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Everything posted by caracas1914

  1. Brett Easton Ellis.., God his novels are such pretentious hokum.
  2. I think that Chord's team had to eat crow and take Glee's terms to get back on the show. I suspect he's probably the lowest paid of the regulars left.
  3. it's clear that Ryan Murphy who was front and center touting everything McKinley when season 4 was about to start ("We've found some real stars in this new bunch of kids who are going to re energize Glee to continue for 4 more years, yada, yada, yada) has been weirdly quiet over the all NY format. Brad and Ian are now the cheerleaders but apparently Ryan is too busy to say much about Glee these days. I guess it's hard to talk much with your testicles cut off. His much ballyhooed concept, revolving "teenage cast' to make it a franchise machine with regular touring was a bust so I suppose there's not much for him to add to that debacle.
  4. Well I don't think the relationship of Finchell has ever been anything but a train wreck as far as dynamics. Season 2 Finn returning to Quinn and encouraging her to cheat, anyone? The bigger problem was that Finchell was always the core couple of Glee, and by putting them in different locales and separated there was no one to replace them as the central couple of the show. The cast was broken up, Hummelberry was reduced to a cameo appearance as the season progressed and quite quickly the Noobs were onscreen more than most of the old cast, including Cory. The secondary supporting characters of Sam, Tina and Brittany were thrust as "leads" with Blaine the central character. An argument could be made that Bram and Blam were now the primary relationships on Glee which isn't a smart idea if they include most of your weaker actors. Naya was MIA for most of the season , Chris had the least amount of screen time ever , and Cory was prepped to be Will 2.0 cheering on ND from the sidelines. Rachel had five minutes in the season 4 finale. It totally changed in Season 4 who were the leads of the show , disregarding there was good reasons why Lea, Cory, Chris and Naya had been getting more of the SL's prior to that season. The writing on Glee has always had its shortcomings but the chemistry of the cast had somewhat made up for that. Now that last saving grace was wiped out. So suddenly weaker actors or less charismatic actors had to carry 90% of the show , and since the rest had graduated, there was no respite from New New McKinley. It was a formula for disaster. So I'm not surprised when the hammer came down , it was basically trying to act as if the McKinley narrative was a bad dream to be ignored and discarded.
  5. Broadwayworld.com? That website has more ass licking non critical "analysis" then even Entertainment Weekly.
  6. True, it was close to a 50/50 or 60/40 for most of those first 4 episodes. The problem was that the Noob infestation had to be propped up , and the only way to do that was to give McKinley literally everything , from the Guest starring Originals and practically every song. It shows how badly the experiment went that in the end the Noobs and the narrative were kicked out of the show in buck naked humiliating fashion. They literally muted them for the last 5 episodes they were in.
  7. So agree, so Thank God we got Lea's glorious version as the closing number of the episode.
  8. I have to say, sometimes a line or a scene reminds me suddenly of Cory's absence, so I can just imagine what must it be like for the cast filming even now.
  9. Damn it Sneaker, why didn't you submit your script? Dare I say it, it would have been "revolutionary". :) Completely agree that the High School/competition cycle was getting tired and played out even by Season 3. So just changing the cast and recycling that and then extending that for a year and a half was a staggering display of ineptitude that has to be a top ten ITUNES list of showrunner idiocy.
  10. Oh God, the musical version of "Good Bye, Mr. chips"? That chestnut was dated when it was released in 1969, though Petula Clark was a gem in it. Yea, the Petula Clark character in the 1920's gives up her career , though she's hardly a huge star in the movie. Sure if Rachel morphs into Beyoncé she would settle in Lima. Not.
  11. Eh, I think Brittany is busy setting up the condo they bought in the island of Lesbos.
  12. The whole Rachel returning to Finn/ Lima teaching at McKinley High had a bad aftertaste in that it implied they weren't together and yet led incomplete lives until they had reunited. WTF? The reality would have been as a teacher Finn could have taught in New York while Rachel was pounding auditions in the great White Way. If their love as "soul mates" was so great you would think they would have worked it out somehow, as opposed to Rachel eschewing Broadway because she belongs in Lima. Hell by then the Berry Dads would have retired to Florida so Lima wasn't even her home anymore.
  13. I'm actually looking forward to stories for all the main characters, the choir room of 12 plus teachers and guest stars in hindsight become an albatross. Yea it was an easy setup for a song but it also pushed for a thousand characters screaming for storyline or song focus. This was by far the most dialogue Klaine has had in an episode EVER, and the Artie/Rachel scene was very nice. Mercedes and Sam had a sweet vibe and a song like "People" thematically set up the ending without having to go with the usual full blown production group number that was becoming tired and trite.
  14. I think the show is going to center around Rachel again based in New York, good or bad. We're not in McKinley, anymore.
  15. Santana's comments alone on Klaine's " we're an engaged unicorn soulmate couple but after six months of cohabitation we can't stand to live with each other" dynamics would be priceless.
  16. I'm amazed by comments I've read that NY doesn't "need" Santana's character anymore. If anything I think she's needed more than ever with all the sausage fest in New York. The problem is until "Funny Girl" SL her character hadn't turned the McKinley mean girl Bitch mode so high up for awhile but it was done to set her up as the bad guy to Rachel's BW dream. Santana snarking on the aspirations of the rest of them is a needed antidote. Her commentary alone on Sam Male Model and "we're engaged but can't stand living together" Klaine would be priceless. Hoping her appearance in Episode 5.17 is more than a one and up.
  17. You know, I think we're going down a slippery slope if we start talking about fanbases of any actor. Guilty of responding myself , HA! but it becomes a catch 22 because my opinion is that EVERY fan base, bar NONE, has some bat shit crazy delusional fans, so let's just leave it at that . It becomes a zero sum game.
  18. Apparently before her opening night Rachel has some nightmare scenario, It would suck if they brought Adler back just to play the boogie man Karofsky Bully from high school again. Geeze, what blackmail item does Lauren Potter have on RIB?
  19. What amuses me is that it's obvious that this blind item would more likely be a plant by Darren Criss fans/people who would want to make him appear the poor innocent victim of dastardly Chris and Diva Lea. But yea, the whole thing is all bullshit anyways.
  20. I do agree that Elliot had become a bit Gary Stu ish, so far he's been the voice of reason with Rachel, Kurt, Santana and now Blaine. However Adam has a nice screen presence so it's a pity he didn't get an actual exit scene , though Lovato fans would say count your blessings. What I liked about Artie in NY is he can bring the snark, and his handling of Rachel was great. The quip about her lemons was a nice detail. Rachel has that annoying quality of transplants claiming they are "real"( insert your city), that is sooo Rachel. Thought the ending "People" was gorgeous. That beat a dozen McKinley running around the stage with balloons or loincloths or carousel group numbers easily.
  21. ? Actually I think Rachel blackballed from Broadway would a great opportunity for Lea to showcase her comedic skills; I could see Rachel determined to overcome the hostility mounted against her as all she can get is job as part of a dancing teacup chorus line . Lea would kill that scenario. The Funny Girl SL right now is boring to me because we haven't seen Rachel struggling or overcoming anything, or even having any genuine conflict or tension at all. As a fan of Rachel/Lea I want the worm to turn and to have chaos, mayhem, disaster and give her a chance to have some great comedic and dramatic moments. It would be a juicy storyline but if that is "resentment" whateves...
  22. Bootleg downloading and dubious taste aside, I do hope the show addresses in a non hysterical way (oh, sorry this is Glee) that gay bashing happens everywhere, and that ironically a highly visible gay prescense in a neigborhood (like Chelsea) makes targeting someone for a hate crime easier. NY's neighborhoods have these crimes often enough to remind us of this. Not sure I want them making Mercedes a couple with Sam, someone as fabulous as Mercedes might need someone with a bit more grey tissue matter. Rachel as the newest Broadway star is being set up so broadly that something is coming to come crashing down, either NYADA or Stardom. That's fine as long as we get a great comic breakdown from Rachel. It would be a hoot to see her blackballed from theatre audtions. heheheh.
  23. There is no way in hell FOX would have even contemplated a two year renewal if they had anticipated .9 Demos (.8 in the second hour this week). The options for FOX are lose/lose, do they look even more incompetent by backtracking and pulling the plug this season if the ratings continue to slip, or worse if they do renew for S6 to "save face". If the ratings slip even more this season, a 13 episode order for next year would actually be very, very lucky for Glee to get. How low can Glee go? Already Glee has the lowest current Demos of any FOX show on the air from Sunday thru Thursday. Glee has been Murphy's only network hit TV show so I have no idea the perception that he's this great cultural zeitgist God. He was lucky he had the cast he had to start the series and he pissed it all away becasue they refused to tour an insane third year in a row.
  24. Yea, FOX bought in to Ryan Murphy's premise that the setting was "the star" which is pretty inexcusable for a prime time Network. They pay the FOX honchos to prevent that kind of fucked up rationale. Keeping the Originals in Lima or even high school, or fast forwarding them to New York, at least they would have been working with the actors who brought them to the dance. Instead they sidelined them AND kept their main couple separated for a year in different narratives. Were the FOX people high when they OK'd that Murphy sales pitch? I give Ryan Murphy the excuse his boner for Blee and Blam sort of blinded him but the ones footing the bill...
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