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Everything posted by txwatcher

  1. Haven dies time travel right. And William's back! I miss Eureka.
  2. Love this episode, esp the musical number. As for the promo: 1)If Beck really wants a divorce, that will just drive Castle to seriously investigate what is going on. 2) If Kate is not serious and Rick just over heard the comment(And Beckert doesn't tell him it is a ruse), he still will be looking for answers. Either wat a reckoning needs to take place. Maybe he'll get the kid from this week to hack Vikram's computer and get some answers.(I like that kid and would like to see more of him.)
  3. I am with you TorrinPaige, freakshiw petered out after.yhey killed the clown.<br />This season is Great craziness. But what is next, AHS:Space Station? I'd watch that too,BTW.
  4. Major is either preserving the bodies for the cure. And Special Agent Dale Bozzio is working with creepya** Stacy Boss. Since, Dale Bozzio is the vocalist for 80s band Missing Persons.
  5. Jim Gordon is careless, Bruce Wayne almost does the completely wrong thing(btw, him and Alfred owe Selena an apology), and finally Penguin and Riddler get a team up. %uD83D%uDE0A
  6. One of the best AHS episodes ever! A whole class of vamp kids was quite the surprise. Iris's transformation was well played. Kudos Ms. Bates.
  7. I am just happy Constantine referenced DD. Just wished he had better insight about what Darhk is really. Finally a msg. from Ray and (revealed in the previews) held by Darhk.
  8. I should pay more attention to media news, had no idea NBC was cancelling. Although against ABC's TGIT line-up, The Player had a hard to to hoe. I really like this show and its potential. Hopefully USA, FXX,or maybe Audience can pick it up. BTW loved this episode; RR, Snipes fight scene and banter with FBI investigator, and Alex's interaction with his niece,...
  9. This is the first time I've watched Bones this season and wasn't disappointed. I liked the dynamics of the two show together. I want to see a crossover with SH and Supernatual. I know they are different networks, it would be soooo cool. Anywho, Pandora has been keeping the Witnesses too busy for them to investigate her. I really think she is testing them with the final being what ever fruit that tree bears.
  10. YES! I am glad this show has retuned. Totally agree the US version was missing something and was disappointing.
  11. My vote is for the last two. They are the beat.The others would be fun to see also.
  12. Yeah Dembe! RIP Peewee your death was too quick.
  13. Yeah the poorly "hidden" satchel was very unArrow like. Other than that I loved this episode. Can't wait for Constantine walk on next week.
  14. The wierd is what made this episode good. Baby is the constant in the Winchester universe. When I saw the title, I thought this would be the end for Baby. The writers pleasantly surprised me. KUDOS for figuring out the logistics of filming in a car. A shout out to one room plays?
  15. Great job by Ms. Hentsridge, Bravo! I believe Will is connected to It and when he get back to Earth It will come along for the ride. Also, trauma based relationships never last. So keep hope alive FitzSimmons fans. And Andrrw IS Not dead.(I hope) Peace
  16. Patti is deliberately adopting a "Texas twang" to get on Kevin's nerves. But not all Texans possess said twang. Wether Patti is "real" or in Kevin's head, I do enjoy her comedic input. Love Nora more this season.
  17. RUP Glenn, maybe%uD83D%uDE0A
  18. RIP Oscar, sorry no one thought of a cloaking spell. It would have stopped anyone from rescuing you and/or ripping your heart out. Oops, my bad%uD83D%uDE1E<br />
  19. I don't think Andrew is Lash, but I'm betting he is Inhuman. Strucker's son look terrified and not because of the explosion.
  20. Excellent interview! I loved Ms. Baptiste in WAT, Broadcburch, and am intrigue by her character in Blindspot. Thanks.%uD83D%uDE0A
  21. Yeah, Kate finally understands you gotta be prepared. Not all snakevamps are the same. Loved the wings! Poor Carlos
  22. I like this show and will continue to watch. But if the romantically pair up Sullivan and Alexander (please no), I'm out. That plot device is overused and this show would be better without. Maybe have Alexander and Baptiste hook up instead.
  23. Oh yeah Rule #1 in during Zombie Martial Law, grab a weapon when you find it.
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