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  1. That's a better and more generous explanation of Eva's behavior than I had thought. When she glommed on to the stunt guy so enthusiastically after the merge, my initial thought was that she is someone who always wants a big strong guy to be her buddy (if not more) and protect her, and she is charming enough to go after them. But I can see your explanation too. Maybe seeing only what's on screen can make it look different.
  2. You’re too dirty to lie on the new bed but you’re okay with putting your filthy international luggage right on the bed? Okay…
  3. The hockey clothing seemed like a great product, and if my kid was playing hockey I’d happily pay $85 for a shirt to protect him from a catastrophic injury. But after seeing recent incidents in which players were slashed in the neck, including a tragic death, I kept looking at that boy and wondering why the collar doesn’t go higher. I guess comfort is a factor, but that’s the most important part to protect from a skate slash.
  4. Didn’t one of them say, “Somebody would be dead by now”? They knew.
  5. For those who were also curious, my internet search returned an AI response that says “Pinecone jam, made from young, immature pine cones in a sugary syrup, tastes like a sweet, slightly resinous, and piney syrup with a chewy, almost candy-like texture.” They’re actual little pine cones and the taste is “foresty.” It’s available on Amazon for $19.99.
  6. Even though it’s legal within the game, digging through someone’s personal bag in search of an idol makes you look like a filthy little rat.
  7. That card game looks like a recipe for starting arguments and ruining relationships. You’re supposed to go to Thanksgiving and ask dad who should bring home the bacon and then ask mom what she doesn’t like about you? Yeah, that will make for a pleasant visit with no lasting repercussions. If you’re looking to stir things up and create rifts with family and friends, this seems like a great tool. If you’re looking to just play a fun game that gets people interacting, this is going to backfire.
  8. I immediately disliked Mimi when she first appeared with the hat and the ink pen (I think?) jammed in it. So I wasn’t sorry to see her go. First impressions and all that, I guess.
  9. He seems like a decent guy and I felt bad for him admitting that his life situation is pretty pathetic. And good on him for calling out the other guy who was trying to bro it up by saying how cool it must be to live in a trailer in your dad’s front yard. “No, it’s not. Why would you say that? No, it’s not a big fancy house. It’s just a normal house.” But at 38, if you want a stable life and the ability to provide for a wife and four kids, it’s time to suck it up and find real work that probably won’t be glamorous. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do and taking another gamble on a big Survivor win is just a continuation of what put you in that trailer.
  10. I enjoyed this Amazing Race/My 600-lb Life crossover event.
  11. Cedric ended up looking very weak and easily manipulated. He started off talking about his first alliance with Justin but then some pleading and sad faces from Sai made him turn. And that pathetic “y’all have to promise to get along” made him look like a weak father giving in to his bratty daughters in exchange for another meaningless promise.
  12. The woman serving Gordon in the beginning was great. I noticed the debt-ridden owner zoomed off in a late model Range Rover.
  13. Yeah, I thought that sounded fishy. My kid didn't like milk but he didn't break both legs walking across the room. If he had and we learned it was because of a poor diet, I would have felt like a terrible parent and started feeding him milk products all day long. I highly doubt the kid's doctor would say that drinking a cup of "healthy coffee" with some trace amount of calcium will address whatever the problem is. Tiny Tim was just used for marketing.
  14. I explained my take on it in a more meaningful way further up the thread. But it’s obvious some people want to just see it in a hateful way. So be it. I’m out.
  15. Sure, it would have been better for him to say that even when he’s away he insists she never make a decision without his input and approval. So much better.
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