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  1. Kyle has had very little storyline for awhile now. She COULD have a story but she is trying to be mysterious. Lost interest. Kathy and Kyle look terrible. Kathy's is a mother of the bride circa 1985 and Kyle, her ugly dress and hair strands never look great. One dresses too old and one dresses too young. 🤷‍♀️ Can't unsee poop condom.
  2. Yes! I have read the same thing.
  3. Not paying taxes? Writing off too much? Give these folks an audit!!!!
  4. I was just going to post something. It isn't looking great since there are also tumors in her lungs.
  5. Are we related? Finally came to the conclusion after a lot of why's that my mom just didn't like me and my dad was too selfish to be involved. Made me and my sisters fiercely independent and 2 of the 3 of us don't have kids.
  6. Carlin's trip to Target could be for other reasons that I am not allowed to post. It is why Target is losing billions of dollars.
  7. Heard a rumor about the current taping. I guess Shannon was being her snobby/elitist self with someone and Katie started taping her. Shannon basically shut down filming with her theatrics.
  8. Also, although she looks fab thanks to a shit ton of plastic surgery, she is a little long in the tooth for a lot of rich men. They want someone young enough to be their daughter. Unless she goes for someone like Anna Nicole Smith did. Old as the hills and hopefully deaf. One of the best times I have had in the last year was a Mrs. Roper Romp. Caftans are so freaking comfy!
  9. It was a very tacky comment BUT Sutton used what would REALLY piss off Dorit. Dorit has been pretending to be rich all the years she has been on the show. Dorit's comment about Sutton's drinking had the potential to hurt custody of her kids and has been going on for now 2 seasons. Sutton's comment to Dorit only hurt Dorit's pride. Sutton should bring up Dorit's jacked boobs next.
  10. Well she is wife #3 so maybe her next husband will be less of a dick once he cheats on or dumps her.
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