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Everything posted by LucyHoneychrrch

  1. When I heard 12 courses, I rolled my eyes. That's just stupid. I was on QM2 a few months ago, Mom and I sat in the main dining room; there they have a four course meal, appetizer, soup or salad, main course and coffee and dessert. And that, with more than one chef in the kitchen takes awhile. I can't see myself sitting through 12 courses. Like I said before, when I was on a 15 day cruise, by day 13, I'm tired of eating. I am curious about dietary restrictions and allergies. I worked with someone who had a serious peanut allergy; but the thing is, I never met a person with a food allergy until I was a grown woman and I'm in my late fifties. My mother laughed and said that when she was a kid, they were too poor to have food allergies. I have often wondered if the reason for so many allergies today is because we've screwed with the environment, or because so much food today is processed. This is kind of macabre, but I think the reason there are so many food allergies today is because even thirty years ago, if you had a massive food allergy, you ... died.
  2. I really just want to grab Kate and give her a good hot-oil treatment. Her hair hasn't ever been on point, but this season it's like a Muppet had a baby with a shag rug.
  3. Looking at Trevor's face too long makes my eyes literally water, because he ... almost looks cross-eyed? Something about the wonky way he views the world makes it impossible for me to look at him too long.
  4. Yeeeeeeeeah, I don't necessarily buy the "in vino veritas" thing once you get to total blackout drunkenness. At that point you're operating on sheer emotion and absolutely no filter whatsoever. If I were to speak everything I think about people, I'd probably be painted as an abusive monster too, because man, do I hate people. I think Bobby mostly just needs to grow up. He bros all over the place with his dumb swagger, and I largely think most of his shtick is an act for more camera time and a very real need to portray a certain image. I'm not getting into the gender wars going on here, except to say that I found Bryan's attitude towards Jen to be the most insidious and horrifying. You want to be a colleague and yell at me and call me a c*nt? Okay. But you're my supervisor, you clearly don't trust me, you mansplain all over the place and treat me with condescending dismissiveness? Oh, HELL no. That, to me, is far worse.
  5. IMO, the point of the shooting scene with Nancy and Jonathan comes back in the season finale. Nancy talks about how her parents don't really love each other and just wanted a quiet suburban life with no hassles, and fuck that; and then lo and behold, in the last episode, there's ol' Nancy, settling, in more ways than one, on the couch in her suburban quietude with the "right" kind of kid. The point, to me, was to establish that Nancy initially thinks her parents are assholes; but after her own taste of adventure, realizes that there may be some comfort to be offered in certainty. That, I think, is why the scene with Will coughing up slugs was so jarring to me, and is why I love this series. The movies of the 80s it tips its hat to all end with neat, packaged happiness. Everyone lives, everyone goes immediately back to the way things were with no emotional or physical consequence. Here, Nancy goes back to the way things were, but she's also giving presents to Jonathan (and, frankly, shouldn't Steve be replacing the camera?). Will goes back to the way things were, but he's also been irrevocably touched by his experiences in a way that none of us, including him, have fully realized yet. And Dustin, Mike and Lucas go back to the way things were, but have lost Eleven; and like it or not, she changed the dynamic of those friendships for good.
  6. Every article I read about Grantchester talks about Amanda as Sidney's soulmate, and I wonder if there's something wrong with me that I find her utterly insufferable. Admittedly, I can sympathize with parental expectations and etc.; but she made her decision. Over and over again. Also kind of hated Hildegarde, who seemed pretty cold and calculating. LOVE Margaret, though Sidney's going to break her heart.
  7. I'm SO HAPPY there's a Grantchester forum. I sometimes think I'm the only one salivating over this show.
  8. I think Kevin McKidd does tortured and broken SO well; but on a show like Grey's, where one is required to be tortured and broken all day, every day, it becomes tiresome and more like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
  9. I like Shep. He seems to be fairly self-aware. He admits that he can be impossible and annoying, which is sort of refreshing in a show on which everyone seems to buy into their own hype. He's kind of doofy and awkward and silly, and I think he's adorable. I don't understand what Craig has accomplished with his comeback, other than acquiring a wealthy girlfriend. Otherwise he seems the same as he ever was.
  10. I'm sort of dying to know what Craig is doing, since he didn't pass the bar in July either. I desperately want to know if he took the bar in February.
  11. I LOVE SO MUCH that the editors last season thought Ariana made a good "cool girl," and this season they're very obviously just really fucking irritated that she refuses to play the game with any kind of sense of humor at all. (Even though she takes sketch comedy SUPER SERIOUSLY.) The edit she's gotten is maybe not entirely fair, but I am so down with the editing staff. They're employed by this big dumb bimbo of a show, and I think they're taking it personally when Ariana spends every second of the day rolling her eyes at the entire venture.
  12. I feel like violating HIPAA is basically the premise of this entire show. It drives the whole plot. It just feels mean to fire someone for it NOW. Dear Shonda Rimes: Please kill Owen. or Amelia. ONE OF THEM. And put the remaining survivor with someone who isn't a complete tragedywhore trainwreck. Thank you. Love, Lucy.
  13. I think I may be going through some sort of neurological episode, because I actually got a little squee when Stassi and Jax looked at each other all fondly and said, "We made this group." As for the rest of it, it seemed to be pretty par for the course. Schwartz was adorable and represented all of us being tossed into the middle of a bunch of narcissistic, sharky assfaces; Lisa spent the entire episode essentially saying nothing but "oh, dahling," and managing to convey distaste, embarrassment, amusement and horror all at once; Kristen got drunk and acted condescending while having absolutely no right to do either; Lala lived up to her delightfully ratchet reputation (I can't HELP it, I love Lala); James ruined his entire life, again; Stassi looked awesome and had pithy, hilarious things to say in her THs; Jax sort of spent the entire episode going, "Duh, Buttercup." I think Ariana got a terrible edit this season; but she really does come off as a complete pill. That flat, hipster boredom just does not serve her well in this field of dumb, perky poppies.
  14. I feel like "fuckchop" is a seriously underused term, and I plan to rectify that immediately.
  15. I just caaaaaannnnnn't with Owen and Amelia. I hate them together so much.
  16. I kind of hate Gisla more for giving it up so easily. I'm not saying Rollo isn't tempting, because HOT DAMN; but come on. She's heretofore been painted as this righteous, principled being; and I really resent the implication that all she really needed was a good ol' Viking pounding to bring down her entire moral structure.
  17. Whenever I listen to these, it's through the filter of my 17-year-old self who watched them for the first time, and I remember this episode SO CLEARLY. I had the Walshes for parents, and it chafed when I was that age; and I remember feeling super jealous of my friends who could go places my parents wouldn't allow. I felt hard for Brenda in this episode, not only because she was incredibly betrayed by such jackasses, but also because I got the distinct impression that Brenda was intensely jealous of Kelly. And I would have been too, because 17-year-olds do not know how to be grateful for decent parents and/or for infantile, sucky boyfriends who break up with you.
  18. Look, can we discuss the mullet on the 40-year-old standing next to David Arquette when he's blue-steeling Nikki? How old are these people supposed to be? Because dude is very obviously middle-aged. As far as the Dylan subplot goes, it is so very obviously a rip-off of the terrible, TERRIBLE James subplot from Twin Peaks that someone should have sued. And nobody liked it when Twin Peaks did it a year earlier, so who in the name of Shadowcaster thought this was any kind of good idea?
  19. I want to like this show. I want to LOVE this show, so hard. But it feels too scattered at this point. There are some flashes of insight and brilliance (HA, the books!, Eliot's casual mention of killing someone/that entire garden conversation), but so much of it falls flat.
  20. I am desperately ashamed to admit that I have some feelings about Steve's volleyball moves.
  21. YES. It's Tori from Saved By The Bell. And interestingly, they're not twins, they're triplets. They did a series of seriously regrettable Parent Trap sequels for Disney back in the 90s. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e3/The_Parent_Trap_IV-_Hawaiian_Honeymoon.jpg
  22. I don't care if Eddie cheated on his girlfriend. I just ... don't. They're in their 20s, they're away from home, nobody's married, so whatever. I do think it's remarkably shitty of him to capitalize on Rocky's reputation for insanity to gaslight the hell out of her and feign total innocence. She certainly seems to have read far more into their hookups than was actually there, and I get that he's embarrassed both by her behavior and his own; but he doesn't get to paint her as the instigator and a fool just because he wants to save face.
  23. Rocky is pretty delusional, and I can only hope that in ten years she looks back at this footage and realizes how freaking Ricky-From-The-Partridge-Family she was. I have to say I feel for Eddie. We've allllllll had those flings where you don't realize how embarrassingly terrible the person is until after you sleep with them; he has the unfortunate honor of having his embarrassing fling's buttcheeks flapping all over cable TV.
  24. Oh Eddie. I had such a ladyboner for you, and you had to go and kill it with your "Yo, girl" texts.
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