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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. That was her brother (Kenny’s son). I’m pretty sure I spotted Cassidy’s baby daddy in Mexico at the wedding (I’ve seen him on her Instagram)
  2. The two sisters that are not pregnant were IN THE STUDIO
  3. Evelin and Ariella are trying too hard to be nice. Hannah’s hair is adorable!
  4. He is doing a much better job. Everything he has said so far was on point.
  5. Sumit’s parents are big fat liars and hypocrites. That was crappy of them to fake out Jenny with their fake proclamations of love.
  6. She tried…she did…seems like a very nice girl I think she genuinely wanted to warn Alina. You could tell she was still hurt by Steven’s actions.
  7. Steven is a sociopath. He has no empathy for anyone else. I’m glad Armando and Corey called him out on his religious hypocrisy.
  8. Ariela is such a whiney butt. I’m disgusted. Also, I really wanted to blend in her foundation at the jawline.
  9. OMG, in the preview for A & K’s wedding, Hannah is PERFECTION! ❤️
  10. My daughter chose her wedding dress yesterday. It was very exciting and emotional!
  11. It’s also on nearly every episode of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, LOL
  12. Andrei’s pants are ridiculous. Tim telling Veronica she sounded like Forrest Gump’s friend, LOL! ”Rum will make you dumb!” Ever since I read somewhere that Molly’s voice sounds like Bobby Hill (King of the Hill) I can’t unhear that. I love how Tim is so invested in Jenny’s feelings! I love Tim, period.
  13. I love that the friend in Dubai told Sumit he was being a jerk!
  14. I hate both of them. Janice, too. But dang if Avi isn’t the cutest baby!👶🏻
  15. Are those of us WITHOUT DiscoveryPlus gonna get to see this? TLC just had a commercial for it.
  16. I watched the Love in the Caribbean spin-off on Discovery+ and really enjoyed it! Seemed much less scripted than the dreck we are watching at the moment
  17. I’m thinking this was his second bariatric surgery, too, right?
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