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Everything posted by natyxg

  1. I'm more inclined to believe that they're racist dudes who hate mexicans and blame them for the infection and think it's their duty to protect the border, or something heavy handed and obvious like that. I thought it was no coincidence that the one who caught Ophelia talked to her in Spanish and said welcome to America (I think it was) with an evil smirk.
  2. Because they contradicted themselves. First one said Chris broke his neck when he was thrown out of the windshield into the pavement, then the other one said they had to pull him out of the car. They were sleeping in the open back of the truck, I kept thinking that they should have flown out as the truck flipped, or something, lol. He tried to make his way in and Travis slammed his head between the door and the frame before closing the door. I thought he moved the gun because she knifed him. Alejandro had said that when he tried to save this drug addict that some mob wanted to kill when it was all starting the walkers attacked them and he was bitten by one in the middle of the chaos, and Luciana saw. Well, it turns out that it was the drug addict who bit him (high, I guess). Other things I forgot to mention: *Ofelia's weapon of choice is very impractical. *Nick sticking his finger's in that walker's eyes to get to his brain was original, but gross. *People letting the walkers eat them when they were dying/infected never made any sense to me at all. It was supper fucked up.
  3. I rolled my eyes at this plot, not gonna lie. And I imagine it won't be border patrol, but racist dudes that hate Mexicans and maybe even blame them for the outbreak or something stupid like that. Ugh. I don't know what the original plan was, if they had any, but I think that Chris dying actually fits into the story they were telling at least this last half season. Like I said in a thread for the previous episode, it felt like to me like the story was more Travis' than Chris', it felt like it was his point of view that we were seeing. Plus, I didn't see much they could do with Chris at this point, given the place they put him in. Still, I did find the death odd, too. It was odd that it was seen through such subjective narrators, like we didn't see the scene in an objective way. In fact, the dudes just say that they had to kill him and, to me, the "flashback" we saw wasn't really a proper one, but what Travis imagined happened. It was no coincidence, in my opinion, that Chris just so happened to have the same wound as the other guy the dudes killed, in his thigh. If it was another show I might wonder if they were pulling one on us and Chris didn't really die (even if the dudes did try to kill him, I don't know), but in this show apparently people die weird deaths that seem open ended, but actually aren't. Like Celia and Ruben Blades. I don't even remember at this point what happened to them exactly, but I remember wondering if they were really dead because IIRC we don't see them properly die... and nothing. Not a word about them. Speaking of the other stuff * I thought the conflict regarding Travis and the hotel people was done well. It was an impossible situation and everyone reacted as expected, imo. Except Elena's nephew. I was very annoyed by seeing him SO ENRAGED at Travis because he hurt and killed the groom because I kept remembering that the groom and his mother in law were hunting him and his aunt to kick them out or worse. Plus, he was some random dude working at the hotel during the wedding, it's not like they were friends before. Maybe they became friends off screen and they forgot to tell us. *Strand staying after he stood up for Madison and the others made no sense. I guess they want to keep the hotel as a location next season, i don't know. *I was annoyed by how everyone apparently forgot that if the colonia was going to be attacked was because of Nick's shitty actions. *While Madison, Travis and Alycia seemed so dramatic over death and killing people I kept remembering that one time when they destroyed a whole hospital and caused countless unnecessary deaths just because they wanted to get Nick (and RB's wife) back. *I'm not surprised by Alejandro not being immune because his story was sketchy from the beginning. His supposed bite happened in the middle of chaos so it was possible that something else had happened. *I'm surprised the Hotel was still standing in the end. I guess there is still time for its destruction if we see Strand there next season. *I thought it was laughable that the big bad gang dudes were all taken down by the bunch of sloooowly walking walkers that approached them sloooowly, giving them plenty of time to scatter or hide. I'm gonna think that some were hiding and Maddy and Travis just didn't see them.
  4. JA! I knew Chris wasn't gonna last too long. I just didn't see where they could take his story after the last developments. Serves him right, to be honest. Damn, Travis.
  5. Frankly, I don't think that Chris' story will end with him becoming some leader of a group or anything like that. Mostly because of two reasons: 1. This feels more like Travis' story, not Chris'. I don't feel like we've been getting his point of view or anything like that, specially since they separated from the group. To me it seems more like it's the story of Travis' agony over seeing his son becoming a monster and him mourning his loss and his own failure as a father. It feels, to me, like Chris' actual story ended a while ago and he became who he was gonna become, and that's it. We didn't even get a scene with him thinking about betraying Travis or anything remotely like his point of view at all. So I find it more likely that it will all lead to like, Travis killing him or something like that. 2. Because he is too young. He couldn't even drive two like episodes ago. Unless we're talking about him disappearing for a looong time, enough for him to grow into a scary man people might actually follow/fear, I have a hard time seeing his story leading anywhere but stupidity, recklessness and death. Unless we're talking about his having like a teenage gang or something, I guess. We'll see.
  6. No, I don't think he did. IIRC he was with Alicia in Strand's house when they heard the shot. I think it's because the implication is that the Zombie Apocalypse gave Chris the excuse to be a psycho and he enjoys it. Even if he did "what was necessary" regarding Elias and the other dude, he had zero remorse which is expected from a normal person, specially so early on. It was as if saying that they did what they had to was supposed to be the excuse, but deep down he didn't even need an excuse. Leaving his dad behind was more of the same psycho attitude because if it was really about Travis not "getting it", not understanding that this is the world now, then a more normal person would have preferred to stay with him to protect him and to do what Travis isn't willing to. But Chris basically leaves him to die, his own dad, and leaves him to be with some dudebros he barely even knows. He enjoys the sense of power and freedom, and I fully expect him to screw over the dudes he left with, not the other way around. I still hope he dies, though.
  7. They were checking them, both the med student and Alicia.
  8. I hope Chris dies. Over and over I've read people talk about how dead-eyed and expressionless and bad the actress who plays Maddie is, and I usually thought "she's not THAT bad." Well, today I agree with you. She was pretty terrible all throughout. As I was watching Chris and Travis I kept wondering if Chris has no facial hair or if he bothers to shave and Travis doesn't. Please, Travis, shave.
  9. I'm not totally sure Chris will make it out of his psycho plot alive. So maybe its just Travis in the end.
  10. I don't have a problem with Madison "obsessing" over Nick. I think it's the normal reaction of any parent who got separated from her/his child in a situation like this to worry about them and want to reunite. Travis would be the same way if he got separated from Chris. My problem is with the stupidity of her actions. Even if the "gringo" IS Nick, there is no reason why just by turning on the lights he would come home. He might not see the lights, he might have no reason to go there if he found a place to live, etc, etc. And at the very least advertising their whereabouts could attract more zombies, and at the very worst it could attract bad people. One of their biggest advantages was the fact that the hotel was so big and they are so few that it might seem abandoned. It would have been different if she decided she wanted to go to the colonia or something like that, but her actions were just stupid and reckless. The hotel people would be right to just kick her the fuck out. However, I think in the end it's just lazy writing they're using to reunite the group at the end of the season. Travis will see the lights and so might Nick, and when the Colonia inevitably falls apart, like ever settlement in this universe, he might go there too.
  11. This show is so boring, really. I try, but GAWD. When they were fishing at the pier my first thought was that they threw those bunch of nasty zombies there and I wouldn't want to eat those fish, gross. Can the colony get destroyed already like every other settlement ever, so they can all go to the hotel (for a while, cause it will get destroyed, too, eventually, of course)? I find the hotel plot okay-ish, but the colony stuff is just so zzz. So Ofelia was like hanging around soul searching? She's gonna try to find her ex fiance, I imagine, which sounds like a terrible idea. Also, way to fuck up the hotel idea, Madison. If I was there I would start packing my bags before the shit hits the fan. Judging by that Travis ending I imagine the next episode is gonna be a flashback to whatever happened there. I can't wait (not). I hope Chris bites it, which I imagine is where his plot is going. The Saviour thing they got going with Nick at the colony annoys me a lot.
  12. I sort of like the hotel story, reminds a little bit of We're Alive. It's not super stellar, but it's okay-ish and it's making Maddy and Alicia more likeable, because yay active characters! It's a pity it has to be intercut over and over with the other boring storylines. Still, the pier plan seemed very stupid. The walkers could have just stopped jumping, or Madison could have been swept away by the tide, or maybe they will wash ashore again. Going floor by floor seemed smarter, but whatever. Also, I facepalm so much at these people who haven't realized yet that they need to have fucking walkie talkies at all times. At least try to find them or something. So many plots here and at the original show could be solved if they had that, which is of course why they don't. But it's sort of like seeing over and over these big plots about people dehydrating, yet no one thinks that finding water is a must. In a situation like that I would be terrified of getting separated from my loved ones and would try to find walkie talkies, radios or would be constantly coming up with rendezvous points to meet up later, or SOMETHING. Something to acknowledge that we can be separated and there is a plan in place for that. I find Nick's plot mind-numbing and I don't like the setting. I hate heat and dirt and just looking at that hot looking, dirty, dry place makes me not want to watch. At least the hotel looks pretty. I wonder if Ophelia will get a solo episode and if the actress was pregnant or something and they gave her time off or what.
  13. I think it's more about him being a teen and liking being around other men more or less his age who accept him and whatever. I saw it as a very highschool-y thing, because after all Chris is supposed to be a teen. He didn't even know how to drive. Of course he would rather stay with the bros and blow shit up, rather than become a farmer with Pa in some isolated farm. Anyway, I thought the hotel plot was okay-ish, but of course we got a lot of Travis-Chris zzzzfest instead. I do like Travis and the actor, I think he does "good man" well and has some charisma... the same charisma Chris lacks, so I don't care about his downward spiral or whatever. I don't think this is a storyline that can lead anywhere in the long term, at most it will end up with Travis having to kill Chris, or MAYBE, with Chris killing Pa and then getting killed by Madison. Either way, I'm not really interested. I'd rather they would just focus on the hotel and have some interesting plot there, but next week Nick will be back with more zzz to take away from the hotel plot. Whatever. At least Alycia is kind of sort of becoming more badass, I think. I'm always here for badass women.
  14. I think the implication was that the devil was sort of in love with Mary or held her in a special regard because she was his sort of mother. Or both. It was yucky either way and i don't like that kid actor, frankly.
  15. And he couldn't sneak it into the damn cart? Sigh. Thanks for the explanation. He told her if he had run into her in that hotel before the world ended he would've hit on her. Not sure if he would've tried to seduce her for real or if he would've hit on her because that's what he does, show off and sweet talk people.
  16. As I was watching, I kept thinking that everyone is a dumbass in this show and that they bring completely avoidable problems to themselves, yet somehow I'm supposed to root for them because they're poor victims of the apocalypse. Well, no, I will not. Why oh why did Nick sneak that cake? Couldn't he just throw it in the damn cart? Wasn't it the deal? Did I miss something? I admit I could have.
  17. I'm torn about it. I've always loved Rachel because I think she's a really interesting character, and I do have a soft spot for messed up, evil female characters if they're written well. I don't know if she could ever really be part of Clone Club, but I've always wanted to see SOME softening because that would give her more layers and therefore make her more interesting. I hoped they would use Charlotte for that, but it was like halfway through the season they dropped that to make her full evil and she barely cared about the kid anymore. So more than being bummed that she's the big bad next season, I'm bummed that she may be a one dimensional character/villain, which would be a pity and a waste. I felt the same way about Krystal this season. I liked her in season three not because she was a ditz, but because she was a ditz with heart. This season I felt they took her too far, too away the heart and just left the cartoon and she was annoying. I think these are probably my two biggest complaints about what unexpectedly turned out to be a very good season. It had a good pace, things made sense and it felt like they had a purpose. It kinda made the castors and the proletheans feel so... pointless, though. Like the show should have been about the neolution stuff all along. I specially still don't see the point of the proletheans. I'm not surprised that they got rid of Evie Cho, she seemed like such a weak villain, to me. Charlotte is adorable and I like her way more than Kyra. In fact, they should have just left Kyra in Iceland or whatever this season. Every time she popped up it was like she was pasted on and I'm not sure what the point of her creepy vibe was. There was too little Helena this season, though I image it was because she's pregnant and therefore hard to write for. Her having her own place in the woods was random and yet so Helena, though. So, are we to think that Rachel patched up Susan or that she left her to die? The scene starts with Rachel closing up the medical kit and Susan seems to have some bandage or something. I think she patched her up, even though the messenger dude implied that she should kill her, and so did the eye. I loved the moment when Susan said she regretted making her and Rachel turned around so Susan wouldn't see the hurt in her face. Reminded me of that time when her father said they were all infertile by design and she kept her composure on the outside, but was throwing a fit on the inside. Rachel doesn't let people see her cry, for sure. I image she will die next season, but I hope there is at least some light and reconciliation between her and the seestras and Susan, even if it's at the very end. Have I mentioned that I really like Rachel? I am so weak. I'm glad it was Cosima the one who figured out the cure. It would have been lame if anyone else did it for her. Though I didn't get why they kept acting as if though it was actually finished, I thought they just had the info to design the cure now or something. Whatever. I have no clue what the deal was with the people in the island and why they took Delphine there. Ferdinand hates Neos so I'm not sure that he's working with Rachel, I think he's working on his own. What for, I don't know.
  18. I think it's only been a few months, not a year, since Delphine disappeared. I'm pretty sure that at the beginning of the season they said it had been three months since Sarah and Co went into hiding in Iceland (or wherever).
  19. I didn't think she would either. I thought the episode pretty consistently showed that her problem was that Sarah was not listening to her and in her mind was not doing what had to be done. Sarah was right though, Rachel is all about power, so I'm sure she has plans for herself and Neolution in that department, which frankly I don't mind as long as her plans for Neolution aren't super horrible, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, she doesn't betray her sisters. Like, some character development, please. I like Rachel a lot, damn it. Maybe she and Sarah can stay enemies for a little while longer cause she did put a pencil in Rachel's brain and Rachel did try to kill them all, but I'd hate it if Rachel just stays "villain" and doing her own thing away from the others (or, even worse, against the others).
  20. So Rachel didn't betray her sestras! Yay! Please stay like that. I don't dislike Ira or think he's a bad guy, but his whole ken doll thing creeps me out. It's also not a good look on the actor. When Susan gave Cosima the book I thought that she will end up liking her more than Rachel, lol. Her favorite clone right there. I like Charlotte more than Kyra. I hope Evie Cho is gone after this season. The problem is not necessarily the character but the actress. I don't really like her, she irks me. Adele grew on me! It was amusing to see that she's actually sort of capable in spite of being a drunk. I guess if she was sober she could be a good lawyer and all. I hope she doesn't cut all communication with Felix. I am traumatized after that Allison/Donnie sex scene. This after that masturbation scene in that other episode, with the gooey bot juice used as a visual substitute for semen with that "clever" transition. PLEASE, ENOUGH. Helena was pretty awesome.
  21. No, she didn't. Rachel wasn't responsible for Helsinki. What she tried to do was pull the same thing with Sarah and the others, but Delphine and Sarah stopped it. At least that's how I remember it.
  22. I really liked this episode. The Allison and Donnie plot was kind of meh, but I really liked how everything is coming together: MK is back (and with an incentive to help), Cosima and Susan's camp working together, etc. I really like Rachel and have always wanted her to join the rest of her sestras, and they've set it up in a way that it would be believable if she did and she could be a great asset to the group... so please, PLEASE let's do that instead of her being awful and double crossing again. Ira's hairdo bothers me. It really doesn't look good on him. I'm curious to see what the hell is going on with Rachel's visions. I liked Adele in this episode. I liked that underneath all of that she's a actually competent lawyer, or so it seems.
  23. Well this episode was awesome. The best one since last season's finale. I really like Susan and the approach that she does care about Leda. I at first didn't see the point in bringing back Beth, but, man, they made it work, and certainly turned her into a hero. I loved it. The weakest point, I thought, was Evie Cho. I think the actress is not that great, though I do like the character. Her reactions implied to me that she's not a psychopath evil person, but that she does what she thinks she has to to move the science that she thinks is best forward. She's still a villain, but she didn't seem to enjoy killing Kendall and remembered Beth with a somber face, for example. I think giving her that background, that she was a very sick child, was a good idea. Still, it's a pity that the actress is kinda meh. I loved the episode because it brought so many emotional highs, but I was a bit irked by some things that I found hard to believe. Like, Scott and Cosima didn't back up their stuff anywhere? Really? Also, I'm supposed to believe there is not a single speck of Kendall DNA anywhere? Really? No one thought to keep a spare vial somewhere? She didn't wipe her nose and leave a tissue around? O a cigarette butt in the trash? COME ON. Or does it have to be a certain quantity of blood for it to work? I imagine that Delphine is alive, otherwise they wouldn't have given us Krystal as a witness. I imagine she saw something that may lead to Delphine or something, even if at first they all think she's dead in spite of what Krystal told them. There is still Duncan's book around, right? Did someone have a copy? I don't even remember anymore. But maybe that will be the key. I hope Rachel works with Sarah's people to decipher it, hoping to help cure Charlotte, who she probably sees as her daughter. I can't wait for her to be fully healed, too. She has to be by season's end, no? *fingers crossed* I'm looking forward to see Rachel being bad ass again, and hopefully with some more depth thanks to the ordeal.
  24. But there was no time for any plan. That's not how they set up the scene at all. The "roll" thing was supposed to be the moment when it all clicked for Michael and he acted impulsively, which is something we HAVE seen before from him. And he didn't think she was Rose, he thought she was a mole. Besides, why would Michael plan to fake his death on his wedding night? Even more so after waiting 5 years to finally have sex with Jane.
  25. They're more likely to have some villains that stay throughout. In the original Juana La Virgen Carlota's (Petra) father was the villain. Killed people and everything, and was all around shady. He was always after Mauricio's (Rafael) magazine (for some reason I no longer remember). But the storytelling surrounding him wasn't as over the top. Jane the virgin in general is really, really over the top, in a fun way. As far as I know, yep.
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