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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. My goodness, it is special snowflake day on the reruns! Wow. And I think if I tried I couldn't come up with a better stripper name than Star de Luna. Either that, or her parents were especially cute.
  2. First clue: "I didn't read the contract until after I signed it." I think that's when she lost JJ. I applaud her for wanting to start a business - I hope she gets some good advice and makes a go of it. And reads the contracts.
  3. You know, if the SHOW were worth discussing, I'm sure we would be! Producers, are y'all listening?! (And thanks, CuriousParker (and other mods) for allowing us to veer off-topic every once in a while. We are trying, really, we are! And all you cat people? Get off my lawn! Sheesh..... ;-) Here, pup! <whistles>
  4. And yet I wonder, if the team had quit, (and therefore Caleb was also no worse off than Debbie or Cydney), would the discussion be about the team of quitters giving up, and how unworthy they all were of the million dollars? Sure, he may have been in "win at all costs" mode regardless of the prize, but I wonder if there isn't also concern about someday needing these people to vote to keep you around, and then if you make it until the end, cast jury votes. "He was a great guy, but he gave up on the challenge because he got too hot." I can see that coming back, just as easily as, "What a great guy! He never gave up!" We saw 44 minutes of what looked like 3 days. I imagine there were lots of directions, comments, discussions we weren't privy to. Dr.Peter lying under the umbrella - was it time stamped? Could have been while the girls were settled and the helicopter was en route. Why not get out of the heat and try and rest? Not my favorite on the show, but I'm not willing to pile on for him not being shown helping. I did catch my breath at the shot of the zillion production staff all running around - that was a lot of folks called into action. How frightening. Thanks to all for the discussions about why the three who went down weren't taken to the ocean. May also explain why no one else took a dip - with that much craziness going on, maybe production wanted everyone camped in their specific spots, so if anyone else crashed, they wouldn't have to be fished out of the water, tracked down the beach, etc. I've volunteered in a couple of crisis situations, and one of the first things we did was try to get people to stay put, so we could keep track of everyone. As for all the others, I still can't tell most of them apart, and keep wondering what Abi is doing back on this show. Every time. Who is that?! (Was it Alecia?)
  5. I "watched" both episodes today with the mute button on most of the time. Family fighting over family is my personal "pit bull", and the others just seemed icky and boring. I did catch the judge's admonition to the young woman about being independent. Yeah, that's going to happen. (Snorted at her scoffing when the gal said she had been wrongfully terminated by Kohl's.)
  6. I'm relatively new to the show (just the past few seasons), but this is how I think, too. Get rid of the cannon fodder and do what it takes to win NOW, then pick off the threats. Point above about Darnell dropping the goggles - exactly right - an accident (even if it was a dumb mistake) compared to Alecia standing around during the puzzle doing nothing. The challenges seem to be pretty physcial, so maybe keeping more of the actual brawn might have made a difference. (And really - Alecia is on the brawn tribe?!) I was wondering if it isn't actually the tattoo tribe - maybe there's a twist coming where it's revealed the tribe is not the tribe they think they are, and have something else in common. Figure it out to win reward! Sort of like there's one person on each tribe who doesn't seem to fit. I'll need to rewatch, but I recall the reward being on day 9, and the IC being on day 11. Anyone else? They all certainly looked fresher for the IC, so hopefully got a little shade, sleep and a lot of fluids. My son and I were aghast at the medical emergencies. Just wow. Jeff's hosting duties was a little jarring, (I think voice overs would have been a better choice, too), but I have no way of knowing the timelines, or how long all of this took. When Jeff went over to tell the beauty tribe Caleb was being evacuated, they all seemed stunned - as if they had no idea what was going on with him. So there must have been some distance between where they were hanging out, and where the "emergency room" was. Very glad we got an immediate update on Caleb's condition. Loving sweet Tai, and Debbie is growing on me. Loved the doc's early comment about the "pea brain" tribe. hee! Maybe I'm in a forgiving mood, but the editing can make hours seem like minutes, and long discussions seem like random one-off comments. I tend to take everything with a grain of salt.
  7. Little known fact about those of us on the "other side" of the political spectrum - most of us feel exactly the same way! Abso-tively posi-lutely we need to help those who cannot help themselves. The basic "hand up." It is the moochers, the scammers, the waterparkers, and the multi-generational moochers that drive us nuts. I would gladly hand over my 38%, if I could choose who got it. How to fix? Got nothing. But being told I need to cough up more $$ so Gina and "her kind" can buy more tvs and jacuzzis does tend to make me a crazy person. And thus endeth today's political diatribe. Sigh. Having said that, teebax, you and I are about as far apart as two people can be (I mean, I'm right-handed!), but I love you dearly, and if you need someone to help dig the hole for your cement pond, I hope I'm the first person you call. I'll even wear a cap to cover up my right-wing conspiratorial horns! :-) Show? Hmmmmmm.... Interesting rerun about Texas gentleman who loaned money to a cougar and sued too soon to get it back. His comments about not being able to garnish anything from her is exactly true. When we've won judgements from renters, they get to keep cars, furniture (sofas, chairs, bedroom sets, TVs, dining rooms, etc), anything related to a child (which is fine!). Essentially at least one of everything in the house. Which leaves not a whole helluva lot we can attach. And that's after it takes three months to get them out of the house. So JJ may be the only way folks can actually collect the cash. But I'm not ready to make an appearance yet. Y'all can be MEAN!!! Devil in the Red Dress case - love that one! Sorry I missed the second go-round. Pretty ballsy. In weather-related news, no rain yet. Brattinella, hope it is clearing where you are! And that all our California friends are drying out. Time to make Hershey's S'mores cupcakes. Seriously, y'all. Tres yum. Then I can tackle watching Gina's case.
  8. Let us know when your friend's episode airs.... /snerk. Ooooohhh wait - you could go with him as a silent witness! Nice dinner, nice hotel, inside scoop? Yeah, for sure I hope his bestie moves in!! Oh, my life is so, so sad. Haven't yet seen Gina and her waterpark. Kinda thinking it may need to wait until tomorrow when I have Oreos and wine at the ready. Not at the same time, of course. That might be icky. But not as icky as the Four Roommates of the Apocalypse. "This is the mess on my couch." Huh? Either (a) it is your mess you nitwit, or (b) you are an idiot for not chucking it SOMEWHERE. Or, © all of the above. Blech. Scam case? Or really just odious people? This is why I'm gonna need the Oreos and wine. Only saw the first yucky, disgusting half of the episode. Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Good one!
  9. Illustrated recaps! Nicely done, CWL! Sure, Brattinella! Come on down! I've got cookies, ice cream, WINE and a bag of Jack in Box sammiches. And makings for soup if I get inspired. All set for the monsoon. (Sadly, I actually have to go to work tomorrow, egads!) Polishing up the canoe... Be safe up there! (As I recall, my spousal unit is working in your neck of the woods. He gets to see hail! woo hoo! Yikes!)
  10. Was this the one where she said she did them a favor by locking the door to protect their privacy/security/whatever? Fun times. I was actually out running errands so missed the reruns today. (We are having RAIN soon, therefore, life will come to a halt). Hoping this afternoon's crop is worth coming home for! The description of the new one sounds hysterical. It even includes the words, "... recorded on video and shown to the world"! Yea! Fingers crossed...
  11. And especially since the sweeps episodes were oh, so sweeps-worthy.
  12. I don't recall. I think my brain shut down at "I grabbed the pit bull and bit him on the nose." Just couldn't get beyond that. If the tooth WAS still stuck in the dog, I'd put money on this guy being able to retrieve it. Dayum! Ooohhh - "Anthony Ringering?" Seriously? Cool name!
  13. Looks like AngelaHunter has some competition in the "mean" genes! Yowza, y'all are in fine form! Cracking me up - DON'T change a thing!! Catching the reruns now. Ed Grimley is on! Y'all know I do love the hair and fashion on this show. I was ready to skip this one (boy friend suing ex boyfriend for a bunch of stuff worth nothing) but the hairdo drew me in. And Milz, thanks for the trip in the wayback machine! Glad to know there's someone else who remembers the same really neato stuff I do. :-)
  14. "We are not maritime people." Only because Whineandcheez's line about "Me thinks I know how the boat was cracked" still keeps me giggling.
  15. This forum is a helluva lot more fun than the shows. But I guess that's the point, right? Woody wood pecker. (Or Woody Pecker - oh, dear!) Spot on. hee.
  16. Just catching up on yesterday's cases. Regarding Ms. Zhang: This is exactly correct. Think about how much a 2-year old understands, but how little she actually speaks. #ELL teacher, too. (Hell, I've taught everything.) I'm in the camp that she wanted to be able to clearly express herself, thus the interpreter. I was hoping when Mr. Max was so well-groomed and articulate, he would prevail. Alas, he's just one more of the "mine don't stink and everyone owes me" type. Regarding Nicardo, I didn't get quite the same creepy vibe as many of you, and it may be because in these parts, videos like that are on the local news just about every week. Some group of high schoolers (and so often it is the girls!) mouths off to another and a fight ensues. All captured on cell phones, of course. We even had one video of a girl being run over by a car (yes, run over). I don't remember EVER seeing a fight (and I'm old), much less wanting to be part of one! Now it's just another part of the high school experience, it seems. A good friend teaches at a high school and tells stories of how some kids willingly commit crimes - often assault with weapons - to heighten their "street cred." Time in jail? Even better! Makes you bigger and badder. Boys and girls, all races. I do agree that he won't be roaming free for long. Today's case just starting up - oh, the hair!!!! Woo hoo! My kind of day! Now if only the cases are as exciting! ETA: OMG! Exactly perfect! That's just brilliant. Well done! In the hallterview it looked like a giant leaf of radicchio on her head. Very cool.
  17. Still cackling about this. See y'all in hell! Ha! No kidding! Too funny.
  18. During Jamocha's case (cool hair!), when JJ asked her how she supported her numerous children, she hemmed and hawed and I was waiting for JJ to say, "No! Byrd supports them!" I played my own drinking game with the baby daddy - "You understand what I'm sayin'?" Bazinga! (hic!) As for daughter with the brothers, I've got no problem with her receiving assistance to raise three siblings. What an awful situation, and "parent." Just awful. (Although, there was a moment of "good job"-yness when he sent the boys out). I do have a problem with spending $200 a piece on shoes at least two of them will outgrow in about 20 minutes. Not my value system, but I gotta wonder who's money it was, and if that $600 couldn't have been put to better use - a car for the oldest one, groceries for 3 growing young men, savings accounts, etc. I'm in the camp of a certain amount of scamming going on, but would be hard pressed to say exactly what.
  19. Oh, good grief, AngelaHunter! That video!!! 21 freaking years old??? And pays not a nickel for any of 'em, I'll bet. "It's your show, but it's my episode!" OMG. Cousins looked like a couple of fine, upstanding, young men, too. Yick. I'm surprised your computer isn't self-destructing with that trash lurking on it! As for borrowing you money, yeah, you just keep thinkin' that, sweet cheeks...
  20. So I'm watching the curious case of Mr. Guzman right now. Holy smokes! I just can't even explain this one. For those of you who missed it, bummer. If someone else can find a way to describe this circus, please go ahead! A car, beauty marks, lots and lots of brown, cell phone batteries for a car, dazzling lapel pins, a false police report, etc. Hallterview: "An end to a great friendship." That he met and knew for a couple of weeks (?) before he handed out cash to fix her car, blah blah fishcakes.
  21. Welcome to the JJ therapy forum! Lovin' it. It's nice that we can come from different backgrounds, different beliefs, (aside from the whole JJ thing, of course!), even different decades, and can still be respectful, courteous, and empathetic. While I don't agree with everyone every time, and I know not everyone agrees with me, I find it wonderfully comforting that we are able to share our thoughts and opinions and occasional rants, and for the most part, everyone is able to have a good time. I also like to think that no matter how different we are, if any of you needed me, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Maybe even in an insured vehicle! Thanks, friends!
  22. Dang. A good hair day and I missed it. Surely do appreciate the recaps, CoolWhipLite! (and others who so graciously fall on that sword!)
  23. Saw that one coming, and switched channels. Saw the preview of JJ asking if they helped with the son's care, paid for anything, and realized it was going to be a good ep to skip. Looks like I made the right call.
  24. I've been out of public schools for about 4 years now. Miss the kids terribly, but not the drama and the risk! I see so many instances of kids baiting teachers, cell phones at the ready, and the news media jumps all over it. Other side of the issue? Never! A case in our district where a teacher's career was ruined because an upset mom posted a comment of facebook, a friend of hers called the news media, and BOOM! The mom even called the teacher to apologize, but by then the damage was done. A wonderful special ed teacher gone, and a true loss to her future students. I got tired of wondering if today was the day ** I ** would end up on the news. Good luck, teebax! We had a special ed student once who was capable, but very lazy. Mom was very adamant that NO ONE know her son received modified assignments, special assistance, extra time, etc. Privacy!! Yet, saw nothing odd about requesting he have a personal instructional aide by his side at all times, all day, every day. Yeah, that would surely go unnoticed.... Snowflake squared. I'm not sure what caused the change, or when it occurred, but I think it also speaks to the current mentality of "what can you/ the government/ anyone else do for me?" among some folks, and a genuine lack of shame. It used to be a BAD thing to be unwed and pregnant, to file bankruptcy, to be unable to support oneself, to make a bad grade in school, to have a police record, etc. There were consequences to poor choices. Sure, some of that needed to be changed, as we become a more tolerant, accepting society. But I wonder if it hasn't also led to an attitude of "rules are fine if they don't apply to me," and consequences are deemed to be unfair and unnecessary. I think we see a wide range of lifestyles and demographics on this show, but the common thread is "not my problem/fault." What happened to personal responsibility? We had a Section 8 renter (great family) who had their assistance cut way back when daughter and some number of grandchildren moved out. They were aghast that we wouldn't let them live in a $1400/ month house for $500. Not their fault the money was cut! We were mean, unreasonable, horrible people because we wouldn't reduce the rent. Forget that our mortgage on the house was considerably higher than $500 a month - not their problem! They ultimately moved out, and it was so sad because there were a great family, nice, funny, helpful, kind, but refused to even speak to us when they left. . /End rant/ Thus endeth my sermon/sociology lesson for the day. YMMV, of course! Thanks for letting me vent a little.
  25. Au contraire, zillab! I think we have ALL learned a lot from this show! :-) And for as much as we've learned, you'd think some of the yahoos who appear on the show might pick up a thing or two!
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