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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. Damn, this guy always fluffing his couch pillows…get a life!
  2. He looks like a toddler dressed up as a cowboy for Halloween
  3. Was that the Angel Moroni on the Mormon temple in D. R.? They have those temples everywhere, I swear.
  4. Is that a tattoo of Mike Huckabee on Jibri’s left pec?
  5. Yours was funnier, I LOL’d at “you can’t have half a kid”!
  6. Oh, ok…here’s the shady part…he should not even being pursuing marriage with a childless woman who badly wants children if he is not on board with that. Yet, we see it time and again on this show.
  7. They were on that 90 Day spin-off Love In The Caribbean or something like that…
  8. He said “she’s a strong, biracial therapist” and I’m here for it! Stepdad seems pretty cool, too. Jibri…I’m still deciding.
  9. Is Ella wearing crocs with ankle socks?? What happened to her boots?
  10. So I watched the Tell-All Part 2 earlier today on Discovery Plus because I’m old and it’s hard for me to watch an episode and keep up with the snark simultaneously. Pay attention to the way Ben pronounces the name of his “girlfriend”. All of a sudden he is saying it like “MA-ho-GAN-ee” or similar, it’s very weird.
  11. Either a stage-five clinger like Danielle…or a crazy bitch like Angela!
  12. Ben’s friend whoever Siciliano popped up in my FB as one of the “people you may know”… I didn’t recognize her so I looked at her profile…she had listed herself as a “cast member of Before the 90 Days”. 15 minutes of fame, anyone? More like 15 seconds… (Also, she is married)
  13. Yara tells Jovi she masterbates all the time when he is at work, LOL!
  14. Tim almost always has good insight. Right on the money!
  15. Ugh. I can barely tolerate Betty and Ron. The only Pillow Talkees I dislike more are their son and his Russian doll. It figures that Mike is Ron’s “favorite”🙄🙄🙄
  16. Geez, Jasmine is heartbroken. She really loves him, too bad she is batsheet crazy!
  17. I know the pillow talkees are probably prohibited from overtly criticizing or making fun of the cast but they can’t all be this clueless as to what a stalker/predator/sociopath Ben is…unbelievable!
  18. As a single mother who raised three children by myself, it really irked me to see Hamza’s dad and uncles next to him in the wedding ceremony, all males except Memphis. I know they have a Patriarchal Society but it’s not fair😡😡😡
  19. I absolutely love Great Grandma but Alex’s mom ain’t right and I wouldn’t want her watching my kid. Jenna’s dad is an ass and he looks like a blob fish.
  20. Memphis and Hamza look great in their wedding attire! Mahogany meets up with Ben again?? We are being played… Mike has some (misguided) balls trying to squat in Ximena’s apartment in that country. Not to mention she has some “friends” that could “influence” him to rethink his plan. See y’all next week. I hope it’s the finale, it’s way past time to put this season out of its misery.
  21. Mike can’t read the writing on the wall. Or between the lines. Or the room. Take your pick. And he runs away in 3, 2, 1…
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