.  Cant stand it when people are just there to join the frat, be famous etc, rack up an acting credit etc

    One thing though.  She so thourghly, really does not seem to give a f* about what people think whereas I am always way overconcerned.  It would be nice to have just a little of that.

    • Love 3
  18. 2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    How was the jacket thing supposed to work?  Did I misunderstand or was Natalie trying to get Nick to promise to leave his jacket if he got voted off?

    If that was the case wouldn't agreeing to it pretty much guarantee Natalie would try to vote him off?

    Also, why wouldn't Angelina just go directly to Nick and try to make a deal and form an alliance? "As long as you let me borrow it, I won't vote for you.  You bring it to each TC and if you get voted off you can take it home.". That would give them both incentive to keep the deal.

    I am starting to think maybe Jeremy was telling the truth about Angelina.

    I  moved a couple of months ago and no longer have cable i.e. no longer have CBS.  So I go to someone's house to watch and while I love the company I am missing so much! I missed all the egg drama for one.  I did see Allison show up for a talking head which was nice.

    I'm confused by jacket gate as well.  I thought that Angelina asked for Natalie's help in getting Lyrsa's jacket? before they voted Lyrsa off? Didn't Angelia basically sell her non vote for Natalie if Natalie could get her Lyrsa's jacket?   And Natalie decides to go to Nick and somehow extort/blackmail him to get Lyrsa?s jacket for not voting for him, thinking they were voting off Lyrsa but Nick wouldn't know for sure.  I don't know, I'm pretty confused except I was totally gobsmacked by the whole buying/selling a vote thing.  Very entertaining although I wish I could rewatch. 
    HOWEVER, it did make me wonder why this hasn't happened before?  I mean technically I guess I won't vote for you if you don't vote for me is in a way some sort of pay/sell but.  

    I mean, you could do it with food you've gotten.  Say you are bring in all the fish, instead of basically hoping your tribe keeps you around as a provider, just say, no vote for fish.  I mean, I think you'd be hated but.  

    And I'm confused about Natalie's occupation.  I thought she created, built up and ran her own magazine?  I'm sure sales is a big part of that but saying "I'm in sales" seemed a bit weird. 

    Missed whatever what went down with Elizabeth as well?  She did some sort of game play?  

    I'm sort of neutral on Angelina I guess except she got rid of Jeremy who I loved and think would have been great fun to continue to watch.  But not sure I want her to go now if she is going to keep bringing so much shade as its sort of entertaining.  And I do believe Jeremy.  

    The challenge was so close!  Great for Christian, felt bad for Nick.  

    • Love 5
  19. Well why not google it.  


    Bruce Kanegai, Panama Exile Island

    12 days of a problem (severe constipation) but apparently it was that his urinary something got blocked and his bladder filled up.  5 hours to medical care, catherized and a quart and a half of urine "exploded out".  Life threatening apparently but easily fixed.  They considered putting him back in I think.

    Sounds like a great guy, good player, took being taken out hard.  Trained before going etc.  

    • Love 4
  20. Yea, I mean its not as if Elizabeth comes across as a person who is, or even capable of, being manipulative or super smooth or whatever and that is really working for her.   I think its her delivery.  It makes me think things (not saying its true, but wondering) about southern accents not coming across as sharp or someone who plays down, or just doesn't sound as smart as they are because of their vocabulary or what they choose to say vs. not.  I know there are cast members who have said I'm not going tell people I'm xyz because - but have any actually played dumber than they are? (Elizabeth is not, she seems very genuine, just easily underestimated, gender probably plays a role too).   How did that work for them?  

    At some point, if there continue to be puzzles that Christian is good at etc.  people are going to start talking about him being a threat.  

    I wonder if Davie has shared that he practiced swimming and fire starting and all that?  It has to be hard to be with people 24/7 with so much down time and everyong trying to figure out everyone else and not share too much or share what you don't want people to know. 

    His comment about caucasians didn't bother me, I thought it was funny.  I guess I don't expect other groups or people with certain experiences to get each other and they get to say things other groups don't.  Shrug.  Mostly.   Equal is the objective but not always completely appropriate.  I've never had a kid.  I can't completely understand it.  So I get told.  

    The bit about the PT Cruiser was even funnier.  

    • Love 3
  21. I think I read the whole thread here and didn't see this, sorry if I missed it.  Interesting, Bee sort of taking the blame for Jessica's ouster. 

    SK: Who was the person you wanted to go to the end of the game with?

    BN: I thought it was Gabby. What people didn't know is me and Gabby had a strong alliance, just her and I. We had a strong friendship. We just didn't make it apparent. I made a mistake by not reassuring her enough with the votes, and that's why she felt a little paranoid and unsure with me. She felt like she had to go with the vote to take Jessica out. That was my mistake. But, originally, Gabby was my strongest ally.

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