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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. Not sure why everyone is picking apart people's stories, especially when it gets based on a lot of pure speculation.  I'm not sure people above have even read Kellyn's story? (Married a guy she had been with for 6 years and divorced in less than one but what do we know other than that?)  We don't know much about Stephanie's.  Neither are really that young.  Stephanie has been around long enough to apply to Surivor at least 15 times, starting with VHS tapes. 

    What else is Donathan going to talk about?  They are more or less required to play some sort of social game which requires sharing who you are, experiences, what made you who you are.  Donathan has been nowhere, done nothing, but take care of his sick mom and grandmom.  What else is he going to talk about?  Why is that a sob story?  Because its limited and sort of sad?  Not his fault. 

    Chris, I suppose he could go on and on about his struggle to be a top model.  How he never gets to eat and has to work out all the time, casting couches for all I know  - boy would people hate him then.  And for all we know he does but the editors prefer the sad mom story.  And he has said in interviews that one reason he is on is to raise awareness of MS.  

    Don't get me wrong, I love to game hate people, hence my hate for Morgan but at least that was based on her actual job choice.  
    Maybe we just don't have enough strategy to talk about - stacking the GI urns with nothing, tribe swaps that don't seem to have kept things that interesting. 
    I did read where Stephanie said she looked for an idol, pretty much constantly. 
    So GI really screwed her 3 ways.  The urn had nothing, it took her away from the tribe where she could have tried to socialize her way off the bottom, find a crack and kept her from looking from the idol more (and why was it so hard to find?) 
    • Love 1
  2. 54 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

    I know next to nothing about Domenick's, Laurel's, Wendell's or Michael's life outside the game but I find them among the most interesting people in the game through their behavior, attitude, interactions with others, game performance, etc. But they haven't really said much about themselves outside of the game. And Wendell turning from law to furniture maker isn't a sob story, it's more like a success story for him.

    Domenick and Wendell have been on the winning side so, we haven't seen much of any of them.  Laurel and don't leave out Laurell, Desiree or many others - there are still quite a few players.  Michael is too young to have a life isn't he?  High school I guess.  

    I wonder if not seeing much of some people yet means they go long and there is plenty of time to see more of them. 

    • Love 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

    I was joking to my spouse during all this that Chris's mom is probably disabled because he beat her with a flashlight. Spouse also thought it was ridiculous that the reward was a Continental Breakfast. All the little tubes on Ghost Island should have a game inside. Not an immunity game, but some sort of reward. Maybe a pastry. It would make Ghost Island more entertaining. Don't reveal what they've won until after the game.

    I get that Chris isn't very likeable.  But I think he deserves credit for realizing and admitting publically, in pre-interviews etc. that he realized he had been  a total shit about his mother's illness till he was about 17.  And once he realized he has been trying to make up for that both in his relationship with his mother an working for MS.  So self awareness may not come naturally to him but he has some and he does work on it.

    • Love 8
  4. 5 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

    It is hard to see how Production is rigging the swaps. The last one showed Probst bringing two baskets, one for each tribe.

      Coach them to pick little baggies that look slightly different?  Keep re doing the filming of the picks for various reasons and then edit?  A milliion ways to to rig the swaps. 

  5. Another tribe swap next week - and yet Chris and Domenick are on the same tribe yet again.  I like to forget that Survivor is a reality show that is probably interfered with and produced and faked and not real at all.  They are making it really really hard.  I've rarely been forced out of my happy place of see no, hear, no show manipulation till this season and now suddently its everywhere, I can't ignore it. 

    • Love 1
  6. 12 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

     Stephanie's spiel on Ghost Island,  Also, while I don't want to question her sincerity, anyone else feel like during that whole bit she sounded like she was reading a script off cue cards or something? It just came across very stiff and staged - like a story she practiced for ITM's in preparation of her big reality show moment. 

    they hadn't shown the scenes of Sebastian and Jenna that were previewed last week, and really much of anything with Malolo, I knew they were going to lose. 



    Yes, from looking at  Stephanie's twitter, instagram, survivor interviews it seems to me that she is very into her journey, and part of that is single momdom, but there is more about solo hiking, adventure, finding strength, etc.  Its like production says give us your story and she starts to talk about that and they are like no no - your relatable sob story, talk about your kids.  Her whole arc from strong chipper happy player to sobbing please don't vote for me thing just seems faked, but not by her.  

    The editing of the Jenna/Sebastian thing was awful.  It was like a bad porn scene.  "I'll braid your hair if you dont vote me out" "I thought you were bad at hair braiding"  Oh No, I am can braid hair like crazy" "well ok, then" and off they go to braid hair........................

    Its really hard for me to not keep swapping out adjectives like suck etc. 

    12 hours ago, EllipticalAddicted said:

    Bradley has the same tiny mouth as Damien Lewis.   Sebastian comes across as just so derpy.  

    I wish I knew how to do screen shots and post them.  At various points Kellyn's mouth was all pursed together and looked just like Bradley's.  The two of them with tiny lipless mouths and big teeth.  EEEEEeeeeeeee get me out of here.  And yea, I know Brendan said there is more to Sea Bass but I haven't seen it yet.  

    12 hours ago, Eolivet said:

    I'd like to see them more organically incorporated into the show. At this point, I cringe about Ghost Island because I know somebody is going to go there and sob out their guts over their personal lives, in varying degrees of sadness. I love Ghost Island to relive the history, but they've used it as shorthand for character development, which is really shorthand for "these people will cry and you will like them, darn you!!!" and it's just awkward.

    Now every time we go to Ghost Island, it's like "Outwit. Outplay. Outsob."

    Yes, now that it has been confirmed that they (1)  have to break the urns in order (2) are not actually getting anything (??? wtf over) this is a huge set up for additional extra personal, extra sobby story time confessionals which is so annoying because you know the last half is where all the idols and advantages are so it will be like some crazy advantage palooza  where we will all be going what?  Manipulating the game. Stacking the deck.  Hate it.  

    11 hours ago, EllipticalAddicted said:

    However, Donathon's story makes me somewhat sad.   He's the grandchild who has become the de facto caretaker of his grandmother (and I believe he said his mom was disabled).   I believe the grandmother has had a series of strokes?  He said that no one else would take on the responsibility.    He's youngish, but he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders and to me that's wrong.    I just see Donathon as being somewhat trapped, although it's clear he loves his family.


    Yea.  Donathan lives in an area of the country where you have to drive 4 hours to find a town bigger than a thousand and those towns are few and far between. An area hugely conservative, hugely poor with no employment, he is gay and he is taking care of two disabled women in a trailer I'm assuming all on soc security disability.  Probst mentioned something about his family not treating him well.  At the time I wondered if that was related to his sexual orientation but maybe its related to no one being willing to help with the mom and grandmom leaving it all on him.  I mean, its a fairly crappy hand.  I doubt he wins but I want him to win just because the money would definately have the most impact for a nice kid who sure could use a leg up.  

    2 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    They feel so very forced by Production. They do not feel like something coming from game play or conditions but something forced. They very rarely succeed in tugging at my heart strings and tend to make me role my eyes.

    Yes again, this whole no game for you Ghost Island confessional episode after episode is so set up by production I don't understand why.  Probst being producer and showrunner is ruining the show.  

    1 hour ago, amazingracefan said:

    Didn't they have time to look for an idol?


    Was wondering this myself.  I hope to God that I read in some post game interview that we hear they didn't show how Stephanie, Jenna and Michael looked and looked for an idol.  Because Michael's should be back in play right?  They all know they are on the block who cares if the 5 see them out looking?  Especially since they don't seem to be trying to turn someone.  Of course they should be out scouring like mad, why wasn't that shown? 

    Also was disappointed in why they didn't try to get Sebastian to flip.  I mean sure why would someone in the numbers flip IDK, it would be pretty hard to change someone's mind but as long as Jenna is doing the whole 'I'll braid your hair" thing (eye roll) and Sebastian is busy keeping the target off Jenna why not at least try to get him to flip?  

    Something just seemed off about that lack of trying to find a crack.  Really off.  


    I tried to quote someone up thread about how this season really emphasizes how much about luck Survivor is.  Stephanie is really a case in point.  

    She is doing pretty good

    whoops tribe swap , bad end of the numbers, and goes to TC, barely survives

    Ghost Island - no game for you

    Tribe loses again, gets voted out because of numbers and Jenna's abillity to braid hair

    next episode - tribe swap - had she made it what would have happened?  

    How manipulated is the show?  I've never wondered so much as this episode has got me thinking.  


    Chris is a challenge god.  Every challenge he works like someone has a shock collar on him.  And what was up with that hit the spinning tgt challenge?  If they didn't have Chris they would have been out there all day.  Have they ever had a challenge that no one could make work?  Like, ok, um, lets draw straws instead.  He had to hit the target, while still spinning from the first hit, again to get enough speed for the flag to raise.  And th flag didn't seem like it wanted to go up  even with the second hit.  Who was going to be able to do that?  And honestly it didn't even look like SeaBass was trying.  

    Are we 3 votes from the merge?  Does the 5 want to get rid of all of the 3 before the merge?  Were they throwing the challenge? 

    Sea Bass and Chris were in an alliance though, could Sea Bass have thrown it to keep Chris around?  Or was that the food challenge?  I can't remember.  

    As to JP being all over man bro Chris, I'm not so sure about that.  Sure he was excited about Chris's throwing how could he not be?  But he looked really irritated by having to ask about throwing rocks.  Sort of made me love Chris even more.  

    • Love 3
  7. I'd like to see more of Stephanie and James so that suits me fine.  I mean to be fair, we haven't seen much of Bradley's game so whether he would bring interesting game play in the future is hard to tell but with his whiney villian persona on display I'm willing to take the chance and see him gone.  Of course doing someone proud could mean a play that almost works to save herself or save James but doesn't quite like Michael.  

    A swap still in the offing?  

    Malolo: Jenna, Stephanie, Brendan, Michael, Desiree, Sebastian, Kellyn, Bradley and Chelsea; 

    I read somewhere that Chelsea and Desiree were close, then that Kellyn and Bradley were running the show according to Brendan, and Sebastian (who is getting close to Jenna)

    Jenna, Steph and Michael 

    Naviti: Domenick, Chris, Donathan, Libby, Laurel, James, Angela, Wendell and Morgan.

    Chris, Angela, James?

    Donathan and Libby who seem to have jumped ship to Domenic/Wendell (which I find upsetting)

    Domenick, Wendell, Laurel

  8. Watched the first half of Africa last night.  I must of missed the discussion of the rule about whoever previously had the most votes at tribal council goes home after a tie, because I couldn't for the life of me figure out why they kep talking about it being such a big deal until Lxxxx?  (whiney blond girl whose name I've already forgotten) got voted off.  Was that the only time that twist was used?  I thought it was interesting, like a way to pad the deck against someone for later elimination.  Players have gotten more savvy with every season, I wonder how that twist would be used now.  It would require lots of interesting thought and strategizing.  

    Every season, including the current Ghost Island there is a lot of complaining about not knowing cast members.  There is some of that in Africa.  Whatever team is losing and going to tribal gets all the air time.  Africa did benefit from that switching every few challegnes but still, you lose track and some members just don't get much air time.  I didn't know the T woman at all till the swap.  

    Pretty good looking and quite fit bunch of 40+ castaways.  Even the fat farmer was a beast in challenges.   And more interesting than the whiney 4 layabouts.  Seriously I would have had the same problem as the older half of the tribe.  I mean, they weren't just lazy but cluelessly not nice at all.  I wonder how that was, being known as the laziest crew in Survivor history. 

    Seemed a bit mean to have a big river nearby, beach? and not let them use it.  

    The wildlife would have been incredible.  Best of any season.  

  9. 18 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I noticed in one of the previews a clip of Chris saying ‘mic drop’ and looking proud of himself.  I wonder if there’s a plan to blindside Dom this week but he ends up pulling out his idol.  I’m still wondering why James would get targeted; if the boot list is right, I’m more inclined to believe it’s Stephanie this week.

    James may not be targeted but someone's stray vote that counts when Domenick's don't?

    • Love 1
  10. I asked if her she would be having watch parties win or lose and she said yes.  But she sort of has to right?  Still there is a personal connection to that bar and they are doing it in part to get in a few more Wed night customers so why not.   She also said that there would be a few nights she wouldn't be there as she has some other committments.  So maybe thats the 10. 

    I don't think she made it to 4th but I have nothing to base that on other than the seemingly totally unreliable spoilers from reddit.  If you read everthing there I get the sense that mabe she is the first jury member, or maybe the last non jury, somewhere around there.  But that's just a guess. 

  11. I think he might be playing up the villian bit.  

    I'm down with being proud of the 15th Law school in the country too.  The personal part is relative.  Randomly curious about whether he was targeting California schools only because of the sailing thing.  He's from Michigan, could have tried for U of M which is 8th but not much sailing there.  

    I do hope I hear as much about how smart Wendell is though as much as I'm hearing about Brad. 

    • Love 2
  12. On 3/16/2018 at 10:29 AM, marys1000 said:

    Does this mean they didn't see each other and compare notes at Losers Lodge?  Does Michael make the jury?

    From one of Brendan's exit interview

    Holmes: What was your reaction when you learned that Michael was really eighteen?
    Shapiro: I was shocked. He could have told me that he was 28 and I would have believed it. That’s why I call him “The Prodigy.” He’s got all the tools; physical, social, strategic. And he’s a ten out ten in all of those things. He’s really good. And, he’s also a great guy. He feels terrible about what went down. He’s reached out to me to tell me how sorry he is. He’s just a stand-up guy.



    20 hours ago, LanceM said:

    All the pre-mergers stay at losers lodge until the jury is about to start. Then the producers send them all on a 3 week vacation until the end of the game. This is when in the past they have split up in to different groups. Though I am not sure if they do that any longer. So yes, Brendan, Gonzalez, Morgan and Jacob all hung out together and they will know the other members of the pre-jury as well.

    So its possible that this is a clue than Brendan and Michael never saw each other again meaning Michael makes the jury. 

    • Love 1
  13. https://es.xfinity.com/sdmy/blogs/tv/2018/03/15/survivor-castaway-brendan-its-a-game-built-on-conflict-so-i-thought-there-would-be-more-jerks/

    Holmes: Bradley seemed to be rubbing the classic Malolo members the wrong way. We heard him complaining about Malolo beach…although, in his defense, Naviti beach is much nicer. Was there anything else that was getting under everyone's skin?
    Shapiro: Bradley…I think he was bent out of shape about having to change beaches, so he was complaining about everything. The reward challenge, he complained that the current was pulling toward Naviti’s pole. If there was something to complain about, he’d complain about it. And he’s got a great sense of humor. But out there, it was kind of a dark sense of humor. I will say this about him, outside of the game, we’re friends. But inside of the game I wanted to smash him, as did my fellow Malolos. He was killing us.

    Holmes: Alright, word association time. 

    Holmes: Bradley?
    Shapiro: (Laughs) He’s funny…often in a dark and depressing kind of way. I don’t want to blow his cover, but he’s a good guy.

    Is Bradley purposefully playing a villian? 


    And this was sort of strange too - what does that mean different stations?  That's what I might say about...royalty or something. 

    Holmes: Jenna?
    Shapiro: We couldn’t be in more different stations of life, yet she was as kind to me as you can imagine.

  14. 3 hours ago, green said:

    I respectfully disagree.  I think it is emotionalism when tribes decide they have to keep "the strong guy" and don't think through things logically.

    This isn't old school Survivor any more where keeping said strong guy is that viable a strategy because:

    1.  Tribes do the "drop the buff" dance of multiple swaps now so that "strong guy" on your tribe now could well end up on the newest tribe sending you to tribal in a couple of days.

    2.  That "strong guy" if he makes it to merge -- which happens all the time when you follow the "must keep strong guy" emotional mantra -- could well go on an immunity run and screw your game up.  The other alliance since they can't target him will target his sidekick, you, instead.

    3.  So that "strong guy" could well tick off others and make your alliance with him into the main alliance under attack from others.  Especially true with Chris here.

    4.  And it is a major mistake to look for a goat this early.  There will be plenty of goat-like players down the road.  And Chris is no goat because he has a resume he is building even now as the "leader" and the "winner of challenges" guy.  You do NOT want to sit next to him at the final anyway.

    5.  Stuck with Chris you will always be seen as his loyal sidekick which will get you nothing in the finale but being a silly follower who never made any moves of their own.

    6.  Maybe you logically think that you have a far better plan but you can't implement it because Chris is always blocking you and YOUR GAME.

    Well switching to Domenick has nothing to do with

    1_ "Must keep the strong guy" so I don't know what that has to do with it. 

    2_ same

    3 I don't think its too early to keep it mind when you are doing something as risking jumping ship on your original tribe and alliance this early.  And its not just switching from a goat but to a strong player who has a big shot at winning.  

    4_ Not so much a loyal sidekick if you blindside him or switch alliance later

    5_ Chris is only blocking your game if you let him.  Domenick is a strong player who has plent of block in him plus is a lot more likeable

  15. 5 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    Pre-Jury boots in the past have mentioned going out on group trips in small groups. It is possible that Brendan went out with the first wave of bootees and Michael in a different wave if they sent them out in groups of two or four. So it could be a sign or it could be that they were in different travel groups.

    So you are saying bootees Gonzalez, Morgan, Jacob - they know each other but will never get to meet Brendan?

  16. Does this mean they didn't see each other and compare notes at Losers Lodge?  Does Michael make the jury?

    From one of Brendan's exit interview

    Holmes: What was your reaction when you learned that Michael was really eighteen?
    Shapiro: I was shocked. He could have told me that he was 28 and I would have believed it. That’s why I call him “The Prodigy.” He’s got all the tools; physical, social, strategic. And he’s a ten out ten in all of those things. He’s really good. And, he’s also a great guy. He feels terrible about what went down. He’s reached out to me to tell me how sorry he is. He’s just a stand-up guy.


    • Love 1
  17. I did a small amount of googling for Jenna last night, wondering if she was doing show promotion at home in Michigan or out in California her new home.  Looked at her Instagram pics, didn't find much info, one article from the Birmingham news. No mentions of promotions or watch parties. 

    Some pics on instagram are posted as Williams Lake which is sort of on the outskirts of Birmingham.  Her bio says Detroit, HA!  Birmingham is an extremely wealthy suburb and lake property is always more expensive.  This is sort of like saying your are from one of the poorest countries in the world when you are from one of the richest.  I suppose Detroit has more name recognition but most other contestents don't do this, like why does Bradley list Haslett and not Lansing?  There are also pictures from Walloon Lake in northern Michigan which is one of the bigger lakes near Charlevoix, another very high end expensive summer lake/town.  Someone told me she came from money and is always traveling, that part seems true. Did a zillow search on Walloon Lake and the properties for sale, the cheapest at 1M to 4.5M. Its possible the pics are from a rental I suppose.  Do people with million dollar homes rent them out?  P.S. I'm from Michigan. 

    She graduated from Michigan State in 2015 and from what I can gather on instagram she seems to mostly have traveled around and hung out after,  plus time on Fiji.  She now lists her address in Venice Californiainstagram shows that as of about 6 months ago where she has a job.  But then come the pics from FL where I'm assuming she is spending time with Sea-Bass.  

    Other than that I was astounded by how different she looks in all her pictures.  Literally like different people in many many shots.  Some are very glammed selfies that look nothing like the chubby cheeked sweetly pretty girl on Survivor, others look slightly less glamorous but still very Cali girly girl.  Some are of her rear end in a thong bathing suit and I only mention that because I found one interview where she says "and there I was and I got this totally random call from Survivor"

    So she is a recruit but how did they find her?  She doesn't say.  Even if she met someone who knew someone from casting, wouldn't she know that was the connection and it wouldn't seem so random?  Does Survivor production troll Instagram looking for nice butts or what?  

    Still don't see her with Sea Bass.  Yes she def seemes like a beach bunny, most her destinations were the cali coast, mexico etc. but nice nails, expensive hair, Kim K wanna be look,  just a weird pair to me. 

    This is from pre-interviews

    What do other castaways think about Jenna

    Sebastian - Sebastian Noel (Fishing Guide, Naviti Tribe): "Immediate attraction. She gets me, and I get her. I feel like we could work well, as far as we can go, without trying to be flirtatious. I'm not here to fall in love or anything like that, but the attraction is there for both of us, I can tell. It's going to be hard to not show that."

    Jenna about Sea Bass

    enna Bowman (Advertising Account Executive, Malolo Tribe): "That's my crush. (Big smile.) That's my crush! It's the man bun. I can't. I can't even look at him. It's the man bun, I think. And I'm from Detroit (oh honey,  not really)! Tanned surfers do not look like that in Detroit. Especially being on an island? It's like, yes. Absolute yes. We've already flirted a little bit. We'll wink at each other. "



    Did they get in a little bit more than winks pre season?  Is jenna got an in with the other alliance?  Did that influence Brendan's ouster over Stephanie jenna's bud?

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