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Everything posted by Padma

  1. I was glad they showed the real time clip. Whatever he said, it was about 4 words long, very short, so it definitely wasn't the long sentence he claimed he said. I was disappointed he couldn't come up with something better and defend it. Like, "All the black guys". Which I don't think is necessarily bigoted and could be defended--while giving JJ an out too. Like saying, "All the blondes." Kind of sizing up her taste. With all the time to prepare, he did very poorly. Which makes me think he -does- have some prejudice he feels like hiding, even though I don't believe ANYONE would say "blackies". And I think JJ's a manipulative little gossip. The name mix-up was embarrassing because he repeated it as if "Ron...right? What did I say?" as if he didn't even think about the difference. That seems impossible, of course, but it's how it came across. I don't see why he couldn't just "own" saying "black guys", but anyway, he didn't help himself. I did, too, although I'm sure that if he's The Bachelor, he'll undo all my respect for him. I liked Bryan, and maybe it was Dylan, telling Andi not to look at Josh's lie detector results. The show was so long and weird--with that crazy infomercial audience (spot on, upthread description). There's no way attending this show could cause that amount of excitement unless they were paid, drugged or drunk. I felt bad for Chris because Andi loved her HT date but just wasn't into him. That's a tough message to hear (I don't think he realized she was never into him and that's why she ignored his question, "What changed?" I love Ashley and JP and girlfriend is huge! I thought they might be having twins, but the ultrasound was interesting, the CH gag was funny, and I hope that slip was genuine and they name the baby Harrison. Cool first name, and it'd be a nice shoutout for CH, the show, etc. Better story, too, than "We named you 'John' because that was your great-grandfather's name." Andi looked very happy so at least next week's "love story" should last for a month or two.
  2. I'm glad to find this out, because I just thought BW's asst was focusing WAY too much on Joe's personal relationship with his assistant. I guess I found it hard to believe they had a relationship--I thought Jessica had some good ideas re: Barry's son having "kid time"--I thought it was "posing" on JPs part so viewers would think he was some hot guy at home. Glad to find out the surprising info that they have a 3 year old together. Not sure why the show couldn't bring this out honestly (including where the child was all this time--and where he/she is normally, who takes care, etc.) Maybe Barry's asst (name?) figured out what an unhealthy relationship it was for all concerned and thought JP should just pay child support, start online dating and let Jessica find someone better. (Like...almost anyone.) And Barry beginning each meal with...the Pledge of Allegiance? That still cracks me up now, just thinking about it.
  3. Jill met Bobby when she was selling men's suits in a big department store. It was weird to see them on CWS after having seen all of her Real Housewives episodes. (I don't watch any more...really!) There, she seemed wealthy from Bobby's (inherited) fabric business, and they had a nice house in the Hamptons, and Jill was an interesting mix of "down home Jewish yenta" and "snobby nouveau riche NY matron". I couldn't get over that house they have now--then read above that i's a rental, which makes sense. But she exploited the CWS moment as if all that wealth was really her own. I guess that's smart, under the circumstances. I was also surprised how dismissive she was of Alli and of Bobby's family. (Yes, then as now, she doted on Ginger. But a cooked-to-order lamb chop, chopped and hand fed to her every morning? Yikes. At least we didn't get to see how Jill likes the dog licking the inside of Jill's nose. So gross.) I was glad that the swap seemed to benefit both, although I cringed when Jill told the other couple, "I thought I was going to be swapped with a big star--Faith Hill!! Then I went to your little, dumpy fixer-upper and I thought 'this must be a starter home for a young couple." I knew she was a pretentious biatch, but that was more than I'd even expect. And what was with the glass stairs? If you wear a dress, doesn't everyone in the room down below look up your dress, just like you were back on the tackiest boardwalk? Why would someone want that? (And I agree with Jenna that glass stairs are an accident waiting to happen.) At the risk of sounding like Jill, one thing that keeps surprising me about these CWS is how badly decorated so many homes are. They're neat and functional, but just not attractive. Even Jill's rental was completely sterile and forgettable to me (her real Hampton's house--not on the water--was two story and country-charming). And Jenna's looked like she got their stuff from Goodwill circa 1970--and not in a good way. Really surprised how few homes I really covet (although vacationing for a week in Jill's rented "home-like-a-luxury-hotel" would, I admit, be fun. And...bringing in David Berke? I'm sure she told all the guests they were going to meet Faith Hill, instead of "whatshername" from ...whatever. Luckily, I don't think Jenna figured it out. Plus, she was much too nice for that group--I liked her family party on the beach so much better. It really made Jill and Bobby and all their "let's throw money around" pretenses seem so incredibly forced, joyless and shallow.
  4. I think Lenny will win and Nicole will get something on Cooking Channel because she's attractive and can cook, maybe eventually moving over to FN. And I'm okay with that, because Lenny's actually grown on me (unlike Rodney from last season) and actually seems able to dial it down more than Guy (and knows how to chew food with his mouth closed--another plus, since he'll probably get some non-cooking competitive eating or traveling show). FN is so commercial now that I think Bob and Suzy are mainly thinking about their "next generation" of "stars". Nicole could be waiting in the wings to replace Giada (like Damaris would for Paula), and Lenny is an obvious successor to Guy.
  5. That was one of the more bizarre episodes of this show. The "special experience" was disconnected from a cooking challenge (and Nicole got the exceptional prize imo with the $1000 sundae--Champagne-infused caviar would be interesting, but still, if memory serves, it's so expensive because its decorated with gold leaf that you can't eat or keep. Also, served with a gold spoon? So what? Maybe that sundae was a hint for how to win this: "If you can give us lots of meaningless flash and a Big Show we don't care if you can actually make delicious, realistic food that people would enjoy eating." I don't believe Luca defeated all those cooks with his skills and is back for any reason other than 'bringing the pretty" (which, somehow isn't working for me because I'm already bored and irritated by him again.) That was pretty crazy. Was frog legs supposed to be weird? It would be so easy to just guess how to cook them (tastes like chicken!) compared with everything that the other team got. Between Luca coming back and the intentional inequity of that challenge, I commend them for keeping good humored. I'd have been fuming. However, on the bright side, was their bizarre presentation. I realized I have never paid attention to Emma until Bob said, "I love her presentations because she knows so much and I always learn something." So, I perked up when she came out and started referencing "folklore", anticipating learning something. Burning down the barn with the baby pigs inside but..."Good news! They taste delicious that way!" was--I'm pretty sure--(1) bs. as "folklore", and (2) not even true that an animal killed like that would taste good. She seemed like an idiot, but It did make me laugh,despite the gruesome imagery, thinking how different her "culinary point of view" would hypothetically have looked on the FN Recipe website "Step One: Torch barn... Step Two..." all accompanied by FN blather about, "I got this recipe from my grandmother who grew up on a farm..."
  6. I haven't seen ICA for so long I assumed it was a re-run. New on Sat night was weird, esp. as it was Flay v Morimoto (plus sous A. Anderson and Simon Majumbar, Donatella as one of the judges, etc. Didn't seem like an ep to just throw away but I guess they need time for non-cooking shows like Cutthroat Kitchen and Next Food Network 'Star'. I wasn't thrilled by the theme--elevated bar food--but with Morimoto participating it turned out to be quite enjoyable.
  7. This was the point that bugged me, too. It would have been different if she'd been telling them, "You have to do this" or "This is the 'right' way to think and believe!" But if "accepting and appreciating differences" would feel too hypocritical, then "polite and respectful silence" is best. I could see Penn being proud of his children for being rude and judgmental of people who don't think as they do. I don't see how this is any improvement from the intolerance and bigotry of some religions. Oh, and I wish someone had mentioned clown school! Maybe he didn't play football and baseball, but that's a -whole- lot of practice and commitment to develop a physical skill. I'm surprised he wouldn't want his children to have opportunities to develop as "all round" human beings, and to use whatever natural skills they have. Who knows? His son may be a gifted athlete who doesn't care at all about books. What then? Be the parent who forces him to read and forbids him from ever playing football? Nice hypocrisy in that case, Dad.
  8. I was always so impressed by Julie's ability to stay with Bethenny through the years--giving up her weekends, nights, life, even B. admitted she expected Julie to be a round-the-clock flunky with undefined hours and limits. I used to like Bethenny during the RHoNY period, but the mask came off on Bethenny Ever After (with her own choices as producer, so can't fault editing). I thought she showed her true colors when she sold SG for such a fortune and did not give Julie a HUGE bonus (it didn't seem as if she gave her -any- actually. You know she'd have told us if she did.) I'm thinking "a million" but at least enough for a house of her dreams back home and enough to live on comfortably for a year. Bethenny was lucky to find someone so unselfish (And I think she did, again, with Jason). Because Julie believed in her and her business when she was a struggling nobody selling brownies and worked for free much of the time. That's the kind of thing that can make or break a struggling entrepreneur. Likewise, I thought Jason seemed very helpful for her "brand"--and showed a lot more managerial skill on BEA than she did (but she was too much the narcissistic control freak to let him do anything "better" than she did). As for Julie and Bethenny's "friendship", I think Juile knows B's temper--and that she has the money and lawyers to sue--and would do it--if there was ever anything said publicly that B. didn't like.
  9. No difference at all to me (then again, I remembered the whole thing wrong.) I think saying that was just like saying, "If you give me a ring, I'll be honored and accept." Didn't she also do something misleading to Lanny? I can't quite remember, but it seemed my high opinion of her really tapered off by the end--Matt, and I thought someone else,too. You'd think it would be, but that was pretty much Bentley when he saw it was Ashley not Emily. It was obnoxious and painful and not fun at all. (Maybe if it had been the other way it wouldn't have been so bad because Emily could have handled it. Ashley was just too kind and trusting.)  
  10. This is actually the best show on the History Channel imo (tons better than the imitators) and one of the few that has anything to do with history, so I hate to criticize (..but...). Also reading Rick's book gave me newfound respect for him as a businessman and the difficulty of running a pawn shop. Also, props to Chumlee and Corey for overcoming major drug problems. That said, I agree with the above. On that new quiz show "Pawnography", Corey seems a lot more pleasant, more respectful of his father and it works better for me than his cocky, entitled, smug persona on the show. I don't like him having to be so scornful of Rick for liking to read (loved him bringing out the reading glasses and book at his bachelor party!) I mean, yes, we know the "boys" are playing characters, but do they have to be (a) so dumb (chumlee) and (b) so rude (Corey)? I don't mind some of the storylines and the business itself--experts called in, items and sellers--remains fascinating. Just don't dumb it down quite so much, History Channel! Please.
  11. No, I don't think she's worse than the others and it's true that B-ettes I liked better like Trista and Meredith also led their F2s on (Meredith, in particular, with the "we'll be spending Christmas together" thing--something anyone would take as a hint.) It's just that I can't imagine doing this--Flirting? Yes, leading on a man who is in love with you and expects to propose (instead of get dumped) on camera? No. I think mainly I'm surprised at myself, how again and again I look forward to this cheesy show, the personalities, the places they go, even the "love story", then it suddenly gets real, with people really getting hurt in front of millions of people and I ask myself (all over again), "Why do I watch this?" But, of course, I will watch it. I just wish it was more of a "dating show", where you're looking for love and when you find it you don't have to lead anyone else on anymore. (And, yes, I guess it'd be hard to get sponsors for a show that "may be over in 10 weeks or in 2".) As much as I like Chris, it makes me wonder: why am I hoping he'll be the next Bachelor? Because it'll just be "leading someone on, blindsiding them and breaking their heart" all over again.
  12. I thought "The Dominican" might be what locals called it. No? Then ITA it was weird. I actually -do- blame Andi for leading one of them on. I don't see how anyone with a shred of empathy and genuine emotion for someone (much less having heard he loves you and, I believe, slept with him knowing that), could keep leading him on for the purpose of doing a show. To me, I think Andi finds Nick cute and his attention is flattering and they have a good time on these dates, but if she never saw him again she wouldn't be pining for him. Josh, on the other hand, would be "the one that got away". Until he told her "I love you", I think Josh was always the one she was hoping for but thought was "too good to be true". Nick was her insurance policy. But she has been so convincing with him that he doesn't even think there's a CHANCE it could really be Josh. (Yes, Eric called it. She's an actress, and a rather heartless one at that.) This show is like childbirth--having that painful ending that for some reason, you always forget about. Andi's been very successful as a bachelorette in playing the game and getting--not one or two, but at least four men to fall in love with her (I think Nick, Josh and possibly Chris were more serious than Marcus, though he would have proposed too, so there's that).It's a weird premise that should make the "lead" feel bad, but most don't seem to. I think Andi--whomever she chooses--will be one who doesn't suffer that much about it, too. (Even after the hometown visits--that's the most amazing thing to me because it should have made the pain and embarrassment and hurt so real to her, but... guess not.)
  13. You could be right, and it certainly makes more sense than what I remember. But I could have sworn it was much vaguer than that, more like, "I haven't been in a relationship for five years". I don't remember the "serious" part at all or anything at all about taking someone to meet the family. Are you sure he said that? (As I say, if my memory's failing it won't be the first time. I'll just be glad it's over this instead of something like the groceries or bills. :) ). I think there's something about Josh's dating life that he's holding back from her. That whole lie detector thing was weird to me, and so is the "five years" (as I remember it) and the thing about saying "I love you" before but not meaning it. I'm not saying he's lying, or is a player (although he could be both), but I do think there's something (won't speculate) that he's afraid she'll find out about.
  14. Thanks so much for Sharleen's recap, truthaboutluv. I've been checking for it and gave up. (Hey, Sharleen! I don't care if you're in Paris! There's no "vacation" for recappers/bloggers while a season is still in progress! -jk) I really appreciate her continued championing of Nick, especially as I think he's been edited badly, is misjudging Andi and is probably heading for a fall in the FRC. Being trashed on the internet on top of that would feel horrible, but Sharleen has always been in his corner. After the hometown dates--where he was so likeable and seemed very genuine to me--I definitely see what she's been seeing. Really like her blog, too, with screencaps and fairly minimal (but just enough!) text. I really liked what she said about not getting the criticisms of Nick and finally deciding that "the people who don't like him probably didn't like me either", including how they find him "creepy" and called her "awkward" and "weird". That kind of self awareness doesn't happen much in Bachelor-World! I hope Nick will experience some post-Bachelor popularity like Sharleen did (even though she had a pretty big fan base during the season--for reasons obvious in her blog--and I don't think he has). Looking forward to her recap of FRC because she'll be very kind to the loser (and whoever it is, is going to be devastated. They are both madly in love with Andi, imo--beyond what I can remember in the past--both believe they are definitely F1. I don't understand how she doesn't seem at all worried about it, but, anyway, glad Sharleen will be recapping it. )
  15. I've never understood why Andi gave Nick the first rose or why he's made it to F2 since he seems like the kind of guy (salesman, not an athlete or "hot shot doctor, lawyer, etc", not rich, not a guy who'd walk in a room and be "handsome!" like Josh is). And I don't think she'll choose him over Josh. But...I have to compliment him and their relationship. Because Andi, who always seemed so guarded and kind of stuck up in the JP series (and had flashes of it here, imo, with her reaction to Eric's complaints), was surprising in that clip at the end. She and Nick were talking so naturally about embarrassing moments, including bed wetting and I'd never, ever, have thought Andi would tell a guy (on or off television) that she was a bedwetter "till middle school". Nick's double take was also so genuine and their conversation, "Is that really so bad?" "Well, it's not good!" with laughter afterwards was one of the most natural, endearing moments I've ever seen on this show. She'll probably regret it, but I thought it showed she wasn't really as pretentious as I thought--and had more of a real "relationship" with Nick than I thought. Very cute !
  16. First thanks for "Gaston = Josh" and Chris as Harold Hill in one of my favorite musicals and songs. (Still not sure about "Andy Cohen = Nick" because seeing the similarity--looks-wise only!--makes me sad. I despise the cute but fakety-fake Cohen and Nick has really grown on me. Plus, as others have said, where has he been hiding his body all season? Why was it such a surprise now? I guess he wasn't on the strip date, or...? Anyway... hot. If he doesn't "win", I'm definitely shipping him with Sharlene). Chris is too quiet to be someone I think of as "my type" (I guess the verbal chatty joke-y one here would be Nick). But he definitely has won me over throughout this show. His quiet strength, intelligence/thoughtful nature, supportiveness and commitment to Andi (or anyone he loved) really has come through the last couple of weeks. And even though he tends to be quiet, he obviously likes to laugh and have fun. I don't find him boring any more at all. In fact, I'm surprised that when Eric died, it was Chris that I thought would be the one I'd want to talk with about it. And again last night, he seemed like the one you could really talk with about any problem--living in Iowa or whatever--and get a calm, thoughtful intelligent conversation that would lead to a better place. But it has been obvious ever since she realized he was sending the letters, that she's just not feeling it. I think she chose the horseback riding date to minimize the need for physical contact, knowing she already wasn't going to the FS. Likewise, I guess I have to give Andi credit for drawing these guys out and getting them so committed to her. She's not someone I'd want as a friend, but I think she's been a much better/more interesting B-ette than Emily and much more deserving of all the fawning and "love" she's getting. She really did get three great guys to fall in love with her in a short time, kind of amazing, that. I don't know how she could meet their families though, and still apparently not be looking ahead to the FRC being a lot more upset than she seems. Someone who is IN LOVE with her --really in love, not like she felt about Juan Pablo--is going to be crushed. She doesn't seem that worried about it. I find that really really strange. I think Josh will win. He's "her type" as she said from the beginning, he lives in Atlanta (!), and they already seem like a serious couple (unlike, imo, the way she interacts with Nick which seemed like "a good date but we're seeing other people, too."). Josh isn't my type at all (I think he's boring), but he's very handsome, seems kind and enthusiastic. He's the kind of guy that men look up to (we saw it earlier in the show) and that kids adore. That was great to see him with the team--he'd be great coaching little league or disadvantaged kids and it might make up for the "washed out pro ball player whose brothers a pro" thing over time. I think Andi is right, that she can be "difficult" (read: bitchy and demanding and temperamental when things don't go her way). But if she chooses him, I hope she'll push him in the right direction--I think she's definitely capable of that and they could be a very successful marriage. (Her and Nick? I just don't see it lasting).
  17. I completely agree. Being stoic is the best way to act when you're dumped--have some dignity, especially on camera. I liked when he was sizing up the situation and asked "Do you want me to convince you or are you telling me how it already is?" (paraphrased, but an intelligent thing to say. He was willing to make a case if it would make a difference. When he realized it wouldn't he did the smart thing--kept his manners, his dignity, was gentlemanly if sad, and left. As for Nick... yep, he's coming on strong at the end, very cute, even adorable. Also...Josh. Something happened on the hometown (because I think this way, I wouldn't be surprised if they had the FS a week early). I don't think it was just because his family approved, though maybe it was. Something had turned the switch on in his head and you could see his guard was completely down and he was "all in it", dreaming about the kids and marriage to her, loving every minute they were together. What a difference. However, with the change in Josh I really, really felt their chemistry this week. It was like they were already married (newly married), really seemed like a couple. One of these guys is going to be blindsided and devastated when he's dumped. I am not looking forward to that because I kind of have grown to like both of them and kind of admire how they're both so committed and open about their feelings. Too bad one of them is going to be (has already been) heartbroken.
  18. A big part of the problem was that Bethenny was insisting on sole custody. As for the pajamas, what's Bethenny going to do when Brynn is 6 and is wearing all those "fat clothes" that just "hang" on mommy? (Because I can totally imagine her showing us how "Look! I'm 43 and still skinnier than my six year old!!!")
  19. I'm going to say something nice about Lenny: He's not Payh Style! Really, he's got schtick but this IS "Food Network" if you want to win and you're not really good looking that is a smart way to go. But I think one advantage he has that Rodney didn't is how much I hate Sarah. And how much I hate how much TIME they devote to Sarah. I guess they love their "villains" but it sure would be nice to let everyone else have more time to talk and her to have (much) less. Lenny isn't Rodney, he isn't Sarah, and he apparently can really cook well. His "culinary profile" is about the opposite of anything that interests me, but I could understand if they were thinking he might be groomed to become the next Guy Fieri.
  20. I'll feel doubly bad for whichever one isn't chosen now, with a national magazine basically saying it was because he wasn't good in bed. Josh already feels like a failure and Nick laid it all out there with his family who would probably be just as hurt and embarrassed as he is, on his behalf. (And his sister!) Both of these guys seem much better than JP, but I really don't think either would appreciate it if she told something to an interviewer--especially after chewing JP out for talking about other women (supposedly) in the privacy of the FS. I don't see Andi being someone who would quietly take being F2 then reading stories she would have been F1 if the other girl wasn't better on the overnight. I always thought she went ballistic with JP because after they had sex he wasn't any more emotionally intimate than he'd been before--and because he didn't tell her she was "amazing". (Maybe he just told her "It was okay", lol.)
  21. I'm glad to know that. He's too nice a guy it seems to be led on when its so obvious she doesn't have much attraction to him. I think she slept with Nick which is why he thought he was going to be F1. Too bad, since his HT made me like him and his family a lot and I hate this part (never understand why it works, but hate it) where the runner-up is madly in love and blindsided. However, I'm sure that now Nick Is part of the "Bachelor Family" (which seems to work well off camera as a dating service) he will find someone else. (I don't see him with Sharlene, but stranger things have happened. I'm glad she's taken the approach she has in her blog, esp. since he's going to be pretty upset to be dumped.)
  22. I definitely thought Andi slept with JP and then got angry when he was so impersonal afterwards--then left the room...coming back when the staff saw a good opportunity to make him look bad in the sack (or like a jerk). He seemed a little of both, but she overdid it so I didn't think she came off that well either. Plus, I don't think she liked the idea he was "testing them out", all three of them. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Andi slept with Josh and Nick. But it -would- surprise me greatly if she did with Chris (hopefully he's figured out from her tepid reaction to the love letters and banner that he's just not the one). I really hope she -didn't- sleep with him, knowing how he feels about her, because it seems so obvious she's just not feeling it. Curious how she'll avoid it, though...
  23. I don't blame the guys at all. I'm convinced they had already been told or heard it on the news already--they all looked upset (probably even more so to have to display it all for the cameras. No wonder they didn't say anything or even look surprised. I liked Marcus* for getting up to be alone. It was rude of the show to make them open the door so he could still be recorded. (*I typed "Marcos" and couldn't remember his name. Strange that he's so handsome, but so oddly completely forgettable.) On the shallow side, with all his millions Chris' house didn't look better than mine (at least the little bit we saw). That was gratifying. Also, what was up with that table? Ug-ly. (Oh, and Andi, Chris/farm guy's house was not "cute", although I did like her honesty in saying none of her friends live in anything more impressive than an apt or townhouse. That was a lot of house--and acreage, though I didn't hear how large it was.) Andi handled Eric's death well, I thought, until she gave the scripted speech about "he was a part of us, our family"--that felt so fake. So did Chris H et al for leaving on the cameras so we could see the producers and camera people hugging the contestants. "Art is a lie that tells the truth." Only sometimes it's a lie that tells a lie. That whole scene just felt so fake, even if the emotions were genuine. I think Andi likes "farmer Chris", thinks Nick is very attractive and good to her (after seeing him with his family, I agree), but is completely infatuated with Josh. I think he's very reserved, but I believe his mother when she said he is "head over heels" in love with her. I feel bad for Nick (and Bella) if Andi dumps him. I think Chris can take it and won't be terribly surprised. But Josh? With his feelings of failure and rejection already?Imagine if she dumps him for someone else on national television. No wonder he's so cautious. I don't know if he has the self confidence to handle being dumped now that he has convinced himself she's "the one". And, since I'm one who believes 99% of the time they sleep together in the FS (as Andi did with JP...ugh), I'm a little curious about next week. Because I think Andi already has chosen Josh in her mind (luckily for her, she doesn't hate football --and even more the "sports valued over everything else culture"--like some of us do). If she's in love with Josh already, I can't imagine her sleeping with Nick, too,--and I -really- can't imagine her sleeping with Chris. How will she get out of it (because I think she will)? Inquiring minds want to know, lol.
  24. He does, except that at least he values Andi's intelligence (or says he does) and that she's in a profession that uses it. I can't remember a bachelor who's changed my impression of him so much by the end. Not that I like him better--he seems okay, but so boring. You know how he went through school--Mr. Popularity, all the girls chasing him, all the boys looking up to him because he was so talented in sports. And his whole family--especially his father--living out their fantasies of being special and popular because their son was destined to be a famous baseball player ("Hall of Fame"--that definitely came from Dad.) Now he feels bad that he disappointed them (esp. his father) because he did. And there's no way to get that back because they're not going to change and that's what's important to them. So, with all his great looks, at 30 he feels like a disappointment and a failure. And no one can -still- take it in stride that he isn't a pro ball player because he just wasn't good enough. That's a sad way to be at 30, when you have so much going for you. I liked it that Andi was really looking out for him and she might be just the right woman ("a real woman" whatever that means) to bring out the best and boost him up, hopefully. But Josh's parents, especially his father and talking to Andi about "you'll have to be all about sports because that's who we are as a family" (paraphrasing, that's what I got from him) made me think "Not too crazy about this guy. Poor Josh." "Poor Josh" by the end. When in the beginning he looked like a guy who had it all.
  25. Three things I don't understand about this show: (1) how the b-ette can get to the end and not feel horrible to be getting ready to hurt several really nice guys (I may not think Marcus was "in love" but I do believe he felt he was and that's all that matters. Chris, Nick, Josh all seem really committed (though I still feel Josh would be disappointed but not as emotionally upset as the other two. (2) how the guys don't seem to have ever seen this series before. The premise is "lead several men on but only one is chosen at the end." Only one! It might NOT be you! They see the competition. I don't get how they're so confident they're going to "win". (3) How I forget (1) and (2) until this point Every. Single. Season! *** Josh's disappointment over his failed baseball career and all the rationalizations with it would be a big red flag for me. Even more so now that his brother is succeeding where he failed. He seems supportive but has so many unresolved issues about himself as a result of being destined for the Baseball Hall of Fame (in his mind) then washing out (and still not coming to grips with it). Plus, of all the sports I could like, well, I hate football. A whole family obsessed with it would be Hell! **** When they were dealing with Eric, Chris (not H) was the one I would have turned to for comfort and support. (Though I commend Marcus for leaving the room and don't understand why, when Andi went to him, they had to keep the door open. He wanted privacy. Wasn't that scene all about respect and caring for those involved in the show? No? Okay then. *** Nick seemed so sweet around his family and so into Andi. I felt bad for his little sister if he doesn't get chosen--you kind of lead the families on, too. *** And... Chris. I love how centered he is. Very soothing, but not dull. I liked his sister's point that he's not "just a farmer", he's a very clever and hard-working businessman. (I don't think Andi got it though. She's still thinking of him as "hot farmer") Not a big Andi fan, but she's been much better as TB-ette than she was on JP's season. I do like her THs and how she always praises the guys' effusively rather than making it all about her. She also has an amazing way of looking good with everyone--but best with Josh (except when you see them all together, she could really pass for his sister, lol.)
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