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Kayz Opinion

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Everything posted by Kayz Opinion

  1. I continue to hope that someone in the crew will call for help (even anonymously). This stuff happens months before we ever see it.
  2. For me...more, much more. They were happy to see each other--they made ME happy. It's obvious they've been friends a long time. Syngin needed some happy attention--something more than constant belittling and criticism. How much can we take? I've been listening Angela demean and scream at anyone/everyone and be the most embarrassing American abroad. A-Broad! Anything's better.
  3. I L-O-V-E Syngin's friends. This shows the us a little of the nice life he had...New Zealand young free spirits. It seems that Tania went home with Syngin...in most cases a one-night stand, but she stayed for two months. Two months where SHE was as bossy two two strangers (his long-time good friends/roommates) in another country as she was/is to Syngin et al in America. She's never going to have a happy life as long as she tries to live with others--and control them.
  4. Eric-ee is hilarious. Because he's gay and trying to portray what he thinks a straight man acts like, he probably took some acting lessons (in Las Vegas!). Now he gestures-gestures-gestures...usually both hands match. How long will we have to watch his pathetic attempts? Roommate David-ee, some to the rescue; cause some commotion.
  5. I refuse to watch this dreck but I'm not above reading all the snark. Were photos of them as children shown? Wonder what there was about their looks that was off-putting. Of course, kids will find ANYTHING to make fun of. I did! And I had my share of ridicule too.
  6. What is your definition of "cuckholding"? I'm 80 so perhaps something has changed.
  7. I don't know if I can copy something her husband posted on another website, but among things he said were that she never sees the older child. He has full custody. Avery doesn't pay ordered child support. She has never taken the child to a doctor's appointment...nor attended one with her. She "disappeared" from that child's life 2014-2017 and couldn't remember what grade she was in. NO IDEA if any of this was truly reported by the child's father...
  8. Haircare. Fashionable cut-and-dye jobs. Nice wardrobe. He doesn't deprive himself.
  9. So...the sisters were Asuelo's half-sisters. Were they full sisters to each other? I'm trying to figure out how many husbands that Kissin' Mama has buried. Is she on the lam? SHE is a scary one.
  10. I watched "A Place to Call Home," and actually stuck with it through all seasons on PBS...Maybe 2013-2018. It was a bit soap-opera-y for me, but a gay male friend/former classmate (since 1954) highly recommended it. He's usually an entertainment snob, but he was head over heels about this series. I soon learned why. I enjoyed it and all the shenanigans. Loved and miss "The Durrells." I love all the British series on PBS, although Beecham House measured up only in beautiful scenery, people, and costumes...and the elephant.
  11. Make him say..."and neither is KAY!" I did the same for The Family Chantal. It sucks to think of the piles of cash these numbskulls are raking in! I haven't seen their snark; better try to stay away.
  12. She’s honest with him about what she’s willing to do and not willing to do. And what she AIN'T GONNA DO! Hell no!
  13. I will not be sucked in. I will not be sucked in. I will not be sucked in.
  14. My children didn't have "free range" childrearing, but they also didn't have a human four times their size hitting them. Not all American families believe "corporal punishment" is appropriate discipline.
  15. Doesn't she have custody of only the baby? What is her job?
  16. I jihoons parents enable mother enabled/enables him, but at this point it is what it is. They have She has raised a son who is great at apologizing and taking blame but pretty piss poor at taking action.
  17. The early photos of him show a slimmer, very outgoing and cute guy. Now he's the epitome of a SCHLUB...and a poor-me crybaby to boot! I don't see anything appealing about him and his red-rimmed eyes (constantly)...then he adds a GIANT DOSE of desperation to the mix. Go home, Timmy. If Melyza is keeping him around out of pity, she's doing favors to NO ONE. Not to worry...plenty-o-people with them...cast, crew, cameras, etc.
  18. I didn't want to play with "rationale," but with the LAWS created and maintained by men...and perhaps some smart women could tempt/sidestep "the letter of the law" with wigs...if "covering their hair" is the only requirement.
  19. I fast-forward past all that crapola...and watch only the cases that are "medically necessary" (or even mentally necessary).
  20. I understand that, and it's frustrating. The word is "spectrum." No two people will have the same abilities, talents, life experiences, good/bad teachers, good/bad parents, problems, issues. It's not to say that Olivia is "less capable," she is just different. Her brain isn't wired like Sharnae's (whom some on this forum feel isn't autistic or "autistic enough" because she reacts in some unmeasured "acceptable" manner). I really felt this series did educate many, many viewers as it set out to do...but I'm saddened to see that yardsticks that shouldn't be used in these instances are still presented. There are MANY reasons to think Olivia is less capable in some areas than other participants. It's unfair to compare one to another.
  21. I'm considering locating Brittney to tell her to go by the letter of the law in Jordan...those expensive wigs she has COVER HER HAIR! Isn't that what the hijab is supposed to do? Call the wigs American Hijabs.
  22. OUCH! I'm old enough to be Yaz's grandmother (maybe older). I think he's an extremely handsome young man and a beautiful representation of his heritage.
  23. A bit harsh. I doubt if she would even understand if you told Olivia to her face that she's hypocritical. So many people "on the spectrum" blurt out whatever they're thinking. Many won't ever learn to sugar-coat things, so they will be considered brutally honest or "hypocrites" unless more and more is presented to us. We weren't watching a series on the people we work and live with every day. Exactly--she can't. Perhaps there needs to be another season or two so "neurotypicals" can figure out that many people on the spectrum OFTEN can't stop to think about anyone's needs but their own. It would be helpful to have critical comments like these presented to the parents of all those featured on the series. Let's hear how they can help everyone understand.
  24. The "boob reduction" lady was so happy she called her new breasts "perky." I doubt if anyone else would. GOOD FOR HER!!
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