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  1. Update: Now only $999,751 in debt! And we have metal utensils!
  2. If ever there was evidence disproving that a young "throuple" must be having the hottest sex imaginable, there it is. I imagine all their encounters involve some cheesy dress up and end with the two women on the bed while he's standing alone in the corner trying to convince himself that he's really enjoying it.
  3. I wonder why they edit out the cost of those huge fast food drive-through runs. We heard him order an enormous list of food and then I was on the edge of my seat waiting to hear the total. But they cut that part. I'm sure production pays for it, but still, we want to hear it! It could be another guessing game for me, seeing how close I can get to the total. I already do that with the first weigh-in and I'm getting pretty good. In the previous episode I was so close, just off by a couple pounds. This week I was way off, though.
  4. “You haf to buy de bullet!” I wish one of his routine questions was “What did you eat on the way down here?”
  5. I think about that often with this show and Bar Rescue. With that kind of debt, they’d have to be spectacularly successful for years to even get back to even. Just even. And then you still have no savings, no emergency funds, and no retirement plan for the elderly owner. It sounds hopeless once you’ve reached that amount of debt.
  6. Odd that Ramsay didn’t even mention the clamshells, much less address it.
  7. Good to see a restaurant that benefitted from the experience. But oh my god the styrofoam clamshells. It’s a bit of a personal peeve, but it would turn me off so much to sit down in a restaurant and have my food delivered in a styrofoam clamshell. And the gumbo in a tall styrofoam container? I could handle a styrofoam plate and bowl. Wouldn’t like it, but I could get past it if the food is good. The clamshell is takeaway, cheap, not even casual dining level.
  8. “No, there is no competing product that is -exactly- like our product with the same meaningless design details and the same color and name and made by the same people at the same price. Nope, no competitors, by that definition of competitors.” And the sharks always just say, “Great!”
  9. Heyyyyyy bitches!!!!! That’s what you want from the person you’re going to put in charge of a multimillion dollar operation.
  10. Have we ever seen Ramsay put a bought in item on his new menu? He goes ape shit when he finds out someone served him ravioli or such they bought from Sysco, but in this episode he plops an obviously bought vegan "burger" on the menu as apparently the only entrée. For that matter, have we ever seen him phone it in this much? He was fed up with them and just said, "Put some tomatoes and tofu on a plate. Fry some corn and put Taijin on it. Heat up this frozen mush patty. What the hell, here's an ice cream machine. I'm done. Fuck it."
  11. I also thought I heard shrimp. Did Gordon’s new menu have only about five items? And just one entree — the highly processed, bought in burger? It felt like he didn’t want to waste time on more and just threw in an ice cream machine. Funny to see diners nibbling the corn ribs like chipmunks.
  12. I thought the same thing. He was wrong, very wrong, to record without her knowledge and consent. But he told her right away, deleted it right away, apologized profusely, and doesn't deny it now. No one ever knew about it but the two of them and the recording is gone. It was only between them but Vanja and the others acted as if he had put it on PornHub.
  13. Niles during the season: I'm just a nice, pleasant, meek fellow who finds the world a bit overstimulating sometimes. Niles during the first Tell All: Hey, I'm a man and I'm going to stand up for what's right. There, I said it. I hope that's okay. Niles in the latest Tell All: I AM FURY ITSELF AND NO ONE SHALL CHALLENGE ME OR THOSE I DEEM WORTHY OF MY UNWAVERING DEVOTION AND PROTECTION! C'MON! BRING IT! I WILL SPILL BLOOD RIGHT HERE IN THIS STUDIO AND SHAUN ROBINSON CAN'T STOP ME!
  14. Kyle's food seems really good and he can manage people in the kitchen, but he needs to lose that sassy diva personality. It might have been fun in high school but he's a grown man in a professional environment. It is not a good look for him as a chef and a person.
  15. I wondered the same thing. But there's a market for grooming items that are all "Duuuuude! Got some tanner here for ya, dude! Got this shampoo too, dude! And some wet wipes, but just for dudes! It's not for chicks, dude! It's for dudes!" It's stupid, but they're not the first to capitalize on it.
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