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  1. I watched it too and loved it. I only knew Jon was going on Survivor last week when they showed a preview on Pod Save America - honestly I was really looking forward to seeing Jon and was so disappointed how it went down - I think I must of blocked out most of the episode lol as I barely remember anything else that happened. I hope this stupid yellow tribe all go out one by one for making such a dumb decision! If Andy makes it to a tribe swap and end up on the same tribe as Aysha needs to run a mile as he will tank her game too. By the sounds of it even Jeff was disappointed Jon went so early maybe with luck he will be one of those rare 1st boots that gets a 2nd shot!
  2. Yeah exactly I scoop my cats tray multiple times a day!
  3. I’m going to weigh in here with the dog - I see this as Ariana’s fault - I have a dog and well dog’s eat stuff they shouldn’t she must know this. You don’t leave dangerous food waste lying around. I get the dog didn’t have access to the room but things happen especially when you share with people. Sure Tom was irresponsible looking the dog in the room but seriously you don’t leave dangerous stuff lying around. Just get rid of takeaway stuff easy to lay blame on others when really if she just got rid of the stuff it wouldn’t have been an issue. 6K at the Vet - does she not have insurance for her children! The cat litter tray WTF - in the footage shown she was scooping it not emptying it surely you scoop it more than once every couple of weeks poor kitty!
  4. This was exactly what I was thinking!
  5. I’m happy it’s back so far so good. I agree people are defo playing hard, I guess we will see how that pans out am waiting for a tribe swap.
  6. https://www.tmz.com/2020/11/01/nate-burrell-dead-dies-60-days-in-gunshot-suicide/ Very sad news.
  7. I really enjoyed this show hope it get another season
  8. In Australia crisps are called chips. Chips/french fries are also called chips or hot chips.
  9. Dave mentioned on the exit interview on RHAP about potentially going on US survivor - would love to see this!
  10. I'm so glad Dave won, absolutely the best player by a mile. I knew he had it won as soon as he won final immunity. I was shocked Sharn actually thought she had a chance! She started off ok with her speech but it rapidly went downhill from there. I thought Dave was great he owned his game which does tend to go down well with juries. All in all a perfect end to a really enjoyable season.
  11. Dave has to win final immunity its his only chance really either of the girls would be crazy to take him to final 2.
  12. Lol fair enough I do have a vague recollection of Jeff cutting up a snickers so I guess that was the pre-challenge taster!
  13. What frustrated me about Brookes pitch that no one brought up was she would have a stacked jury! I think the only person who stood a chance against Brooke with that jury is Dave. Mo or Sharn would have been essentially handed Brooke the win if they kept her! I hope Dave wins if not would prefer Mo over Sharn, didn't like her in her first season and haven't liked her this season.
  14. Yes he did because they all decided prior to the challenge who was going to win it so weren't really playing
  15. I'm sure I remember back in the first or second season them winning 1 Snickers bar and a can of 7Up
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