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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. My guess is that in the 10 years he's had it, he's NEVER. Passed. The. Test! Little Mermaid. Flyswatter. Gems.
  2. I had to stop. Both of these freakshow contestants made me ill. Me, too, Angela! I just bailed. I've started doing this on several cases like this. I catch the recaps here and can skip ahead, or if I have to bail in real time, come here to see the outcome. Thanks to those who fall on the swords and provide recaps! I don't mind watching loons, but sometimes they are just too much. Jay Leno and Rumer Willis. HA! I had thought about Leno. Poor girl. My daughter dyed part of her hair blue for a while, but it looked fun, and kinda cute, and wasn't enhanced by all the other stuff. Really, really, would like to talk to some of these gals in 20 years and see what they think of those youthful decisions.
  3. Gad. The repeats today! What a bunch of 'maroons'. When the gallery is cracking up, you just might be making an ass of yourself. The second case with the former brother-in-law who borrowed money but claims the loan was "forgiven" - JJ: "Why do you think she is suing you?!" Idiot: "I have no idea." I need a JJ antidote - a show that offers me a glimpse of some positive aspects of humanity. Admittedly, shows with fine, upstanding, articulate people would be pretty boring.
  4. I think it was her way of saying, "Good luck with this group!" since she was the translator! Ha!
  5. Boy, Andres Nevares was a piece of work. He is 20! Thinks he is quite the catch. What "charms" must he possess? Must be on some excellent career path. Yick and double yick. His BFF was even worse. And I agree, poor, sad, Crystal didn't have much going on. But she's fertile! Yippee. Re: 15-kids-mom: "Someone needs to be held accountable!" CAN. NOT. BREATHE. Lordy. <<rushes to grab the wine>>
  6. I'm reading this book, having skipped it, I think, when I read the series, and this scene in the book just took my breath away. He emphatically makes her swear that if the time comes that he tries to send her back again, she must go. If he sacrifices himself to save BJR in order to save Frank, she'd darn well better go back if the need arises. Not enjoying the book on a whole, (which is why I probably skipped it before), but that scene was beyond powerful. And agree that the scenes in the garden with BJR were mesmerizing. Nice to see so much sunshine, after last season in dreary, grey Scotland. The whole time-travel/changing history thing just makes my head hurt. Just have to suck it up and not think it through. I noticed last episode when Claire kept looking at her gold wedding ring, and wondering if it would fade out, a la Marty McFly.
  7. Regarding the "artwork case": I think JJ's ruling on the artwork case was exactly right. If I'm paying $90 bucks to have the car detailed, I'd want the whole car done. And with a second car right there, I for sure would have looked through everything to make sure it was empty of valuables. I was glad she FINALLY got the "artiste" to admit while he had lots of experience transporting art, he'd never left one in a car to be detailed. Gym shoes thrown on top? Could be. Wife smashing trunk lid down on it? Could be that, too. But when we drop our cars, off, we make sure to scan for anything that might be tempting for the workers. And I agree, about wishing we'd have gotten to see how the piece was valued. Today's cases? I'm trying really hard to find anything enjoyable. They just all made me sad for humanity. Scammers, stupid people, just yucky. Did I miss some gem? Could just be the weather...
  8. No, AuntiePam, a 25-pound "chawwaaah." Wonder if any of those "babies" were hers, or if she's just momma-du-jour.
  9. So the amazing producers/editors were having fun today! Buddy's children sue Joan. And in the next case, Mr. Budde sues Joan. HA! Can't make this stuff up. Good job, show! If the cases aren't interesting (or new) maybe we can start enjoying the production values, along with "spot the gallery member." In the other episode, with the twice-paid-for-car, HUH?! Was there half a brain on the defendant's side of the courtroom? Even combined? I'm willing to bet money that the nephew still thinks he owns the car! I hope Judy didn't see those idiots the same day she saw Buddy's children. Talk about a day spent beating your head against a wall...
  10. My favorite part of this bit was JJ reminding him that LAWYERS watch this show (or their minions) and he'll be lucky to ever find a lawyer again after this. Hooray for free legal aid.... Remember when we used to have "shame?" /soapbox Dolly cracked me up - so COMPLETELY flabbergasted (or gobsmacked for our Brit fans) to be ruled against! We laughed and laughed.
  11. I never read book two; once I started it with Bree, and Roger tracing history I skipped right to the end of book 2 and into 3. Going back to read it now, just staying ahead of the show. I really like how the show is different than the book - it keeps what's important, sometimes swishing things around for speed or just timing, and it keeps it interesting for me not knowing exactly what is coming next. I know some last season were disappointed the show wasn't exactly like the book, but I like the changes. I need to watch this one again to pick out more of the details. And I agree, GHScoriosRule! The "speaking Gaelic" captions were hysterical. Love Murtaugh. The most.
  12. Wishing you all the best, teebax! Parenting can be very scary and intimidating, but also wonderful, warm, and hilarious. Sometimes curling up on the sofa in your jammies and watching cartoons together is the best time ever. It sounds like you and your new young man are both very lucky.
  13. The return of angry bun-head! Saw a preview for tomorrow's show - tenant/plaintiff wearing a red shirt with a Yosemite Sam mustache. Could this be our inside scoop case?!
  14. OMG, y'all! In one of the on-air interviews with a flooding victim, guess who has her BOOBERFLY on display?! Poor woman, but I still laughed. And how do they DO that? OUCH!
  15. Booberfly! May be the best thing I've heard in a long time. And thank you, Giant Misfit for the advice. Cancelled my appointment. Darn. Enjoy the shows today! We are having rain, therefore wall-to-wall, 24/7 coverage of idiots (apparently who moved here yesterday) and the occasional panicked good guy, driving into water. In all honesty, though, a rain storm covering 3000 square miles(!) is actually news worthy. But I'll still miss my favorite judge today. I hope the reruns are at least fun ones that you will all dutifully report back on! I'm looking forward to suomi's ex's case. Hope he gets whatever is deserved! Take care, Spunkygal, and all the others enduring crazy spring weather. Time to bake the brownies and fire up the DVR! Only so many reporters standing in the rain I can watch at a time.
  16. So I'm just starting Technicolor Marquita's case, and JJ states she is suing for (among other things) a false restraining order. Fifteen seconds in and I think - not likely false! I could be wrong... We'll see.
  17. I would agree with you here, but this statement may also be part of the bigger problem addressed by others above. Is Mr. Moore one of the multi-generational "I'm entitled to it" folk, or someone really in need who, in fact, had a legitimate beef? Hard to say with any certainty. But if you need help paying for basic rent and utilities, perhaps a local charity could shell out a couple of bucks for a box of condoms. My take on this duo was that (a) they saw, approved of, and moved into the house, (b) called the authorities within DAYS of moving in, and then © quit paying for "the steak." Gov't- or charity-subsidized housing may be difficult to find, but their argument loses steam once they are in the house. I did like how he appreciated having his ass chewed by Judge Judy on TV! Ha! I would hope that the majority of those receiving assistance need it, value it, and consider it temporary. And that's why we don't see them on the show. Plus, the nice, normal people are boring. Bring on the loons! Speaking of whom, where the hell is she?!?!
  18. DoctorK, I do believe those are crickets you hear chirping.... They used their "tax money" to move into the new place! And I'll eat my laptop if they are really coughing up the $1400 a month all by them-ownselves. Convenient it is exactly the same price as the horrible place they lived in for a week before calling the authorities. The infuriating part is when yahoos like this claim "discrimination" it just diminishes the credibility of the real cases.
  19. Following up on this most excellent idea - do we know if Curious Parker actually watches the show? Or just us? Because as wacky as each market's schedules are (I get four eps a day, but only two descriptions), and the eps vary, we could write our own recaps with what we SHOULD be seeing. Who would be the wiser? Maybe my wackadoodle show was only in my market? Too bad everyone else missed it... Just a thought.
  20. But Kimberly did have a quick panic when the flyswatter came out! I thought JJ was going after her, too! Too bad. Join me, won't you, on the stagecoach to hell?
  21. That whole thing was bizarre. They increase in value by having been worn?! Huh? And what was the business about them being worth $1500?? Hell's bells! As for stocking up yourself, in my part of the world, every time these are released, crowds, riots, gunshots. Tread carefully... Today's repeat of one of the most insufferable litigants ever - Vaquel Lofton. Refused to cough up the LAST EIGHTY STINKING DOLLARS of a previous judgement, and then takes offense when the defendant has the nerve to track down the money. Sues for $5000. JJ tried to laugh her out of court, but she's so vile, JJ ends up hollering at her. Just awful. Single parent, four kids, financial hardship (how much do tattoos cost, anyway?), blah blah blah fishcakes. Nearly died when she mentioned her "nursing supervisor." Gad. We all know what that means. I wish there was some way to know that some where, some how, these folks get what they really, truly deserve. Idiots and scammers like this just about do me in. Breathe in, breathe out... Ooooohhh! Butterfly Boobie Tats! (Tits?) 20 years from now those will be two really big slugs. Yea for new eps! So glad we FINALLY have someone more or less on the inside. Now if he will just cough up the dirt... ETA: Just googled Vaquel, and a post on this forum pops up. Mine! Almost word for word what I said today. I need an umbrella drink.
  22. I got the early rerun of the $75,000 lottery scratch off winner who had not a dime to her name, and couldn't work, and couldn't afford her own bail. I don't even want to know what happened to her. In other news, I was clearing out the DVR, having missed (tho apparently not) the afternoon "new" shows. Ran across the lovely tenant who called Section 8 (I'm assuming) office to inspect the home and her 10-year-out-of-registation car ended up being towed and she sues for $5000 for moving expenses (after being evicted and not paying rent.) For someone as put together as she was, and well spoken, (not a "tooken" or "had went" in sight!), she should be able to get a good, well-paying job. Not a $100K job, but certainly a livable wage! She could support herself, so Byrd wouldn't have to. Don't know if it made me angrier, or made me feel better. Could be the screwdriver in my giant, grown-up sippy cup that has my judgement clouded. Hey, it counts as a fruit, right?
  23. I think Ms. Sessions is trouble all the way around. How sad. I hope someone else is keeping an eye on Grandma's finances.
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