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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. Interesting / funny theory: Wrick's body was never in Aria's trunk. She just hallucinated the entire thing. Writing-wise, it's horrible because once again it's relying on "she's crazy" to explain plot holes, but at least it explains how the body rapidly moved from her car into Charles's grave - it didn't, it was already there. You misspelled "blames". I'm sure they were hoping people would forget it and they could drop it, but Tumblr persisted.
  2. So that flashback occurs during 5.01 Escape from New York, right? The one where Ali gave CeCe her fake Vivian Darkbloom passport and ticket. Who exactly is telling this flashback - both of the participants are dead. "Is she here?" I'm trying to eliminate who "she" couldn't be: Melissa - in RWPD with her parents Any of the Liars - In NYC / on a bus back to Rosewood Ali - Ditto Mona - in Rosewood assembling her futile anti-Ali army Paige - in the aforementioned army So who's left, Pam? Ella? If "she" is Shower Harvey I'm gonna spit.
  3. I fear its going to be Wren, who was tormenting the girls since 6.11 because he knew that they'd run over his brother/cousin Wrick in 7.04. No that doesn't make sense but welcome to PLL. The only A.D. that I'd find narratively satisfying would be Ezra doing it as some sort of sick way to separate Aria from the others so he could have her all to himself. The shippers would burn IMK in effigy if that happened, so it'll be someone illogical like Wren or Wmelissa.
  4. I'd like to think that instead of Wrollins, she was actually having a conversation with her dark lord Pigtunia. I really wanted her to look at the passenger seat and see the puppet sitting there talking back.
  5. So I can shut off the TV immediately? Bonus!
  6. It was basically a selfie-wanking-video for his girlfriend, and of course something like that winds up on the internet.
  7. "Siri, what is the definition of 'anticlimactic'?" Siri: "Anticlimactic means that the answer to a mystery is a big let down. For example, watch episode 7.19 of Pretty Little Liars". Really, what is left to resolve in a 2 hour finale? The game has concluded, AD appeared to be driving off into the sunset to spread pain and misery to another small town. Is the next episode going to be IMK sitting in a chair answering minor questions? "Beach Hottie was Wilden. MAYA KNEW nothing of import. The sperm donor for Ali's baby is, oh, let's say... Byron. Freeform wouldn't let us get Mikey Montgomery back because of that NSFW video that leaked online. " That's a front-end loader, Tanner, not an excavator. Wrong equipment for exhuming a grave. Trust RWPD to overlook an object at Charlotte's death scene as a potential cause of death. They knew she struggled before getting hit in the back of the head with something square shaped. I took that as either a) pretentiously ironic (meaning "I have NO preparation for this kind of shit") or b) just straight up pretentious ("I've read all the works of Edgar Allen Poe so I know how to cut up a body and bury it under the floorboards") "Oh, but you all thought it'd be Ali having the dream! We tricked you, it was actually Emily! What a tweeeest!"
  8. For every Frazier you get 100 Joeys, and this is one of those times. I suppose one of the producers said "this will make our idea of Ravenswood look brilliant in hindsight!" Is it going to be a different genre? Wait, I don't care. I give it 6 episodes.
  9. So we find out who killed Charlotte in this episode... a plot thread that seems to have been completely dropped for this half season. "Oh, right! yeah, Charlotte was killed by..." [yelling off to the side] "which guest actor is available for 7.19?"
  10. Bustle podcast is hilarious. Talking about the sex montage, Sue thought the Emily / Ali scene was romantic and Christine was having none of it. Sue: "But it's the Kissing Rock! It's a sweet callback" Christine: "The Kissing Rock, with Ali and Ian, where we thought he bludgeoned her to death!" ETA: They are ALL IN on the Ezra = AD theory, mainly because it would be both shocking and satisfying. "Maybe Ezra arranged Nichole's kidnapping!" "So you think AD operates on a global scale?" "Yes". I think they're underestimating the power of the Ezria shippers to influence the show, though.
  11. I listened to the Bros podcast. Nothing too insightful, but Benji is convinced that Twincer was at Toby's cabin. Marco made a pretty good argument against the existence of Twincer, in that the show runners wouldn't want to reveal her then have to spend 45 minutes explaining her backstory. It's a decent argument, but they did exactly that with Charlotte in 6.10, and I'm not sure they've learned from their past mistakes.
  12. Shippers and the "whatever happened to Wren! To Holden! To Lucas!" fanatics. So many diversionary or pointless cameos this season. I'm shocked that we haven't had a Melissa or Jason sighting, unless the actors are just not available at all. Given the Spencer/Wren scene, it looks like they really only need 1/2 day of filming at most.
  13. I've heard tale that there's another time jump at the end of this episode. Is that true? Resolve the mysteries this episode then spend the 2 hr season finale the following week just doing shipper nonsense?
  14. Aria called Spencer on Spencer's burner phone also. I guess the police let them put their phones on call-forward or something.
  15. And it apparently had blood on it still, though it didn't really look like it when Tanner was holding it. She also said that it matches glass taken from under Wrollins' fingernail. I wonder if she was just making that shit up to try to scare a confession out of the PLLs.
  16. The promo monkeys kind of killed any suspense with her getting pulled over with Wrollins' body in the trunk. I'm sure they'll be back together trying to dispose of the corpse again, this time for realz. Better call in Mona or they'll fuck it up again. Me too, but the gunshot wound feeds more into Spencer has multiple personalities rather than an actual twin.
  17. Based on the "I fell down" scene in the Previously On segment, I thought Ali was going to miscarry in this episode. Guess they're saving that for next week. That sex/sex/sex/marriage montage made me throw up in my mouth a little. Well, Ali/Emily was okay, though I did think Ali was very reckless leaving a bunch of burning candles out in the middle of the woods. Smokey the Bear would have slapped her face. Toby / Spencer was pretty nauseating, though I did wonder if that was Twincer until they showed the gunshot wound. Did Aria and Ezra fuck before or after she told him about all the crap she did for AD? Tanner is back and in charge of the investigation because Furey was too involved to continue. I'm sure glad they got an unbiased professional to replace him -- oh wait, right, she persecuted them for two seasons. When she said that the reason they wound up in the Dollhouse was because they weren't honest with her, I wanted to slap her. If they had at any point told anything to her she would have twisted it around to make them look guilty. She pretty much admitted that tonight. "I've always thought you were guilty of something. I'm just not sure what". GFY. Two more episodes, the light at the end of the tunnel is there... except its IMK driving a train full of nonsense at us.
  18. That was a chore to watch. The actress who was playing the Hollow is just awful. Sad that a child actor will be doing a better job than an adult. What should we call her now, Hopellow?
  19. Probably Hanna's twin from the mirror universe.
  20. Emily and Ali, possibly for non-love related reasons, like committing insurance fraud or something? I just can't imagine Toby and Spencer. I know this show is surreal but that's just dumb. "Spencer, losing Yvonne to a tragic deer 3 to 35 days ago -- I'm not sure how much time I spent fishing (or not fishing) with Caleb (or myself) -- made me realize that Fate wants us to be together and will kill anyone who gets in the way of that. Please marry me so we can prevent any further needless deaths."
  21. Listening to the Bro's ridiculously detailed recap: They noticed that, in the recording of Peter and Mary, Peter accused Mary of burying Jessica in the Hastings' back yard, and Mary responds with "I didn't have a choice". Seems like she's confirming that she buried Jessica. This contradicts 6.10 where Charlotte says she buried Jessica. So just how much of that episode is going to be retconned? That would have made more sense, though I'm not sure what sort of documentation AD would have of that. Jessica couldn't have had any pictures or other proof of that as she was dead by then. She won the election after the time jump, so it hasn't been 5 years, just however much time has passed in season 7. As Rosewood exists in some temporal anomaly, we can't be sure how much time that means. I wonder why they're bothering to move to the capital anyway - most state legislature positions are part time jobs.
  22. Agreed. That two hour finale episode is going to be a chore. I'm wondering if that final scene with Mary and Spencer is supposed to bring closure to Mary's story line? It felt a lot like Paige's denouement, except for the twig snapping (which probably means Mary was kidnapped). Nice work for Andrea Parker -- got her name in the cast credits for all of 7B and put in maybe half a day's work. I really wish Emily and Mona had gone Medieval on the doctor with some thumb screws. He performed an invasive procedure on an unconscious woman in a mental hospital. Ali should be able to recoup her lost Carasimi money by suing him and the hospital into oblivion.
  23. Jailhouse Rock was a good choice, but I was really hoping it would be all the Liars plus Mona singing Cell Block Tango. "Pop. Six. Squish. Uh-uh. Cicero. Lipshitz".
  24. At this point, Aria has become irredeemable in my eyes. The only way she should be forgiven is as she lay dying after taking several literal bullets for all the other girls. Tormenting all her friends over a stupid report accusing Ezra of being a pervert. Hey, guess what, Aria, you tell the district attorney that you're not pressing charges and won't cooperate if they proceed -- they'll drop the case. Hateful selfish bitch. How did Mona figure out who the doctor was that performed the implantation on Ali? Oh, right - she's Mona, she gets shit done. Nice that they're calling back to S1 and are going to charge the girls with felonious possession of a shovel. At least Mona grabbed the evidence first. She really does get shit done, though I was afraid she was going to get murdered right them because she's (again) getting shit done. Phantom!Veronica channels the entire viewing audience when she tells Aria "I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire." Hahahaha I really don't understand what Peter and Mary and Jessica were doing -- he gave Jessica the medication and she was going to poison Mary with it, but somehow Mary reversed the plot and killed Jessica with the medicine? Convoluted and unclear, just what we've come to expect from this show
  25. Melissa has always been super shady and every time they suspected her of something it turned out to be a red herring. That actually would be okay if for once the writers did a "yeah, Melissa has been a red herring 5 times before, but its real this time" move. When I try to guess who it will be I keep coming back to 6A when I was trying to guess who Charles was. The thought that Charles = CeCe never entered my mind, so I assume anyone I guess now will be completely wrong.
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