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Everything posted by CabotCove

  1. Good news that it will be set in space and HBO Max seem to be ready to pour some serious money into this. Its about time for a Green lantern series. I wish they had disclosed which Green Lantern or lanterns will be in this show.
  2. EXCLUSIVE: THE CW’S ‘SUPERMAN & LOIS’ MAY FEATURE SUPERBOY & ROBIN, AKA THE SUPER SONS The first character being cast is “Matthew” (a codename), who is a 14-year old caucasian boy, who is well on his way to becoming a physical specimen. Matthew is a clean cut, modest and kind-hearted, with an aw-shucks attitude that somehow doesn’t seem dated. He is also a three-sport athlete who’s already garnering attention from college and pro-scouts. Now the latter part might not sound much like Jon Kent, aka Superboy, but the first half sure does. And breakdowns often take liberties that aren’t always in the show itself. Keep that in mind for the next breakdown. “Ethan” (who is likely Damian) is also 14-years old and caucasian, but has a young Leonardo DiCaprio quality and an inherent darkness to him. Ethan is wildly intelligent, but his mercurial temperament and social anxiety limits his interactions with people. Consequently, he spends most of his free time playing video games. https://thegww.com/exclusive-the-cws-superman-lois-may-feature-superboy-robin-aka-the-super-sons/
  3. There seem to be some rumors about ageing Baby Kent https://twitter.com/Pagmyst/status/1195774860443521029 Now...don't take this as fact...just heard things around the new #Superman Spin off show indicate that instead of having what we will have on the left in #CrisisOnInfiniteEarths...we will have what is on the right...or at least it will be closer to that than Baby Jon Kent.
  4. It looks more varied than Elsewords for sure, but doesnt look as varied in interactions as Earth X and Invasion IMO. But we will see.
  5. Well there is always Pete Ross, he is also Clark's best friend. Or just Lois, as someone pointed out she has been getting technologically savvy over the years. Since this is Superman and Lois, I hope there would be more of them as a team and less of Superman teaming up with various others. Lois is gonna have to be her own developed individual too, with her own stories.
  6. A good Lena centric episode, Katie Mcgrath shined throughout the episode. Lena is really becoming my favourite in this show. She is always up to some crazy ish and i love it. Did not care however about the Lena/Kara friendship edit, their friendship will always be insta and shallow to me. The first scene with Lex and Lena was really nice. And interesting stuff with Lena and Andrea, a way more believable friendship before it turned sour. But the two got an interesting dynamic and chemistry nevertheless. Whoa damn, that mind control thing Lena has been working on has really become a real thing. She was able to control the whole of the DEO, through some green device. Thats powerful.
  7. Bronze Tiger/Ben Turner isnt dead yet, at least from what I got from this episode. Neither Sandra or Ben are dead in present day as of yet. Likely what happened to either of them will be revealed in the next few episodes
  8. I dont think they will spoil Oliver's COIE death in the promos, this is likely one of the red herring moments, before the actual moment happens. Just my view. Looks like Barry is there with him, my ArrowFlash Heart.
  9. Yes, we shall see the day of the finale. The day of revelations.
  10. It doesnt matter either way, to me its telling. Gonna have to agree to disagree.
  11. Ok I wasnt really clear on that, I mean come back multiple times, and specifically for the final season. They are probably going to show Moira and Robert too, one last time among others. i personally dont think it takes away, as long as they stay dead and not overdone.
  12. Yes, and so have other people, there is no limits put to how much Tommy can come back. It really wasnt a whole plot point in Invasion Crossover. Still Its a final season series characters are gonna come back. You lot are free to hate her though, but it doesnt change that like any series character (either) Laurel deserves a final send off before the show is gone forever . Any shortcomings on that is only the show doing a disservice to its self and its legacy. JMO. As its been presented they are co-leads, if thats a lie, thats a whole other story. And Im gonna leave this particular discussion for the GA & TC actual thread. Agreeing to disagree on this.
  13. Oh wow, how nice of Marc Guggeinheim to give Earth 1 Laurel a final appearance in a final season, nice of him to give that closure to the character and people who love her. Tommy has been making a habit of coming back for a few seasons now. Almost every other dead character who has been in Oliver's life has come back in one form or another so why not E1 Laurel. Its the final season, a season for closure and reminiscing. Pretty likely E1 Laurel is a small appearance in some afterlife world, dont see how that should prevent E2 Laurel from being featured in Crisis. Guggeinheim is containing Laurel's presence to the Arrow episode as he confirmed, would be BS if that small role is of E1s is all the Laurel's presence, but I wouldnt put it past him. Thats such a logical way to treat a character who you plan to spin off and making them one of the co-leads. Is he trying to doom this project or what. Anyway all these promotional stuff of COIE, has some awesome moments enough, Im sure it would be a memorable event. Somethings could be done better like incorporating more of each show's regular cast and less of new shining toys.
  14. I dont think he needed to die to establish his legacy in his kids, the COIE death is set up as a major way for Oliver to go and because Stephen Amell is done, but the Arrowverse universe is still continuing. This is a way to remove him from the ongoing universe and close Arrow's story, at the same time. Just my point of view. Yeah this scene with Mia and Will at GA statue, pretty much reaffirms some more, that Oliver is no more.
  15. LOST!, yeah wouldnt surprise me if there is some shenanigans like that. understandable. .
  16. So 13 November wasnt the last day of shooting then, what were the early goodbyes for lol
  17. Im not always against open endings, I think they work in some shows, in some cases. Im clearly taking about lying about"fake death" and its (potential) machinations being the insulting part.. Its kind of a moot point to me anyway, I dont even believe there is fake death gimmicks to begin with.
  18. Yeah that I get, Im sure there is likely to be some supernatural things that will occur. But if he is going to some afterlife, then he is kind of dead. Its after life. I get what you are saying "dead but not dead" but I think thats going to be confusing to viewers. The series finale will need to be more clearer on that. Viewers need to know, what killed him and how, what happened to his body and where is he [soul] now and after. Some kind of clear closure.
  19. Arrow isnt a movie, its a show with 4/5 shows in its ongoing universe and a potential new spin off waiting in the wings. An open ending doesn't really work here. If they are faking his death, that would be such an insult to the viewers IMO. They would be setting themselves up for one of the worst finales in TV history. What would be the point of a hero statue and having everyone dressed up for a funeral, for someone who is clearly alive...And then go on to have all these characters in ongoing universe believing he is dead, mourning him forever.
  20. Oh yeah, I guess I wouldn't mind a similar scene like the season 4 one, if he shows up late because he was in some limbo and couldn't return in time. Dont remember much what was happening in the Flash at the time, really.
  21. He better not be missing this one, Kara too.
  22. LOL, she almost look like she could be Reagan's sister. I hope she wont turn out to be another love interest for Kate. That would be a little too much too soon.
  23. Also The Reality Star of 2019 WINNER: Khloé Kardashian, Keeping Up With the Kardashians https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/peoples-choice-awards-2019-winners-the-complete-list/ar-BBWy0kw
  24. Congrads to these Cultural icons/ The Reality Show of 2019 WINNER: Keeping Up with the Kardashians https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/peoples-choice-awards-2019-winners-the-complete-list/ar-BBWy0kw
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