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Everything posted by DEM

  1. JESSICA: What were you doing before? SHAYLA: Pharmaceutical sales. JESSICA: Fancy. You must have made bank. What happened? SHAYLA: Oh, um, just, you know, Obamacare. Hee! Aside from making me laugh out loud, I liked seeing Shayla's quick thinking. She may not be as disconnected as she appears.
  2. It was a power play designed to show that he (Tyrell Wellick) is a fiercer man than her (Sharon Knowles) husband. The first step was to go big with the insult. Next, he gave her time to stew. Finally, he said (implicitly), "Admit it, you're sexually attracted to me." She caved. He now has the upper hand (supposedly). I agree with other posters that Mr Robot is the psychopathic Id of Elliot. Angela's dad had extensive medical bills (for things like radiology and hematology). That's why she was crying.
  3. I guess in hindsight we know why we wasted, er spent, so much time with him and the girlfriend. I suppose I was meant to have an emotional ~connection with their struggle. Bzzt! Didn't work!
  4. That ending. The bulk of the episode was thrilling. I gasped at Ethan's sacrifice and I cheered at Pam's heroic turn and Kate's fierceness. But then. Grrr. Colour me displeased. I would like to know how a species as rabid and ravenous as the abbies could sustain itself, ecologically speaking.
  5. Where are all the Milwaukee Lion based jokes? I expected better from my pals here!
  6. What confounds me about the whole ~triangle business is that the writers felt they needed to go there right out of the gate. In general, I feel like most of the relationships are not being developed coherently or naturally. Ironically, the One/Three progression feels most earned. With regard to overall pacing, I'm now thinking chaotic is a better descriptor than glacial.
  7. Exploding coconut blood latté! Make mine to-go, please! The direction of this show is so slip-shod. When Nancy found the photo in the Bible, I guessed based on the wide-eyed "A CLUE!" look on her face and dramatic music that Dr Dad, PhD would be in the photo, yet when she showed it to Jackson, she had to ask him who he was. Oddly, her line seemed to have been dubbed in post. Given Nancy's obsessive focus on Reiden Global, it would be the ultimate irony if the solution involved Reiden with their vast resources spraying the cure all over the globe.
  8. I believe Lemons is correct that Jordan was referring to prior abortions. "I had more than one operation, I mean. I had three. In my 20s." She does not. Vince Vaughn is credited with an 'And', so he is technically 2nd billed behind Colin Farrell.
  9. I have a strange, split reaction. Every week I look forward to Dark Matter more, but find Killjoys the all-around better show. I don't know quite how to explain it. However, after this week (Killjoys 1x05 and Dark Matter 1x06), Killjoys may be taking the lead. Dark Matter is becoming too trope-laden, and it can't seem decide whether it wants to be 'dark and gritty' or 'family-friendly'.
  10. According to TVLine, TM plans to submit Certain Agony of the Battlefield (3x06). full interview here. Excellent choice IMO!
  11. I watched the Emmy announcements live and did a mental double-take. It was like, "Yes, good... wait! HOLY SHIT!" Very happy for Tatiana Maslany right now. Way to go, Emmy voters!
  12. I hereby join the chorus of "Tamlyn Tomita: WTF was that?!" I'm trying to decide which was more laughable: Sinister French Dude's teleportation powers or that prison break. What kind of maximum security prison was that? What did the first guard who opened the gate think he was going to accomplish? Was he going to shoo the wolf away? Nancy Drew doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'evidence'. They don't have journalistic evidence of a link between Radeon and the lions, let alone scientific evidence. After much talk about the degree of urgency due to the level of radiation on the island, Oz and Abraham proceed to... watch home movies and take trips down memory lane. Rather than pack as much important-looking stuff into bags as they could, Abraham apparently thought he could find The Answer right on top of the piles. At least Oz took a few photos of the cave drawings on the wall. This show is so goofy. By the time we got to the end and Chloe of the Silly Shoes made her grand, perfectly-timed entrance, I was all groaned out.
  13. James Frain is the slender, dark-haired guy who plays Lt Burris from the Vinci PD (Ray's place of employment).
  14. When was she shown to be attracted to Three before this episode? It was completely out of the blue to me. Heck, even in this episode, she didn't seem attracted to him (except for the final scene, where she had to be to make the scene work). OTOH, I like the genetically-enhanced super-soldier idea.
  15. Just when I was thinking about how dated Paul's story feels, the music came up, and it was a song from 1969. So the message is, "it's a story as old as time," I guess? I agree with others who would like some insight into WHY Paul is so repressed, given how many aspects of the character work against such a reaction. The problem with Paul's story is that he has no one to talk to, so we as an audience are deprived of a window into his thinking. The story rests entirely on Taylor Kitsch's ability to make sad and tortured faces. Frank's story kind of gets worse every week. Now I have to watch him scurry around and strong arm people. I'm not sure why I should care about him triumphantly reclaiming his place as a criminal kingpin. I.e., why should I be rooting for him one bit -- especially given that his main purpose when it comes to the DETECTIVE story (which is why I tuned in to a program called True DETECTIVE) is to sidetrack the investigation. Moreover, with half the people he's strong-armed, I can't figure out why they're giving in. Frank has an army of 2: himself and pony-tailed guy (RIP Stan). Sorry, but his 'presence' ain't all that.
  16. I don't like the idea either, but I watched an interview from Comic-Con in which Melissa O'Neil made a comment that there will be more clues about the past relationship between Two and Five (and why Two is so protective of Five), so the probability that we'll be disappointed seems high. I didn't understand why she couldn't just stay in the isolation room overnight. The very next scene showed Three and Two preparing to retire for the day, so it wasn't like there were pressing ship matters to attend to. Android could have stood watch over her. It was a false dilemma.
  17. Well, to be a tiny bit fair, Two didn't so much drop her gun as have it smacked out of her hand as soon as she turned around. And then the zombie was moving so quickly she didn't have time & space to grab it. I suspect Android knows more about Two than she's letting on. I want this show to be less boring. It's very frustrating. I like 4 out of 7 of the characters, but the plots are slow-moving (this one particularly so) and the dialogue lacks zip and zing. Also, as mentioned above, the use of the Android feels inconsistent and plot-driven. I'm probably going to tire of everyone having a new secret each week.
  18. Eh, all Plageman's statement says to me is that Shahi's regular contract was indeed nullified and so now they're re-negotiating. It's kind of "six of one, half-dozen of the other" whether this is better or worse news IMO.
  19. Yeah, that was... odd. I was frustrated when Ollie's comment derailed her story. I was also somewhat confused because of the way Angela reacted. On the street she seemed to be, er, approaching "shock and dismay," but when she started relating the tale to Ollie, it sounded like she was confused about what had transpired. I mean, I thought it was fairly obvious that she gave a stolen (OBVIOUSLY LADY'S) wallet back to a thief, but she acted like there was some ambiguity to it. I guess it was simply to demonstrate that Angela is a good person who tends to see the best in people, but she doesn't blindly extend her trust (see: the derailment and her suspicion of a double-meaning) and/or her relationship w/Ollie is in deep trouble. I guess.
  20. Speaking of characters whom I'd like to see pecked to death, Jackson Oz and his cock of the roost act need to go. He issues commands and directives all over the place, but the final straw was the line, "That's why I made you take this job." Like he's the boss of his own mother. Whatever, dude. Billy Burke and Nancy Drew wouldn't be half as annoying if the writing didn't force the "butting heads" angle. It seems to follow the pattern of: a) Billy Burke recognises there is something fishy going on, b) Nancy Drew concurs, c) BB follows a lead, d) ND suggests a next step, e) BB suddenly digs his heels in and/or dismisses the problem. It happened with the Rogue Cats of Brentwood story and then again with the lions. Makes my head spin. It was nice to see that Chloe has a plot-significant role (French intelligence officer) and is not simply Oz's Love Interest.
  21. Nope. I watched his eyes like a hawk: He only looked at Elliot. I'd say Slater showing up at Elliot's office like that (given that fsociety is supposed to be so secret) was the biggest clue so far that he's not real.
  22. I kept hoping for an explanation of how French Woman escaped the lions or at least questions from the guy about it. I'd hoped that would be a clue that would help solve the mystery and save the day down the road, but I guess she's just there to be Convenient Love Interest. Yawn.
  23. They are laying it on a bit thick with D'avin. First with the 'skillset' business in 1x02 and now this (including the "highest marks EVAH!"). When the RAC administrator said he was cleared for Level 4, I was flummoxed. Then when she mentioned the psych eval I laughed because I thought she was being cheeky: She knew he wouldn't pass, so his clearance level amounted to a whole lot of nothing. The show got the last laugh, however, when it turned out that the RAC farms out the evals to whomever. Okay. If one of the perqs of higher levels is that you have more freedom with regard to killing people, shouldn't the levels be tied to some sort of psychosocial criteria? The one positive aspect of that story was the doctor (who is a GP and a psychiatrist??). I had suspected the medication field trip was doing double-duty as an evaluation, and I appreciated that she stood her ground with D'avin and voiced her concerns clearly, strongly, and unapologetically. Add me to the list of people who enjoys the Dutch/John friendship and partnership. I like that John got a win.
  24. One and Jace wore different clothes. Even if Android needs to be up close to detect lying, it's a bit of a cheat to have her notice that "One" had different hair, but not that "One" seemingly changed his clothes twice. Is One's lying wholly precipitated on the idea that the rest of the crew would be suspicious of him? Three seems to think so, but why listen to Three? For someone who supposedly lives and breathes "empathy and concern" he is quick to withhold significant information from his comrades. And Three is the last person to be indebted to. Five continues to bug me. Unfortunately, she has a habit of pairing up with characters I like a lot (Two and Six). Pair her with One so I can zone out, please. I'd also like to see more of the crew doing little things to figure out their histories. Someone mentioned a DNA scan of that dead boy. How about a complete exploration of the ship? Sherlock Holmes would notice that Two has a very extensive (and pricey?) wardrobe -- which might indicate that she did, in fact, have some material wealth. The writers want to stretch out the mystery, but that's no excuse for the characters not to be more curious and proactive, even if they come up empty. Four has the right idea. P.S. Is Android lonely?
  25. Here is a screencap which shows the Darlene-Slater-Elliot eye-line trickery. I think there's something to Darlene's talk about Elliot disappearing and her bemusement over him asking how she knows where he lives. Is Elliot, as CofCinci asserts, also (to add to his laundry list of competing symptoms) dissociative? Beyond that what does it mean? /rhetorical
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