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Posts posted by marys1000

  1. As to the whole swimming team thing I suspect they paired super buff alpha male looking James with Donathan just assuming that super buff alpha male looking guy would be a slam dunk

    at any physical challenge.  If so it sure bit them in the butt.  


    Jacob had to tell them something about Ghost Island, if he lasted surely someone else would go and come back and talk to so it had to be something reasonable. 

    Curious - what scenario's would you all have come up with? 

    • Love 1
  2. Will someone tell me what happened? I couldn't watch because I was blinded by all the white teeth! 
    Just joking but seriously, when they first hit the beach there were a lot of really really white teeth. I know they 
    are young but are their teeth really that white naturally? I'm thinking not but IDK. 

    While seeming sort of arrogant in general I do think Chris made the right choice to default on that first challenge 
    That chick was in no way getting that puzzle all she was doing was moving pieces around as fast as she could. She didn't have a clue.  Better to get something if the other tribe is going to win anyway.  And that Dominick guy calling it out? Jerk move whether its survivor or not oh and he was wrong. Everyone has fire by the 2nd or 3rd challenge and 20 eggs is not such a big deal. Fishing is. 

    Thought it was pretty good overall. Its like production came up with small twists that made things interesting vs. 
    these big game changing flops. Like the sand timer on the first challenge, that ramped up the adreline without 
    seeming to gamey/big idea. 

    That swimming challenge - did someone make the choice to send out there 2 weakest swimmers at the same time?  I'm guessing they looked at James and said "He's buff" and assumed that meant he could swim.  You know, those buff guys can do everything and are the most important thing for challenges.  They've been there about 6 days at that point, surely they've had time to discuss peoples strengths and weakness, like who can swim and who can't. And, Donathan?, you have a beach, you know there are going to be swimming challenges - go practice!  Agree that it was weird that Donathan was just, nope I'm not doing that, don't think I can.  I think he was glad to be off the hook for failing at a challenge or something?  I didn't like it nor do I like the hero culture that has pervaded America.  

    Ghost Island seems ok  although I was surprised Donathan didn't get anything at all. I mean whats the point of that?  He did have an amazing amount of rice to eat though.  

    These guys seem a little more....survivor judgemental because they are survivor fans? Like - oh no so and so is playing to hard for this early in the game. You are't supposed to do that. Its not a rule. If they are playing to hard I guess they are playing to hard, but if they are playing badly you can work that to your advantage maybe. Although in this case Gonzalez seemed very head strong and a loose cannon so I think it was the right move. 
    But I sensed a sort of how - this is how the game is supposed to be played thing going on - like they are watching the game while playing the game. IDK, just changed some of the decision dynamics a little I think.   And fake idols everywhere!  So I guess we get to watch superfans pull out their favorite moves.  

    Jacob seemed so Cochran like I felt sure he was going to pull it out and stick around but they got him. Guess he didn't play up his nerdiness enough for Jeff to fall in love with him. I realize he put a tgt on his back idol looking but seriously what are you supposed to do? You know your on the block anyway. 
    Black curly long haired woman calling the shots Stephanie?  - shades of Parvati. She is someone to watch but her manipulations may put a target on her back. 
    Gonzalez - well she seemed sort of arrogant and I think that was her downfall. 
    Dominick - he seems aware that he might not have the personality to go head to head against Chris. Modifying your personality is really hard, be interesting to see if he can do it. Got an idol though. Not sure that fake idol is going to fool Chris though and its going to make everyone else think you are shady. 
    Chris seems like someone to watch. 
    Donathan - I was prepared to dislike him but I like him a lot. He's had quite the isolated life and this must be extremely overwhelming, big disadvantage.  He seems very earnest and hopeful and sweet. Felt so bad he didn't get anything on Ghost Island. I mean, even if you get voted out you want a full experience right? 
    I'm a little confused by all blond women - was trying to keep and eye for Angela who I'm rooting for based on her bio and not sure she had a speaking part?
    Real Estate kid probably just got his license out of high school and probably hasn't sold a property yet. I can see why he wouldn't want to be labeled the youngest.
    Sea Bass - we are going to call you Sea Bass. Serioiusly? 

    Yea I'm not watching to watch a bunch of whispering at Tribal. They need to do something about that.

    Fast two hours, didn't see anyone start a fire or fish or anything. 

    • Love 2
  3. Seeing how there are some pretty serious fans here and no one seems to have figured out how the Ghost Island thing works yet ......does that mean its not much of anything?  

    I'm not sure I cared for the way the final 4 went down last season....will this season be better?  Only if the 20 year olds can figure out how to strategize using it to their advantage. 

    Hollywood repoter:  But I’m not the only one he told. Unlike the contestants of Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers, who were blindsided by the move, the players of Ghost Island (which premieres Feb. 28 on CBS) were, in fact, informed of it before the season began and could therefore strategize around it knowing that someone would not be voted out at the four spot.

    This became clear when I asked each of the Ghost Island cast members a few days before filming began to name their favorite Survivor twist ever and Bradley Kleihege responded, “I think my favorite twist is the twist at final four where the person who wins picks a person and the other two make fire.” But how did Bradley even know about that twist since the Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers season in which it was unleashed had not even aired yet? Some further digging uncovered that yes, the players were informed by production before the season started about the new twist. 


    Guess we will find out soon.  I bought a brownie at Panera.  But that doesn't go with wine.  So I'm feeling very conflicted right now.  

    • Love 1
  4. 21 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    I don't necessarily mind change.  It's just the changes that have happened.  I think this show has taken a nose dive since Probst became producer, and Burnett focused more on The Voice.  Probst seems more worried about what he wants, what he thinks will make good TV, spouts off stuff like the general viewing audience are idiots, and can't take criticism.  The themes, the endless advantages/idols, the manipulation over certain players, contestants who are more worried about being invited back than winning....and I'm not saying early seasons were perfect.  I'm still annoyed at the fake merge that cost Shii Ann and the first ever tribe swap that cost Silas.  I liked Andrew Savage and will forever hate the Outcast twist for bringing Lill back into the game.  Thailand was a horrible season, fake merge aside, Palau was boring yet sort of saved by the hapless Ulong tribe, and AS, Vanuatu, and Panama rank among my least favorite seasons.  I hate Pagonging and find it boring.  I do like that idols and advantages can shake up the game (or fail miserably for the bearer).  But things like what happened to Cirie and Devon shouldn't have happened.  They got eliminated from a game they likely would have won (Devon especially since he was guaranteed final 3 until the fire making twist), and I hate that Probst loves that crap because he salivates at what great TV it makes.  Why even try to play strategically when the game is becoming more dependent on idols and advantages?  This isn't a spoiler, but mark my words, some big producer favorite is going to get a lot of the advantages and idols on Ghost Island.  I'd like to see a mix of the type of series we had when idols and twists first started getting introduced. 

    I listen to Max and Corinne's podcast, and for their 100th episode, they had Shane Powers on as a guest.  It was interesting to get his perspective, because Corinne is a constant conspiracy theorist about the show, and Shane called her out on some of her theories.  Max/Corinne talked about how much the show has evolved and changed since he played, which is where they get their theories from.  It was kind of interesting to get an old schooler's perspective on the show. 

    I noticed on my FB feed that they were profiling the contestants, and for Stephanie J. they had Stephanie G.'s name, and all her info.  It's kind of annoying they can't get that stuff right.


    17 hours ago, green said:

    But every single season is amazing or the greatest or beyond belief or whatever.  It happens before every single season and believing probst's hype is like believing that Lucy will actually hold the football still this time for Charlie Brown.

    And if there actually is a really good season well Probst has cried wolf so many times that no one will believe it.

    All I've heard about this season so far is that it is one of the youngest casts ever.  Which does NOT bode well.  I hate endless interchangeable 20-somethings with no real life experience yet oh so full of themselves.  Hope Survivor takes a lesson from Big Brother Celebrity and sees that an older cast can be far more fun to watch and far more into the game than the usual models (usually "disguised" by some temp job they did for awhile and not actually listed as Model) and actor wannabes their personal agents pitch to the casting agency of these shows.  (No way a Rudy could ever be cast on this show again).

    Casting and Casting!  A good cast can overcome any season of terrible production ideas (I think).  So many people just want to make reality shows their new career, or become part of the Survivor "family" which provides for lots of future opportunities.  And lots of times I see young people I thnk are truly amazing but....why don't I see them on Survivor very often!?!?!?!?  Because they are wannabe's?   For me it truly is the casting that tends to ruin it for me. Favorites don't help, especially if they are ones I truly can't stand (Cochran).   I don't watch Big Brother or any of that other stuff.  I don't want Survivor to turn into BB on an island with no food. 

    It does seem that since Probst became producer there have been more mactors and a slide down the slippery slope to BB.  I'm sure they rationalize it by saying they need the new young viewers blah blah blah.  Which totally ignores the old viewers who have been more loyal but may eventually put the whole show in the crapper if they don't stop and the old viewers leave.  Why watch Survivor when you have BB, Bachelor etc.?  Why don't they see they have something unique and stick with it as opposed to chasing an already fragmented audience? 

    And it seems the younger the person the more likely they are to fall into this "I'm here because I wanna be a reality star/actor/survivor celebrity.  There lives aren't established yet, of course they wanna be a celebrity. Even that guy in law school is like "yeah, if I win I can ditch being a laywer and sail around the world and be something else entirely.   But I hate it.  They are boring and irritating. 

    This season in particularl hardly seems like a balanced cast.   How is one older woman supposed to survive?  Did someone at the last minute think - oh head smack, we need a real person.  Some of the more fun participants were real life - like that NJ? Tony Soprano type who had no idea what he was getting into but lasted a fair while.  

    • Love 2
  5. I hear a lot of other accents too.  The kid who was spaced by his uncle, suddenly in the assault team cans he sounded over the top Jamaican.  The subway's voice was translated from Hindi. 

    Very Firefly.


    I have to say I was tiredly disappointed by the bad guys not only being nazi like Germans, again, but also Japanese.  Its all still WWII folks. Stalin is apparently still  good guy.


    Love Amos.  

  6. I have a terrible memory so there is a lot I don't remember.  And for many years I didn't read bio's and whatnot.  So my likes and dislikes are probably a bit random and more personal based vs best game based. If I did a little memory lane research my list might be different.  


    I have a real problem with women who use their sexuality to get ahead.  I realize some people don't but I do.  So I really cant stand Parvati to put it mildly, or the two who got naked.  

    Having strong feelings about animal rights I couldn't deal with the one winner, waitress, Michelle?  Because she went to Thailand and did the tiger thing.  And I really couldn't stand the little blond who did the same thing and was soo dumb.  The only reason she was on was her boxer promoter dad is friends with Burnett (I have problems with nepotism too).  Couldn't stand Shirin either, or Zeke. 

    Jane that nasty lying dog breeding bitch


    Hatch. Yes, he is ruthless, both on and off the show, but I enjoyed watching him create the template and I never got the feeling of gloating from him that I got from the likes of Mariano. I wouldn't want to know him, but I enjoyed his first season.  - Agree

    Cirie. Just a smart woman. I don't think she'll ever win, though, and it makes me sad. - Agree

    Boston Rob - I love a competent person.  You can build things, make fire, lead, be funny etc. I'm gonna be love struck. 

    Coach - not sure about his later seasons but he was just such a strange being in so many ways he was mesmerizing.  So many stories, escaping canibals or whatever, what was true?  Who does that?  And the music video was great.  He was mostly good natured, smiling and entertaining TV.  

    Yul - sort of boring and I'm not sure the way he played would translate to different groups on different seasons but I like smart people. 

    Stephanie - she never quit.  

    • Love 1
  7. Three or four people have already pegged where he is from.  Not sure what that says about him.  Don't know that he will be someone I'm rooting for but sounds like he will make the game more interesting so thats good.   The yoga instructor says she wants to be the one to bring chaos?  Ooof

  8. On 12/27/2015 at 7:47 PM, kieyra said:

    I should thereotically love this, especially since CJ Cherryh is my favorite author and the DNA of her Merchanter universe is all over this, but I'm two episodes in and have very little sense of who is who or WTF is going on because everyone is mumbling. I know sound mix issues have been mentioned, but it's almost like they directed everyone: "talk real soft so it seems more gritty and realistic".

    It also feels very much "plot over character", which belies the BSG comparisons to me, but maybe that would be less true if I could hear the dialogue or learn anyone's name.

    I love CJ Cherry too!  And Elizabeth Moon (Sassinak and Sheepfarmers Daughter). 

    As for zero g sex - didn't look too realistic to me.  Every push would result in a lot of movement whereas they just stayed in place.

    • Love 1
  9. On 12/24/2015 at 1:53 AM, Lord Donia said:


    They're expecting a lot from us, especially with all the slang and Pidgin. I had to put in the effort to watch the episodes twice as well. I liked the concept enough to do so, but it may be driving some viewers away.

    I think you can ignore it, body language and the regular english give enough context.  They just throw it in there for "realism" I guess.  Very Firefly. 

    • Love 1
  10. For binge able shows I like a general discussion thread because I don't always want to do a ep by ep discussion but since there isn't I'll just say I started

    this last night.  Got up to about ep 5 and I like it quite a bit.  Didn't know about it till just a few days ago.  Was  surprised by the number of recognized

    actors I saw.  Lately I've been having trouble finding something that holds  my interest.  The number of started shows and movies is quite high, just...oh this has 

    been done to death, to slow, whatever.  Feeling my age I guess.  

    Glad I found thid.

    • Love 2
  11. Financial consultants, not much of a fan.  Tend to be good liars though and analytical.  She probably will go far


    Not sure about the part in the Gordon interview where she says she has tried to be friendly at Ponderosa.  Didn't I read in an interview once that

    pre-game they aren't allowed to talk?  

  12. I have very strong views about keeping marine life in slavery for our entertainment so I hate her.  Hope she goes early.  I will be really angry if she wins.

    • Love 4
  13. Given that there were 23 children it was sort of glaring that they only concentrated on one.  Where were the other 22?  I get that adding in 22 characters is a nonstarter so maybe it was just a ok, this is what we are going to do oh well.

    • Love 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Captanne said:

    Enjoyable and playing off the Bladerunner hype.  I kept waiting for Vangelis' music to swell in the background.  Loved Poe.  (I can see Gareth David Lloyd in that role but I don't want to typecast him.)  I adore Kinneman (from The Killing -- didn't see the Robocop reboot) but he was too good for this at the stage it's in now.



    ETA:  I have never been a fan of the stop-action filming during fights -- it distracts me and takes me out of the moment.  So, that is a personal problem I have with this whole series.  The slow mo back kick spin airborne bullshit makes me crazy.  (Take that, Matrix.)

    Well you could just fast forward through a lot of the action like me.  Extended action/fight sequences bore the shit out of me. 

    • Love 1
  15. The picture of her on the sidewalk in the tube top is weirdly coy looking and nothing like anyone elses.  But I love that she is older, a vet, from the midwest, self improved.  My favorite.  Yes she is doomed.  

    Not saying that mom's aren't super awesome but its sort of sad that all older women have to be the mom or die.  Like thats the only role society will accept a woman in is just so maddening.  

    Vets have not done well on Survivor and in this cast of what looks like a lot of "lets braid each others hair" types this cast memeber is seriously going to have to reign in her lets get it done attitude.  

    Hope she goes far! 

    • Love 3
  16. 14 hours ago, LanceM said:

    There are actually very few (if any) mactors on this season. As far as showmances go they usually don't bother me too much unless the people doing the showmancing are annoying about it (i.e. Taylor and Figgy)

    There are 4 (incl the former cheerleader) actor/mactors.  Sometimes the work titles are a little misleading.  The one from Michigan that lives in Venice California, she may be working but she looks like a wannabe mactor (I didn't incl her in the count).  She also looks 40 and she is only 23?.    I hate Morgan Ricke right off the bat.  I'm overlooking the 43 year olds weirdly coy picture and rooting for her basd on veterans status, age, gender and living in the Midwest.  

    • Love 1
  17. 8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Wow. Yea, I don't know how I'm gonna make it through this season.

    Me neither.  The quote upthread from JP about this season having attitude and it being mostly mactorsplus showmances really does sound like BB.  I have a  low tolerance for ignorant that thinks its smart

    because its young and pretty and are really just acting on immediate emotion, not actual thinking.  I mean sure thats sort of what being young is but there are plenty of young people out there that are amazing. 

    Dare I be hopeful?  Or will it it be too painful?  

    • Love 1
  18. I watched the first episode and thought it was sort of slow and confusing.  But given it was (1) Joel Kinneman and (2) either an homage to Blade Runner visually or a rip off. either works for me so  stayed with it. 

    I was quickly sucked in and things were good till ep 8, 9 when things sort of got explanatory and then 10 was pretty good.   

    I tend to get bored with fight scenes almost immediately.  Also there are a lot of things that are old; cop team one breaking all the rules, the other covering.  Making someone choose which loved one to kill, many others. 

    Overall I enjoyed it, sort of right up my alley as Ioved Blade Runner and this had a similar look and feel.  Not sure what I would give it, an 8?

    How is that Kinneman on talk shows always looks sort of pale and narrow faced (but still good) and on here his face was so blocky and rugged looking.  He looked great!

    I'd like to give a shout to all the other actors most of whom I've never seen before who I thought were really really good.  Quell has a great voice.  

    There was some good writing - the bit about winners rewriting history being another kind of war, humans are clever monkeys who always want the same things, yea. 

    The whole problem with immortality reminded me of similar threads in vampire stories.  

    So if they found Kovacs in the wreckage did they find the sister?  Season 2?  Kinneman won't be back so different sleeve for his character.  

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