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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. I think Bi, Christian, Davie, Gabby, Jessica, Lyrsa, Mike, Alec, Dan, Jeremy and Natalia are all single.  No reason the proposal has to be between castmates or someone from post merge.  Any one of these could have someone from their life propose.  

    If there is a cheating scandal, I wonder if this proposal thing was cooked up as a way to distract.  

    No one even knows if Mike does weed.  But there is no reason to assume that he smuggled in weed vs. edibles or tincture or something.  No need to smoke. 

    • Love 3
  2. 7 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

    Jane and Sash? That is not wringing any bells for me.

    Nicaragua.  Jane claimed, I think while holding up her vote, that Sash said he would pay the mortgage on her house if she....helped with jury votes somehow.  

    Apparently those were the days when you could get out in the water  and cameramen couldn't hear you.  

    I remember this because I really could not stand Jane and thought she was lying.  Everyone else seems to think Sash was scummy but I don't remember that.   I know Sash never said a word and neither did Jane really.  Someone put the fear into them. 

    • Love 2
  3. Is this about contraband/breaking a rule or cheating?  They are different.  

    How is weed cheating?  I mean yea I guess its bringing something you maybe weren't supposed to but it doesn't really give you an advantage.  So again, how is that cheating?

      A bible could be considered contraband if it wasn't an authorized comfort item.  

    Given that xyz contraband might be a technical rule break but not an advantage in the game I could certainly see why producers didn't say anything - who cares that much?  

    Higher ups have to respond when someone threatens to go to the press?    Seems like TPTB, if the contraband was no big deal, could just PR spin that fine and it would die down.  

    And with everyone signing NDA's etc.  TPTB have a lot of leverage.  The whole Jane and Sash thing was kept covered.  

    How do you cheat at ae fire challenge?  I can't even think of a way.  

    T H C - The head cheat?  The head Champion?  The head crook?  The head cop?  The head cahuna?  IDK but marijuana doesn't sound right. 

    Also given Mike's celeb Hollywood status I just don't think they would let him be seen in a serious cheating scandal.  
    Sadly this makes me wonder about Nick and whether thats how Angelina wins?  If any of this is true. 

    • Love 3
  4. I really don't want Mike to win as much as I liked Englightened and School of Rock and him actually.  He has some game I'll give him that.  Its very hard to play the middle and keep screwing his alliances the way he has and still be everyone's best friend/ally.    I just don't like it that much and I think his celeb status impacts his social status and alliances.  

    I wouldn't mind Angelina winning although a win agains Davie would piss me off royal.  

    I want to see Davie win.  I wouldn't hate a Nick win but I wouldn't like it either.  He's just not as 'grace under pressure' as Davie.  He's a little to angry or intense or something.  Davie first, then Angelina would be my druthers.  Not sure if I'd pick Kara over Nick.  Probably not.  But I feel like editing makes that a hard decision.  

  5. I think Angelina may be a little ....deaf?....socially or whatever.  Forthright.  Honest.  Says what she feels. Drops little real thought bombs in situations where most people wouldn't.   I don't think that necessarily means entitled whatever that means these days.

    Either that and/or - Survivor producers don't want people to hold back.  Holding back would be smart/strategic in terms of game play very often.  But if everyone stopped talking, watched every word, tread carefully. played under the radar - the game would disappear.  So maybe she made a decision to not hold back, give them unfiltered comments.  It doesn't hurt that it makes you a more memorable player with more twitter followers, a bigger 15 minutes of fame, bigger Survivor alum footprint.  

    I'm sort of neutral on her.  She is sort of funny, has provided some good funny moments.   I don't hate her I don't love her.  

    • Love 3
  6. Isn't that backwards?  I'll rewatch and report back but I think it was the scene of Nick telling Davie about the fake idol, Davies narrated thoughts on feeling right with Nick again since Nick told him about it, then Davie doubling down with Nick on I'm not flipping on you.  So then Davie votes for Allison

    Then Mike cornerning Nick on the beach - hey Davie is gunning for you, Nick all pissed off, especially after telling him about the fake idol.  

    I'm really worried about Davie.  He thought Nick was his number one ally and Kara number two.  I don't think he has strong relationships with Alison, Angelina or Mike. And apparently Mike has strong relationships with everyone but Davie, including Nick and Kara which leaves Davie alone. 

    • Love 4
  7. 11 hours ago, Eolivet said:

    And then Mike -- whose idea it was to take out Christian -- doesn't even vote for him?!

    The breakdown on those votes were beyond interesting. Nick, Kara and Angelina for Christian? Nick is stone cold. I can't decide whether I respect it or not.


    11 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    The votes were very weird.  Mike talked so much about wanting Christian out, but voted for Davey.  Nick wanted Davey out, but voted for Christian.   

    I wonder if Davey and Nick will patch things up, since neither of them voted for the other.

    I am hoping an interview explains that voting.  I watched about 3 minutes of Robs live surivor recap and they were going on and on about timing.  Which did seem to play here.  Davey et al who have a plan in the day of the challenge with 2 or 3 days to go till tribal...to early.  Other people will start to scheme and everything turns.  
    It seemed telling to me how everyone in the intial strateging was just "yes sure Allison".  As if it being all that easy wasnit in itself a huge clue that no, people are just saying that on the face of it and then are going to go to the beach and try to get their real plan going.  

    11 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I don't get this girl!  Every week it's "I'm going to make a big move" which results in her just going with the majority and doing nothing.  Or squealing.  I wish she had been voted off already.  She's perfect F3 goat fodder, though.

    Squealing.  Good word.  This whole seasons could be called that.  Instead of "fluid" or "voting blocs".  

    Of course Mike just out and out lied to Nick geezus!  I hope Nick finds out.   It makes me wonder about their alliance and how Nick didn't even question what Mike said. 

    7 hours ago, GenerationX said:
    1. Allison's nervous tic of checking her pulse in her neck is the only thing endearing about her.
    3. I think the reward challenge benefits (whatever they may be) are outweighed by being forced to pick people to join you.  The un-chosen will scheme against you.

    I thought that was hilarious when I saw her check her pulse the first time.  Then she did it again.  I do think that when people mention Allison as a threat its mostly as a challenge threat.  She's not a beast but she is often close. 

    I was yelling - "Davie throw the challenge!!!!!"  Late in the game I would not want to have to choose and then miss out on camp scheming.  He has been low key, not suddenly he's not. He's a winner, got targeted, and will continue to be based on votes. 

    1 hour ago, Ellee said:

    Question.  What should Nick be thinking now that Mike’s intel of Davie pushing for a Nick vote was ‘wrong’ as he got no votes?  Does he question Mike or Davie or both?  

    I hope Mike gets called out on his lie.  I haven't liked his game but wonder should I respect it?  People who get pushed into swing vote positions usually tank because of it.  He's been playing this middle thing and its worked for him which just seems weird.  He also seems to have much stronger relationships with people than are being shown.  Angelina LOVES him.  Allison runs to him to gab.  Kara votes with him.  Nick seems to be aligned with Davieand Mike but I thought Davie was number 1 but I guess its really Mike. 

    Mike is a nice smart guy and I'm sure those relationships could be the same if he wasn't famous and a friend of Jeff Probst.  Except he is.  I do think in the chummy chummy close knit circle of survivor alum that it makes a difference to be Jeff's friend and playing. Not that they are friend friends maybe but I read an interview with Jeff talking about Mike being at his house for dinner and how Mikes comments made them change what they were going to do one season.   It certainly doesn't hurt your social game.  How can people resist sucking up to Probst's friend?

    I really didn't want to see Christian go and am sorry we didn't see what, if, he tried to put together to save himself.  So Sad.  
    I'll only be really happy if Davie wins now.  

    • Love 6
  8. Interesting article.  I only follow Survivor here and read some of the more "big name" articles like this one.  Had no idea that people were saying this was the best season and survivor has peaked.  Or that Christian imitated a stripper during his 5 hour challenge:)  Or that people think Nick and Mike sound like cats? 


    • Love 3
  9. Recently there was an article in my Survivor feed, something about the secrets about Survivor you must know.  I skimmed and then when I went back I couldn't find it. 

    I was a bit shocked that they said that the reshoot scenes, sometimes with body doubles, to get what they want.  UNreal!  (A show I watch from time to time to remind myself that yes, even Survivor probably plays shenanigans).  

    I googled but only found this 2016 article, it also mentions body doubles - in challenges!  Whaaaat?  Contestants actually do the challenges, after the crew does a complete walk through and Q&A session.  But they refilm parts, sometimes with body doubles, wearing the same thing as contestants, to get the film they want.  So all those tense moments....um maybe not.  

    I was also surprised to learn that Probst takes the urn with the cast votes and meets with other producers to decide what order to read thim in for most effect.  


    Found it, only a few more tidbits


  10. 59 minutes ago, himela said:

    Well we will never know exactly how Gabby felt and what she thought. 

    But I am asking again, the editors have a great season. Why, from all couples there have been in many seasons of Survivor, did they feel the need to create a non - existant romantic way of Gabby towards Christian? They had no reason to do that, the Gabby blindside was good enough.

    In my opinion when Gabby says "I saw him with his gf and I realized I am not the only one he comforts" she means that she realized that he loves his gf and he has no intention to leave her. Thus the "true love" she was repeating.

    I have been in that situation. When you have hopes for a guy but you see him with his gf, you kind of get jealous and mad, like "what more does she have that I don't?".

    I thought it was interesting in one post boot interview where Gabby is asked how she and Christian are now and her answer was something along the lines oh we'll be fine.

    Dont remember the exact words but it sure wasn't like we are buds.  I just wonder what Christians game would have been like if he hadn't been so wrapped around protecting poor widdle Gabby.  I think it would have been....more

    • Love 3
  11. On 12/7/2018 at 3:16 PM, princelina said:

    And Angelina can at least say that she was on the outs and kept herself safe.  But that's why I think they are both goats.  To me the goat is the person I can sit in my living room and confidently say "That person will get no votes."

    Depends on who she is sitting with dont you think?

  12. On 12/7/2018 at 1:23 PM, Jextella said:

    There is a secret scene video of Nick - prior to Carl's boot.  He says he'd like F3 to be himself, Angelina, and Mike with Davey as F4 and Carl F5.  He doesn't say anything about Gabby or Christian. 

    I have no real grounds for saying this, but my feelings are that Nick wanted to go farther with Christian - maybe even go to the end together early on, but something happened PRIOR to the Carl boot that changed his mind.  Either he saw a stronger connection between Gabby and Christian than what the Mason Dixon had, or he realized Christian would be harder to beat. 

    Either way, I do believe he felt close to Christian but something happened to rock that boat - before Carl's boot.   

    Where Carl's boot is concerned, I feel Nick was angry with Christian on both personal and gameplay levels, but I think he was mostly pissed because Christian had lost ground with him in the loyalty department and he'd had enough - but also/mostly because the Carl boot screwed up his gameplay.


    There was an earlier scene during an episode where Nick talks about Christian and Gabby's bond and that he would like to split those two up.  Same with Mike.  I think this was around the time of the Strike Force, some move being discussed that didn't include Gabby and both Carl and Mike realizing that relationship was more important to Christian than anyone or anything else.  
    And that is where Christian screwed his game future.  

  13. In a theorized Angelina win who does that support as the David?  Say Mike is the other Goliath, few votes because he didn't do much. 

    In a Davie, Nick, Christian to me that says either Davie or Christian.  Christian has screwed up his game enough to lose votes.  Davie has played great but not enough people know and I don't know that he'll be able to present all that at tribal.  Nick vs. Angelina is more of a draw I think.  

    • Love 1
  14. I think Davie said in one of his interviews that when he got selected he practiced making fire in his yard.  Hope he kept it up on the island.  I think latching on to certain chores

    early is almost as important as alliances.  Water (idol search), firewood (idol search), making fire (practice) fishing (secret talks with other cast mates).  Women tend to get stuck cooking and cleaning which doesn't allow for game play 

    There is a certain amount of luck involved in fire too.  

    • Love 1
  15. Yes!  Around ep 2 or 3 I was thinking you know, he has great hair, beautiful blue eyes and is pretty muscular and fairly coordinated.  A good hair cut and he'd be sort of hot.  He is also very social, and I don't think he fits nerd at all actually.  Compare to Cochran.  
    I guess, what makes a nerd?  Just smarts?  An affinity for sci fi?

  16. That reward challenge final 4 just seems like final 4 final 4 to me, no particular good reasons or spoilers.    Final 3 I don't know.  Angelina and Mike (2 Goliaths, 1 woman) and Nick or Davie.  Is there something about 2 idols?  Does that make it...uh Davie?    

  17. I watched at someone's house which means I feel like I missed things.  It was my 10 year old grand nephew that pointed out that Gabby was reacting to Christian's description of his gf.  He said "he's using the exact same words he used about her"  (Not sure why Gabby would know what Christian said about her to others or in a secret scene).    I keep going around in circles on this strategy of Gabby's.  First it seems stupid, then I can sort of make sense of it in my head for various reasons, then other reasons make it seem stupid again.  I mean she's a superfan.  How was she figureing numbers, future alliances and jury votes on this?  If everyone has been wanting Christian out isn't she just jumping on the same bandwagon?  How is that her big move?  

    Wouldn't it have been a bigger move to say she was flipping but have orchestrated a Christian save?

      Either way, after the letters last week Gabby was shown all pepped up and ready to do battle based on a letter from her loved one.  I think this was just the continuation of her drive to do that.  I don't think this episode was romantic jealously so much as maybe a wake up call, although again, that close of an alliance with someone who keeps throwing their game away for you will get you to final 4 IDK......circles

    My question is - whose name was being thrown around before Christians?  Who else's name would have come up?  Would it have been Christian anyway?  At this point I'm not sure why Christian is seen as 'the biggest threat'.  Angelina plays hard and according to Alec is well liked, Nick plays hard, Kara has game and challenge game.  Allison is a mystery but is fit.  Davie has lots of game.  Mike, everyone seems to like Mike if its social game that makes Christian such a threat.  Hey he's hollywood big shot rich guy regaling people around the fire with tales of movie set shenanigans. I also think he is good with words which could benefite him at FTC.  I think some people have lost at FTC just because they can't articulate why they should have won.   Angelina picked him for family reward and when he ran to her and gave her a huge uninhibited hug Angelina said I Love You!   They also were the two that voted Gabby together.  So while Mike isn't making a lot of moves he is Nick's Rock Start and as much a threat as Christian.  Everyone but Allison and Gabby seemed threat worthy at this point? So of course all the threats are pretty happy to have someone point at someone else.  

    Are we talking Jury votes?  Carl isn't voting for Christian.  Jon probably won't.  Dan probably won't.   As for Davie telling Christian, hey jury management but he got away with it unlike Angelina.  

    Hasn't Davie done this twice now?  Told someone about the TC vote target, Christian and ?  

    Right now I would be happy with pretty much anyone winning.  I like all the players left.  So far I would love a Davie win.  I'm a little scared to say this because it might be misconstrued but I think Davie may be overlooked because of his race.  I also think it might be why his emotional reaction/game play regarding last weeks vote is so different than Nicks.  No way of knowing whether race plays into it but it would be sort of fun if it was an advantage for a change?  

    Now we get to see whether Christian does have the social skills and is the threat that everyone seems to think he is (I'm not convinced) because he is finally going to get to play.  Frankly to my eyes his entire game so far has been wrapped around Gabby and their little twosome, making sure she is safe.  IDK whether he's been playing or just reacting to Gabby's needs.

    What was the vote that split the relationship between Mike and Christian?  Gabby.  Nick and Christian. Gabby.  

    So now Gabby is gone he has a lot of work to do.  If he is the threat everyone says he is maybe he can move the target. Or since everyone is pretty much a threat, all the other threats might stay resolved on him regardless since its not them for TC and a few more days in the game for them.  

    • Love 1
  18. Well there is a long way to go I'll just add in regards to Angelina, she has been seen to be playing hard since the beginning and has been under threat and survived.  Not someone who was sort of under the radar, with a strong alliance, not really at risk till final 7 or something.  For some people that looms larger in their memories, for others the just the last few big moves........

    • Love 2
  19. I read Gabby's interview too and thought she possibly answered the Mike's menacing comment question.  She says that Carl got very suspicious if any David's were seen talking to Goliaths would do a lot of glaring.  Carl seems to be a Jekyll and Hyde type to me.  There is his funny jokey nice Carl prominently displayed at Ponderosa then there is his I don't like so and so, grudge holding, suspicious, bossy sort of sour side which is what I got mainly on the show and didn't like him. And he always seemed to go after women.  Anyway, I suspect that Carl was doing some glaring while Mike talked to a David on the beach or something. 

    At least Angelina had a plan for the rice problem.  I like proactive people.  I think everyone else was just content to see if TPTB would give them more rice. 

    Gabby - to answer your question...I don't care if you cry because you are emotional.  I never did.  I don't think thats whats bother most people.

    That is never what bothered me.  You have confirmed what I was wondering about that would bother me if true.  You are super smart, super cute, a superfan who knows the game..........and yet you use your tears, doesn't matter if they are fake or not, and thats your game. That's not the kind of game I like.  Yes its a viable tactic and everything is fair in Survivor.  Still don't like it.  

     That you are super smart and all those things adds insult to injury.  

    • Love 5
  20. I havent visited this thread before, a whole new thing to think about!  Davie is tv gold so why we haven't seen more of him vs. Gabby crying yet again I don't understand.  

    Did Malcolm win?  Is there such an edit as - getting lots of screen time because they are the person everyone thinks will/should win and its such a shock when they dont?  

  21. 16 hours ago, violet and green said:

     I think Christian just significantly lowered his chances of getting anywhere near smelling distance of the final TC, by betraying his David alliance at this point - for Gabby.

    I think they both tanked their games by getting Carl out then and in the manner they did. But only Christian lost a chance to win the whole shebang. Aside from reducing their numbers advantage, Nick and Davie may kind of forgive, but not forget, being betrayed like this, and will likely now feel more comfortable returning play and ejecting the major threat of Christian sooner rather than later. 

    Yes and its not the first time that Christian has wrapped his game around protecting Gabby.  He may see her as a goat to sit next to him at FTC but I don't even see that.  I mean what's he going to do?  Sit next to Gabby and tell everyone she woulnd't be there except for him, that he carried her the whole way?  Based on what seem to be real feelings I don't think he'd do that.  Not that he would have to but there is some risk, albeit very small, of someone bitter like Carl (and yes I think Carl could easily go bitter) throwing a vote at Gabby just to say hey Christian, see what putting her first gets you. 

    15 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    But I think Nick, Carl, and Davey totally mismanaged the situation by not bringing Gabby into the fold, and putting Christian in an awkward spot knowing how close they were.  They should have just been up front with Gabby about wanting to vote out Alison.  Instead, Angelina inserted herself in with the Davids and Carl was letting Kara in on votes before Gabby.  So maybe Christian blew it by just going with Gabby and her emotions, but I don't believe Nick, Carl, or Davey did anything to help ease their confidence.  So I'd argue they are partly to blame for the vote.  And whether Carl really would have booted Gabby at the next TC or he's just playing revisionist history now I don't know, but if that was the case, clearly they made the right choice.  However, I'm always skeptical when I hear comments like that in exit interviews.


    But they know Gabby.  And as edited so far I've seen three things from Gabby.  Save me tears, he's after me so we have to get him out, and talk around camp about not being included, cliques, being on the outs etc.  They would have to believe that if anyone went for the two people she is close to, Christian and Allison, that she would flip...out.  Of course, yes earlier they could (all) have tried to make her feel more included.  But...my impression is that Gabby is seen a bit as a never ending pit of self fullfilling prophecy re not being one of the cool kids.  The amount of constant reassurance needed does not strike me as something people want to get tangled up in.  Its all consuming and exhausting.   So they've just left it to Christian.  

    15 hours ago, Jextella said:

     Gabby is just sort of whining because the big kids haven't asked her to play.  Sorry, but that's how I see it.


    Yes.  And its not like I don't get this.  I did the same thing once in a professional environment.  Most of the building was one "profession".  I was the only one of my "profession" in the building.  People tended to socialize by groups as they do but I didn't have one.  So I whined.  And all it did was make things worse.  Its hard, but she's a grown woman in a 39 day game, even if its true (and I do think it is) poking the brochachos in camp with talk about their clique etc isn;t going to get you anywhere.   

    15 hours ago, violet and green said:

     because she was close to Alison and would have conniptions if she knew... I don't see that as confidence, I see that as reactive and entitled. Because the reality is, she would have carried on wailing and nooooo!ing if they'd said, it's Alison, and who has time for that level of drama in the camp day in day out. I think it was maybe misguided to want to keep her out of it, c/- the result, but I guess no-one expected Christian to be that emotionally incontinent or that easily exploited.

    Yes, although I don't really see it as entitled.  But her game has been really reactive and exactly, who has time for that (besides Christian and Allison I guess).  And yes Christian is going to great lengths with Gabby and I can't figure out if he knows he is tanking his game or if he sees this as a strategic move somehow.  Who is Christians final 3 and why?

    Where are we in the FTC count for idols?  This whole Christian thing might make sense somehow if the idol is involved?  If its the last chance to use it so use it for a move sort of thing.  But if there is more time left to play it I'm not so sure. 

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