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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Oh, man, new episodes! The return of the fly swatter! Whack! Plaintiff nearly barfs mid-case! Blech! Then episode two features two cases: Mr. Bader, and then Dr. Bader. Those crazy editors! Mr. Bader's ex is beyond wackadoodle. Hope (a) Mr. Bader learns how birth control works, and (b) he does take her back to court. ETA: Great minds, @Toaster Strudel!
  2. And @Cobalt Stargazer, as I recall, you are a youngster! You wear the old fart hat mahhhvelously, dahling!
  3. We also had the rerun today of "Were you ever intimate?" "No, just the first time in the truck." Very gentlemanly!! I had missed it the first time around. 2 adults in one bed, 5 kids (or 3 or 9 or some number) in a one bedroom apartment. But just "friends." And breeding and breeding and breeding... I know we are no longer in the June and Ward Cleaver days, but honestly, there is something to be said for "First comes love, then comes marriage..." if for no other reason than children grow up with PARENTS, rather than egg/sperm donors. "Baby daddy/momma" Gad. Just hate that.
  4. "She's on my purge list"?!?!?!?! Does that mean what I think it means?
  5. Oh, that was so cool! We learned so much! What's behind the door! How do they shoot the hallterviews! Neato! Spoiler alert: the photo on the link is the defendant, and I thought THAT was the nitwit. Favorite part: Byrd: "Ooookey dokey." Le Sigh... Thanks for posting!
  6. I totally missed the Fawwx Dreadlocks connection! I just assumed it was fox fur, like when fox jackets were all the rage in the 80's. Good lord. That's "historical." May have to add it to the Lexicon!!
  7. I was impressed that the plaintiff only wanted back part of the money spent, and that JJ didn't go off on the "she ate the steak" rant I was expecting. Clearly the def didn't deliver what was promised, and I did like that the plaintiff was reasonable. Surprisingly "nice" case. That's all for now. Gotta go floss my teeth.
  8. Ick, ick, ick. You are a sicko, Toaster Strudel! Blech. But you make a valid point...
  9. I TOLD you to grab the wine! Silly goose! You were warned.
  10. Just realized it was one of the early reruns. It may not show up. I today's afternoon second ep. Dud. Two ungrateful brats and one typical 17-year old goober.
  11. ARGH!!!! I'm exactly two minutes into Ms. Winters and her 7 children (who supports herself on $600 a month from her child's SSI). I may not make it to the end. Breathe in, breathe out. Angela, grab the wine!!!! Stat! JJ: "What do you want?" Ms.W: "I want my money back." JJ: "How much money did you give him?" MsW: "I didn't give him nuthin'." Of course!
  12. Did not know about this one! Wow. Impressive! Doncha know when the registrar is writing these things on the birth certificates, they've got a whole WALL full of names like this one? I ran across a Rocky Rhodes once. Sigh. At least there is no punctuation in those.
  13. That case puzzled me until I went back and rewatched parts of it. Eureka Starr is my second favorite JJ contestant name. Maybe third, behind Tashma Body and Crystal Meth-head or whatever it was. I was surprised our friendly judge didn't call out the blushing bride for her posture. Drove me crazy. And our second case this week of purple!! You know I'm all about the fashion and coiffures here. Maybe production found a sale and outfitted everyone. Way to go!
  14. The rerun with the Section 8 Landlord?! Holy smokes! What a nut. Absolutely wanted her 20-year old condo redone on someone else's dime! I hope if she did call Section 8 they got a load of her, too. (Can we send in a video?!)
  15. Well that's a novelty..... hee! Several cases of weird friends this week. And she was loon. I've got some very drear friends, and some acquaintances who may be called "friends," and in neither case would I presume to paint art on the walls. I think even if I painted it all white they'd be pissed off. But I live in another world.
  16. Anyone else think the special snowflake who bought a car for $2500 and sold it a week later to her FRIENDS for $3000 knew what she was doing? I'm guessing she tried to title it, found out she couldn't, and then passed it on. What a peach, though, to offer her friends such a great deal!!
  17. Just rewatched the Cathleen Kreftmeyer case above. (Christina's post.) What an awful story. The dad looked so nice. I hope he has the kids now. And that he's as good a dad as he appears. Couldn't find anything on the Moron Mom (Thanks, JJ!), but I'm not as good at digging stuff up as others.
  18. I remember them from before (the hair!) and still wonder which pair was the bigger set of idiots. I'm guessing Melvin falls into the "I spent the money, therefore they don't get it back" category. But the plaintiffs? Seriously? And were they renting one bedroom, or the whole townhouse? Jacqueline just cracked me up. She looked so horrified that she was going to get the car back! (But not the 5K she'd asked for.) And then one day this week there was the rerun of the woman who apparently won back child support in the amount of a zillion dollars (I missed the beginning) and blew it all on cars and furniture. For herself. But it's okay. Her kids can set up Go Fund Me accounts when they need new shoes, right?
  19. Today's repeat of the mustard-squirting, window-smashing Three Horses of the Apocalypse included a great quote about Karma. God, I hope so! In spades. A thousand times over. And then again.
  20. Didn't miss much, I don't think chenoa333. I recognized the 3 idiot girls who forced a roommate out mid-lease, and then sued her for back rent. When JJ asked if there were ridiculous! they just kept adding to the list of things they thought the girl owed them. Mean girls, indeed. I switched to "My Dream Lottery House" or whatever that show is when the second JJ rerun came on. Didn't look like something I needed to fold laundry to.
  21. And we also had the 25 lb "chawaawaa" case! My favorite part: JJ: "Don't be stupid!" Me: (and the whole world) "Too late!" Great reruns today. Except for the poor puppy part.
  22. I watched this one again, too. The first time around, I was totally on board with mom being the one who closed it. But having raised two kids not unlike the daughter, and having listened to it again, I think it IS possible that the daughter took out the money when she and boyfriend decided to move in and had no cash. "Hey, I've got some cash I can get." That young, they don't understand all the penalties, etc. And it had been long enough that maybe SHE had forgotten, too. Maybe mom was pleading ignorance to help the girl save face? (knowing the daughter had taken it?) We had a special account set up for our daughter, and when she moved in with boyfriend when she became an "adult" we lost track of that account, and often wonder if she closed it/cashed it. Hard to say on this one, which is why JJ had no recourse. Not any evidence.
  23. Oh, good lord. This just makes me sick to my stomach. Because I can totally see this. And his mom coaching him. Ugh. May his current circumstances bring some sort of peace to the other mom. I don't know how, or why it would, but maybe.
  24. Holy smokes. For as often as we've talked about seeing litigants either again on JJ, or elsewhere in the justice system, it is weird to actually see that pan out.
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