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  1. Well my sympathy for the sperm donor dropped fifty points when I learned that they dated three years ago and HE reached out to her and WILLINGLY had sex with her without protection. After dating a month? Loved all the adding and subtracting going on in the other castmates’ heads. Very sketchy timeline. We don’t know Mr. Kufe’s side of things and then of course the “truth”. As folks have mentioned, when Lindsay’s lips are moving, she’s lying.
  2. Partway through and I’m watching Lindsay grasp the attention and going on and on about her journey leading up to her poster board ultrasound project (is Gabby her assistant? Also grasping for relevance.) For the record I can’t stand Lindsay and I feel bad for her child. Already used and discarded the well off father. She is gross. Carl is a spineless little boy. And extremely lucky to be rid of her. I appreciate Paige but it’s good to be reminded that she has a few mean bones in her body and thinks pretty highly of herself. She really does puts herself together and often does look fabulous. Plus she is witty. Lexi “Gives Me” Wood … when Jesse calls you ditzy … ittiest bittiest tittles I’ve “seen” lately wow. Lip liner bugs. Cute as a puppy? Okay Amanda. Speaking of, Amanda would be so much happier without little man-boy Kyle. Can’t imagine Loverboy has legs to keep them in the style they are accustomed. That property they looked at last season was awesome. But investment property for Amanda to hang out at for weeks at a time? Had to pause after Lindsay’s announcement to get a few thoughts off my chest. Finally I appreciate the shots of them without makeup in the sunlight. I feel better about myself. Kudos to the editing of Lindsay’s speech and the shot of the catering staff waiting… and waiting as the gas bag blathered on.
  3. Today’s show - okay I love Kelly’s look - I love that dark navy color. Couldn’t stop admiring her hair, makeup, blouse … She has had some really good work done and that hairstyle covers the sides of her face which can look wonky sometimes. They had the NY marathon runners on. Spent some time talking to Aiden, who works there and ran the marathon in 3:14 pretty good. Kelly wonders why he is single. (Probably training all the time). Oh, his Dad is the cameraman. Nice to have connections. Kelly is an optimist, not a dowager (can’t remember the context). She interrupted the Stump Mark thing (which went on entirely too long) to tell us that March said the Stupidest Thing: that he would rather sky dive than run a marathon. I’m with Mark on that one.
  4. Every once in a blue moon I catch a minute or two of Live, but for the most part my schedule doesn't line up with it anymore, plus I really don't care for Kelly. Today I had a chance to actually watch it. You guys have nailed it. Kelly is still Kelly. What can I add? Mark is patient with her, but he gets his little digs in. Kelly seems to be settling more and more into a diva type that wants you to hang on her every word. She will make a good Grand Dame. Shallow as ever. I know it's been a few years since I have really watched, but I was struck by how they have all aged. I mean, they are well-groomed and have done subtle procedures to maintain that "television look" but wow. Art is frail sounding. For the record, yes, I have aged in the past five-ten years as well!! Kelly had to complain about their roof top dinner being marred by a cool breeze. I would like her stories 100% better if she would tone down the hyperbole. She told a drawn-out story about getting Skinny Pop popcorn on a flight before turbulence caused the folks behind her to miss out on the service, so she had to do her exaggerated eating of the popcorn trying to be quiet. She thinks highly of her "acting" skills. The only people laughing were the staff on the side-lines yucking it up. Come on, Kelly - you were in first class! Stop. Mark was more honest when he talked about getting "warmed" peanuts? And the nice warm cookie. Maybe I don't fly enough. Last six flights all featured a tiny bag of pretzels. And I missed out a few times due to turbulence, being one of the back half of the plane type folks. She is as skinny as they come. She seems healthy enough, so "shrug." The other weird thing is how they laugh and laugh when they come out and seem "amazed" that the audience is clapping. Thanks to those that continue to watch! It wasn't actually that bad, since Mark is there to keep her moving along.
  5. Lordy they’re back together (for now). I was scratching my head for a minute, given that so much dirty laundry was being aired, then I had a thought that it would cost more to each go bankrupt separately and divorce, they might be left with more negative nothing than if they stuck together and went down together and saved on the lawyer bills. Plus the kids must be quite upset, they have seen and heard a lot but if they couch it with “We are going to concentrate on our family and our Faith (hence the church photo)” and really give this a serious do over it sure is cheaper to live as a family and a lot less complicated as long as there are minor children. Plus they are probably hoping the (negative) attention might turn into some extra dough. I’m sure Kim will never give up her need for attention plus she is a full blown gambler. They may have a period of relative calm and stability, but there are serious issues that caused their rather nasty public bust up, and this story is still chugging along. Also Kim looks Ozempic skinny. I find her gross.
  6. I sure didn’t see this split coming. I figured if Kroy had stuck around this long and with all the Kids at least he was in it for the long haul. Kim is in it for herself. My Facebook feed includes occasional Kashmere Kollections ads that show Kim in her bathrobe hawking her skin care products. Sometimes Brielle would be there. Sometimes you see Kroy, usually adjusting the camera or fetching something for Kim. I was amazed at all the people commenting and liking and giving Kim a tongue bath. She seemed totally into her fancy looking concoctions and totally into her image. Nonstop fiddling with her “hair” and crazy nails. I would love to know how that business has really been doing because I don’t think Kim has any business sense at all. Add on a gambling problem. I laughed when her defense was “I’ve been winning lately.” I understand she is selling her wigs and outfits. And begging to get back on RHOA. Meanwhile Kroy manages by sparking doobies and am 100% with him on that. Latest news has him hiding her designer bags and joolry. Both of them acting foolish no doubt. In front of the kids. Kim took the mandatory parenting class for people divorcing. Maybe she will learn to shut those fat lips and think about her children. Sure I feel bad for them but I felt bad for each of them being born to that mother and I am wondering if they will be better off in the long term getting out of Kim’s lifestyle habits and getting more of what Kroy might be after he gets out from under Kim’s influence. I’m talking of the four youngest. I’m afraid the two oldest gals are too far gone for now. Mostly I am popping the corn and feeling grateful I have lived long enough to see Kim fall and fall hard.
  7. I decided to check out the show today. They are live!! I’ll be honest - they aren’t horrible today. Kelly said she worked all weekend taping another show and they both said she was pretty tired. Maybe … she needs to exhaust herself to calm down and let Mark talk. Hey she can even be funny! Still not my cup of tea, both are a bit too shallow and Mark doesn’t strike me as the brightest bulb. When they discussed blue eyes, Mark seemed clueless about how eye color genetics work, but that’s a nit pick I guess. Generally I pan this show hard, so I want to be fair. They both look great, I personally don’t like the smooth filler look, they both look odd to me but in the same way all folks on TV look - the Real Housewives look - but sure, they keep themselves in good shape (Kelly seems to have settled at a stable weight for her - still super skinny but that’s her look, her choice) Okay! I’m guessing they will settle into their roles and ride the next few years out. In spite of reports that they were “annoyed “ with the negative reviews, I think Kelly took some of the criticism to heart and she is letting Mark speak!!
  8. Not ashamed to say I am digging the negative reviews. Not sure what I ever saw in Ripa. She has the biggest ego for someone who likes to portray herself as an ordinary gal who happens to have a talent? for??? (I’m trying to come up something. What IS her talent?) Happy to see the show peeter out with no one else to blame (except her husband!!).
  9. Not to mention … an extended “sneak peak” of Season Two was aired this past Monday night on The Bachelorette. I was confused. Am I watching ABC promote this Dreck? It was vomit inducing. All their plastic faces and drahwmahhh. Poor pitiful Khloe. Strongest woman evah. Kim drones on about whatever. Someone wishes they would have a normal day yyyyyy. They really have infiltrated our American Kulture. Sickening.
  10. I would have maybe more than a shred of sympathy IF she had shown more than a shred of sympathy for many of the people she dumped on publicly over the decades of her show. Plus I don’t believe some snarky comments on a relatively tame forum is going to have any impact on Miss Wendy the Oh So Famous. She is paying now for her arrogant attitude and above-it-all superiority complex. She is delusional but seemingly won’t allow anyone to help her. Until she can get a clue she can rely on her cats for company. Oh wait …..
  11. I am not familiar with the Michigan campus that Joaquin attends, but my children attended the Ohio State University, and yes - the campus is HUGE and campus buses run all over. It comes in handy when classes are far apart, and of course, when it rains or snow.
  12. It isn’t just that Whoopi presented her point of view. She shut down the others when they tried to speak. She didn’t allow their views the same weight as hers. That doesn’t seem to be how a moderator should lead a discussion. On top of that, her lack of education is glaringly obvious. I am not interested in watching a show where people are praised merely for having a kind heart. I know plenty of kind-hearted and ignorant people. Whoopi remains ignorant and I don’t think she is capable of real growth in that department because deep down she believes she really IS the all-knowing sage. On a side note, I haven’t watched in a while and I was shocked at how bloated she looked. She didn’t look particularly healthy and maybe some time off would be good for her.
  13. It was "shocking" to see how Wendy-centric she was. In her mind, she didn't understand how "this kid" who has done "nothing" relatively speaking, in his short life, has/had MORE followers than MISS WENDELL WILLIAMS. She does NOT understand social media beyond a cursory knowledge. Her point was that some unknown kid was murdered, btw, and how is it that MORE PEOPLE "care" about HIM than WENDEEE????? She is so far up her own ass, it is gross. I actually blame her staff for letting her put her take out like that. For Norman to teehee along was worse, imo, because we KNOW Wendy is awful. That is how she makes her money. It's the fact that she is AWFUL and so FULL OF HERSELF. Ugly woman inside and out. She first spoke of him in the present tense, like he was alive, then drops the murdered part like it meant NOTHING. NO condolences. It was ALL about Wendy. I can't watch her anymore. She makes my blood boil. She is AWFUL!!!!!
  14. I used to hate watch. Now I don’t watch. I still like to keep up with this thread, because I have grown fond of this group. Much like the Wendy Williams group. Some good snark. I did watch the other day will on vacation. It was the day Kelly came out and about the first thing out of her mouth was how she would rather be doing any number of other things than doing the show. Ryan barely flinched, like this was normal talk from her. It felt like a hot mic moment between two coworkers, except Kelly said it like No Big Deal, I’m Over This Job. They didn’t miss a beat moving on to whatever inanity they discussed. Well it was more like whenever Ryan said something Kelly immediately talked over him and turned it to herself. Ryan didn’t really care, so it moved along. A few years ago someone on this thread said something that really made me question why I even watched the show once St. Regis left. I realized I was truly hate watching the show, instead of loving to hate watch, if that makes sense. I picked apart everything Kelly did that annoyed me, which happened every day so at some point it gets old. I get old. Thanks to you folks that continue to watch!!
  15. The Skinnygirl fans can mosey over to HSN today as the "Today's Special" is a "Skinnygirl Sundazed Mouj Sweater Cardigan" ... which IMHO is just a tad on the, er, Uglygirl side, featuring wide horizontal stripes that nicely accentuate the hips. I clicked on the video presentation, gamely hosted by a somewhat unenthusiastic gal who tells us that while she would normally wear an XL or a 1X, she was able to size down to a Large, which is the oldest trick in the designer market - vanity sizing. She explains that Skinnygirl isn't about being skinny - it is in fact about embracing your curves, and thinking "I'm a Skinnygirl" in your head. Or is it "skinny girl?" This started to confuse me, and that made my head hurt, because I am not going to purchase this fugly "oversized" "mouj" schmatta, and as a size Large, do I even WANT to venture into even THINKING I could POSSIBLY wear a size MEDIUM???? Because "medium" is NOT skinny!! You can't fool me there. But I DID want to let the Frankel Fans know about her latest fashion "splash" were - rush on over to pick one up today and today only!! (Until it's in the Clearance Bin.) Only $45 "and change" with a retail value of $89!!!! Such a deal. Hey, Beth - do I get a cut of your profits for the Shout-Out???
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