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Everything posted by CabotCove

  1. On I hand I like that there is a leading gay couple in the show but Michael and Maria have more chemistry to me. This triangle is silly and putting characters in losing positions, why ruin the sweet friendship between Maria and Alex, and it makes Michael looks like a jerk who is constantly juggling two friends. Just kill this triangle. Let the triangle be Max/Liz/Kyle lol.
  2. ‘Kung-Fu’: Tzi Ma & Kheng Hua Tan To Co-Star In the CW Reboot Pilot https://deadline.com/2020/02/kung-fu-tzi-ma-kheng-hua-tan-cast-the-cw-reboot-pilot-1202862221/ Would have thought they would cast the lead character/the daughter first before casting the parents.
  3. https://www.primetimer.com/pilots/pilotpreviews/superman-lois Cool review. Sounds like a lot if going on and a lot of set up stories for the rest of the series. True about this feeling like a spiritual successor to New Adventures of Superman: Lois&Clark and Smallville, like a spin off/sequel of sort for both shows. Smallville was IMO, WB/CW best superhero show they have ever done and will ever do, it was only a matter of time they did something with that. And the Superman brand, just carries itself too.
  4. Sounds like its split between the two places, the Kent Family living in Smallville, Lois working at Daily Planet in Metropolis. The show is titled Superman and Lois, they would have to focus more on the titular leads, Lois and Clark/Superman. All in all it feels like a family show. JMO.
  5. And CW picked it. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/kung-fu-reboot-republic-of-sarah-ordered-to-pilot-at-cw/ar-BBZuKPl
  6. Oh yeah. So the one called Jordan in real life is playing Jonathan, and Alexander is play Jordan . I wish they had just let Jordan play Jordan, it would have been easier that way.
  7. I wish they had said what the name of the two sons are, there is Jonathan but who else.. Hope they announce casting soon
  8. It doesnt really matter Lol, some people see him as selfless, other seems him as selfish or both. Just personal perspective on his character development on 8 years of show. Doesnt change what someone else should feel and think.
  9. Well being selfish is definitely one of them to me, and no one is going to stop me thinking that,
  10. He made some selfless choices and Im not taking that away from him, doesnt erase many of his selfish deeds. Just because he is lead, doesnt mean he can be absolved for the choices he makes, or that he is always right. Not saying Oliver is a trash character, just saying the writers failed him a LOT. As I pointed out, I dont really believe that as the reason, just pointing out the optics if he had made the choices on E1 laurel life based on his needs. Thankfully, I dont think Oliver think like that.
  11. So I guess he doesnt care about his best friend Tommy being happy ,bringing back E1 Laurel for him, Its almost always about Oliver and whatever he wants. Adding on to his selfish deed list. Lol not that I really believe that as reason, its simple Marc Guggenheim, [Beth Schwartz too] simply hate Laurel, any version, and they are just using E2 Laurel and Spin off as an excuse for their choices. Very slim chance they were gonna resurrect her anyway.
  12. Except all the repercussions and fallouts that are likely to happen for the rest of the Arrowverse shows' runs. Who knows whats coming, what dark new histories will be revealed for characters, what bad shit happened and is going to be the result of this new timeline/universe etc.... People are going to be asking why did Oliver do that,... why did he allow this or that to happen.
  13. Well yeah, I guess that the word for it AU, the long part of the show is now whats AU and this finale being the true reality/universe now. I guess Oliver/Felicity/ will have more of their histories preserved and similar in both timelines but every other character seemed to getting screwed with this decision to do Earth Prime versions. Likely we will never know what the full New History of characters is and what has fallen out of canon.
  14. Except they are shitting on most of Arrow's history, almost various pieces of 8 years is now down the drain. Its one thing when I thought the Crisis ripples would affect starting with season 7, but now it seems they are far reaching to even go way back to season 1/2. I dont know what Games of Thrones finale was like, just heard the backlash, but this might be even worse than what those people did. This isnt just a different timeline, it feel like 2 separate show stories being told. Different characters we will never know, are the ones ending the 8 year old show.
  15. Most never bothered, the combination of Oliver being a male character and the show's lead led to him being woobified a lot. He is always the perpetual victim, even when in times he would be one in the wrong, he gets to mistreat and disrespect people however he wants and is still the celebrated hero. Laurel 1 has been punished ever since she called out a male lead who wrong her. She still forgave him quite quickly when she didnt need to and he didnt really deserve it, yet she is the one who is Satan. People understanding and caring about female characters pain and emotional struggles, well rarely does that happen. They can be close to being an Angel on earth and they are still treated as Satan. The male characters can be murderers, rapists, cheaters, abusive... and they will be sympathized, defended and excused.
  16. How are they taking pictures together looking chummy, and then the next they are shading each other on the DL lol. Why the wish wash...
  17. Fine, we are going in circles on this, I see it differently and thats that for me.
  18. Well that shouldnt be much of a problem with the girls Zoe, Bianca, Sara....they are the right sex to be in the team. It was pretty obvious , right from the beginning, Oliver would end up with a [mixed sex] Team Arrow as the show progresses. It was to me. He was always gonna need a team, cant save the city on his own for years and forever.
  19. If almost shows have one maybe its time to do something different especially with this being in the future. And yeah Dinah is being put in that role but like they used her in this episode, it can be a semi gig. Tech could always be used sparingly, while the ladies do their own investigations and field work like it was done in this episode. Like I mention before, Legends of Tomorrow has a whole AI system GIDEON why couldnt that be introduced here or equivalent, , after all its set in the future 2040? . Sorry, tech guys/girls kind of should be phased out in superheroics with the advancement of technology there is currently, let alone what could be possible 20 years from now...
  20. Yes a lot of people ended up joining Oliver's team but that was intended to be a mixed team. Im getting they want a female team here, to seperate from Arrow and other creative reasons. In this backpilot they were pretty much serving Charlie's Angels/Birds of Prey lite show Imo, right down to having a female villain as possible big bad. A female team up, seem to be their hook, so it dont make sense to me that, so soon they will open the door for men and throwing off that premise and hook. Not sure they will even have other girls like Zoe, Bianca or Sara D. join anytime either, for a while it could be just Dinah, Mia, Laurel. Dinah will be as competent as a tech person as they will want her to be, its even debatable to me that they even need a tech person that much anyway. They got all the tech toys/software in this Arrowverse, stuff like Gideon AI, Hope AI from Supergirl etc. This is a futuristic setting where stuff like that should even be more common and not so difficult for the average person to use. Just my view on this.
  21. Yeah that idea is pretty much dead, they just put a lot of money in this backdoor pilot, way more than they usually for a regular Arrow episode. This pilot was the marketing tool to viewers/fans and to CW/WB. This was the pitch. GA&TC idea either work or its burst. This is the series that will either get green lit or its over.
  22. Yeah, nothing wrong with Mia having men in her life, William still has a role as her brother. It looks like the team's base of operations for the show will be Dinah's Clocktower/Apartment, so It will be kind of weird if William was hanging around there. Sorry, I got the vibe this was like a Charlie's angels/Birds of Prey like series, so the team is women. Other than Dinah if they need a second/junior tech person, there are options like maybe Bianca or Zoe being brought into the team. JMO.
  23. Well, they didnt need to write her, so one-note frigid in the first place. Its just they just couldnt be bothered to flesh out the character for most of her time in Arrow and seems they wanted people to hate her. They were deliberately holding back her character. They didnt want to unlock the potential of this character.... Sure Juliana's Dinah gets more than Cassidy's Laurel but they never gave their 100%, the way i saw it. 4 seasons on the show, and we dont even know if this character has a brother or sister...Its some BS that it takes the potential for a new money maker in spin off, for them to start caring about these characters. They trashed and neglected her/them for most of Arrow's run. Yeah I know, i was kind of joking. Just laughing at the synopsis, "Mia has everything she could have ever wanted."....apparently that dont include her parents.
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