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Everything posted by ccphilly

  1. Ok, I'm about to read the thread now because I just watched this episode this weekend. I was putting it off because the past 2 have been so slow. This one is was instant classic!!!!!!!!
  2. Yup. They recycle their uniforms. Topic? This show sucked, although it upped my hate-watching game...
  3. Dear Writers, The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in a burglary of a Post Office. Kisses, A Postal Inspector
  4. Guys, I cannot understand a word that comes out of Erica's mouth. I honestly thought she said she was going to Tulsa. When she ended up in California with her sisters, I almost fell over. Adonis-do me a solid. Don't hold the camera up to you teeth like you did in your talking head ever again. Jesus. What's with those things? Speaking of teeth-Tara's aren't much better. What's with all of these cheap veneers? Her's are huge and she asked for and got the Ross Geller shade of white. Between those and her horrible boob job, she looks at least 10 tears older. That boob job, though might be the worst I've seen on reality TV. And I've seen every season of Rock of Love!
  5. I liked The Turner House just fine but I have no idea why people were losing their minds over it. It was a well written story about an interesting family. That's all I took from it. Maybe I'm missing something!
  6. I caught something Tara said during a talking head-"we used to have sex 5 times a week and now it's only twice (or something like that)". Their relationship is based on sex, nothing else. I wouldn't want to spend time with either of them. They are both exhausting. Tara thought she was marrying a rich guy and could spend his money however she wanted and Rob thought he was marrying his "hot" young girlfriend. They are both gross and have no redeeming qualities. I wonder what type of relationship Rob has with his kids. Have they ever been mentioned?
  7. Sophia looks like Mogwai from the Jungle Book. I would think that Farrah, of all people, would keep her hair styled. Every she's on camera I ask myself what jungle has she been abandoned in?
  8. Radar is reporting Anna is (maybe) pregnant.... http://radaronline.com/
  9. Thanks Darian-I found Gilmore's mother's story quite interesting while reading The Executioner's Song. Wasn't there some insinuation that Gilmore's father was related to Houdini? I'll check it out.
  10. I just finished all 900 plus pages of The Executoner's Song. I thought the first half was excellent but the second half dragged. Also, I hated that the "romance" between Gary Gilmore and his girlfriend was portrayed as one of the greatest love stories of our time.
  11. Tara has one of the worst boob jobs I've seen in years. And I don't buy for one hot minute Rob didn't know she was married before Vegas. Erica-what the hell girl?! I'd feel more sorry for her if she wasn't as annoying as Adonis. His father is shady as hell.
  12. I can't watch shows the CSI or NCIS because they take themselves so seriously. Our evidence teams and analysts are great, but they aren't the investigators. We're all a team and all of that, but jeeze. I did like on Quantico that they show them with their red handled guns (something that we did/do at FLETC)) and I like that they introduced analysts. But, for the most part, I can't take these shows seriously. I was watching The Following the first season and in one scene, Kevin Bacon's character changed out his gun's magazine (an emergency reload) during a gun fight. I was so impressed about that because it was the only realistic cop thing I saw on the show. I stay convinced Kevin Bacon did that on his own!
  13. I am a Federal Agent. I went to the other academy everyone else trains at (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center). I can tell you that-1. males and females don't share bathrooms, 2- there's no written rule about sexing your classmate (maybe an unspoken one), and 3- that everything about this show is BS. I tend not to watch procedural shows because they drive me up the wall with their inaccuracies, but this one is entertaining, in a "I can't believe they think this is how the FBI operates" way.
  14. I tried the new Neutrogena eye make-up remover cream, and it works really well. I also tried: I really like these wipes. They do a great job getting everything off and making your skin feel clean.
  15. Can anyone recommend a good eye make-up remover? I've been using Almay pads for years, but they are not getting the job done. I've also tried Neutrogena make-up tow-lets, which work well on my face, but no so much my eyes.
  16. Does anyone subscribe to beauty boxes? I had an Ipsy subscription for a while but just cancelled it because I wasn't happy with what they were sending me. I just got a subscription to Glossybox. Anyone try them?
  17. Back in 1989, I saw a little movie called Steel Magnolias. Julia Robert's husband in the movie was named Jackson. I held on to that for many years and two years ago bestowed that name on lil'ccphilly. I had it first. Haters to the left...
  18. I had an unplanned C-Section. After 18 hours of labor, I was so happy to be wheeled in for it. I had a great experience with it and no complications. I've had friends tell me how sorry they were that I had to go through a C Section but honestly, it was fine. We do what we have to do.
  19. Anybody read Red Rising by Pierce Brown? It was the Hunger Games on crack. I loved it and and immediately read the second book, Golden Son (which I liked even better than Red Rising!).
  20. Affleck was GREAT. I was upset with the Nick casting-I thought they should have gone younger, more frat-boy type-but wow, he really brought it. The scene where dopey Nick smiled at the picture of his missing wife was hilarious. I also loved when it clicked for him that she was slowing setting him up. I've never been a fan, but he made a great Nick. Rosamund Pike was the version of Amy I had while reading the book, Carrie C****, Tyler Perry (!), and Kim Dickens were all awesome. The only casting that didn't quite click for me was NPH. I just didn't fully buy into his Desi, I loved the movie as much as I loved the book! * On a side note, an older couple sat in front of me. They ate sandwiches and applauded when the preview for Taken 3 (takin back the streets) came on. They hated Gone Girl, but the husband said it was worth the money to see the Taken 3 preview- "Now THAT looks like a good move".
  21. What's the name of the female pregnant contestant? I can't remember. Because she is NUTS to be pregnant in that environment. With all those crazies running around, I'd be concerned for my unborn child's safety. I can' wait till she goes into labor and Red gets in there to be the mid-wife.
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