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Everything posted by Padma

  1. The part where we know she's gay. Really, that is the only explanation for Shakira's embarrassing speeches about "minorities" and "inspiration" and "representing all the people who no one ever believed in". She has to hear this every week for one reason: she's GAY!!! I'm glad at least we're over this kind of condescension for African American singers. ITA with you about Kristen. I'd be very happy with an F3 of Josh, Kristen and Jake. However, since the producers (as Blake humorously but accurately noted) have already deemed Grimmie is the winner, I suppose it will be Grimmie, Josh and probably Jake as F3. Bright side? At least we'll get to hear Kristen sing one final time for the (never-going-to-happen) Twitter save in Bottom 3 with Grimmie and Kat.
  2. I always thought Danielle was very impressive for a 16 year old and had everything it takes to make it big. Glad to hear she's maturing as an artist and performing, really, I expect her to become a country music star.
  3. I hate "Idol" and have read how horribly they treat their contestants (almost destroyed Kelly Clarkson's voice with what the show demanded and Clive Davis, after she won, was a complete ass--no creative respect at all.) I LOVE that The Voice isn't looking for the next "big star" to exploit. Danielle, Cassadee, maybe Swons, maybe others -may- go on to stardom in time, but as was said above, music is a tough, tough business now. For so many of the contestants on the Voice (just like most of us would be, I think--well, those who can sing, not me, but you get the point) it would be great to be able to make a living as a singer, doing something creative that you love instead of the low-paying-'whatever' occasional gig that most talented singers get stuck with. Exactly. And Nicholas David's a great example because he got so far here and got so many fans (like me) so he proved to people it's worth hiring him because he's now "a name" with fans, "Nicholas David from 'The Voice'!", not just some old-looking, possibly homeless guy like he came across at the blinds. He was great (and never would have had a chance on AI. They would have ignored his talent and mocked him. And of course he's waaayyyy too old (late 20s). I doubt this show will ever have an "older" winner ("Go, Sisaundra!") but at least they get a great boost, their talent is showcased and respected and they have a "second chance". Anyway, Carrie Underwood has my most hated song "Jesus Take The Wheel" and so, sadly, has come to embody all the phoniness and gross commercialism that I hate about that show. This one also has a mix of genres, as well as ages. But I guess I should look at the positive side. As hard as the music industry is, at least today singers have chances in so many television competitions (and even YouTube as a path to stardom, per Bieber, etc.) that artists of the past never had.
  4. Oh, I hope that doesn't become the model for every lesbian (just guessing) singer with a less-than-conventionally-pretty vibe. Usher wore me down with all his preachy "inner beauty" exercises, especially since Michelle--like Kristen--seemed just fine not going into that. Shakira wandered down the same path Monday with "inner beauty" (because despite her pretty face she's got a boyish haircut and clothes.) That got old with Usher (his vibe with Michelle was cool otherwise) and really will come across as patronizing from glammed-up Shakira. It's the "Voice"!
  5. I don't see how trying to look at understanding and solving a scientific problem in an open-minded way that develops hypotheses through facts and testing could be part of a belief system (beyond that itself being the "system") so I'll be interested in what you mean. I liked the show this week--and it's good to remember that scientists have been wrong many, many times--supplanted by new understanding. But as long as their work was honest, imo, it still made an important contribution in its time. As for the lack of women on this show...it's becoming an embarrassment! What was Ann Druyan thinking?
  6. I like Shakira as a person (from the show that is), but every time she sings (including demonstrating during coaching) she just, imo, isn't very good. She's beautiful, and may be a great entertainer, but vocally she's well below par. Imo, all of her team sings far better than she does (and they perform live when she, apparently, has to lip sync. Embarrassing.) I enjoy it when the others (and, of course, Xtina) demonstrate their phrasing on a lyric. But Shakira? Just..no. He's amazing with it and his team performances (and duets with them) are always the highlight of the season for me. I think he's doing wonders with Sisaundra (who seems very ego-free and "coachable" to me) and I hope they'll keep having her show the restraint she had with DLTSGDOM. I don't want Team Blake or Adam to win again, but I hope she makes T3. For some reason I was thinking of Dawn and Hawkes. I imagine they're looking at the lives and can't understand why they aren't there when Adam promised to take them to the end and told them they were his favorite "Voice" singers of all-time. Come to think of it, I'm wondering about that, too. That was hilarious and put me in a better mood about the guitar. (Seeing more TWOPers coming over here also puts me in a better mood. That "Flava Flav clock" comment was a classic--and made me more amused by Bria doing it than irritated. :) )
  7. Americans, Science and Religion: A Poll of What Americans Think Is True http://cbs12.com/news/top-stories/stories/big-bang-theory-questioned-most-americans-15183.shtml
  8. ITA. I was so disappointed in Blake (I know Adam just doesn't think before he speaks but I expect more from Blake, the King of Branding.) Hopefully, they'll never do that again. I felt terrible for the ones suddenly designated as "inferior" on the teams. Boo! Did like him ... was it last week... telling the audience they had no rhythm (but were good-looking people, lol). Because, seriously, their audiences NEVER seem able to clap in time. Maybe they should have someone do warm-ups before the show, instead of comedy patter, some kind of rhythmic clapping exercises. Or better yet...Just don't -do- it!
  9. I. just. cannot. take. what. Bria does with that guitar. I feel insulted every time I see her holding it like she's oh-so-cool and not dignifying the musical instrument with a single chord or note!!! For all that it matters to her performance, she could be carrying a teddy bear. I feel it's a sign that she thinks the audience are musical morons. I felt terrible for Kristen. Montages and then when she'd performing live--and doing great on a perfect song for her--she's killed by the microphone. Horrible! I wish they'd let her sing it all the way through tomorrow because that was unfair (plus, I was enjoying it more than many who -did- get to finish.) I haven't been a big Sisaundra fan although I admire her ability...wow...but I loved her going about half-power tonight. I hope she stays till F4. Poor Jake. I like him and love his country vocals, but his parents threw him off in the beginning. I didn't think he was going to make it through the song. My choice to go home would be T.J. and Tess. (I'd say Delvin, but I've loved him other weeks and probably would again with a different song. Bad choice, imo.) Josh, Jake, Bria (unfortunately) and Christina aren't going anywhere, but I really hope the last two don't make it to F4. I'd rather see Kristen from Team Shakira and Sisaunda from Team Blake (can't remember the third from Adam's but I'll take whoever it is over Bria. What a poser!)
  10. I love Jake W's voice and find his personality so far very endearing. But I know what you mean about his looks, but he's 17. I have confidence that Blake won't change him exactly but will somehow work his "branding magic" on him in the lives. Really, he does it every season IMO. I still remember how indifferent (bordering on "Get them off my screen!" I was about the Swons at the beginning, but darn it if he didn't get me really enjoying them and rooting for them by the end. I think Blake's a "branding genius" (and I think Usher really studied him for it last season) so it'll be interesting to see if he can do the same for Jake and Audra and...whoever the third one is obviously she needs it most, lol.
  11. I'm curious why they montaged Kristen so much. She certainly did well this week when she was singing her own song. I imagine its because the duets bombed for some reason, but I think it's a big disadvantage for her going into the lives because I think she has enough going for her to go far--if people were already rooting for her. When you haven't seen her since the auditions, not so much. I'm glad to see Shakira has a competitive team after all with Kristen, Dani (who could be the dark horse in the competition, I agree) and Tess who I think of as very pretty but generic singing-wise, but none of that means she won't go far. Oddly, while I like Devlin and Kat a lot, I don't see either of them winning (or even reaching top 4) and I think Adam has the weakest, least competitive, team. Usher has Josh, who should go far if he gets good songs and doesn't oversing (I think Usher likes oversinging so I worry about that). Still rooting for Jake W on Blake's team, too, and the one who's name I can't remember (not Audra, lol, "the other one".) I love that it's so even going into the lives. Even one's who -I- don't think have a chance could conceivably win it. And even though I think Adam's team is the weakest, it--like the others--has a nice balance of genres and its possible something could catch with any of them and take them to the top, too. I like that its so wide open this season. Anybody's game.
  12. Had to quote this because I think you put it well. NDT shouldn't be pandering to religious beliefs that are "impediments to rational thinking." I think he's chosen his (mild) targets well and tried to balance it (not necessary, imo, but I understand the effort) by showing religious people who used critical thinking and scientific method to make important -contributions- to science. That so many Americans reject evolution is ... well, I don't know what it is, but it seems like some kind of failure, if not of the education system (I assume it's all being taught), then of the culture that isn't more aggressive about science and scientific facts v. "make-up-what-you-want-and-insist-it's-true-ism." It's odd to think of the emphasis on "deemphasizing rote learning and emphasizing critical thinking skills" in schools (lip service? but the notion that its really happening drives school curriculum) . Because I honestly can't see evidence that we're producing more and better "critical thinkers" than in the past (and rote learning doesn't seem as widespread either.)
  13. I am fascinated by the posts about being taught to question everything in the Bible! Not where I come from so it is refreshing and interesting and totally "Who would have thought it?" to me! Thanks for sharing--I hope somehow it comes up more here (I guess, still in the context of conversations about Cosmos, but seems more latitude re: subtopics that at TWOP). Eye-opening!
  14. I can think of so many religions with so many beliefs that defy reason--require pure "belief" because scientific, rational scrutiny would make key doctrines fall apart. An interesting book is "The Jefferson Bible: What Thomas Jefferson Selected as the Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth" (Jefferson Bible plus good intro to it) where he edited the Gospel with the goal of leaving out anything supernatural or a-historical and reorganized it all chronologically as the biography of Jesus and his teachings. Really interesting (and heretical which is why he never published it in his lifetime, although he remained a theist and valued Jesus' teachings highly). Jefferson was a rational, scientific man who tried to apply his knowledge of science and history to his faith. Even today, many Christians find what he did to be blasphemy. (And, being Jefferson, of course he didn't only edit it in English, he made parallel translations of his book in Latin, Greek, French and English).
  15. Josh is one of my favorites, but I thought he really oversang that. Still, he's the one from Team Usher that I could see making it to F3. I like Kristen on Team Shakira and Dani really brought it to the last battleround. But I can't understand why she chose Tess over Patrick. Tess is pretty and completely generic, imo. Patrick had a growly soulfulness that would have helped her team stand out going into lives. I thought he was excellent and deserved to stay over Tess (whose performances I have already forgotten everything about). I always liked Delvin but was surprised that he had improved so much. His version of "Let's Stay Together" was beautiful (and I'd only say it here, but I thought some of his choices were even an improvement over AG.) I like the season and think there should be some good variety of strong performances going into the live shows. (If you think it's blah, I recommend watching AI which was trying to improve, but has become more of a mess than ever. The Voice, on the other hand, just keeps chugging along with good coaching and talented, consistent performers and a good-natured, serious-but-not-too-serious vibe.)
  16. I think you nailed it in the idea of how this may offend religious beliefs. "Question everything" and "Think critically" have nothing in common, methodologically, with religious belief. I think showing how many people have compartmentalized science and religion--so they could think "scientifically" without it impacting their belief system about God--is about the "best" he can do with this. It may not be intellectually consistent, but for some scientists, it works. As for the earth not being 6500 years old, that was one of my favorite parts of this show, because he showed how everyone can verify it for themselves just by understanding how light travels and by looking at the stars.
  17. I thought he was funny, too, and I enjoy how much he enjoys the fun of the game (Kass? Spencer? That's how it's done). In fairness, he didn't go through Spencer's pants, he was going to toss them to him when the clue fell out. I can't imagine Spencer not doing exactly the same thing if Woo was the one who had the clue. There aren't really any Hantz-level villains this season, just a couple of people I don't like. That's fine with me! I don't need the "drama" (and hope to never see RI again...)
  18. I usually root for the older contestants, but with Kass I just can't. She's so smug and unpleasant and her "strategy" just seems like "emotional decisions + since I'm causing chaos I'll look like a force to be reckoned with!" I know she was trying to be humorous (but still truthful) about the way she practices law, but...just. no. I dislike her so much that I'm eager for her to leave. She doesn't even make it entertaining. (And ITA it would be nice to have a little more LJ on screen instead.) I like to think Woo stole the clue instead of reading it and returning it because he panicked that he wouldn't have time and was afraid Spencer would fight him for it. I like Woo, but that "throwing the pants in the water" really wasn't his best moment.
  19. First, I missed knowing why David Cook was on, but happy to hear nothing from Randy. Was he sidelined this week? The part I saw, DC was 1000 times more helpful. Great choice. Also, I was surprised J-Lo seemed insightful re: Jessica and I don't think Jessica looked like she understood it--even though the point seems very obvious for a singer--if you can't connect to the emotion/spirit of a song (in this case, if you can't make a sexy song sound sexy) then choose something you -can- connect with instead. Finally, re: Sam. I think Idol is -trying- to make him uncomfortable with all the girls. Then again, I always have found this show mean-spirited behind-the-scenes and I can't help feeling someone is laughing at him every week. That said, I am cheering him on after hearing that at the last minute he just couldn't stand the band and tried to learn the song quickly so he could just accompany himself. Bravo to you, Sam! That was a great choice. (Oh, and Harry? Yes, he has a little bit of Rick Nelson vibe going on but Rick Nelson barely learned three chords and was a very bland vocalist, too. Just because he was a handsome heartthrob who the camera loved--and he cared about his music--doesn't make him someone for Sam to be inspired by. I think he has a lot more potential as a musician than Rick Nelson (whom I liked, but...seriously. Three chords and he didn't want to learn any more.)
  20. I know I've already said my piece about the second part, but re: the first, your comment made me realize that my feeling about "scientists" probably depends on what they actually do/have done. For example, astronomers and physicists seem different to me than a lot of biological scientists with animal experimentation (yes, cures for disease and all, never-the-less... not a fan, and I think there's an interplay there with ethics--you might say "religion/spirituality/morality"--that isn't involved in discussion of astrophysics, etc.).
  21. My feeling is that this isn't an attack on religion, but it does bring in history (where "beliefs" of various kinds, including religious, have interfered with the progress of scientific understanding. That's not a bias, imo, it's just a fact, and an important one at that). To me, the thing is that NDT reminds us every week that scientists have to make hypotheses based on observable or deducible facts and then test and examine results and conclusions, being open to "questioning everything". There may be a religion with that same "methodology", but if there is, I'm not aware of it. I think Christians are right to see that a show about the history of scientific discovery and the use of the scientific method doesn't have any place for putting in good words for religious beliefs. Where would they go? How would they fit in in a positive way that sticks to the topic of scientific history and method--and increasing the viewers understanding of the natural world? I know there are reminders from time to time that science isn't based on faith. And I know that some people think that, where there is conflict, religious beliefs trump scientific understanding and methods.But there's no reason, imo, for a show about science to pander to that and I'm glad they aren't. I actually think they've been pretty generous in reminding us, over and over, how many religious people have been part of the advance of science.
  22. Agree with others that this was an excellent episode. There were things that were new to me, the explanation of light waves--with the mix of history and scientific explanation--was really interesting and artistic touches (the organ and...Gershwin!) worked beautifully, as did the graphics, especially of the atom. Something seemed different about NDT, too...softer, not trying as hard? I think this would have seemed "too hard" to begin with, but it was great to see the series improving every week (big jump forward this week, imo!)
  23. Happy to see Tina go, and I really like the show, but... ...I really felt the winner, while making a good-looking Skeksis, didn't really follow the challenge. At least the other two had some connection to their assigned environments, even the losing one, made a big effort that way. One of the judges even said, "I don't see the forest connection' but they gave it the win anyway. That's kind of a pet peeve of mine so sorry it happened here. They really should have been second, imo, not first. Still, nice to see how creative everyone is. And the teams seemed to work well together--I liked Russ last week (just thought 2 days of Tina would break most anyone) so I was glad to see he was determined to make it this time--and had another, better, partner to help.
  24. I was surprised to see him singing a love song with Gwen Sebastian (?) on the ACMA tonight. She looked good but didn't get much of a solo part, still, seems like he keeps giving her some big breaks (touring, this..) Of all the coaches, imo, he's far and away the one who does the most for contestants he sees something special in, even when they don't make it very far in the competition.
  25. ITA in a way. I felt Samy was shady and very bad-tempered with staff and customers, but... he kind of seemed like "garden-variety bad boss on Kitchen Nightmares" to me. I thought he seemed willing to listen and probably would be one of the owners who wound up changing for the better (however briefly) after Gordon's week with him. But Amy? She's too far gone, for whatever reason (maybe a chemical one). I'm afraid that the next week will just give them free publicity without really telling us the truth about the restaurant post-KN. But maybe I'll be surprised. (I'm definitely watching anyway!) I doubt it's true (she waited way too long to say it if it was), but she's foolish to try to retaliate like that. They have a second chance at getting good publicity and anything that makes you still look crazy isn't helping.
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