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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I can't believe Meech signed her name like a lovesick 12 year old. 😂
  2. Anna's pathetic letter to the court. Michelle's as well. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdcSyyEMtv8/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  3. Luckily, they're not for sale. They're throw-ins for the first 10 orders. Yes, I watched the video. Renee is so much better at sales than Kaylee.
  4. Right. Only Bobye Holt testified to the molestations.
  5. Tuesday is just a shit ton of Chopped reruns and the season debut of the Supermarket show.
  6. Even sensationalist KJ said she wouldn't post it.
  7. She doesn't even shill that much. Where is this giant windfall coming from?
  8. I knew the defense would throw out some flowery spaghetti to see if it sticks. That's just...utter bullshit.
  9. We know that, but the defense is still proclaiming his innocence. Thankfully, Judge Brooks knows better. And he seems to be fed up with the Duggars.
  10. But there's a whole story that we don't know!!!!!111 🙄
  11. I imagine the defense was waiting to see what the prosecution asked for before submitting their docs? Do they really think they can ask for Smuggar's unconditional release?
  12. Here's WOACB's post. This time, she stuck to the facts. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdb0QsWvgzo/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  13. WOACB has seen the prosecution's documents. They are asking for the max 20 years, stating that Smuggar isn't capable of reform, among other mitigating factors.
  14. I haven't seen anything relating to either Austin or Joy, but they were definitely deposed.
  15. Jer's GPA: 2.5? Or is that being generous? 😀
  16. I'm almost positive that he has to register. I can't speak to the ratings, but given his molestation history, it can't be good.
  17. LOL, I was aware that they signified an achievement. Just wondering what was achieved that Jer failed to do? 😁
  18. Jinger posted some videos of the graduation ceremony. Most of the graduates have a yellow cord around their left shoulder. Jer doesn't. Any ideas what that might signify?
  19. The fundies seem to have different protocols when it comes to the rehearsal dinner. It seems like the entire immediate family shows up, whether they're in the wedding party or not. I expect the Stew Crew will be there.
  20. Wow. He has two little girls and doesn't want to know if a predator lives amongst them? As far as his thoughts about Smuggar, well, he's an idiot in denial.
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