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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Late Saturday afternoon! The wedding is at 2. 😁
  2. It doesn't appear so. They wiped the site clean. I hope people got refunds if they were initially charged. Most places won't charge until an item ships, but we're talking rank amateurs here, so...
  3. Missed that pic! I can't believe she risked her health after already battling covid. eta: I see she got a corsage. Lucky lady! 😂
  4. No sign of Ma Turtleneck or the sisters this year. They've been featured speakers at previous conferences, yes, even SEVERELY QUADRIPLEGIC Amy.
  5. Last year, Jill posted pics of the men in another conference room, bored out of their skulls. I want to say Jill charged about $150/person.
  6. Sadly, we can't share if her IG is private. If you follow her, you can't tell one way or another. That's why I put the call out to anyone who knows how to copy/paste from FB. 😀
  7. What, you don't want a broken candle or smashed baseball cap? 😂
  8. James Duggar didn't do anything. He's thanking the furniture company. 😀
  9. She's photodumping all over the internet. Who's on Facebook? The pics are...something.
  10. That is, IF Arkansas offers the courses online.
  11. Is she willing to take refresher courses? At this point, I don't think she is. Just a gut feeling I have.
  12. Agreed. It's the first workspace he hasn't had to share with toddlers.
  13. @rue721, when do you get your test results?
  14. I'm sure there will be several more photodumps. I can only imagine how awful this retreat was.
  15. The question is: where is this "office?" I don't recall the bedrooms being carpeted. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNA_WUMpFtJ/?igshid=1721zjlcqxnpz
  16. I just saw the picture of the cookies with the candles. That's enough to lose my lunch. 🤮
  17. She misses Parler, no doubt about THAT. If anyone has fallen down multiple conspiracy theory holes, it's Kristen.
  18. Her "history" posts were hilarious. Trying to prove how godly people were The book she quoted from was written by one of IBLP's top lawyers.
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