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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. For the love of God can someone tell Kimbelly how unflattering that scalped-back hairstyle is?
  2. Ben: “I’m starting to think I’m an idiot”. YA THINK???
  3. Ben: Mahogany is so immature! She is really showing her age! Yeah, Ben…because she is twenty-frickin-two years old!!!
  4. Memphis’s former junkie homeless mother has more sense than Memphis.
  5. It's terrible to be the child of a z-list reality show person. I wonder how they end up? Don’t give TLC any ideas for a new show!
  6. WTF? Kimberly is asking production staff for relationship advice?
  7. I am okay dating someone who isn’t that attractive…but he brings ZERO to the table. Awful personality, bad and dirty habits, clueless, no boundaries, the list goes on…
  8. Before the show gets started…I just want to say that I think all of these hot mess people should just cut bait and go home! Ok, let’s get this show on the road!
  9. My response when we were excited for this season of B90. 😂 Wash, rinse, repeat. Mike: So, last night was pretty good, eh? Ximena: 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
  10. Mike: “So, last night was pretty good, eh?” Ximena: 🤢🤮🤢🤮
  11. Ximena is playing Mike like a yo-yo. And he is letting her. He’s just horny.
  12. Mahogany should be appreciative that her parents are looking out for her. Lord knows TLC ain’t. Their background checks on potential cast members are woefully incomplete…and Ben gives me creepy vibes!
  13. Jasmine is an English Literature teacher or professor and Gino wants her to do Jazzercis lessons if she gets fired!🙄
  14. Damn, Gino, read the room. Jasmine wants some SPACE!
  15. Mahogany’s stripes…ugh. Ben rubbing her back gives me the creeps and it looks like it’s doing the same to her. So…let’s get married, let’s have kids doesn’t mean squat unless you say let’s be a couple? Ben has had a lot of therapy/counseling?? He needs a lot more!
  16. Hamza can drive an ice cream truck when he gets to the U. S., he has the outfit for it!
  17. “Gino is the worst dancer ever…” shocker. He is prancing like a pony, LOL
  18. Ben is excruciatingly boring. “No stop signs or traffic lights…”
  19. Four times Must not have been that great if she is trying to “go separate ways”
  20. Gino is just weird. His eyeglasses aren’t even resting on his ears but on the sides of his bald skull. And the strange faces he makes! Jasmine’s mom is NOT impressed…
  21. That’s quite a shiner Gino has. Courtesy of Jasmine??
  22. I think one reason her cheekbones look so pronounced is because she has sunken cheeks due to missing molars on both sides. (Retired dental hygienist and I have seen it many times when a person loses back teeth at a youngish age.)
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