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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I think they prerecord Friday episodes in the summer so the hosts can go away for the weekend. Joy used to have a house in Hamptons. Not sure if she still does.
  2. Bruce won an Emmy for Moonlighting. For Drama. I think his portrayal on that show was more comedic but what do I know. I agree with you though about his role on Friends not being Emmy worthy. If I'm not mistaken they submit one episode so if I was a betting person I would bet Bruce submitted the one where he cried.
  3. If this is still true then the court knows things we do not. Her kids are teenagers now presumably not in physical danger by being around her. And who exactly supervises the visits? My take on this is yes Britney had some serious problems and needed help getting though them but now when she is (hopefully) better the people in charge don't want to let that power (and money) go.
  4. Let's not forget when the audience reaction or nonreaction sets Meghan off and she chastises them. Unprofessional doesn't even begin to describe her.
  5. I agree with this. I think people think she should still be playing Kelly Bundy. She is so good in Dead to Me. It's my favorite role of hers. I love how Rachel just blurts out a date. Jennifer Aniston is sometimes underrated as a comedic actress. If I'm not mistaken I think that is why Marlo Thomas was cast. Going back to Bruce Willis winning the guest star Emmy these actors were his competition that year. Carl Reiner on Beggars and Choosers Anthony LaPaglia on Frasier William H Macy on Sports Night Tom Selleck on Friends I would have voted for LaPaglia on Frasier. He ended up winning two years later.
  6. I've said before I think when SJP was hired it was presented to her that she would be the star of the show. But as the show progressed the other women were showcased just as much as Carrie. And truth be told I liked the other women's stories better. I've watched the series so much that now when Carrie is onscreen I'm mostly just paying attention to her clothes. I did on occasion feel bad for Carrie. Seeing Big with Natasha at the Hamptons party made me really feel for her. But my heart never broke for her the way it did when Samantha caught Richard cheating or Charlotte losing the baby. And out of the four I think SJP is the weakest actress. My dislike of Steve is well documented on the is board. That character was not right for Miranda. She needed someone who was her equal and that wasn't Steve. There are people who lift you up or bring you down and I think Steve brought her down. She always had to be supportive of him but I don't ever remember him being supportive of her.
  7. I'm surprised her hypocrisy didn't get picked up by the media. Especially since it was just a few days ago she was calling women who had abortions murderers. I feel for Britney too but not to the point I would blame big bad liberal state of California for what is happening to her. Ana Kasparian on the Young Turks said when Meghan wants to make a point, no matter how ridiculous and untrue that point may be, she will insult someone as a way to make her point. She tried to do it with Bernie Sanders and trying to blame him for the "Squad" and she did yesterday by blaming California. Meghan is one of those people who doesn't want to just win, she wants someone to lose.
  8. All I'm going to say about that is I seem to remember someone not having the best track record when it came to wanting to celebrate civil rights. Meghan wants to give lip service to being against racism but I have yet to see her do anything to help race relations in this country. I'm not saying she has to march but supporting policies that help would be a start.
  9. My late husband had a brother for reasons unknown to me had someone who was in charge of his finances. His checks went directly to a conservator and his bills were paid and he was given an allowance. The conservator did not have any other control over him. He was free to live his life the way he wanted. In Britney's case her conservator, in this case her father, having complete control over just about everything in Britney's life is concerning. If she was incapacitated in some way I could maybe understand but this woman has continued to perform and doesn't seem like she is incapable of deciding whether she wants to be on birth control or not or even just pick out a new kitchen decor. Unless there is something we don't know I have a hard time believing Britney needs such strict supervision. And as others have said any mental/emotional issues she is dealing with have been exacerbated by this whole thing.
  10. This a thousand times. It would seem her father thinks she is. It makes me sad that the very people she was supposed to trust (her father, her former husband) are the ones who have failed her the most. I at least hope she can trust her sons. I don't think she is mentally ill. I do think she had a mental breakdown during her divorce and custody battle and unfortunately it was all caught on tape. And her father used that to his advantage. Although why the legal system continues to agree with him is a mystery to me.
  11. I wonder if Meghan will have any news to report today.
  12. This is part of the dumbing down of America. Instead of going to experts people now look for social media and advertising to find out things. And if I never hear Meghan say again "I saw it on Twitter" it will be too soon. For me things said on Twitter can be the equivalent to what is heard in a bar. The data bears this out. Almost all new covid hospitalizations are people not vaccinated.
  13. I agree with you. I thought the whole thing with the outrage about nurses was stupid. I have to blame ABC for letting Meghan off the hook regarding so many things she should have apologized for. I don't know if they think being an obnoxious hateful person is just her brand and let her get away with it or if they are afraid she will turn her hatefulness towards them. I watched yesterday's episode on Hulu and the joke was still there. If ABC really thought it was a problem I think they would have edited it out.
  14. I didn't find that storyline a bust but I thought he was miscast. He and SJP had zero chemistry which was odd because she had chemistry with just about everyone. One particular thing I didn't like about that storyline was Carrie's attitude toward politics. She acted like she was so uninterested. Which tracks for the character but she still should have cared about issues. I have actually said the word Goldicocks when referring to a particularly busy time in my dating life.
  15. Is Joy a horrible person like Meghan? No. Does Joy deserve to be "cancelled" over this? No. But am I going to shrug my shoulders and say Meghan does worse things so I'm going to give Joy a pass? No. She said something stupid. Do I think there was any intent on her part to insult this particular gay man, or any gay man for that matter? No. But she should in the future think before she makes a joke that could be misconstrued. I'm sure that joke has been said in comedy routines for years. But it was Joy who said it this time and for better or worse we expect better of her.
  16. There is a huge difference between Joy telling a tasteless joke and Meghan being an obnoxious hateful person but yeah I'm sure Meghan is bursting with glee about this. This. As much as I love Joy it makes me sad that in 2021 she heard gay man and thought gay sex. Two of my best friends are gay men and I only refer to them being gay if it is relevant to the conversation. Such as this one.
  17. I don't think the "joke" was homophobic. But I do think it's inappropriate and not funny. That football player showed immense courage coming out and Joy reduces that to a cheap joke which implied when you think of gay men you think of anal sex. I don't think she should be fired over this but I do think she needs to issue an apology. A real one and not the nonapology of I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
  18. She should get bad press. I haven't watched the show yet but when I read here what she said I literally cringed. She should know better.
  19. Someone needs to tell her she isn't "pro life". She is pro fetus. She is in favor of the death penalty. She shoots animals. She supports policies that make it harder for underprivileged people to survive. She takes a hardline stance against immigration from countries where people are routinely killed by gang violence. Like @WinnieWinkle said, she wants a pat on the back for doing literally nothing.
  20. I think I might have theorized once before when the topic of abortion came up on the View that Meghan thinks she has to be "pro life" because she says she is pro LGTBQ. In her mind I guess you can't be two things her tribe find contrary to their beliefs. I'm surprised Whoopi kept her cool when Meghan said abortion is murder thereby calling women who have had abortions murderers. It is such a shitty thing to say. You can be against something without being an asshole to people who don't agree with you.
  21. The storyteller is doing standup so they are an adult now. This happened when they were seven or eight. So depending on their age now this would have happened at least 15 years ago or longer. And it says two of the star's kids implying the star has more than two kids. My first thought was Madonna. But I'm not sure that time frame works.
  22. This is part of her narcissism. Since she says she would never have an abortion then she doesn't think any woman should have one. She said something today which was a word salad but I interpreted it as when people say if you don't believe in abortion then simply don't have one. And she said for someone who thinks it's murder they can't understand that. Meghan let me break it down for you. I can't understand your love of guns. I won't own one but I can't stop you from owning one. See how easy that was. You get to live your life the way you want. Now please afford all of us the same courtesy.
  23. Oh Meghan honey that is not why you are trending.
  24. He beat her team. I really think it is that simple.
  25. As far as I can tell she doesn't attend any. I have never once heard her say she goes to church. One doesn't have to attend church to be religious but Meghan hasn't even said what denomination she considers herself to be part of.
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