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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. Back in season 4 when the PLLs were investigating who had been squatting in the DiLaurentis basement, Emily and Aria (I think) were in the basement and one of them remarked "where's Spencer? She always has the best flashlight." She showed up a second later with a flashlight that could give you a tan. So, continuity! The magic of his teamwork with Aria? Or Pigtunia ghost wrote it for both of them?
  2. At this point I'd just like to know who killed Jessica DiLaurentis. And I'd like it to be addressed on camera, not in a throw-away IMK tweet after the show wraps like "Oh, Pam was right, Kenneth D killed her and it had nothing to do with anything."
  3. They actually addressed this, saying they didn’t want to have it on the interwebs because of hackers. No, really. I guess because there is a huge community of Ezra Fitz fans out there that would do anything to get ahold of his next masterpiece ahead of time. And I had a hard time typing that last sentence because my eyes rolled out the back of my head several times.
  4. Duc lied to Theo about the power stealing talons when he told him that they were deadly. I think one of the Dread Doctors was carrying it, so the Argents recovered it from the scene of the fight in the previous episode.
  5. the title of this episode is "Did You Miss Me?". To whom does that refer, the ghost twin hallucination hologram of Mrs. D? Because that was kind of underwhelming. I expected someone to return in a big way, like Alison showing up at the end of the Halloween-in-Ravenswood episode, or A blowing up Toby's house in S5.
  6. Plus she's gone after other single men: The tennis guy from the country club whose name escapes me, Johnny the hipster douchebag who lived in her barn briefly, Toby. Melissa's line was funny, but it really should have been "You like to shop from my cart of scumbags." LOL, yeah, it's not like we're talking about George RR Martin or JK Rowling here. Their whirlwind publicity tour will consist of sitting at a table at the back of a Barnes & Noble signing a few customers' purchases, and interviews on the 3AM "Book Talk for Insomniacs" shows on AM radio. I think they'll be back together before the book gets published, probably before the book gets submitted.
  7. From that description, 3 of the 4 PLLs are working on the EmojA related plot, while the remainder is off in her own story. Her own, icky, creepy, gross story. Another day in Rosewood. Though really it looks like they are trying to hit the reset button on all the relationships, as each of the Liars is off with her first lurve.
  8. I've pretty much soured on the actor. He's pretty to look at, but the constant affect-free, slack-jawed look of dull surprise on his face is distracting. And the scruffy beard just draws attention to it.
  9. I threw up in my mouth a little. I'm already questioning whether Hanna is marrying Jordan for himself or the New York lifestyle he provides. If she starts dating Lucas because he bought her an abandoned factory, then the writers will have pushed her into gold-digger territory. I know people can change during the 5 year gap, but that just seems like character assassination. That is a very good point. I really despise love triangles -- I'm hoping that Hanna and Spencer both come clean with Caleb and in the end he chooses someone else (cough Toby).
  10. I initially heard it that way too, but I'm pretty sure Spencer said "Emily's eggs". .
  11. When Spencer and Emily were scamming Sara's comfort-bro driver so they could see what he was carrying, what fell out of the tube? The building plans were rolled up in it but something else dropped out. I couldn't tell what it was. Ali said that her dad didn’t want to have anything to do with Charlotte, so he disappeared. Jason is busy with the Carassimi Group (driving down its stock price presumably). Basic throw-away lines to explain why they didn’t have those actors available. Funny, this was the first time I wasn’t totally creeped out by Elliot. I think it was because he was acting like Ali’s caring husband instead of her psychologist. There was a hashtag on the previews for next week. #TwinOnPLL I think. My bet is still on Shower Harvey having a twin. It was Bath Harvey driving the car; she's wearing gloves so she can pretend to be Sara but has fully functional non-robotic hands. I laughed at that allegedly dramatic reenactment, both because Ezra was just an awful human being, and because Nicole is really a 900 year old vampire. She wasn’t kidnapped by rebels; she was bricked into a wall by Klaus.
  12. I was doing something else when Hydra arrived and took eye-flashy guy -- how did they get him and not get or kill or fight or anything with the rest of the SHIELD team?
  13. Is it confirmed that Mrs. D has the twin? Because I think it was a misdirect. Hanna was gross grabbing Caleb's hand like that. He was worse for not pulling away or doing ANYTHING boyfriendish for his alleged current girlfriend. Seriously, it was like we missed two episodes or something. I figured EmojA just took credit for an accident, but didn't do anything to cause it unless (s)he put some kind of remote control in Ali's shoes.
  14. Apparently there have been rumors / tweets from IMK / scuttlebutt about a twin this season. My bet is on Shower Harvey having a twin (Bath Harvey). It's unlikely that any of the regular PLL moms would have given birth to twins and neglected to mention it, but Sara's off-screen mother seems like a real piece of work, so it wouldn't surprise me if she gave birth to twins and sold one for booze money.
  15. And a shout-out to his trainer. Dude's got some nice abs. I was a little skeeved out by the age difference. The actors are 32 and 21, but Danielle Campbell looks like the teen she's playing, and NB looks like a grown man. A very nicely grown man. Where the hell did Finn come from? Accidental byproduct of Davina's resurrection spell? I thought his soul was trapped in that necklace that Freya had. Also, is that the same actor as when he first popped up on TVD? I do hope Kol and Finn stick around for a while, at least until Rebekkah gets another guest appearance. I can't wait for her snarky response to seeing them alive again.
  16. For me, while Cercei is a horrible person, I can tell from the start that she’s not going to be successful in her horribleness. Horribility? Nastiness. I think that’s due to the fact that we really get to know her through Tyrion’s eyes first. In one of the Small Council scenes in CoK, she says something almost decent to Tyrion (“You’re not as useless as I thought” or something along those lines) and gives him a brief kiss. His immediate reaction was “she’s up to something, Bronn, better find out what”. My conclusion from that was Cercei isn’t nearly as clever as she thinks she is. Then if AFFC we get inside her head, and discover that, yep, she definitely isn’t as clever as she thinks she is. We can see how other people are playing her for a fool even if she doesn’t realize it. It’s pretty easy to figure out that she’s headed for a fall, She’s a little like Ned, in that I can see where each of them is making elementary mistakes (e.g., Ned trusting Littlefinger or revealing the incest treason to one of the perpetrators). With Ned, my reaction was “why, why???” With Cercei, I get all schadenfreude-y: “that was stupid, and is going to come back to bite her. Muahaha”. I was gonna say the same thing. I really liked his response when Renly called him a gifted knight. “It’s not a gift. No one gave it to me. I work hard at it every day.” Then flash forward to season 5 On the flip side, that first scene did include Renly commenting that if Loras wanted to shave him that much maybe he should just get a hairless boy. So they thought it was a good idea to include the “gay” = “pedophile” stereotype. [/eyeroll]
  17. In at least one of the many alternate backstories, Hanna and Mona were friends in middle school. I'm not sure but a time-traveling Eric Bana might have erased that history. I don't think they can solve the murder of Charlotte by then, which means another season with a mystery that I don't give a shit about. Allegedly the final scene of "Game Over, Charles" is supposed to occur at the end of this season.
  18. I think this is going on my "don't bother" list. Interesting premise, poorly executed. Of course the only family member who is suspicious is the one that no one will listen to because he's a drunk.
  19. I thought the same thing. The only marginally sympathetic character is the drunk older brother. I don't understand why they couldn't state from the get-go that this is a mid-season miniseries. I think that would actually draw in more of an audience, because we'd know that the thing was scripted with an end-point in mind.
  20. Yeah, I know he only has a couple of PoV chapters, but a little of him is more than enough. “No godless man may sit the Seastone Chair!” [cowardly crowns Euron]. “No godless man may sit the Seastone Chair!” Off topic, that’s another affectation that grates. “Sit the ___”. Every time I read that I feel like Truman Capote yelling at Peter Sellers in Murder by Death. “’On the’! ‘Sit on the Iron Throne!’ Use your goddamn prepositions!”
  21. LOL, yeah, I didn't mean every frame, they'll just freeze frame on parts.
  22. Listening to the BroswatchPLLtoo podcast. They are a bit obsessed with the show and do frame-by-frame analysis. 1. The person at the autobody shop was a woman with the name tag "Patty". 2. They also didn't think the eyewitness was Shower Harvey
  23. Favorite for me is no contest: Jaime. He's the only POV that doesn't have a chapter I find dull, and I enjoyed seeing his character growth through his own eyes. He was a smarmy asshole (as expected) in his first chapter with Brienne, then he steadily grew on me. This will seem weird, but I really liked the Cercei POVs also. Not that I like her or her actions, but it was fascinating to see the world through her skewed perspective. As the reader, I could see her mistakes, I could see how other people were playing her, and she never realized it. Loved some of the minor POVs: Arianne, Kevan, especially Melisandre. Bored to sobs with Brienne's chapters. "Have you seen my sister, a girl of three-and-ten" Over and over and again some more.
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