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Everything posted by Mollywolly555

  1. I wonder how Emmi will feel knowing her mom phone-engineered her (maybe) win. Plus seeing as how she is uncomfortable and just not ready for prime time or even wanting the big spotlight or limelight in this giant venue is kind of doing her a big. disservice in the long run...serious panic or anxiety attacks waiting in the wings for her. She seems to be more an introverted song writer vs. Front stage soloist. And her voice is not that strong or versatile.
  2. Triston's take on his songs all sound the same to me. Plus he doesn't have the likability of Will, or at least the powers that be are leaning heavily on his "strong son supporting his mother in hard homeless times". I wish he wd smile more and loosen up.
  3. I meant Mackenna is like Diana Krall.
  4. Oops. I meant MacKenna. Abi is more like Sara Bareilles in looks and voice. Does she write any songs? I don't remember. She wd do well to start writing songs to create her own niche. But I get the feeling that she and her family is religious, so she may look to the gospel circuit fur a working career. Either way, penning her own music is a bonus.
  5. I think Abi wd do fine with torch songs, like in piano bar settings. She kinda gives off a Diana Krall vibe...smoky like Lionel said.
  6. I like Julia but that dress was atrocious on her. Her her strong voice is better for Broadwaythan pop music, and she will need acting and dancing lessons. But she cd somehow go the way of Jennifer Hudson with a great role. IDK. Love Ciera....I think she's the most beautiful woman ever. Did Emmi forget words... several times? Please vote her off and put her out of her misery. I don't think I care who wins.... odds are they won't go anywhere without a niche: country, .pop, country, gospel, country, Hawaiian, acting chops, and an amazing PR/agent luck, and miracles. What/Who did I miss?
  7. I saw Carlton and Shantel...bro and sis. . Last night and misfiring said it was new... was it new or did anyone else see it?
  8. I'm in the minority but I don't like the two tall older-looking brunettes. McKenna is the growly demi more voice whose low registers bare register on my ears. The other one with the big family, meh. Don't like Kabrienne or Emmy either. I loved Mia cuz she seemed real. Will.. the country guy sends like a fun guy. I liked kayko cuz he was different, but knew he wasn't going to win. Bland group overall.
  9. Thanks! I did weight watchers for years and got to where I memorized points, carbs, etc. Even now, I mentally add up points of meals. I do need to purge my kitchen.
  10. This x 1000000. Dr Now needs to add a chapter to his book stating that he doesn't t give a shit if the client follows the program, loses weight, exercises, or moves to Houston. They are doing the above for their own health, wellbeing, goals, and an exponentially better life. Dr Now may have to include a giant poster or several signs as well in his package for different rooms saying the above.
  11. How did you do it? I asked my Dr for ozempic last year, but my insurance refused. I'm going to beg him this year, cuz I'm pre-diabetic and about 80 lbs overweight. I take Ropinerole...a muscle relaxer... for restless leg syndrome .... and have for the last 10 years at least. The side effects are: I get chilly, sleepy, and then ravenous...even after having eaten a full meal. I Isiah take it about 4pm as that is when the restlessness starts. Told Dr. this several times. He said other similar drugs have worse side effects. I need something to counteract the ropinerole. Going to insist he "doctor" up my medical needs this time to get obesity meds. Any other ideas?
  12. There's a older lady in my book club whose breasts look like sand bags. She uses a walker and is hunched over. Has long gray hair. I so want to gift her some bras, anonymously.
  13. I used to be a big Sunny fan, but grew tired of her snippy, knowitall attitude particularly when it can to personal relationships. I do respect her legal knowledge. I have stopped watching the View in the past year, except once in awhile. So Glad Sunny put the author in his place about MLK. I saw that author before and could not believe what he was saying. I read alot of Black authors (I'm white) to understand how their perspectives and found that "seeing color" was ok... in a respectful, kind way of course. The "we are all one people" is a belief decried by white speakers/writers/friends/family to downplay or not recognize the unique history, culture, problems, joys, etc of people of color. Their default is to same as its ever been white culture, not wanting to learn or understand their responsibility for white privileges. Or lose their place of power.
  14. I did notice that she said. "Thank you " to the EMTs and car repair/rental guys, and Dr. Now, etc. So many of them sit there like dolts, fuming, and self absorbed, when anyone helps them, like when Dr. Now leaves the room after having given them their instructions. I was pleasantly surprised and liked her, even after the lying liar and her husband swore on their Dannon cups that they were not even eating 1200 calories. Delana's claim of " doing nothing' ALL DAY! Was shocking to me. Sad. Waste of a life. But I realized her phone was ever present, so online games? Social media? Still sad and a waste of a life. She's lucky to be married to a nice guy.... who works! Glad they're out and about and happy in Texas.
  15. My sister fell getting out of the bathtub one morning, hit her head, woke up, got up and put her bathrobe on, got back down on the floor, then called out to her husband to come help her up. They went to emergency for head exam/cat scan, and she told the nurse this sequence of events. Nurse cd not stop laughing.
  16. Coral is puffed up with the noble purposes to save stuff from landfill, create art and scrapbooks, put leaves/seeds in jars, and give everything a home...as well as blaming her daughters for not cleaning up.... fur years. Why didn't child welfare come in sooner? She talks with a high and mighty, saving the earth vibe, while the rats eat the stuff and mold contaminates everything she buys cuz she shops instead of doing her projects, and therfore does not have space to craft at home. She's working against herself to ever do any projects. Plus for Goddess sake, point out that NO One wants stuff that was exposed to rat droppings, urine, or mold. That's those mental illness delusions talking Why didn't the psych or cleaner [or anyone point out her hypocrisy to her? I really believe they only got the upstairs cleaned out...due to Coral's interfering and nitpicking. I think she's ADD cuz of her flitting around, lack of focus, and multiple projects. Again, prioritize crafts/projects and let other crap go. I think the downstairs was still packed 26th crap and they just didn't show it, OR that's where all the boxes are being stored. Welcome back rats!
  17. Odette is MEAN, self-centered, passive aggressive, agressive-agressive, horrible. David is damaged. He has alot of hobbies, skills, and dreams, but ......limited time...24/7... like all of us, and probably less cuz of his age and health issues limiting his activity. Water and blood pressure is all the medic offered? Where were the EMTs with heart monitor, oxygen, etc.. like in previous episodes??? Together they created a disaster. But I get it. Somewhat. I get David's goals for landscaping and designing/drawing again, because I'm retired and have several hobbies...and corresponding materials ...of which I had to limit myself on buying until I used what I had. Now I'm almost 70 and I know I can't do the big gardening or landscaping work/hauling anymore, so I will need to get help AND scale back. I enjoyed the effort and results but just cannot do it. Reality sucks. My point is that I don't understand why the therapist and organizer don't sit down with hoarders ahead of time and do a priority list of hobbies or plans that they love to do, like to do, and have to do. Then have a reality talk about time and physicality wth them. And remind them about their priorities as they sort. Too practical? Grandchildren can be at the top of the list, but with the hoarder being made aware of the legacy of stuff/junk and memories they will be leaving/burdening them with, and developing an alternative future. A future of Christmas gatherings, sleepovers, sharing a hobby or teaching skills, or talking about interesting family history, of course, not the abuse, or whatever.( That said, I hated the guilt trip of using the grandson with David... not healthy for either one ) Need a big poster with the info above on it to remind the hoarder as they sort. I know their hoarding/emotional issues run deeper, but it's a way of reframing the decision process.
  18. Tajko was wise for his years... his statements were thoughtful and well spoken. Wonder why he can't live with Dad part of the year. I hate when kids take care of parents.
  19. I too liked the three former seasons with one city, many auditions. Last week was a mish mash of different outfits, hair, sets, and auditions. I used to like seeing the big crowd sitting and waiting to sing for the judges too. I liked esp. the failing ones who auditioned because it gave wannabees a dose of reality... for Pete's sake, record yourself acapella and listen to the tape! It was entertaining to watch the amateurs perform, moreso than the sob stories, which got tiresome with so many in one show. It is also very annoying to see the fake 😮 Or sad 😔 or silly 🤪 expressions on the judges. Their antics getting up from the table are not humorous either.
  20. Platinum ticket guy's family was Camera ready because they were given $ ahead of time to look nice. They're still living in a hotel. All the$ millions the 3 judges Make could house them for years for a pittance.
  21. This may not be a popular viewpoint, but I'm starting to dislike Amanda because she ramped up that fight with Amy, maybe on producer urging, maybe for getting more camera time. By not letting Amy alone to decompress, she got in her face, yelling. Who calms down that way? There was no way Amanda's son was going to drive Amy back based on his unconsciousness and Amanda not letting him. Then Amanda was passive aggressive by not letting Amy apologize then or later at Tammy's house. It's very manipulative behavior. Amy's meltdown wd have fizzled out eventually into another crying jag. Amanda seems to have horned in on the TLC show when she saw the $ that Amy and Tammy were pulling in. Something about her seems controlling ... maybe as the eldest daughter.... or greed. Not liking her so much. She seems bossy rather than helping. Grabbing the kids up at at restaurant and rushing off, rather than calmly telling Amy that she was going to let Amy have a nice dinner with the adults, turned into Amy isn't taking care of business yet again. Not really supportive of Amy. They all need communication therapy. Amys confusion and self blame for attacking Amanda was misplaced. They were both to blame, but Amy is feeling shame and guilt and Amanda is now owning up to her part in the melee. I hear that Tammy's has moved out of Amanda's house also.
  22. Yeah, no. If it's a health/weight loss facility they're not serving fried anything...except maybe once in a blue moon. Maybe they let the patients order takeout sometimes as a treat, or some family or friend brings it in to them like contraband... which is crazy against the purpose of the facility, but who knows? Seems producer driven, but knowing Caleb's destiny, that's just sad. Love New Tammy!!!!!
  23. I think Amy is truly suffering a major depression given her divorce, post partum baby blues, dealing with two very young children, a messy house, and lack of parenting skills or consistent help. Telling her to suck it up and put the children first isn't going to work without meds, therapy, and a reliable babysitter/nanny a few days a week and a house cleaner weekly. Depression is not amenable to "snap out of it " demands. Plus she obviously needs an ongoing parenting mentor to teach/support her that kids fussing and crying is communication. I really don't think she has a clue about raising kids. Amy's poor judgement or producer-driven choices for venues (like the sushi restaurant) in taking the kids with her is such a rookie mistake. Going anywhere with babies or very young children to a non-child oriented place is a nightmare. You stock up on bottles, diapers, snacks, toys, and still they fuss. It's a royal pain which is why babysitters are necessary as well as foresight to figure out when to leave the kids at home or refuse invitations that only add more stress than enjoyment. Parenting is a tough gig. I want to cut Amy some slack but hope to Goddess the producers are coming up with helpful ideas to save those poor boys from an ignorant obese future.
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