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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Yes, it was a repeat. (the case with the awful blonde woman.) The crocodile tears in the hallterview - sheesh. And I agree with the def - she's probably done this several times. Ick. As for the puppy Mocha case, JJ did a "here's what happened" that someone posted, since soooooo many people had flooded the show asking what happened. She introduced the new family, and the puppy had been renamed Fluffy, or something. Very sweet.
  2. The return of "I'd like my ring back, please!" Ha!!!! Love it. What part of "You don't get the ring back" is so difficult to understand? But very fashionable attire for court!
  3. God. STOP!!!! Laughing is hurting my head! (True story: I do have a headache. Cutting waaaaaaaaaaaay back (waaaay back) on carbs to try to fit into super cool Mother of the Bride dress I found. Looks so pretty on the 15-year old model. The Jumbo size, not so much.) Marry me, @jilliannatalia?! I can cut Mr. Toes to the curb! (you do drink wine, right?!) Sorry @AngelaHunter! You've been replaced...
  4. @jilliannatalia Hilarious!! Let me see what kind of paperwork I can scribble up on this sticky note I have here. I think there is a crayon under the sofa. And fortunately, I have a very good photo of (some) computer I took about 5 years ago, so I can use that. Plus my printout from Best Buy for a replacement (and super-jacked up Fantasmagorical version) that will show what I'm owed. I appreciate your working with me. So few fellow litigants will cooperate! As for my well-being, aside from the killer headache and eye strain (one still wobbles,) the wine is helping. A LOT. Thanks for the concern! Show? Show? Anywhere? The repeat of the lovely "Fiancee" and her tribe of "I was a-feared for my safety, so I quickly dumped my baby and ran outside!" Or course, I wasn't paying too much attention, having lived through this particular hell before, so it's hard to know who said what exactly, and I almost bailed, BUT I stayed through to the (forgotten) conclusion: "You win $5000! YOU win $5000! So no money for either of you!" HA! Whew.
  5. Oh, heavens, that's too funny. Y'all couldn't have planned that any better. (And maybe "Funky" and "Spunky" are better than what you've actually got?)
  6. Oh. My. Dawg! This has me wanting to throw my shoes at the computer screen. My eyes rolled so far back in my head I had to slam my head on the wall to shake them back into place. Double criminy. And @funky-rat, such a sweet story about your Cousin Funky. I get it. I'd tell you to embrace the uniqueness, but, nah. Bummer.
  7. Nooooo! OMG. At least there isn't any punctuation in that name. Yet. Back in the dark ages, my folks had settled on Kimberly Clark for me. I think it sounds beautiful, so at first was disappointed when she told me they scrapped it for my actual (boringly common) names. Then Mom explained they made the change when she (bless her) realized it was a toilet paper company. Ah, the good ol'' days... Still giggling about Crowding Dragon - Flying Helicopter Tiger Mom. Just so perfect. Post of the day/week/month!
  8. While Christ is the main "character" in this STORY, for this MUSICAL, the character, for me, has always been more like the vanilla ice cream in a hot fudge sundae: The delivery vehicle for the really, really, good stuff. (yikes, that sounds a little sacrilegious!) If not for Christ, there wouldn't be Judas, Pilate, et al. So in that regard, I was fine with the casting. They were all amazing. I wasn't sure I'd like Sara B when she started out, but she won me over and did beautifully. That said, Gethsemane is still the big, bang, boom song for me, as well.
  9. I love this! And completely agree. I love seeing how differently productions are staged, and I really enjoyed this one. The cross-shaped tables, the glitter, even the scarves. The crowd in the beginning I thought also became part of the production with the fawning over "Jesus." Our local musical theater company was supposed to do this show a couple of years ago, then pulled it (for "In The Heights," so that was okay) and I was so disappointed. Ran into it on TV a few months ago, and promptly downloaded the album. Glad the digital can't wear out!
  10. I thought it was fabulous! A little concerned at the beginning with John Legend, but I thought he did great. Loved everyone else. And yes, BVD absolutely amazing. I thought staging was wonderful, creative, and emotional. Can't wait to watch again, without the commercials! Have been a fan of Norm Lewis since Les Mis 25, so was thrilled to see him again. I thought Alice Cooper brought the right mix of evil and camp. Why? People, whatever their religion or lack thereof) who are offended by the idea of the musical, won't be watching. I was coming here to comment on this post, too. Talent is talent, and this show was full of it. (I did kind of wonder about the lack of HAIR on so many of the cast! ha!) Content is always good, especially presented in a new (in the 70's) way. Great message for me, as a Christian on Easter Sunday, and a great production, as a musical theater lover. And I, too, wore the grooves off my original cast album!
  11. I've enjoyed all the stupid wedding cases this week, since we are planning Daughter Toes' summer wedding. Signed and printed copies of all contracts (and references checked, of all things! at our house.) Stupid bitch today who got TEN bridesmaid's dresses, plus two flower girls (who knows this many people?!?!) for five hundred freaking dollars, and had the big, hairy balls to sue for $3200? Shoot me now. Our whole society is so f'ed up, that people think they can do this (and DO!), and often win. Holy shit. Perfect, and cracking me up!!! Can NOT quit laughing! Perfect!!
  12. Dammit! Another boring night at Angela's...... <3
  13. Oh, that's gorgeous stuff! I've looked at a couple of tables like that, but couldn't justify buying it when I have a perfectly good (but awkward and hand-me-down) dining room table. And I'm old, financially secure, and I guess, far too sensible. But man, that's pretty stuff. Stupid whippersnappers.... Grrrr..... Today's Section 8 case. Le Sigh. Could not believe lady with far too many kids and Bozo the Clown hair sued for punitive damages! And moving expenses! Gah. Her smirky, smiley mug when the plaintiff couldn't collect really had me ready to throw my shoes. How the house got to that state I have no idea. Inspectors hit us every 3 months when we had Section 8-ers, and we got zapped with all sorts of stupid crap to repair: Rust ring on stainless sink. Gee, it wasn't there 3 months ago when they moved in, but it's my responsibility to remove it? So the house is liveable? I was kind of thinking Judy might sent them home to retry, but then when Plaintiff said she'd sold the house, then, nah, boom. Glad it all got tossed. ETA: Mr. Toes advised me we weren't inspected every three months. It just felt like it. But the rust ring was a real thing - Grrrr....
  14. Oh, honey, we saw this for the EIGHTH grade dances. Held in the cafeteria with ketchup packets on the floor. Several local schools have tried to curtail some of it - no spaghetti straps, no bare shoulders, etc, but usually those can't be enforced ("But she bought this dress months ago before we knew about the rules! It's not faaaaaair!). Some have been able to reign it in, which is nice. But I thought this gal's dream dress was really not appropriate for any school function. Why do teens feel the need to be a Kardashian? (Insert "woe for our poor society" monologue here, please.) Admittedly, values/culture/social norms vary. And I agree, mom probably did rake her over the coals for not pulling her weight during testimony. As for why she took the dress, I can see this. No experience in explaining to a vendor that you aren't happy with the product. I did that, as an adult once. Commissioned a work, and obviously wasn't as clear in what I wanted, because what I got was no where near what I was expecting. Didn't say anything at the time, and tried to explain later, and the gal admonished me, "You should have said something at the time. " And I should have. I learned. I turned off the poor guy who put that witch on the deed to his house. I remember it from last time and it was just too, um, too. My daughter's best friend did the same type of thing- got the mortgage in her name only, and put bum of hubby on the title. Hope it works for her... The gardner/contractor guy? Criminy. Y'all's comments are so spot on. "Never pulled up a dandelion!" Hee! Indeed!
  15. This a thousand times. Mr. Toes does most of the repairs on our rent houses himself, so there aren't receipts for work done. Fortunately, our local JP USUALLY takes that into account, and will award damages/funds. (Not that we collect all the time, but at least he gets that the landlord's time is worth something.) That's one reason we only do 2-year leases. We have nice properties, and the wear and tear, even with good tenants, is too much to redo everything every 6 months. Plus long-termers are more likely to treat the property as their own. We've had several stay over 10 years. Hate to see those go!! As for the hunting discussion, here in Texas, my former junior high students would come in bragging about killing deer. Well, I should hope so! The "hunters" bait the deer feeding stations all year long so that the feed is released at specific times every day. The deer learn to come on schedule, and the "hunters" wait till they show up at the feeder, then BAM. Hunting? Nope, not in my book. Infuriating! My brother-in-law used to hunt with bow and arrow, sometimes with a hawk, and sometimes trophy hunted in Russia. Where he tracked the animal, as opposed to luring it with bait. Not my thing, but at least the animals had a fighting chance, and it was done legally, with population control the goal. Show? Show? Sweeps are over. Bummer.
  16. Another great example of when one party practically enters carrying a shovel to dig their own grave .... Let's all stand quietly and let her talk, and she'll do the work for us! Yep. I was willing to give her half a shot until she mentioned she went with the sister to her mom's appointment. Nope. Def took the word "unprofessional" off her review, but it was only spoken a zillion times in front of 10 million people. Heh.
  17. Here along the Gulf Coast we have the yahoos who stand outside in the Cat 4 hurricanes reporting that it's windy and raining outside, and that we should all stay in. Okay. And while no icy-road-driving news reporters, we have those who drive in too-deep water, showing how it, too, is dangerous. And raining. I guess they are all so excited to have something to report other than local robberies and people who find bugs at restaurants. How did I miss Mr. Prison Jumpsuit?! I so enjoy exciting fashionistas on this show! Cool red-streaked hair (wig?) this week was a nifty surprise.
  18. Lordy, the two in lurve with the Manson Brothers. And one is knocked up - either with Manson #1 or some previous love of her life. I hope they never made it to Texas. We have enough troubles here already without those four coming in for landings. Yet they all got spiffy trips to LA and a boatload of cash. Ick.
  19. Stupid doctor appointment! Sounds like a great episode(s) - and I missed it! Gladys Kravitzing. Hee!!! And really prostitution on the teevee?? Wouldn't The Law be all over that? Or maybe they are from Las Vegas?
  20. I could maybe see taking them for a visit, and supervising the entire time, but "murderer" is a pretty tough pill to swallow. Not like he's in for forgery. But I could NEVER with this overnight business in the trailer!?!? Boggles the mind. And the sister (?) was just all so ho-hum about everything. That was almost as creepy. I get that not everyone shares "my" values, and loving a sibling no matter what, but at what point, if any, does one say, "Nope. That's as far as I go." Hmmm....
  21. That whole case was just bizarro. Sad, horrifying and amazing (in an awful way) all at the same time. Yeah, let's let a convicted murder spend time in a locked trailer with children. ??!!??!! Seriously? The pawn shop case (repeat?) was interesting too. Crooked pawn shop owner. Yeah, the cops always let the shop owner keep the goods, 'cause they're much safer there. So much for chain of evidence.... Hope both the kid and the pawn shop guy got what they deserved, but I doubt brother really pressed charges. Our society is so screwed up.
  22. I didn't know which case you were referencing at first, until I read your "expressions." PERFECT! I know exactly which case. Too funny! ETA: Maybe I knew - I thought it was the two women/section 8 case. If not, this describes them, too!
  23. Yeah, Mr. Toes caught all those , too. Egg police, motorcycle advisor, insurance investigator, horse trader, etc. What was the beef about not having insurance? Was that relevant to the case? I kept expecting the "dirty hands" lecture, so maybe that was where she was headed. Mean-spirited. Did love the smack down of the expert witness claiming no insurance is necessary in Florida. Yeah, right.
  24. This sounds like the voice of experience speaking...... Blerg!! But also kinda funny. Sorry. Watching the rerun of the two brothers, with less than half a brain between them. Yikes. Is there something lower than "bottom of the gene pool?"
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