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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Who is the blonde in the “talking heads”? Oh .. it’s Dorit NEW FACE. And, it’s not a good face.
  2. Marriage is hard enough without all these other things coming up right off the bat. Trust me. I’m married Avery very long time. Stuck thru thick n thin. Nowadays, divorce is very common. People don’t want to forgive, forget, or do the work required. It ain’t easy. Not preaching, just telling it like it is.
  3. Here is an example exactly of what you are saying. A relative was engaged. But, she was smitten with another fellow. She broke her engagement and married the other fellow knowing he had this affliction. Progressively, he got worse, and out of three kids they had, one of them inherited the affliliction. She too care of the husband his whole life, never went anywhere and he died. Now she is taking care of the child the same way. She didn’t put either in a facility, but took care of them herself. She had no life whatsoever. Just telling a true story. There’s no right or wrong here. It was her choice. She’s older now, and is struggling herself. True story and sad. You don’t think she’s thinking of what could have been? P.s. The affiliction was very disabilitating, not anywhere like Henry’s, where you can live a normal life.
  4. I heard they have no bones, so can get thru and under anything. Yuk and yikes!
  5. There goes any sex between them. Down the drain after that remark.
  6. Olivia is becoming a pain in the ass. They didn’t even get home yet and she’s telling him where they should go and do after dinner. He probably wants to go with his buddies and knock off a few. Without her.
  7. Olivia in one shot read him the riot act. She doesn’t want kids, she makes lots of money, therefor wants to travel all o, likes to eat out with fine foods, already wants to know what fun things they will do once they come home, blah, blah, blah. Yeah right. Very controlling right off the bat. Plus, he’s just riding it out.
  8. I’ve never seen so much brushing and flossing of teeth on t.v. In my life. Enough already. Brett & Olivia .. She has a lot to say. A lot of rules and restrictions. I’d be very surprised if they stay together.
  9. Last week when Christina and what’s his name went into the mud bath, he said “I’ll do anything for marriage” which I thought was very sweet and honest.
  10. Karen and Amani both looked beautiful on Unfiltered. Pretty dresses and hairdos. Both very classy. P.S. Jamie, Unfiltered is about them, not you, so stop interjecting about your marriage. We went thru that already. This is their time. Please get rid of that fake mop on your head also.
  11. I heard in a movie once, a girl asked Harrison Ford what turns on a man when it comes to sex. He replied “when the girl shows up” .. “we men are easy”. That’s probably true. They are always ready.
  12. We tried it once when away without the kids. It was a tub you have to climb in and there wasn’t enough room and laughed so much, we fell out. I grabbed the curtain and everything fell down. Never again.
  13. Me too. I live in the north east and we have little garden snakes, but when my neighbor told me one or two came in his house, I won’t garden anymore or put my hands in the soil at all. I am PETRIFIED of snakes. This morning, we put out sticky tapes in each room for spiders and a freakin cricket that come from the air conditioning vents and faucets. It’s only the beginning.
  14. I’m not getting the showering thing at all. Isn’t that a big tease? To me it is. Then she expects him to get nothing after that? I do not believe they didn’t have sex after that unless they are showering with all their clothes on.
  15. Offer him a Peach Snapple and bring him in the kitchen. Men love peach Snapple, lol.
  16. OMG .. I’m dying! And I’m complaining about the cricket we just killed this morning in one of the bathrooms. Have to get those sticky strips for every room in the house. Snakes ! Yikes! No joke.
  17. I’m reminded of an incident that happened years ago. I was a secretary for a V.P. In a big company in N.Y.City who previously was a big shot in the Marines. I met my husband in the company. He used to visit me at my desk on break. One day, my boss called me in, told me to sit down, and proceeded to chew me out so bad over my husband visiting me, that I turned purple and cried right in front of him. I was mortified. I went to the bathroom, composed myself, and went down to Human Resources and transferred to the Law Dept. within a week. Seems he could never hold on to a secretary as he was so rigid. I’ll never forget the humiliation as that was the first time I’ve ever cried in front of someone. BTW, everyone hated the bastard. He still operated like he was in the Marines.
  18. Lol .. I thought the same thing. Does she know if he married? Or not? If not, she HAS to give him a call. An attic can be romantic, lol. Find out. I’m excited. We all need some romantic diversion here in these times.
  19. No problem. You have all these wonderful people here behind you. Who am I to talk. My divorced Son has been living with us in our two bedroom condo for five years now. I can’t say it’s a bad thing, as he’s been a big help to both me and my husband. He works, but still helps when he comes home. It’s like having a handy man around the house free of charge. Anything I ask .. he does, so I know exactly what you mean about having her around. You help each other like we do. As long as we stay out of each other’s business, haha. I wait until he goes to work to make my phone calls, lol. Feel better, and don’t give up the faith. You seem young yet, and things happen for the better when you least expect it. 🥰
  20. Sprinkle cinnamon. I read that ants hate cinnamon. Exterminator is the best tho. I paid $60 for in the house and out. I live in the woods, so we get spiders. I got bit 2 yrs ago from a spider and wound up in hospital for 8 days from cellulitis from the bite. On penicillin.
  21. I understand what you are saying about your Mother. My mother NEVER once complimented me on anything .. always negative. We lived upstairs from her. After five years, we had to move because I was getting ulcers from her criticisms. The best day of my life as I felt free. Ironically, out of us three daughters, I was the one who did everything for her in her old age. Sometimes mother’s get jealous of their own daughters for some reason. What else could it be? Plus, I was the one most devastated when she died. I have two daughters and never criticize them ever. Always compliment. I’m sorry you have to go thru this. Do you have to live with her? I feel as if I wrote this myself. My sister sat in another room while we settled our Fathers estate. I haven’t heard from her since 1998.
  22. Wasn’t it much better? Sonja was still in the “I’m somebody” phase and even spoke differently, with dignity. Now she’s a broken down drunk. The scenery was better, the parties with all the men at all the nice restaurants, John, Mario, and lots of young guy models they were hanging out with, etc. Nicer all around.
  23. What a huge difference from the first seasons and now. The editors must be winding this show up as there’s nothing but fighting and drinking. In the beginning Dorinda was a different person. Quiet, kind and didn’t interfere. She was actually likeable. Now, she is a volcano always waiting to explode on all of them. If they still keep her, I will be shocked, as she is visibly having a breakdown. Why do they not see this? The reunion should be very interesting, especially if Tinsley is there. I’m sure Dorinda is dreading it.
  24. “Stupideee” ... I’m dying, hahahaha. I hate the whole bunch! Two hours wasted. Same ole shit.
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