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  1. I don't think so; I was watching very closely when he kept backing up so if he did hit the car behind him it wasn't shown
  2. Absolutely love the shade on John's parallel parking abilities...
  3. Ashley's question to Karen: what was the award for? Karen's response: I don't have to answer that because you deflected from answering about Michael's ass-grabbing accusations! Huh? If the purpose for accepting the award was to paint yourself in a positive light before a potential trial wouldn't you be shouting about it from all the rafters???
  4. Tamra's segue makes absolutley no sense... I am sure Shannon had a colon emergency because she didn't want to face what she had done - allegedly - six months ago Just an obvious way to get her gossip out to Emily
  5. The Shabbat dinner proves that the show can be fun when the ladies get along; two gold stars to Jenna Fucking Roaches...
  6. A slight topic pivot... Everytime my boss goes to London he brings back a box or two of Charbonnel et Walker. The pink champaign ones are amazing. I was thrilled to get a look at the actual store 😋
  7. OK - I need to know who off camera said "you're a client?" when Ubah said "I am not a spokesperson." That was quick and hysterical
  8. At the Hattitude Party, did someone really say "it looks well in here"???
  9. Like death and taxes, you can always rely on Tamra to be a bitch...
  10. I was waiting for the live transcription of the text (or whatever) Brynn was typing when Erin arrived at her apartment. Only 50% disappointment that didn't happen...
  11. For the sake of argument, I think it is totally plausible that Emily was shocked at the Model Size 12 label because her every day normal clothes were lower than a Size 12. Let's say that Emily used to be a normal size 12. After losing a bunch of weight through diet, drugs, and exercise she got down to a normal size 8 at the time of the Charity Event. I have experienced higher priced garments having a lower dress size than similarly styled cheaper garments. So knowing that not all designers size their clothes the same, it is understandable that the models had to send their measurements to Heather - not their sizes. In that instance I can understand Emily's freakout when seeing the size 12 tag and insisting she isn't a size 12. If Heather is really the savvy business woman she claims to be, she should have listened to Emily and made sure the clothes were sized properly for retail sales. Because no one will be buying basics in sizes larger than their other garments...
  12. Shannon wins by having Archie in her bed instead of Johnny J...
  13. What are the odds that Meredith markets a line of Bat Mitzvah Bath Bombs???
  14. What's also weird is that Secret Lives of Mormon Wives can be considered an educational program...
  15. Let's draw the line in the sand here. OK, let's draw it here. I have a feeling she'll be re-drawing it all season long...
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