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Everything posted by natyxg

  1. I liked the finale. It actually went better than I expected. I was dreading Sebastian killing his mother for Mary and I liked that he didn't. He turned out to be the most interesting man in this show full of underwhelming dudes and engaging female characters. I also liked that the door is open for the Countess' return, I thought it wouldn't be. I don't really get either why they keep stretching Mercy out, though I did like her change in wardrobe this season. Mary's descent sure took her really low, but I've always found her love for John (in spite of how boring he is) and her son the things that make her really layered, so I liked that they really pushed that home this season. I too I'm not so sure that Tituba is dead. I didn't right away think of her as a seer of some kind, but I did see her being a creepy witch with no eyes, not dead. I liked the scene when Anne put out the fire in the church. I think Cotton is a good man, but the whole thing about him being a babbling, drunk loser going on and on about witches got old a long time ago, so I don't care about him becoming George 2.0. The thing that bothered me though was that Mr. Jenkins got so fat and ugly. He used to be tiny and cute. I don't like little John-Devil-Whatever. He annoys me.
  2. Well I am bummed because I had actually been enjoying this past few episodes away from the triangle from hell and seeing Jane and Petra sort of becoming friends and seeing Michael and Jane being super cute, etc. Now it feels like they've just decided to go back to the beginning, and ZZZZZ. And know that if there is no Michael death or, like someone said, at least an attempt of some sort or something external that stops the weddings, Jane is so gonna leave Michael at the altar. She can't get married and have a wedding night and not be a virgin anymore, yet. And I've always thought the "honor" would be Rafael's because he's Mateo's father and shows are like that. Can I just say, also, how annoyed I am by how ignored the twins are? It bothers me to see how super important and irreplaceable and special snowflake-y Mateo is, yet the twins seem like they're furniture or something. So, was that Rose Derek was talking to? I always thought that death seemed fishy and that Susana was acting weird, then. She was still acting weird in this episode, by the way. I thought the whole thing about the hidden money was a lame excuse for the whole hotel thing. I liked seeing Rogelio getting a taste of crew life and genuinely wanting to support their plight.
  3. LOL, I haven't seen the episode yet, but I did see the promo for the finale and this was my thought, too. That I would take Michael dying over starting the infernal triangle again. And i like Michael a lot, and love him with Jane.
  4. LOL, me too. I thought the big twist at the end of the episode would be that Lucifer-John would kill her when she was hugging him. Maybe it will still happen. They've certainly driven home the fact that she's the strongest one there and maybe he would be the only one powerful enough to kill her. I thought they pulled out of their asses that Anne is her daughter, and, was her father meant to be her real dad? They gave zero indication of any of this before, but I'll let it slide because it's a good twist. And I've thought for a while now and Anne would be stronger than all the other witches, so there it is. I loved how the Countess was all "that will do" when Mary declared her love for John Jr. I thought Lucy was delicious there. I also did like all the "female power vibe" of the show, specially how the Countess is all "meh" towards Sebastian and basically bred him to sacrifice him, and the royalty line is all about the women. Like yeah, all the powerful females here are evil witches and having a son just to have him be possessed by the the devil is not nice, but it's an interesting reversal of the usual stuff. I fear though that Sebastian will rebel and the countess will be put in her "place", and then Little John will be the ultimate power, cause of course. Even shows that do start with a female driven premise and they're supposed to the the most powerful ones in the show's universe end up doing this kind of stuff eventually. *eyeroll*
  5. MK put an X over her photo, I figured she's dead. But no idea how or why.
  6. Yes, Helsinki happened before the show started. What I meant is that in the S3 premier they mentioned it, in the context that Rachel and Ferdinand were gonna pull a Helsinki and kill Alison, Cosima, etc and their families. They were basically saying that the situation was repeating itself and they had to do the same thing again.
  7. Helsinki was mentioned in the S3 opener, IIRC. Unless I'm mistaken, basically the clones became self aware and Dyad decided to kill them because they were getting out of control, and in other to pass off their deaths as accidents they killed a bunch of their families, too. It's what Ferdinand was gonna do to Alison, Cosima and etc, too, per Rachel's orders, but Sarah and Delphine stopped him. I didn't get the impression that MK got Sarah out hiding just to carry out her revenge. I thought she really did want to help her, then stumbled upon Ferdinand when Sarah gave her the Rachel info, and he was the one she was looking for all along. If MK really did get Sarah out of Iceland on purpose and etc, then the writing was really clunky. I thought it was clunky too that the big tip that led them to the fertility clinic was that what's her name just oh so happened to run into Alison and told her everything. I wasn't a big fan of the Rachel/Susan subplot, and I don't even know what they're doing with Helena. I wasn't a big fan of this one, honestly. And please, OB, never, ever show another visual metaphor for semen. Please.
  8. The male characters of this show are so lame-o. I'm so over Cotton's drunken, self pitying mess. John is the least charismatic leading man I've ever seen. The evil magistrate and Sebastian are quite one dimensional, so is little John. Isaac is okay-ish, but he's barely ever there. I did like the doctor and hope he's not done. Him/Mary were a million times better/hotter/more interesting than Mary and John. They had more chemistry, too. Still loving Mary at least, I think she's a great character. Pretty much all the women are engaging characters, to me. Even Mercy got better this season. Still trying to figure out what is the deal with Anne, but she may turn out to be one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, witches of the show. I guess that will be a thing in season 3.
  9. So I'm catching up on this on Netflix and I gotta say... John Alden continues to be as useless and boring as always. Wow. Lamest witch hunter ever, now. Mercy got hot after her make over.
  10. LOOOORD, a whole episode of Daniel wiggling his wrists, just so Nick and what's his name could come in the last five minutes and save the day like it was nothing. They really need a reminder course on exciting tv techniques.
  11. I feel like I can intellectually understand what they're going for this season in terms of plot and going back to the last days of Beth, but I just... kinda don't care. Still here for Tatiana's awesomeness and the fun interpersonal relationships and the great characters. Still meh on their convoluted thriller plots. *Glad to see Rachel again. She's a favorite of mine and I hope by the end of the season she's fully rehabilitated thanks to neo science. I miss healthy Rachel. Didn't expect Charlotte to have been cloned from her, but I love it. I like that they're sort of recreating Sarah's family unit : mom, daughter, granddaughter and brother, but with mom/creator, bio sibling clones and the little girl who is sort of Rachel's daughter. I also liked that Charlotte is sick, too. I'm looking forward to see Rachel affected by that. *Loved how Allison was all over getting Leiki out to help Sarah. *Loveee Mika. I didn't expect to, but I do. Tatiana is amazing. *Loved Helena having twins and her nice conversation with Sarah. *Sarah continues to be hella hot. *Don't care about Felix's family plot or Kyra's cryptic messages. Or the plot about those drug dealers helena killed. *Random thought: but I like ASMR and found that beginning scene with Rachel and BoyClone very amusing. "Follow the pen, Rachel..." LOL.
  12. This episode felt like half of an episode. Like we only made it to the second act. The Walking Dead franchise insists on having so many episodes that are so. fucking. slow. From their very first scene I wondered if Strand and Thomas were gay/flirting, so, nice to see that my gaydar works. This show is so meh. Can Alex can come back?
  13. She was about 18 or so. It was in 2001.
  14. She was Akemi in the series finale. I will never forget her, lol. And every few years I stumble upon her in another show and she looks THE SAME, even though A Friend In Need aired in 2001. Great genes.
  15. Well, he gave him some knitting needles when the zombie was on top of her. LOL. The only thing he did, the kid was kind of useless.
  16. Alex was in the plane and when a passenger showed signs of infection she was the only one who knew what to do and was willing to get shit done. Also, I like the actress. And her thing with Jake/burned boy is that she feels guilty because she took his mother's seat in the plane when they were boarding. So she feels responsible for him. Are we supposed to infer she killed the guy in the raft with her because he wanted to get rid of Jake? He was the one clogging the boat later.
  17. One of the problems I'm starting to have with this is show is that they obviously want to play with the "family dynamics" which translates into "none of the main cast will die, so every episode new redshirts will come along and then go". It's why I wasn't totally surprised by Alex being left behind. I hope they bring her back. She can be rescued or something, right?
  18. She's not bitten. She was hurt in the finale... a bullet, I think? Yeah, yeah. The soldier shot her in retribution because Daniel tortured him, IIRC.
  19. QMTA: Wikipedia says this is true.
  20. I'm not watching but I'm willing to bet she's from New Zealand. She was on Xena back in the day, lol.
  21. Did they seriously spend MONTHS with the bloody airplane thing just to bring it to THIS? COME ON.
  22. I do like Michael and Jane a lot, but I agree about Rafael being on another show entirely. And I wonder what the point of giving him more children even was. It's another reason why I fear Michael will die in the finale: it feels like they have Rafael on standby in another show, waiting for Michael/Jane to be done with so he can be incorporated back into the main storyline. And then his relationship with Petra and having twins with her would come into play as well, and explain why they even came up with it to begin with.
  23. I agree. And I also feel like they're dealing with some issues a bit prematurely because that wedding is so not happening. The plot about Jane and Michael moving, the thing about Mateo calling Michael dada, the plot about the wedding vows... imo they are all happening now because, at the very least, that wedding is so not happening.
  24. There was an ominous comment the narrator made once, I don't remember in which episode, about Michael loving Jane until the day he died. And I personally doubt that the show would leave Jane with someone who is not Mateo's father. Which is why all of this wedding talk and all this cuteness/happiness makes me worry. It's a very well known trope in tv in general to give people happiness before a tragedy. Hell, marrying Michael would mean Jane would lose her virginity to him, which... again, I find unlikely. So at the very least that wedding ain't happening, imo. There was no version of Michael in the original.
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