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Kayz Opinion

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Everything posted by Kayz Opinion

  1. Me too...but I was recycled in the 80s...and I watch 2muchTV.
  2. I could see that house being difficult to sell because of the residential ghost. They may have a hard time listing it as an Airbnb after last night’s episode. I believe there are no ghosts, spirits, supernatural beings, etc. Surely there are many like me; we wouldn't care if an AirBnb had that "scary" reputation (it might even be discounted!). Same with a home where there had been a murder or a crime. If it's cleaned and repaired properly, fine with me.
  3. There's usually "coaching" at these events...whether spectrum-related or not. Some even provide several small cards (business-card size or smaller) with hints on questions and answers.
  4. I think he took it on the lam. There may be charges pending. Maybe Libby's "fat ass brother" can visit the constabulary.
  5. I have a terrible time with shoulder harnesses on seat belts. They always lay directly over my neck no matter what I do. I tried using the sliding whatchamajig above the window, to no avail. I try to adjust where it crosses my chest, but it almost immediately slides right back over my neck. I can gain or lose weight; it neve changes. I honestly wish they had never made anything but the lap belt mandatory. Because of the severe arthritis in my shoulders, it is very painful for me to attempt to slide the shoulder harness behind me. I had this "udders" problem 30+yrs ago. My seatbelt even gave me a hickey...more than once. I was in my 50s and not dating. One day boss looked oddly at my neck--and quickly turned away. I had to explain my seatbelt problem. He said, "I WAS wondering." I bought a shearling shoulder pad for the seatbelt and things have been great ever since.
  6. And Andrei the Ungrateful knows exactly who's buttering his bread.
  7. Poor, sweet Kiko. Will we ever see him again?
  8. And we can't forget. Olivia is not a psychological/medical/testing professional. She gave her her best opinion on what she had learned in her years of testing and treatment experience. The same tests ARE used, but are the results questionable?
  9. TANIA! Seatbelt! TLC: You're an accessory! TANIA! Seatbelt! TLC: You've been warned. DINGBAT! Seatbelt! TLC....and just wait for tomorrow's comments! The only way Syngin will live happily ever after is if he stays in South Africa. I'll be happy about that too. Tania will never be happy...anywhere.
  10. You do know Olivia has a disability, right? I have no teaching credentials--I'm definitely not an "Autism Consult," but I can recognize her shortcomings and give her a break. We're watching a show about people "on the spectrum," and we can't expect them to act like kids/people we know. As for your testing experiences, Olivia's is NOT in the United States. She's in New South Wales, Australia, where this is published: The ongoing systemic failure to identify and diagnose autistic girls and women results from a lack of recognition and understanding across sectors of the differences in how autism presents in girls and women compared to boys and men, as well as historic gender biases in autism screening and diagnostic tools. Perhaps Olivia was describing her experiences (and her parents') with testing in her country--in basic terms rather than starting a dialogue about autism and "gender biases." I'm stunned that as a special-education professional you would make such a comment about Sharnae without clarification. She was shown for a few minutes on a television show. You truly believe that austic people are not "aware of things" ? There's a reason the word "spectrum" is used by professionals. ALL BOLDING IS MINE.
  11. There are so many shows that I can't select a favorite...but my adult son and I LOVE the Dectorists! Here's a quote from Toby Jones, April 2019. Asked whether he would consider reprising the role for a fourth series or TV film, Jones said: “It’d be hard to resist. It’s a huge pleasure, that show. There’s nothing unpleasurable about it – you walk to work in the countryside.”
  12. You don't consider that she's also "a vunerable adult"? The relationship looks like the perfect (for now) give and take.
  13. Olivia IS AN ACTRESS! I think the reason this series was produced was to introduce viewers to the various loves, lives, and problems of those on the spectrum and their families. Olivia is just one of these people. I found her innocence and enthusiasm enjoyable. In her mind she IS an actress; she learns her lines; she helps the group; she performs. To those who volunteer to make this group work, she IS an actress. She's probably featured in their ads and their posters. Those who go to see the shows (mostly friends and family) are PROUD their sons and daughters can do something that "neurotypicals" do--things that excluded/eluded them for years. I hope you're introduced to more human beings like Olivia and focus on their positive points. The reason Olivia is encouraged to go on dates is that she doesn't know how to behave in all situations. The more she tries, the better she will get--BUT REMEMBER, she has some disabilities, so she's not going to behave the way you'd prefer. Your words "grate on my nerves" gave me pause. 😟😟 P.S. Her "burping" may have been caused by nerves...OR the producers enjoyed that she could burp on clue and encouraged her. Maybe I just miss those incredible burps of my boys and their crazy friends back when they were 12-13.
  14. Remember that word, "spectrum." It covers so much.
  15. That's what I thought too. When there's an incision, the belly button shouldn't have to be touched. Still...I'm old and things change.
  16. Simon & Schuster* (Mary Trump's publisher) should inform The View prior to the time any of their authors appear that a Meghan McCain, whoever she is, not be a part of any interview. *Subsidiary of ViacomCBS I think the problem is that Meghan can't read...unless someone places a book on her nightstand...and unless it's about shootin', drinkin', country music, or politics (American, of course).
  17. I'm worse than selfish...hoping the test is WRONG-WRONG-WRONG. A baby can't fit into a bathtub with those two morons (the women).
  18. Additionally, Baltimore Betty...they should have waited for all swelling to disappear before they began filming. She still has bruising around her navel. Was this "surgery" laparoscopic? No incision/scar at the bikini line? That would explain that she didn't need to stay over even one night.
  19. Dawn's husband...and then their daughter have coddled her for too many years. I wonder what her childhood was like. She's desperate to the point of needing serious therapy. The family is doing her no favors by giving in to her mental illness.
  20. Is it cheek implants? Is it eyelifts-gone-wrong? I can't quite figure out what has happened...he's getting a Slavic look.
  21. In addition to the 950,000 advance copies? Wowzer. OOPS! Nope, per Forbes: "The publisher of Mary L. Trump’s “harrowing” tell-all about her uncle, President Donald Trump, said Thursday it sold nearly one million copies by the day of the book’s release." But...1.3 million were sold in the first week.
  22. I never watch a show until the end anymore. I usually fast-forward through guests. This would be the last straw (get it?). I'd be happy to watch Chicken Corner, egg-laying, and crafts...but not with the one remaining host suggested. I'm in Joy's age group, so that might explain me.
  23. Memories....memories... Just TEN short years and TEN short days ago: "Whoopi Goldberg Defends Mel Gibson on 'The View' ... 'I don't like what he did here, but I know Mel and I know he's not a racist,' Goldberg said on 'The View' on Monday. 'He may be a bonehead. I can't sit and say that he's a racist, having spent time with him in my house with my kids.' "
  24. FMLA allows 12wks of maternity leave, so Meghan gets TEN TIMES that, right? EPMT Entitled Princess Maternity Leave.
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