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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. Geez, I’m so sick of Kim/Usman’s “boyfriend-girlfriend” crap. It’s like they are in middle school. That spice tour does look cool, though…and Kimbally looks better with that crown on!
  2. That preview didn’t even entice me to make sure I don’t miss next week’s episode. I will, though, strictly for this forum. Have a good week!
  3. This episode was NOT worth the two weeks’ anticipation I had for it. Sadly…I’m afraid this franchise has jumped the shark.
  4. I remember Ronald accusing Tiffany of flirting with the camera man but I think it was mostly in Ronald’s head… The “First Look” on TLC Friday was a big letdown because I watched the earliest aired version shown by accident on Discovery+ two weeks ago and it showed the same scenes. There was another scene or preview that showed Caleb introducing Alina to his parents on Face Time, but that was probably scrapped when they decided to wrap up their story because of Alina’s racist social media getting her sacked. I kind of wanted to watch it because it seemed really awkward, LOL!
  5. I want Caleb and Alina to put on their seat belts! It is kind of sad watching them go their separate ways. But they just aren’t well-matched. It’s hard enough to overcome language/cultural differences when a couple is from different countries. But there are a lot of other hurdles for these two.
  6. So rude of Ben to sit in that restaurant for hours and only order water!
  7. Memphis was imitating a cow by saying “meow! 😂😂😂
  8. Gino looked like he was going to barf watching that video
  9. Ugh, Annie’s little brother does NOT want to come to America to live with Annie and David and I don’t blame him.
  10. “It’s really hard to get a visa from China, apparently” 🙄🙄🙄
  11. I don’t know if Hamza is slow or just sheltered but he doesn’t seem to know how to navigate life. Not to mention his lying and lack of integrity. And Memphis is rude and self-centered. They should have waited until the next day and set off for the embassy early the next morning, instead of bailing mid-trip and inconveniencing the friend who was nice enough to volunteer to drive them. Or better yet, scrap the whole thing, LOL. Cuz this ain’t gonna work out…
  12. Oh, the juxtaposition of the male stripper party and Gino restlessly pacing in the empty hotel room is perfect!
  13. Jasmine wears the dress Gino DIDNT choose, ha! He STILL wants to procreate with this crazeee biyotch? SMH Who buckles her shoes when Gino’s not around??
  14. Ok, Ella and Johnny are still here…talk about beating a dead horse. The guy in Tanzania climbing the tree and waving to the camera cracked me up!
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