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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. It takes pressure off her abdominal surgery site when she is standing or walking. im guessing her “core strength” is not optimal...
  2. I learned to use tomato juice for skunk smell from The Partridge Family I saw it on the Seinfeld episode with the smelly car!
  3. You’re gonna need Dawn, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and gloves that haven’t dry rotted... And tomato soup for your hair!!
  4. Love that sister Libby is encouraging Libby to lie to Andrei about a nanny. Lowlife. Dont they have Mother’s Day Out at churches in their area??
  5. I had two major surgeries (nephrectomy and radical hysterectomy) in a 4-month-period and after going through that pain I would never put myself through any elective surgery! I will just try to age gracefully...
  6. LOL, JoJo and Angela have the matching “Best” and “Friends” shirts, just like little 9-year-old girls!❤️ That green sludge is not exactly a “clear liquid” but I guess it’s better than Coke. Angela calls her under neck skin a “turkey goggle”. It’s a turkey wattle.
  7. I’m happy to have Kenny and Armando back! I saw on their Instagrams that they were married yesterday❤️ I loved their toast, “cheers to queers!” BUT...did Kenny really call Judy Garland...”Julie Garden”??? Might have to check his queer card!
  8. Look! Trish has the same interior decorator as Ron and Betty!
  9. Angela’s doctor repeats ad nauseum that she is a double D or triple D...I doubt Angela has a good idea of what that means and Michael has NO CLUE what a “D cup” is... That said, Michael is being a jerk.
  10. Quit whining, Libby, about having to prove your kid is your husband’s, just get the paternity test and other documentation. Andrei’s lack of employment may come back to bite him in the butt.
  11. Yes, but more passive-aggressive. Steven was just an out-and-out mean jerk. Julia made a great impression!
  12. Brandon: “I will have a Vienna lager”...he is so fancy and continental! I think Vienna sausages are more his style... Melanie is cute, fun, bubbly, HAPPY. Her boyfriend looks weirdly like Evelyn the singer from New England who married the Spanish David in an early season of 90 Day!
  13. And ground meat in the cabbage rolls...beef or pork.
  14. Actually, I think it looks a lot more compelling than the weird twin sisters show...
  15. Natalie is going a little bit overboard complimenting Trish’s flannel shirt from Walmart...it’s so awkward between them.
  16. Natalie: “Traditional dishes should ONLY be made by people who are native.” WTF? You don’t own the recipes, you delusional wacko!
  17. Yara: “Why not Gucci?” Good Lord. Buy baby clothes at Target and put money away for college. Also, I don’t need to hear about their post-partum sex schedule...Jovi is such a self-centered ass.
  18. Any culture that “doesn’t believe in divorce” is going to have a bunch of messed-up people suffering through life. Not every marriage can be fixed...or even helped...by hard work. Why are these Mormons guzzling coffee?
  19. Ronald manipulating Daniel to coerce Tiffany into moving to South Africa is despicable. He is such a garbage person. He and Tiffany both parentalize that little boy by unloading their adult problems on him., and Tiffany puts him in the role of taking care of Carly and helping her put furniture together...he must feel like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He deserves a childhood free from such worries. So sad.
  20. What exactly is a”Christian talent agent”?
  21. God, could somebody pick up that child? And I guess they have no qualms about using language like that in front of her. They will be washing her mouth out with soap when she innocently starts using those words...
  22. Surgical assistant: “Liquid diet...don’t let her chug it!” I have a feeling Angela chugs everything... Michael: “I’m very worried about what Angela boob look like” That’s some unconditional love right there. Libby, after one day home with her toddler: “I need a nanny!”
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