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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Major docs from both sides are due to the court today! Those of you who have figured out Reddit will probably be the first to see them. Be sure to report here. 😀
  2. In a partial summary of the depositions, Jinger and Jill talk about being hit with a switch. However, Jessa paints an idyllic childhood story, although she admitted that Boob had a temper. I didn't see what Joy said about being "corrected." Jessa will die on the reservation.
  3. I meant to add Jill as the exception. Derelict would know how to keep Jill's money in Jill's pockets.
  4. The family went virtually underground after the relationship was announced. I'm pretty sure BME cued them in about her "haters," and they acted accordingly. I forget the name of their church offhand, but I think that they pretty much shut down its social media. All this to say that I think they support the young couple and shut down SM to protect themselves from criticism they don't want to hear.
  5. True. Even if the "girls" had won, they would have had to fork over a substantial percentage of their haul to Boob.
  6. So it looks like Chad is staying home the girls. Where will they go when Chad is working? I guess church friends?
  7. Yeah, I wish KJ would stick to the facts. And the fact is, we don't know if he was home or not.
  8. The process server wasn't able to make contact, so that's unknown. But the process server tried different locations with no luck. WOACB went through the papers in more detail. This video explains it in more detail Ignore her clickbait titles. She does get into details aside from Jessa's not letting her proceed.
  9. I saw the affidavit from the court from the process server. This all happened last August/September just before the Duggars "fled the state" (per the court records). This was the family trip they all of a sudden took last September to see Yellowstone, etc., concluding with a visit to Jinger. Drones are also mentioned.
  10. As I understand it, Austin was also deposed. No confirmation on Ben or Jer, but I suppose they were as well.
  11. I saw the picture in question. It was unclear whether it was even Abbie. All you could see was the back of her head, and to my eye the hair didn't look curly enough. But maybe she slept on it and didn't bother fixing it that morning?
  12. Whatever the negotiations were, they got a pretty chunk of change. They bought a house and put Derelict through law school. I think it also financed the year he wasted doing nothing at Cross Church.
  13. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Apparently Ja has a bone bruise in his knee and will likely be sidelined for the rest of the post season. Hopefully, the Griz's post season ends tomorrow. 😁
  14. It looks like Jinger's deposition was taken last September, so I imagine Jill's was done around the same time.
  15. They attempted that (one attempt was at Jed's car lot), but were rebuffed at every turn.
  16. She denied the process server entrance at the gate of the TTH.
  17. But but but she read the biography of Susie Spurgeon!!!!111 No indication if she had to look up the big words. 😂
  18. I think this is it. Final documents from both sides are due to the Court tomorrow.
  19. He'll, my birthday isn't until Father's Day, but I will consider an 8-10 year sentence a nice early present. 👍
  20. It was written in first person, so I assumed they could write their own stories. Silly me. 😂
  21. That was Jonathan's aunt and uncle. They were introduced in one of Jill's many videos. His parents did not visit.
  22. During a deposition, Jinger admitted to using a ghostwriter for their book. Wonder if they needed one for the kids' book as well? 😂
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