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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Ivy too. Jessa is letting her hair grow out. I don't know how it's not a tangled mess of "tousled" curls.
  2. I think this brand of fundies believe that all sin is equal.
  3. The Duggars finally did institute a no girls in older brothers' laps sometime after the Joy incident.
  4. Joy. She was sitting on his lap while he read a story.
  5. Pretty sure that the digital penetration information came out in the police report.
  6. Did Judge Brooks rule on admitting the molestations into evidence?
  7. No, one of the FILs was. He said his daughter was married to a Duggar.
  8. Actually, Boob was referring to the police report (with InTouch emblazoned on it) as being unprofessional. He was addressing the feds. He was aghast that they dare use it, sourced from a tabloid.
  9. One of those cheering kids was wearing a Russell Wilson jersey. 😂
  10. I'm glad I am not the only one who thinks Adam comes off as a smarmy know-it-all. I am not charmed by him at all. I hope Jody pips him in the inevitable end.
  11. The Rod boys are the opposite of nerds. Nerds are smart. None of the Rods can claim special intelligence. Of course, had the kids been given a decent education, the older ones might be showing special talents by now. But alas, their education and opportunities have been non-existent.
  12. Their whole society is based on male headship. Or the Patriarchy, if you will.
  13. Now *I* am believing that they told the Kellers. But what did the adult Kellers tell Anna? I think she got a very whitewashed version of events.
  14. Yes, Bob-ye's testimony that Smuggar started the molestations at 12 is new information. It is noteworthy, given the ages of Jill and Jessa at the time. They correlate with the ages of girls in some of the material that Smuggar downloaded. He had a fetish, and it started very early.
  15. Yes, that was Jill during the Megyn Kelly interview. She claimed that this activity happened in "2 out of 3 families." Her statistic came straight from Gothard.
  16. So that old dirty bastard basically perjured himself to protect his reputation. Threw his daughters under the bus yet again. I hope the judge allows Bobye's testimony. As I noted earlier, she was NOT clergy. Not even close. I hope the feds can do some research on the structure of IFB churches tonight and bring that in front of Judge Brooks.
  17. Nathan's sibling/partner just moved to AR. It would be a good opportunity for Timbits.
  18. I know that the Holts and Duggars had a falling out, so I imagine Bobye isn't the happiest of campers.
  19. No they aren't, and I'm hating life right about now. Seattle also had a couple big signings. If the Angels ever get healthy, my team is in for a world of hurt next year. ☹️
  20. Rough day to be a Dodgers fan. Lost Scherzer (kind of expected) and Seager (not as expected).
  21. He's scheduled to preach at a church in MS on either 12/30 or 12/31. I bet the Rods hit that before heading to FL for their annual Winter Grift.
  22. Source from the courtroom reports that Boob testified that Smuggar admitted to the molestations. Defense is trying to exclude Bobye Holt's testimony as clergy privilege since Jim Holt was apparently head of their church at that time. But she's not clergy. I don't see that working.
  23. Her degree from Liberty is undergrad. She didn't attend any other colleges.
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